Chapter 2 - First Date
Seoul International University. Rooftop.
Heechul and Taeyeon were sitting on the floor and were drinking soda. Taeyeon told Heechul what happened when she and Nickhun confronted Tiffany.
"What? So you're having a date with Tiffany later?" Heechul asked "Tae, you're very lucky!" He shouted in excitement.
Taeyeon glared at Heechul and gave a fake smile. She's really nervous about the date and Heechul wasn't helping.
"I mean... as a guy or as Taehyung, you're very lucky. It's the first time that Tiffany will go on a date!" Heechul affirmed.
"Molla (I don't know)... Eotteoke? (What will I do?) I don't know how to date a girl?" Taeyeon sipped her soda.
"You must know how... you're a girl," Heechul advised.
"Oppa, don't mention that!"
"Then why you called me oppa?"
"Aishhh... drop that."
"So what will you do Tae?"
"I'm just simple, HYUNG. I will take her to my place I guess."
"Cheap. You must take her to fancy restaurant to have a dinner. She's worth it. Don't be like a miser," Heechul's forehead furrowed.
"This is my date I think I know what will I do, I can handle it." Taeyeon stated "Maybe Tiffany is just a simple girl like me. We're just the same, and maybe she likes what I like. Effort," she dorkily smiled.
"Tiffany accepted a date with you..." Heechul said.
"Is there any chance that, she likes you?" Heechul gulped.
"Ya! I don't think so, it's just a friendly date!" Taeyeon clarified.
"But what if?" Heechul insisted the possibility.
"It will never happen hyung. Never." Taeyeon stood up and shook off the dust on her pants "It's time, I don't wanna be late on my date."
"Do you like Tiffany?"
"What? Of course not! I'm just doing it because I have to, but I want to be her friend though. Gotta go," Taeyeon rushed in the stairs and while walking down "He knows that I like him, but he treats me like a little sister. Tss. And now, he's asking me if I like Tiffany? I'm not a lesbian. Hate him!" Taeyeon muttered under her breath.
While in the rooftop, Heechul was standing near edge and looking down at the Uni "You're in trouble again Taeyeon." He sighed "You shouldn't date her."
Taeyeon was in her car waiting for Tiffany. She parked in front of the University. She was fidgeting her fingertips to the steering wheel.
"I will cook for her and we will watch a movie. Yeahh, I guess that's it. We will talk to know each other... I want to know her more. There's something in her that I want but I don't know," Taeyeon said to herself.
Taeyeon saw Tiffany was walking towards her car "Oh she's here," she went out of her car, walked in front of it and Tiffany saw her, and gave her eye smile.
Taeyeon gawked "She's really beautiful," She mumbled "perfect".
Tiffany stopped in front of Taeyeon "Hi," she greeted.
"Hello Tiffany..." Taeyeon smiled " So, let's go?"
Tiffany nodded. Taeyeon ushered Tiffany to the passenger seat's door and opened it "Climb in, miss."
"Thank you," Tiffany smiled and stepped in the car.
Taeyeon closed the door and walked to the other side of the car and climbed in to the driver's seat.
"Where will we go?" Tiffany asked.
"At my place," Taeyeon replied.
"Your place?" Tiffany was blinking in surprise "J-just t-the two of u-us?"
Taeyeon nodded "Don't worry I won't bite." Taeyeon leaned forward to Tiffany "I swear".
Taeyeon gazed at Tiffany's eyes and they were like going to kiss, Tiffany moved back and her head was on the headrest and she can't moved any further. She was blushing, only inch apart in their lips. They could feel each other's breathing. Taeyeon put the seat beat of Tiffany on and after, she went back to her seat and put her seat belt on too.
Tiffany bowed her head and her face reddened as her heart was beating faster.
Tiffany looked at Taeyeon "Yes?"
"You're really beautiful," Taeyeon complimented.
Tiffany's heart was pounding and it's like going to burst. She never feel this way before. Surely this guy can treat her well and he's such a real gentleman. Tiffany thought.
"Anyway, I didn't introduce myself properly. I'm Kim Taehy-"
Tiffany interrupted "You're Kim Taehyung, the top student in the course of Fine Arts. I know you already," she said as she looked away.
Taeyeon raised her eyebrows "Oh... Yeah. We can be friends right?"
Tiffany just smiled.
"I'll take that as a yes," Taeyeon chuckled and started the engine of her car, ready to go.
Taeyeon's apartment. She lived in the 8th floor. It was simple and small but cozy. It has two rooms and a small kitchen. The living room was easily seen when the main door was used. There's a upright piano placed in the living room, near at the glass door of balcony. There's a huge couch and table in front of flat screen television hanging on the wall.
Taeyeon opened the door "After you miss."
Tiffany get herself in first as she looked around the place. The atmosphere was good, she's comfortable in the place. It feels like home.
"Suit yourself... Just feel at home?" Taeyeon said as closed the door.
Tiffany walked in the living room and noticed the upright piano "So you have a piano here?" She went near to it and saw a picture of a girl and a boy.
"Ah yes but I don't play. Only my bro- sister play it," Taeyeon said as she scratched her head.
"You have a sister? Where is she? You're very similar to each other like a twin," Tiffany said as she looked at the picture.
"Y-yes, she's yo-younger than me heheh. She's studying abroad." Taeyeon rubbed the back of her neck "Um... Can you play piano for me later?" She asked just to change the topic.
"Ah... Sure."
"I'll cook now, so what do you want for dinner?" Taeyeon asked.
"I'm not picky, you can cook anything you want. I'll eat it I swear," Tiffany gave an eye smile.
"Can you often smile like that for me?" Taeyeon requested.
Tiffany gave her 'questioning look'.
"Because it attracts me and I admit, I always want to see it. Your beautiful face with perfect smile," Taeyeon elaborated.
Tiffany's cheeks turned pink. "He really knows how to make me blush. Tiffany, calm down! Control yourself!"
"Okay I will cook now. You can watch tv while waiting," Taeyeon grinned.
Tiffany just nodded and took her seat on the couch.
"Oh I forgot..." Taeyeon walked and threw herself on the couch near beside Tiffany "Do you want some drink?" She clicked the power button of the remote to open the tv.
"Ah, ju-just a g-glass of w-wwater," Tiffany stuttered as she saw Taeyeon's face just few inches from her.
Taeyeon pouted.
"Oh gosh, this midget is so cute!" Tiffany mentally shouted.
"Just water, are you sure?" Taeyeon asked again.
"Yes it's fine," Tiffany smiled
"Okay, water. Coming right up!"
Taeyeon went to kitchen and get a glass of water for Tiffany. She served it to the latter and she went back to the kitchen to cook. Tiffany emptied the glass of water, she was nervous and this guy made her feel it but somehow it made her feel good too.
Taeyeon started to cook for dinner. She was really good like an ahjumma in a eatery. Tiffany was trying to calm herself, she's still nervous knowing that the midget was near.
After an hour, the dishes were done. In the kitchen, Tiffany was surprised. Taeyeon cooked many dishes. She cooked Tonkatsu (Breaded Pork Cutlet), Manduguk (Dumpling soup), Bibimbap (Beef and mixed vegetables rice), and Gyeranjim (Steamed egg casserole) for appetizer.
"Wahh... You cooked all of these?" Tiffany was amazed.
"Yes miss, later we'll gonna watch a movie. I have pepero sticks and snacks, we can drink wine too." Taeyeon said with her toothy smile.
"You're great Taehyung, you know a lot of things," Tiffany commented.
"Thank you. I'm independent and... As you see, I live alone. I need to know a lot of things for myself," Taeyeon explained.
"W-where's your parents?" Tiffany asked curiously.
"They passed away. My mom died when she gave birth to my sister Taeyeon while my dad died when I was 15 because of stage 4 cancer. He fought till his last breath but... his body gave in." Taeyeon said, she was sad for a moment "I'm over it. Let's eat?" She smiled.
While they're eating, there was silence. Taeyeon didn't like it and she's uncomfortable.
"How about you miss?" Taeyeon suddenly asked.
"Me? My parents died in an accident. Plane crash when I was 18 and I'm the only child," Tiffany sipped her juice as if it's nothing. She's used to it.
"So we're just the same"
"You still have your sister right?"
Taeyeon bitterly smiled "Yeah, but we don't have parents. I assume you really know a lot of things too. Maybe you can cook for me next time?" She suggested.
Tiffany blushed "I-I can't cook."
"My auntie always cook for me and I don't have talent in the kitchen," Tiffany shyly bowed her head.
"Ohh, but I bet you know some dishes? Simple dishes?" Taeyeon took a mouthful bibimbap.
"I can cook... omelet and noodles," Tiffany bit her lower lip "You can laugh at me Taehyung, you're more like a girl than me."
Taeyeon finished her food in her mouth before saying "Really? Can you cook that for me next time? Looking forward to it." She smiled.
Tiffany gaped "He didn't laugh? Oh my gosh, I'm surely falling for this guy!"
"Please miss?" Taeyeon said in aegyo.
"What? Um, can you drop the formality? Don't call me miss, please."
"Okay, I have a nickname for you already. I will call you Pani..." Taeyeon chuckled "And you can call me... Um..." she was thinking as her brows knitted together.
"Tae. I will call you TaeTae," Tiffany said and gave her eye smile.
"Okay, then we're good. Let's finish this and watch a movie after."
Tiffany agreed in satisfaction.
Taeyeon washed all the dishes and she didn't let Tiffany to help her. Even if Tiffany insisted, Taeyeon didn't allow her.
After washing all the dirty dishes, Taeyeon put pepero sticks and snacks on the table in front of the couch. There's also wine and two glasses on it. She put wine only half of glass and she set Conjuring 2 on tv.
While watching Taeyeon noticed that Tiffany was shivering, she stood up but Tiffany held her wrist.
"Where are you going? This movie was really scary," Tiffany said and pouted. She's really scared.
"I'll be back. Just quick, I promise," Taeyeon smiled.
"O-okay..." Tiffany let go of the midget.
Taeyeon rushed into a room. And in exact, there's scary scene. Tiffany was terrified. She was fidgeting and looking for the guy. She's not used into this kind of movie. She closed her eyes and praying. After few seconds, there's a warm cloth wrapped around her shoulder. She opened her eyes and saw the midget was back. She hugged the guy tightly, a life saver.
"I'm sorry Pani," Taeyeon get the remote and off the tv and she hugged back "I just got some blanket cuz you're cold and now you're scared, it's my fault I'm sorry. I shouldn't have leave you alone," she patted Tiffany's back.
"He's very thoughtful, he just care about me and now even though, it's not really his fault he's apologizing... How can I not fall for this guy?" Tiffany thought.
Taeyeon faced Tiffany "Ah, can you do me a favor now?"
"Can you play piano for me? Please?" Taeyeon requested "So that you'll not be scared anymore."
Tiffany nodded.
"Thank you Pani ah," Taeyeon said with her aegyo.
Tiffany hid her smile.
"Ohh.. She's smiling now." Taeyeon grinned, she stood up and gave a hand to Tiffany.
Tiffany held Taeyeon's hand and she stood up. Taeyeon led her in front of the piano and set up the chair for her. Tiffany took her seat in front of the piano then Taeyeon let go of her hand.
"What do you want me to play?" Tiffany asked.
"Anything you want."
"Okay, this is my favorite."
"I'm all ears Pani."
Tiffany started to play piano and she was playing I could see you again by Yiruma. (I'm avid fan of Yiruma, he's really great. Please try to listen to him if you have time 😁) Taeyeon closed her eyes and she feel the music, it was soothing. Suddenly, her brother Taehyung popped in her head. Her childhood with her brother and she misses her brother so much. She started to cry. It still hurt, pictures in her mind, memories were fast forwarding until the scene of her brother died. It still painful for her. Taeyeon's heart broke into pieces and it needs to be healed.
Tiffany is a great pianist. She can made her audience feel the music in their heart and soul. She stopped the moment she noticed the guy was crying. She stood up drew near to Taeyeon.
"TaeTae? Are you alright? Why are you crying?" Tiffany worriedly asked.
Taeyeon opened her eyes and she saw Tiffany, she's so beautiful then she hugged her tightly.
Tiffany hugged back "It's okay shhh... Please don't cry.""Please stop crying, it hurts me."
"Thank you Pani ah," Taeyeon's voice cracked.
Tiffany didn't ask why the guy cried though it bothers her because after that, Taeyeon drove for her and took her to her home.
In front of Tiffany's house.
"Thank you for taking me home," Tiffany smiled.
"Thank you for the time Pani. I enjoyed it. And I'm sorry if I didn't take you to a fancy restaurant and treat you a dinner-"
"Don't be sorry Tae, I like what you did. I really am. All of it, I swear. Your time and effort. You're different from the other guys. And I'm thinking to give you chance... To... Give us chance. You make me feel comfortable with you," Tiffany sincerely said.
"That's good to hear Pani, I feel the same way. I'm glad that we became friends," Taeyeon hugged Tiffany briefly "I hope we can bond at school too?"
"Of course, why not. We're friends and we will just take it slow," Tiffany shyly said.
Taeyeon didn't catch what Tiffany meant as she just nodded and smiled. Tiffany leaned forward and pecked Taeyeon's cheek.
"Bye Tae, drive safe," Tiffany bowed her head and her heart was beating fast again
"Okay Pani, thanks. Good night."
"Good night," Tiffany said.
"Maybe you should go inside first before I leave?"
"No it's okay Tae. You go first. I'm okay, I will go inside as soon as you leave."
"Um... Okay."
Taeyeon climbed in to her car and she left Tiffany in front of her house.
Tiffany was about to go inside her house when Jessica walked and stopped near to her. Jessica was living with Tiffang, they're housemates.
"Chance? So he's the lucky guy huh? And you will give him chance for the first time Tiffany! Finally!" Jessica squeaked.
"Ya, don't shout Jessi," Tiffany said as she looked around.
"But he said friends, why friends? Oh anyway, it all starts there. He's cute huh? And you look like you're already in love," Jessica teasingly said.
"Stop it Jessi, but yes I like him. A lot," Tiffany opened the door, she didn't wait for Jessica to say anything and walked in their house.
"Ya, Tiffany tell me more! What did you do tonight huh!" Jessica demanded.
"Stop teasing me or I won't tell you!" Tiffany shouted.
"Okay okay fine!" Jessica followed Tiffany and closed the door.
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