SP III - The Deal
"Yuri ah!!" Taeyeon ran towards Yuri with an 'open arms', she really missed her bestfriend.
"Taeng! Ohmygosh!" Yuri welcomed Taeyeon and also ran to meet the blonde.
Jessica and Tiffany were confused, how they became close to each other? Jessica felt jealous at what Yuri's acted while Tiffany looked puzzled, "This is the first time they met personally yet, they looked so close?" Tiffany thought.
Taeyeon jumped on Yuri and hugged the tan like a koala despite the fact that she's wearing dress. Yuri just hugged back and turned around 360 degrees.
"I miss you blacky, very very much!" Taeyeon said and her tears were on the side of her eyes.
"I miss you more midget! You're so unfair not to keep in touch!" Yuri's voice wavered and his eyes welled up.
"I'm sorry but we've been talking this past few months though," Taeyeon faced Yuri.
"I know, and you're already here in Korea a week before but still you didn't contact me," Yuri pouted, he put Taeyeon down and put his hands on his side.
Taeyeon unwrapped her arms from Yuri's neck "Don't be like a kid blacky... but I've missed you," she sincerely said as she punched the guy lightly.
"Yeah right me too, midget," Yuri said. He put his hand on the top of Taeyeon's head and messed the blonde's hair.
Jessica and Tiffany walked close to them, Jessica was totally not in the mood to see her husband hugging unfamiliar girl to her.
Jessica folded her arms over her chest "So, this is your boss?" She said in her most icy toned but her eyes almost popped out when she saw Taeyeon "Ta-Taehyung?? You're a girl? No but we thought Taehyung is dead?"
Taeyeon smiled "So she's your wife Yul, the ice princess Jessica?" She turned her attention to Jessica "I'm Kim Taeyeon, nice to meet you Jessica. Taehyung is my older brother and yeah, he's already dead," she coolly said.
Tiffany rolled her eyes "Wait, you are the boss?" She shrieked in disbelief.
Taeyeon turned to Tiffany "Yes baby, I am. So don't worry I will not fire you because you're just late," she chuckled.
Tiffany huffed as she tramped her feet "H-how...? Ughhh!!"
"Yuri didn't tell you?" Taeyeon glanced at Yuri.
"I'm sorry Tiffany, but this was the plan of Taehyung. He wanted us to work in their company," Yuri explained as he avoided Tiffany's eyes.
Tiffany glared at Yuri "How could you do this to me??"
"Pani, my brother was worried to you. That's why he asked for this," Taeyeon said and her eyes were softened.
"Don't call me Pani!" Tiffany huffed. "Fine, it's already here. I can't do anything about it. I love this job. Well thanks to your brother, maybe he felt guilty just to dump me like that. That's why he planned all this." She bluntly said.
"But Pani ah Taehyung really loves you-"
"Don't call me Pani, I don't hate your brother so no need to explain," Tiffany interrupted Taeyeon.
"Oh well cut the drama here please. Let bygones be bygones!" Jessica nonchalantly said.
Yuri put his arm around Jessica "My queen is right, past is already PAST indeed. Let's just let it that way 'cuz we can't change it."
"And how you and Taeyeon became that close huh?" Jessica asked as she nudged Yuri quite hard.
Yuri endured the pain but his face screwed up "We always do chat and video call, she's just the same as her brother."
"Of course not, she's very different to Taehyung!" Tiffany disagreed and her forehead creased.
"Wait, have you met already?" Jessica asked.
Taeyeon smirked "Of course, she slept in my house last night."
"Shut it!" Tiffany yelled at Taeyeon.
"WHAT?" Yuri narrowed his eyes as he looked at Taeyeon intently.
"Ya, don't look at her! I know she's like Taehyung but she's not Taehyung, she still a girl," Jessica irritably said to Yuri.
"Are you jealous?" Yuri dorky smiled.
"Don't worry my queen, she's not into guys," Yuri informed.
"What? She's a gay?" Jessica frowned and looked at Taeyeon.
Taeyeon shrugged "I like guys too but I'm more attracted to girls," she turned her gazed to Tiffany.
Jessica noticed it "Wait, you like Tiffany?" She laughed sarcastically "Wow, Tiffany is lucky. Wait. She slept with you last night? Oh no, you mean you guys had sex?"
Taeyeon and Yuri choked in unison.
Yuri glared at Taeyeon "Is that true Taeyeon?"
Tiffany's cheek reddened in embarrassment and also, she was fuming at the blonde. Taeyeon just nodded.
"What?! You did that?" Yuri angrily said.
Jessica and Tiffany looked at him, he was really angry.
"Let's talk later Yul, I think we need to go inside," Taeyeon firmly said.
"I need an explanation for that," Yuri demanded.
Taeyeon and Yuri walked inside the building while Jessica and Tiffany stayed still.
"What's with them?" Jessica curiously asked.
"I don't know," Tiffany shortly said as she caressed her arm gently, up and down.
"Wait, you had sex with her Tiffany? Seriously? With a girl? And it's Taehyung's sister," Jessica said with her persistent high pitched voice.
"It just happened. Come on in!" Tiffany walked inside the building and didn't wait for Jessica to say a word again.
Yuri introduced Taeyeon to everyone as their CEO. The employees like Taeyeon despite the fact that it was her first time in the company, physically because she just managed the company overseas with the help of her cousin Kim Yoo Jin, the general manager.
Taeyeon was gleeful, energetic and somewhat childish. She didn't use her authority yet she's being friendly to everyone unlike typical boss who's stern and strict. She don't like that, she don't want her employees to be scared at her but of course she will not let them be very comfortable and not do their jobs.
She's kind but she's a woman with her words, having palabra de honor and she will implement it with her subordinates too.
Taeyeon was introduced just simple as that, she don't like pompous celebration just to introduce her. It's not her nature. She's down to earth.
At Taeyeon's office.
Taeyeon and Yuri were talking about what happened last night between Taeyeon and Tiffany. They were sitting on the sofa facing each other.
"Why did you let that happen Taeyeon?" Yuri asked while having his steely face.
"I'm sorry when I saw her at the bar for the first time in three years, I can't stop myself Yul. I missed her very much," Taeyeon softly said and fighting her tears back.
"So you're going to win her back? Taeyeon... if you do that, she will know your secret about Taehyung. You can't avoid that to happen," Yuri said worried to his best friend.
"I know but let's just forget about that... that it never happened. I will try to win Tiffany back as myself now," Taeyeon said. "Please Yul, help me. It's killing me, her first impression to me was bad. She don't like me," Taeyeon was taken aback, she was scared but she still love Tiffany so much. She's not really sure if she can win Tiffany back and love her too because Tiffany was obviously still in love with Taehyung.
Yuri sighed "Okay, fine. Do you have a plan?"
Taeyeon nodded "I have," she smirked.
Yuri shook his head "You're really something, midget. So what's the plan?"
"It's just simple, I will make Tiffany to live with me."
"And how will you do that midget? You said that she don't like you. And don't try to be playgirl huh? Don't do pervert things to her!" Yuri punched her palm as he gave warning to Taeyeon.
Taeyeon threw pillow to Yuri "I'm not scared to you and I respect Tiffany!"
"You respect her? But you took advantage to her!"
"No, actually we didn't do it..." Taeyeon paused. "We didn't have sex. We almost but she passed out. And even if not, I will not take the advantage even if I'm so eager to have her. She's totally off guard, do you really think I can do that to her?" She frowned, she was disappointed to Yuri cuz she thought Yuri know her well.
Yuri felt a slight guilt "Okay I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. Tiffany is still virgin and you're a player in New York. You have a lot of experience Taeyeon. So I thought, you changed."
"I may have a lot of experience with girls but still, I'm unopened one. Yes I'm giving pleasure to every girl that I like, to touch them, finger them, lick them all over their bodies but, there's a big BUT, I didn't let anyone to touch me!" Taeyeon threw pillow on Yuri's face.
"Still you're a player! How you became a player?" Yuri grimaced "You're so naive back then," he threw the pillow to Taeyeon, just gently.
Taeyeon caught the pillow "I need it Yul, you know that. I can't survive with all those years without it. I need to feel them. I got really depressed, I almost kill myself but thanks to Ailee unnie and Heechul oppa. Consequently, I got this instinct Yul I'm sex maniac when I'm sad or depressed. Isn't it normal? But I can't just do that with Tiffany, knowing her state, she was drunk last night. I can't just do that, I love her Yul, so much... though it's like killing me," Tears started to shimmer in her eyes "I know that I'm so bad Yul."
Yuri stood up and walked to Taeyeon then hugged the blonde and comfort her "You're not a bad person Taeng, I'm sorry. I know you didn't want to be like that. I understand you."
"Thanks Yul, promise I won't do anything that Tiffany will regret," Taeyeon said while sniffling, her heart was still weak and wrecked.
"I trust you Taeyeon but please, don't force her if she don't want. Tiffany suffered too you know that," Yuri said while rubbing Taeyeon's arm.
Taeyeon nodded "Okay I promise. I will not force her."
At Tiffany's office. Lunch break.
Jessica was there sitting on the sofa while Tiffany was sitting in front of her working table, typing on her laptop.
"I'm hungry Tiffany, let's eat," Jessica said as she rubbed her stomach.
"You're always hungry Jessi," Tiffany said, her eyes were glued at the screen of her laptop.
"Ya, it's lunch already! We must eat!" Jessica whined. "I will call Yuri."
"No no, just go with him. I don't want to eat, I'm not hungry. You see I'm busy with my work," Tiffany stated as she continued typing.
"Busy with your work or you're just avoiding Taeyeon for what happened last night?" Jessica mockingly said.
"Shut it!"
Taeyeon and Yuri were outside the office of Tiffany and they heard the two talking inside. Taeyeon stopped Yuri to open the door and they just listened to them.
"You like Taeyeon because she's very alike to Taehyung," Jessica teased.
"I don't like her, never! I'm straight you know! And what the heck! I'm drunk last night Jessi, if only she's not the sister of Taehyung I will report her to the police," Tiffany irritably said.
Taeyeon outside felt a pang in her heart, bit hard.
"But it's not written on your face Tiffany, your face shows that you like it. You're blooming and glowing now. Maybe you like the sex," Jessica said her opinion while she was giving Tiffany a once over.
Tiffany blushed at the statement of Jessica, maybe the girl was right. She didn't actually complain, did she really like it?
"I don't like it or maybe I thought she was Taehyung last night that's why I'm so happy with her. But I don't like her! I will never like her!" Tiffany stood her stance.
Taeyeon walked out because she couldn't take it anymore. Yuri just shook his head then he knocked on the door. Tiffany shouted and let him in. Jessica lit up her face when she saw her husband.
Jessica immediately stood "Hubby finally you're here. I'm so hungry. Let's eat? Please?" She hugged Yuri while kept pouting.
"Sorry baby, okay let's eat now. How about you Tiffany?" Yuri looked at Tiffany "Let's eat?"
"I'm sorry Yuri but I'm not hungry. Just let Jessica outta here, she's bothering me," Tiffany finally stopped typing and looked at Yuri.
"You're just avoiding Taeyeon, anyway... where is she?" Jessica asked Yuri and she kept clinging on her husband.
Tiffany looked intently at Yuri, she somewhat curious where the midget was.
"I don't know where she is, maybe she just want to be alone," Yuri said. "Come on baby, let's eat," he glanced at Tiffany "See you around miss."
"She said that she will monitor my meals but looks like she already forgot her promise. Wait? What am I thinking? I'm busy with my work! That's just it! I'm not waiting for that midget to ask me and have lunch with her! Shit! Erase! Erase! Erase!!!!" Tiffany thought while she mentally facepalmed.
"See you Tiffany!" Jessica stuck her tongue out towards Tiffany.
The couple went out from Tiffany's office.
"I need to work. Just work," Tiffany mumbled.
After a few minutes, Tiffany felt hungry but she just ignored it and just work. But her stomach wasn't cooperating with her. It kept growling and it started to ache.
"Can you just stop growling, I will eat later!" Tiffany scolded her tummy.
Someone knocked on the door but before she say something, the door was opened and someone already entered her office. It was Taeyeon with her toothy smile.
Tiffany scowled "You just entered without my permission. How rude? I know you're the boss but-"
"I brought lunch for you," Taeyeon interrupted Tiffany "Yul said, you'll gonna skip again because of work. You really love your job more than yourself? Bad girl," she walked to Tiffany's desk, she placed the box with foods inside and a bottle of water. "Eat first."
"You see I'm busy and yes, I love my job it's my passion," Tiffany was trying to act cool but her stomach didn't listen to her, it growled again "Shit," she muttered.
Taeyeon chuckled "You're hungry, eat," she insisted as she sat on the sofa.
"And why are you still here?" Tiffany scoffed. "Well thanks for the food. Please leave."
"I'll leave when you finish your meal," Taeyeon said as she open her sketchpad and started to draw, she was focused on it as if no one was around her.
Tiffany was watching her, she was annoyed on the girl's attitude but there's little thought that she was happy to see Taeyeon. The latter became silent and just focused on her doing, Tiffany opened the box of food, there were 8 pieces of Kimbap.
"You can still work while eating, that's why I bought you kimbap. It's easy to eat," Taeyeon explained while skecthing on her pad, she sometimes glanced to Tiffany. "But next time, I'll cook for you. I promise."
Tiffany was impressed to her "Thank you."
"Just continue what you're doing, don't worry I will be quiet here," Taeyeon glanced at Tiffany and smiled.
Tiffany just continued her work while eating, she also stole glances at Taeyeon discreetly. Something was different to her now. She was quiet and not playful, she looked serious and didn't look at Tiffany. The latter somehow, didn't like it. It was bothering her, was she wrong about her first impression to Taeyeon?
Suddenly Taeyeon closed the sketchpad and she stood up, it caused Tiffany to look at her. Taeyeon walked closer to her.
The blonde looked at the box, she saw two pieces of kimbap "I'll go now. Finish your food," she walked out of the room.
"Why all of a sudden, she's like that?" Tiffany paused, she was thinking Taeyeon's sudden change of behavior. But back to her senses, why did she care? And why she keeps thinking of the midget? "I'm crazy," then she gobbled the last two kimbap, she chewed it fast. She was sort of mad because she can't erase Taeyeon in her mind.
7pm. The working hours was finally done for Tiffany. She was also done with her summer collection. She was happy with the result of it and she was satisfied with her work.
She packed all her stuffs and ready to leave her office when someone knocked at her door. She was hoping that it's not blonde.
"C-come in!" She yelled.
The door was opened and it was Yuri.
"Oh Yuri?" Tiffany was disappointed, she thought that it was Taeyeon.
"Oh, look who's sad?" Yuri entered the room. "You thought I'm the midget?"
"Of course not! I'm glad that you're the who came up not her," Tiffany forced a smile.
"You sure? Well, she left an hour ago. " Yuri said as he sat on the sofa "She's quite not in the mood I guess."
It caught Tiffany's attention "Why's that?" She walked near to Yuri and took a seat in front of the tan.
"I don't know but I have a favor. Can you look after her?" Yuri pleaded.
"What?? Why me??" Tiffany frowned.
"Because she likes you and she will listen to you. Tiffany... Taeyeon is still depressed, she's at the bar now. If you don't go by now, maybe she will find other girl to accompany her this night. You know what I mean, I know she's a player, she likes sex, it became her routine whenever she's sad or depressed," Yuri said.
"Please Tiffany, can you go to the bar and take her home? She didn't listen to me, I tried to stop her and I think she will only listen to you."
"Is this because of her brother that's why she became like that?" Tiffany softly said and became worried to Taeyeon.
Yuri nodded "Yes, she started suffering when Taehyung died." "It's started when the time she left you Tiffany. Taeyeon suffered too like you, but the thing is, she still suffering until now."
"Okay, which bar? Promise I will take her home."
Yuri told what's the name of the bar, the locksmith's. It's the same bar last night, Tiffany arrived there before 8pm. She looked for Taeyeon everywhere, she searched every corner of the place. But she didn't see the blonde.
She kept bumping strangers on the dance floor but there's no sign of the midget. Then she stayed on the counter. She was losing hope to see Taeyeon there, maybe the blonde was gone with some random girl. Tiffany ordered cocktail, she was kinda anxious not seeing Taeyeon around.
Tiffany sipped her drink "Is she gone with some girl? Like seriously? We had sex last night... Is that not enough? Why did she need to find other girls?"
Imagining Taeyeon with other girls, it was like, her heart skipped beats. It was suffocating her, she don't want other to hold her, to kiss and hug her. Is she being possessive now? And why she feel this? They just met last night, weird, she feels like she knew Taeyeon long ago.
"Wait, there's still one place I didn't check yet... Maybe she's there?" Tiffany murmured.
Tiffany stood up and walked straight to the restroom. She bang the door and quickly entered, she paused when she saw Taeyeon was with a girl. The girl was sitting near at the sink, her legs were wrapped around Taeyeon's waist. She held Taeyeon's both cheeks while Taeyeon's one hand slipped in the girl's blouse, touching her breast, it was very obvious even if the girl was still wearing cloth. And her other hand was holding the girl's neck. They were kissing passionately, no, lustfully. The girl was moaning very loud while Taeyeon was nibbling her lower lip.
Tiffany was shocked and unable to move, she felt arrows hit her heart, deeper and deeper. Until she heavily exhaled, she unconsciously held her breath for almost a minute. She was gasping for air then she lost her balance because her legs were trembling, she supported her body and held the cubicle's door.
Taeyeon broke the kiss as she looked at Tiffany. She was stunned while the girl keep kissing her on neck. She felt the girl's teeth and she immediately pulled away.
"What the heck? I said no hickeys right?" Taeyeon angrily said, she turned her gazed at Tiffany "And what are you doing here?" She coldly asked.
Tiffany looked up and met Taeyeon's bored eyes. She opened her mouth but she can't say anything, no voice came out. Her lower lip quivered.
"Who is she?" The girl asked.
"That's it for tonight, I'll just call you tomorrow," Taeyeon said to the girl.
The girl jumped off and clinged to Taeyeon "But I thought you want more, I'm ready now. Please?"
"I'm not in the mood, just go," Taeyeon irritably said as she pulled her arm away.
"Fine! Don't try to call me then!" The girl shouted then rushed out.
Taeyeon walked near to the sink, she opened the faucet and washed her face. She closed the faucet and wiped her wet face with her handkerchief. She looked at Tiffany, the latter gained her consciousness.
"I'm sorry about what you saw," Taeyeon smiled. She was acting like nothing happened "Why are you here?"
"I-I'm looking for you. I will take you home," Tiffany said, she was became uncomfortable.
"You will take me home? Really?" Taeyeon grinned widely.
Tiffany was just having straight face "What was that?"
"That," Tiffany shortly answered.
"Oh, I was just having fun," Taeyeon chuckled.
"That's not fun! You're making out with her!" Tiffany shrieked, she was mad at Taeyeon.
"Are you jealous?" Taeyeon naughtily asked.
"Don't do that again with others," Tiffany ordered. She was like giving warning to Taeyeon "Stop doing that."
"What if I don't like to stop?" Taeyeon said as if she was daring Tiffany, she moved closer to her.
"You stop, or I will kill the next girl you'll play with?" Tiffany eyes were fuming, she was glaring at Taeyeon.
Taeyeon gulped, it has tension Tiffany was serious, she could sense it "Okay but... Let's have a deal?"
They stared at each other, Tiffany was serious looking at the blonde while Taeyeon has her smug face. She kept smirking and her eyes were challenging Tiffany.
Tiffany was actually spacing out, she was thinking if she will accept the stupid deal. What if Taeyeon wanted to have sex with her? What if the blonde just like her because of that? Will Taehyung forgive her if she will fall in love with Taeyeon? Why she's being weird? Is her feeling tricking her because she felt comfortable with Taeyeon? There were so many things that running in Tiffany's mind but Tiffany knows that she's willing to take risk rather than seeing Taeyeon with other girls.
"Fine, what is the deal?" Tiffany said as she crossed her arms over her chest.
"Live with me? Move to my house, just for a month?" Taeyeon proposed.
"What??" "There's no way I can live with you!"
"It's not a big deal, Pani ah. Just a month won't hurt you!" Taeyeon scoffed.
Tiffany hid her smile, trying to act serious in front of the blonde.
"It's the only way you can stop me. Don't worry, after a month I will stop bothering you. I promise, I know that you really want to get rid of me right?" Taeyeon felt that her heart clenched.
Tiffany softened her eyes "Okay, deal. I will move to your house tomorrow. Let me pack my things first. But I have my conditions Taeyeon."
"Conditions? Just one. Spill it Pani."
"I said don't call me Pani!" Tiffany fussed "Hmpp fine, no sex."
"Is that it?" Taeyeon simply asked.
"Okay, deal?" Taeyeon gave a hand to Tiffany.
Tiffany shook their hands "Deal."
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