
Adrien's POV

I've been looking for (Y/n) everywhere. He couldn't have gone far from the school. I pulled out my phone and began to text Nino.
(A=Adrien, N=Nino)

A: Nino have you found him yet?

N: No I looked everywhere. Where could he have gone?

A: He doesn't know Paris that much he's probably still nearby.

N: I hope so dude but soon we need to get back to class.

A: Yeah I know, but we have to keep looking. Text me if you find him!

N: Alright dude!

I then tried texting Alya.
(Al= Alya)

A: Alya have you found him?

Al: No I haven't seen him.

A: Damn, have you tried the park?

Al: I just looked there I didn't see him.

A: Ugh...

Al: Don't worry Adrien we'll find him. I'm sure he'll come back once class starts again.

A: Yeah you might be right. I'm gonna double check some areas. Text Marinette and Nino that they should head back.

Al: Alright Adrien.

I felt so useless. He was right in front of me being bullied by Chloé. And I just stood there not helping him. "I'm sorry (Y/n)." I then started to head back to the places I checked

-Timeskip to all returning to school-

I looked in all the places I checked again and I still didn't find him. When I got back I saw Nino, Alya, and Marinette at the front. When I got close they all gave me sad looks meaning that they didn't find him. I felt terrible letting this happen to him. He was my friend and I let him get bullied. Nino put his hand on my back and tried to console me. Alya and Marinette gave me a small smile to try to cheer me up. I used a fake smile, and I know now that (Y/n) could be anywhere in Paris. Lost and alone.

It was time for Ms. Mendeleiev's Science class. Today we were learning on how the human mind works when it involves human emotion. That just made me feel terrible. I looked to my right and saw Chloé who was upset. "Is she upset about what she did or is it because we aren't friends anymore." I was no longer paying attention in class, all I could think about was (Y/n) and the face he made before he ran. He was really upset. I wish I could do something about it. I looked back behind me and saw the empty seat next to Nathaniel. "(Y/n) I'm so sorry" "WHERE IS CHLOÉ BOURGEOIS?!" I was taken aback hearing that. That sounds like... (Y/n). Oh no. Could he be...

Siren's POV

"WHERE IS CHLOÉ BOURGEOIS?!" I yelled. Once I find Chloé I will make her feel all the pain I've felt in the past few days. I looked through the windows of the school and I found one that had the familiar female blonde. "THERE YOU ARE!" I summoned a lance made of music notes and destroyed the windows. "AAAAHHH!" I heard their screams. "NO STOP THIS NOW! I DON'T WANT TO HURT ANYONE!" "Why don't you just shut up?!" "NO SIREN I WON'T! YOU ARE NOT GOING TO HURT MY FRIENDS!" I scoffed hearing that coming from (Y/n). "Do you even have friends?" He goes silent. "That's what I thought."

I enter the room, but the students have left. I wonder where they are. "Chloé... Chloé where are you?" I looked around and I saw the door was open. I entered through the door. "THERE YOU ARE YOU LITTLE PEICE OF GARBAGE!" All the students were trying to run but began to sing. And as I was singing music notes filled the air and those who touched them turned to stone with this song.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Embrace the dark, you call a home. Gaze upon an empty white throne. A legacy of lies, a familiar disguise! Sing with me a song of conquest and fate, the black pillar cracks beneath its weight! Night breaks through the day hard as a stone lost in thoughts all alone!"

Many turned to stone, too many to count. Even Chloé turned to stone . "Hehe... maybe next time think before you act like a big jerk." "PLEASE SIREN THAT'S ENOUGH. YOU DID WHAT YOU NEED TO DO NOW STOP!" I scoffed "Did you forget our deal? Hawk Moth wants the miraculous of Ladybug and Chat Noir and you and I both know you never go back on a promise." He was silent again.

Narrators POV

After Sirens attack on the Science class Marinette and Adrien hid in the bathrooms as Siren was singing.



They transformed into Ladybug and Chat Noir and went to fight the enemy.

Chats Noir's POV

I went into the center of school where I saw (Y/n) akumatized into Siren. I saw Ladybug out of the corner of my eye. "Hello my lady. Well it looks like class is finally now in session." She shrugged it off. "Seriously Chat. Can you set your jokes aside now?" "Of course bugaboo." We faced Siren and then I heard a voice "HELP ME LADYBUG, AND CHAT NOIR!" I turned to Ladybug. "Did you hear that?" She nods. I know that voice that's (Y/n). "PLEASE HELP ME IM STUCK IN THE PENDANT! THE AKUMA IS IN THERE! BE CAREFUL HE CAN ATTACK FROM ALL ANGLES WHEN HE SINGS AND HE CAN MAKE ANY WEAPON! PLEASE BE CAREFUL!" This sounds like he will be a tough opponent. "Chat Noir." I turn to Ladybug. "Try to keep close to him at all times and I'll try to grab his pendant." I nod and begin to attack.

Siren/(Y/n)'s POV

"Alright Siren! Time for you to get schooled!" I smirked at that pun, but also because he doesn't know what he just got into. I summoned my music note lance and began to fight back. Constantly clashing out weapons against each other. Then I saw Ladybug out of the corner of my eye. I kicked Chat Noir and transformed my lance into a bow and began to fire on Ladybug in order to keep her away. But while my attention was on Ladybug I was kicked by Chat Noir. "Guh! Alright kitty now you've made me mad." I transformed my bow into dual swords and began to charge at Chat. I sliced left and right, but he constantly kept dodging and parrying. "Heh. Come on you gotta be faster than that in order to hit me!" Irk marks appeared on my head.

"Chat don't make him angry! Remember he can do anything!" I got even more angry. "Alright (Y/n) why don't you stay quiet or I might have to do it myself." While in the pendant I noticed that some type of black tentacles were beginning to grab me. "NO LET ME GO SIREN!" I struggled to break free, but as I tried I began being held down by the tentacles. "GAAH! SIREN PLEASE LET ME GO!" No response. Then another tentacle came out and tried to cover my mouth. "NO! HELP ME CHA- MMMPH!" My mouth was covered by the tentacle.

"Jeez and I thought I would never get rid of his yapping." I looked at Chat and his face was enraged. "Oh what's this? Is the kitty upset that his owner is getting hurt?" I taunted. "GRAAAAH!" Chat Noir rushed toward me with his baton and I parried and dodged his attacks. Then -BAM! I was punched in the face! I wiped off any blood on my face and I was pissed. "Alright no more Mr. Nice Guy!"

Ladybug's POV

Whatever Siren did to (Y/n) made Chat really upset. But now Siren is not holding back anymore. "LUCKY CHARM!" I launched my yo-yo upwards and a talisman came out. "A talisman? Why am I supposed to do with this?" I began to look around and nothing looked useful, but when I looked at Siren's pendant it hit me. "Chat Noir keep his distracted!" Chat nodded and kept on attacking.

As Siren kept blocking I got closer and tried to put the talisman on his pendant. He saw me and dodged but lost his balance. This allowed Chat Noir to hold him down. I placed the talisman on the pendant and bright light was emitted from it. Then I heard heavy breathing. "Haaah... haaah...haaah... Thank you Ladybug. Thanks to that talisman I'm free from Siren's dark tentacles." Siren then began to struggle and after gathering his energy he pushed Chat into a wall and blasted me along side him.

Siren/(Y/n)'s POV

"Alright I've had enough playing around!" I brought out my lance. "Now DIE!" I charged at them. Once I got close to them I thought I could hit them and take their miraculous. "OH NO YOU DON'T!" I was stopped in my tracks unable to move. "W-What the?" I struggled to move. "Why can't I move?!" "I'm not letting you hurt anyone else!" That little brat is restraining me! "LADYBUG GRAB THE PENDANT NOW!" She hesitated. "But what's going to happen to you?" "Look I'll be fine now take the pendant! I can't hold him forever!" I won't let that happen! "Oh now you don't!" I shoot music bullets aiming toward Ladybug. But then the bullets were blocked. I saw that Chat had deflected them. "Hnngh... HURRY LADYBUG! I... can't hold...him...any longer!"

Ladybug's POV

I hurried over to Siren and grabbed his pendant. I broke the pendant and the Akuma flew out of it. "No more evil doing for you little Akuma!" I twirled my yo-yo around. "TIME TO DE-EVILIZE!" I grabbed the Akuma and purified it. I then released it. "Bye bye little butterfly. MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!" I threw the talisman up into the air and it transformed into ladybugs. They reversed all the damage that was caused and (Y/n) went back to normal. "Hnnngh... ow my head hurts..." I look to Chat and outed my fist in the air, but instead of doing the same he hurried to (Y/n). "Hey are you okay?" He asks (Y/n). (Y/n) is silent. I walk over to them. "Hey thank you for fighting the Akuma. We would really be in a jam without your help." He still is silent. I finally ask "Is something wrong?" He speaks. "Yes... why?" I got confused. "Why what?" He looks to me. "Why are you still speaking to me? After what I did?" This surprised me. He remembers? "Why are you treating me as if nothing happened?" I tried to console him. "You were controlled by Hawk Moth. It's not you're fault that this happened." He got upset. "Are you sure about that?! Wasn't it my negative feelings that caused Hawk Moth to akumatize me?! Wasn't it my fault that I couldn't control my actions?!" Chat stepped in. "No it's not your fault. No one can control themselves when they are under his control." He looked to Chat. "If that's the case then how did I stop Siren from moving?! I restrained him! That means I was in control! IT'S MY FAULT THAT THIS HAPPENED! IT'S MY FAULT I HURT MY FRIENDS!" He began to sob. "How could anyone forgive me for what I've done?"

Chat Noir's POV

(Y/n) is crying again. I let this happen once I won't let it happen again. I hugged him. He gasped when I did. "Chat... why are you... hugging me?" I held him tight. "Please don't talk like everything is your fault! It's not! Your friends will forgive you! Everyone here in Paris has been akumatized and everyone forgives them because it wasn't their fault!" He kept sniffing. "None of this is your fault. I know it. So please stop saying that it is." I let him go. He still had tears in his eyes, but he smiled. "T-Thank you Chat... I'm sorry... for talking like that." I gave him a big smile. "It's okay." My heart fluttered seeing him smile. I have fallen for him.

Alright another chapter done. I might be offline for awhile but ideas will keep flowing. Anyway thanks for reading! Vote! Comment! And share! Bye!

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