You Gotta Be Kitten Me

(Timeskip to morning)

(Y/n)'s POV

I yawned once the sun hit my face. I got up from my covers and went into the bathroom. It was all humid and steamy, Shiro must've showered. I ignored the steam and went on with my morning routine. I grabbed my toothbrush and put on the toothpaste and began to brush while looking at the fogged up mirror. After I finished brushing I then splashed my face with some cold water. I grabbed a towel and dried my face and when I finished I noticed that I splashed the mirror. I wiped the water off the mirror and I saw a bit of my face. I then noticed something behind me a (h/c) tail. I then wiped off the rest of the mirror and I found some (h/c) ears on my head!


I screamed so loud I'm pretty sure our neighbors, neighbors heard me. WHAM! The door flung open and I saw Shiro with a frying pan. "(Y/N) WHAT'S WRONG?! IS IT THAT RAT?!" He then looked at me. "(Y/N) WHY ARE YOU WEARING CAT EARS AND TAIL?! TAKE THOSE OFF!" I yelled back "I WOULD IF I COULD SHIRO! BUT I DON'T KNOW HOW TO TAKE THESE OFF!" He then gave me an angry look. "Alright leave this to me!" He walked toward me and pulled on my cat ears. "OW!" He then pulled harder. "OW SHIRO STOP! THAT HURTS!" He then stopped.

"So there real?" He asked dumbfounded. "No duh their real! Why else did you think I would say "ow" if they weren't?!" He then looked at my tail and reached for it. I slapped his hand hard. "Don't even think about it." I said darkly. "Sorry (Y/n), but how did this happen?" He asked. I tried to remember what happened. I remember being with Chat Noir, exploring, and getting akumatized. But nothing seems to show how I got these ears and tail. "To be honest Shiro I don't know."

He sighed. "Well it's a good thing it's Saturday. You have no school today." After he said that my phone began to ring. "Now who's calling this early in the morning?" I walked into my room and saw my phone. It said "Adrien". WAIT ADRIEN?! I begin to slightly panic, but I regained my composure. I then picked up the phone and answered.

"Hello?" I asked. "Hey (Y/n) how are you doing?" He asked. "I-I'm doing fine. I just woke up." "Well that's good. I was hoping we could hang out today with some friends?" Wait he wants to hang out? Yeah that's awesome! "Yeah sure I'd love to hang out with ya!" I said being slightly embarrassed. "Awesome I'll be at your house at 12:00! Bye!" "Bye Adrien! Wait do you even kno-" he hung up.

This is awesome! I'll get to hang out with my new friends! Especially Adrien! I feel like I'm about to faint. "So you're going to hang out with Adrien and the others?" I turned around and Shiro was in my doorway. "Yeah! I'm really excited! This is my first time hanging out with someone!" Shiro scoffed. "Um you're forgetting something." He pointed at my head and butt. Darn! I totally forgot about my ears and tail. "Oh no! This is bad! If they find me with cat ears and tail, they're going to think I'm weird and never talk to me again! Or worse people will take pictures of me and post it on the internet! My life will be ruined!" I continued to panic until. SLAP! I got slapped in the face.

"Look calm down. There is no need to panic. We can find a temporary solution until we can get rid of your situation." I began to calm down. "Yeah you're right Shiro. We just have to find a temporary solution." I looked around and found my (f/c) hoodie in my closet. "Perfect!" I went to my closet and grabbed the hoodie. "I'll wear this hoodie over my head to hide my ears and I'll wrap my tail around my waist in order to hide it! This way I can go out and avoid all the drama." Shiro gave me some looks of disapproval, but were replaced with smiles. "Alright if you think that'll work, then I trust ya little bro." I smiled and he left my room.

(Timeskip to 12:00 cause I'm lazy)

I heard the doorbell ring and I put my hood over my head to cover my ears. I opened the door and saw Adrien, Nino, Alya, and Marinette. "Hey (Y/n) you ready to go?" Adrien asked. "Y-Yeah I'm ready." Nino then said "Are you sure you want to wear that? It's kinda warm out here dude." I shook my head. "No Nino I'm fine. I kinda get cold easily so this is fine for me." Nino shrugged. "Well what are we waiting for? To the movies!" Alya said. "W-Wait the movies?! Adrien why didn't you tell me?!" I said. Adrien rubbed the back of his head. "Oh god why does he have to do that? He's so freaking cute!" Marinette then jumped in. "Um Adrien wanted to surprise you that's all. Since you don't know Paris that well he was nervous about asking you to the movies." Alya then jumped in. "Girl, you make it sound like Adrien is trying to ask (Y/n) on a date." "A-A date?!" I yelled. I could feel my face getting hot just thinking about it. Not only that it made my cat ears twitch which made my hood twitch. "Yo dude what's with your hood?" Nino asked. "Oh um... it moves sometimes to better adjust to the weather." That was a dirty lie. "Ugh! Why did you say that. They are going to call you out on it!" They all shrugged. I guess they believe me. "Ugh! Come in people the movie isn't going to watch itself!" Alya snapped. "Alright Alya just calm down." Marinette said calmly. We then all went to the movies.

Adrien's POV

We were walking to to subway because it was the only way we could get to the theater as quickly as we could. (Y/n) looked around in discomfort when we walked down. I went close to him. "Hey are you okay (Y/n)?" He looked at me. "O-Oh yeah I'm fine. Just a bit nervous. I've never been on a subway before." I patted his back. "Hey don't worry. You'll be fine. Just stick close to me alright?" He nods and I notice a little blush on his face. "D-Does he like me? Or maybe that was just a nervous blush?" It didn't matter to me. I'm getting to hang out with him! That's enough progress!

Our ride came and we walked in the door. "Be sure you mind the gap." I told (Y/n). "O-Okay..." he said. Once we got in we decided to find a spot to sit at. Marinette, Alya, and Nino sat on seats while me and (Y/n) stood up and grabbed the pole. He still looks nervous. "Man he looks so cute when he's nervous!" I thought to myself. He then looked at me, and I begin to blush. "D-Damn he's so cute! Why does he have to give me his confused face?! Why?!" "Hey Adrien a-are you okay? Your face looks red. Are you getting sick?" He then walks closer and feels my forehead. I blush even more. "God why is he so close?!" "Hmm... no fever..." I grabbed his hand and put it down. "Look I'm fine (Y/n)! Don't worry I'm okay." He takes his hand back and looks away. I can see the slight blush on his cheeks. "Oh boy... this is gonna be tough."

(Timeskip to movies)

After our ride on the subway we arrived at the theater. "So you guys what do yo wants to watch?" I asked. We looked at all the showings and there were three that were starting soon. "So we got Black Panther, A Wrinkle In Time, and Game Night. What do you guys wanna watch?" We put it to a vote. Marinette and Alya wanted to watch "A Wrinkle In Time" and me and Nino voted for "Black Panther". (Y/n) didn't vote yet so he had a choice to make. "So (Y/n) what's it gonna be?" Alya said. He looks like he's exploded with panic. "Um... it doesn't matter to me, but I kinda wanted to watch Game Night." My jaw dropped. "A-Are you sure? It's kinda rated R." He nods his head. "Yeah I'm sure, besides it's supposed to be funny and I like funny." I sighed. "Well I guess Game Night it is." The other groaned. "Come one guys let's just see what's it about besides in sure the other movies are packed to watch those two movies." They sighed and we bought our tickets. We grabbed our popcorn and drinks and went into the theater.

(Timeskip to movies end. I'm lazy, sue me)

After the movie ended we all talked about what we saw. (No spoilers for those who haven't seen it). During that time we all decided to head to the restroom. (Y/n) walked ahead and went in. "I guess he really has to go." I decided to wait outside for him and the others. After a couple of minutes everyone was out except for (Y/n). "Hey you guys stay here in gonna check on (Y/n)." I left them and went inside the restroom. I looked around and I saw no one. Until I saw a pair of feet in one of the stalls. I was heading toward the stall until I heard a flush. I backed away and I saw (Y/n).

"Ummm... (Y/n) why do you have..." I pointed to his head. At first he was confused until he looked in the mirror. "Oh no! No! No! No! DAMN! YOU SAW THEM!" He started yelling. I grabbed him and tried to calm him down. "Calm down (Y/n)!" I told him, but he wouldn't calm down! "NO! I KNEW THAT THIS COULD HAPPEN! HOW COULD I BE SO STUPID?!" "Listen you're not stupid just calm down!" He started to calm down. I then heard the door open and I dragged (Y/n) into a stall. "Hey dudes you okay?" It was Nino. "Yeah we're fine. You guys can go on I'll take (Y/n) home." "Alright Adrien. See ya later!" The door then closes.

I look to (Y/n) who still has those cat ears on. I felt my nose dripping blood, but I wiped it away. "A-Adrien I'm sorry! I shouldn't have freaked out like that! I-I was just afraid that you would think I'm weird! I-I didn't want to drive away my friend for something I can't control." I gave him a hug. "Look it's okay. You're fine. I wouldn't leave you. Besides I think those ears make you look cute." He blushes immensely. "A-Adrien don't say things like that!" I smiled. "Well want have you tried to get rid of them?" "I tried pulling them, and hiding them. That's all I've done." I thought for a moment. "Have you tried wishing them away?" "You're kitten me right?" I shook my head and I dismissed the pun for now. "No I'm not kidding try it." He then takes a deep breath and begins to wish. I then see the ears slowly disappearing. "A-Are they gone?" He asks. I nod. "Good now can we leave? I think I have had enough drama for one day."

(Y/n)'s POV

We leave the theater and we walk home to my house. It takes a bit but I'm happy that I got to hang out with Adrien and the others. Not only that I managed to get rid of my ears! This is the best day I've ever had with my new friends. We eventually reach my house and we said goodbye.

I walked inside and went into my room. Then I took off my hoodie and put it in the closet. I began to change into my pajamas and saw that my tail was still on me! "Are you kidding me right now?!" I then wished for it to go away and it disappeared. "Jeez! I've had enough craziness for one day!" I finished changing and I went to sleep for the rest of the day.

Now that was good! I hoped you enjoyed. It looks like Adrien and (Y/n) are getting closer. Anyway be sure to Comment! Share! And Vote! See ya later!

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