《Chapter 05》

Ahem ahem... Greetings, everyone. I'm back after a long time. I have no excuse. It's just that I didn't know how to continue further. I had the plot, storyline and ending all set but didn't know how to bridge to the future chapters. Also because of drifting to other fandoms, I kinda lost the interest to write. But now with Live Emotion, I'm in love with Eiichi all over again and finally got the motivation to continue. I'm done writing the future chapters too. I'll update weekly from now on. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!

A deep sigh escaped Eiichi's throat as he tapped his foot, his arms crossed. The woman was not waking up from her slumber, no matter how many times he called her. She really liked to idle her weekends, didn't she?

"That's right...." The man mumbled to himself. He had thought of a way that would surely wake Akari up but, knowing her, it would definitely annoy her. Well, it was an emergency so he might as well act out his idea. He observed the female who was rolled up in her blankets, facing away from him.

Clearing his throat, Eiichi leaned down by her side. From behind her, he brought his face closer to her. At first, he blew softly on her ear.

"Mhmm...." Akari whimpered in her sleep.

It was working. This time, in his rich voice, the angel whispered in her ear, "Wake up, my sweet angel."

"Nnn..." She mumbled incoherent words.

"Sweetheart.... I'll kiss you until you wake up." His breath reached the back of her ear.

.  .  .  .  .  .Wait, what? No!

"Huh?!" Her eyes snapped open but closed as soon as they had opened because of the brightness. Who had opened the curtains?! Meanwhile, Eiichi backed away from her and returned to his previous position.

Sitting up, she rubbed her eyes before looking around until her golden orbs settled on the brown haired man standing right next to her bed.

"You finally woke up, Tenshouin Akari."

"What are you.....?" The confusion in her eyes quickly turned into realisation as her eyes widened. Someone had told her in her sleep that he'd kiss her until she's awoken.  Was it him!?

"D-did you do that...?!"

"I'm the only one present in this room except you, aren't I?"

Blood rose to her cheeks and her face severed. She was PISSED.  H-How dare he...!

"Why did you do that!?" She glared at him.

"You wouldn't get up. It was my last resort," answered Eiichi calmly.

She took a look at her clock. "Of course I'd sleep longer during the weekend. Why would you even wake me up when it's only seven?"

"I have to return to heaven for work purposes and I may not be back today. I need to inform you that someone else will be here to guard you in my stead."

That means..... I won't have to tolerate him today? Yatta! After one month of bickering and butting heads, I can FINALLY have some freedom!

"It's good news and all, but," despite the merriment inside her mind, her glare didn't disappear. "You shouldn't have done that to wake me up!"

"Hmm?" Raising a brow, Eiichi watched her. Was it just him, or was she actually embarrassed? How amusing. For a girl who loved romance novels more than anything, she seemed to lack romantic experience in real life.


In the blink of an eye, Eiichi leaned down to her, leaving Akari stunned. He was close enough to smell the shampoo she had used last night.

"Why?" The smirk on his lips served to irritate Akari. "Isn't it a boyfriend's duty to kiss his girlfriend awake?"

"Wha- boyfriend!?" Her harsh gaze intensified. "That's just a bluff you told to fool Tomo-chan!"

"Oho~" Eiichi mused. "Do you hate being kissed by me that much? I'm hurt."

Through gritted teeth, Akari growled, "If you even dare, I'll imprint a slap mark on your cheek."

"Haha...." Laughing, Eiichi pulled away from her. "It will be bold of you. Only if you can ever manage to reach me."


"Look at the time. Talking to you mindlessly will surely make me late." Leaving her at her spot on the bed, Eiichi reached towards the balcony door. "Make sure you don't cause trouble for others."

It only caused her to huff.

Akari watched as Eiichi revealed his wings and got ready to take flight. "See you later, Tenshouin Akari."

Once he was out of her house, she got up with a groan. She shut the balcony door with a slam. "But I don't wish to see you later."

Great, I don't think I can fall back asleep again!

.  .  .  .  .  .  .

The ones Eiichi had chosen to guard Akari in his absence were the youngsters: Nagi, Eiji and Shion.

The brown haired woman looked over at the three angels politely sitting on the without causing a ruckus. The three had arrived right after she had finished cooking breakfast.

Seeing that the three were sitting still, all the while staying silent, she asked them. "Would you like to join me?"

"Oh no, we, angels, don't require food," Eiji waved his hands in front of him as a manner of politely declining her offer.

Contrary to Eiji's refusal, the albino boy, Shion, was staring at the meal she had cooked with curiosity in his eyes. Noticing that, she smiled. "But that doesn't mean angels can't eat, right?"

"Well, that's....true. . ." Eiji lightly scratched the back of his neck, knowing that she was correct. "But....we wouldn't want to intrude on your meal."

"It's not a problem. I've made plenty. So,"  Smiling warmly, she invited, "let's have breakfast together."

The angels accepted her kind invitation and joined her at the dining table. Once they were all seated, Shion could finally inspect the object of his curiosity closely.

What were these small and round sustenance that emitted such a sweet smell? Not to mention, they looked so soft and spongy! How would these taste, he wondered.

"That's called a pancake." Akari interrupted his thoughts while serving him.

"Pancake. . .?"repeated Shion.

". . . . I've heard of pancakes," proclaimed the brown haired angel. "Isn't it a type of cake that's made of dairy products and is eaten worldwide?"

"It is. But how do you know this?"

"Actually," sheepishly smiling, Eiji looked at his lap, "I've had interest in human's sustenance for quite a long time. So, I've done some research on it myself."

"Really? I'm happy to hear it-"


Akari, Eiji and Shion turned their heads to the other angel present in the room. Nagi, unbothered by their stares, continued eating his share of pancakes.

"What's this? It's so soft and the sweetness immediately spreads in the mouth," he mumbled absentmindedly.

A wide smile bloomed on her red lips. "Do you like it?"

"W-Well," now that he was aware of their stares, Nagi's cheek got dusts of red. He was caught off-guard by the food. Instead of looking at the woman, he looked the other way. "...it's certainly not bad. Plus, it's cute-looking so,. . . thank you for the food."

"I'm glad you like it!" She turned to the others. "Let's start, shall we?"

.  .  .  .  .  .  .

"Thank you, Tenshouin-san. The pancakes were really tasty," Eiji thanked once she had finished doing the dishes.

"You're welcome." She stared at the genuine smile on his face before stating happily, "You're very kind and sweet,Eiji."

"M-Me?!" The sudden compliment caused his face to redden.

"Yes, the three of you are very warm and approachable." . . . .Unlike Eiichi who's just plain rude and mean. Even though he and Eiji are brothers, there's such a huge difference between them.

"Tenshouin-san, you're a nice person as well," Eiji quickly told her as they gathered at her living room.

"I agree," Nagi nodded, having listened to the final bits of their conversation. "I thought that we would have to be careful around you because you might not like being guarded and get angry."

"I'm used to it, considering I've spent a whole month almost living with Eiichi. And, why would I even be angry at you? You're not annoying me at all!" She sighed.

"Besides, I think it'll be much better and fun if the three of you guard me instead?"

"That's not possible," Nagi stated.

Shion proceeded, "Our holy powers, even if turned into one, are not nearly as strong as Eiichi's. The only one truly capable of protecting you is Eiichi."

"....Is he really that great?" She asked, silently. It was after seeing the admiration and great respect shine in Eiji's eyes that she found her answer.

"Not just great, but the best...."

.  .  .  .  .  .  .

"Phew, that does it," Van sighed, looking around. "We managed to keep Akari-chan safe."

The said woman recoiled from the after-effects of the enemy raids. When the energy drained from her body, she was supported by the shoulders by Kira.

She weakly smiled. "Thank you, Van, Kira."

"Are you alright?" asked Kira.

"I....am."  Who would've thought the dark minions would attack when I'm going to the mansion. "Is it just my imagination or are the dark minions actually getting stronger?"

"It isn't your imagination. . . Their powers are . . .  . truly getting stronger," Kira mumbled thoughtfully. He eyed the girl he now helped stand steadily. "It seems that your energy is . . . . getting more exhausted . . because of this."

That certainly doesn't sound like good news.

"Don't worry too much, Akari-chan," Van's cheerful grin lightened the atmosphere. "For now, you're safe. The barrier around the manor will protect you."

"You should rest at ease while you're here."

"Okay." She nodded.

"Van," Kira called out to the brunette when they reached the entrance of the manor, "take Tenshouin-san to one of the spare rooms where she will be staying today."

Affirming with a nod, Van guided her. "Follow me, Akari-chan." Parting ways with Kira inside the huge manor, Akari and Van made their way to the assigned room.

"If there's anything you need then do tell me," said Van, handing Akari a cold drink.

"Thanks and I'm sorry for the trouble I'll be causing you today."

The fact that even Eiji, Shion and Nagi had to return to the heavens alongside Eiichi for their work shows how busy the heavens currently are.

Now that the angels in charge of her protection had to temporarily return to the heavens, the duty of keeping her safe went to the ones who were still in the earth; Kira, Yamato and Van.

"Trouble?No,no!" The brunette angel denied, shaking his head. "In fact, you're being considerate enough."

"All of you seem to be very busy and I don't want to add more to your plates. Since it's the weekend and my office is closed, everything works out." She took a sip of her drink. "Angels are also swarmed with work like humans, huh?"

"More than humans, actually," Van corrected. "As angels, we have to look after the human realm, the heavens, look out for any disturbance in the universe, punish the sinner and such."

Her eyes sized up after hearing his list. "That's.... a lot."

"I know right!" Van cried, melodramatically. "But now, our workload has doubled because of the king of darkness!" Ouch.

". . . You have my sympathies."

.  .  .  .  .  .  .

After Van had to eventually leave for work, Akari had spent her time in the room while reading her novels. Before she could realise it, it was already past lunchtime.

I got too engrossed in the story again. Shaking her head at herself, she took out the lunch that she had made herself before coming. Oh, there's a balcony.

Since the weather outside was pleasant, the female chose to eat outside. But just as she took a single bite,

"What're you doing out here?"

"Wah!" The sudden voice made her jump from the seat. "Wh-What the..."

She looked up and found the bright blonde haired angel staring at her...upside down.

"What're you..... why are you upside down?" She asked.

Getting her question, Yamato flew inside the balcony and stood properly. Folding his wings back, he asked, "is it fine now?"

"Yeah...." She questioned him again, "what were you doing anyways?"

"I was patrolling the area for any signs of the dark minions and then I saw you come out of your room after hours so I also came down."

"I see...." Akari sat down on one side of the long bench, leaving enough space for Yamato if he wished to join her. And he did.

"What's that?" Yamato pointed at her hand.

"Eh?" She looked back at her hand. "It's a rice ball."

"Rice ball?" The angel was confused. He had never heard of it...... since he's an angel.

She offered her lunch box with a smile. "Would you like to try it?"

"Sure." Taking out the rice ball from her lunchbox, Yamato took a large bite. "What's this?! This is great! I've never had anything like this before!"

The happy exclamation from Yamato made her grin. She finished her own and watched as he finished the rice ball in two big bites.

"You can eat the rest as well." She handed him her lunchbox.


"Yup. I'm not hungry anyways." That's because romance novels are my food.

"Thanks, Tenshouin Akari!"

And before long, Yamato emptied the lunchbox. "That was really great!"

"I can make more later if you want?" She suggested. It's really nice to see that there are people who enjoy what I make...

"You will? You're a nice human, Tenshouin Akari!" Wow. The saying that food is the way to a person's heart was actually legit.

.  .  .  .  .  .  .

The stars here look more dazzling. Akari rested her chin on her palm as her gaze inspected the clear night sky. With the mansion being amidst the forest, the air was free from the city's pollution. This pure nature must be one of the reasons why angels reside here.

"Tenshouin Akari?"

"Hmm? Oh, Kira." Behind her stood the black haired angel.

"I wanted to inform you that I'll bring you back to your residence tomorrow morning."

"Alright.... does that mean Eiichi is returning tomorrow?" He nodded.

"I see...." Kira broke the silence between them by adding, ". . .I'm aware that the two of you don't get along and that Eiichi might appear to be insensitive to you and your choices sometimes..."

". . .Some times?"

". . . Most of the time," Kira corrected. "However, please don't hold it against him. . . . Eiichi is like that because..... he cares."

"Huh?" Kira's yellow orbs looked straight into hers while he spoke with all honesty.

"Eiichi cares about humans more than anyone. He has been looking after them for the longest time.... He loves them. He cherishes them. And... he wants to protect them."

The raven continued, "Even after human beings derailed from the right path, Eiichi kept looking after them. Despite them being the cause of the dark king's revival, he still cares for them. He doesn't want humans to be destroyed. . . . He strongly protests against the proposals of other angels to annihilate humans to prevent the evil's resurrection."


"That is why, he tends to be very stoic when it comes to you, Tenshouin Akari..... If the inhabitants of darkness come to harm you, the earth will be annihilated. The holy heavens will face destruction as well. Eiichi wants to prevent it from ever happening..... even if it means drawing himself as a hateful person to you."

"S-So that's why...." The brunette fell silent. p"...All this time, he...." She recalled the times when Eiichi was strict and mean to her. Come to think of it, every time he was mean to me, it was only because I could be in danger. Yet I....

The taller man watched Akari lose herself in the sea of her thoughts. He had done his work of talking to her. All that was left was talking to Eiichi and making him realise that he shouldn't cage her up and take away her freedom. Eiichi and Akari, both parties were stubborn. So, for the sake of the world, Kira decided to act as a mediator and make them see from each other's perspective.

Maybe he will have a pep talk with Eiichi before sending him to Akari.

To be continued...

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