
(Y/n)'s POV

The next day came around and I just couldn't bring myself to get up from bed. My body was aching because of the climbing yesterday. I'm not one to be athletic, so doing that was completely out of character. But I knew if I didn't get up Shiro would barge into my room, throw me into bathroom, and do it himself. Not wanting to deal with that I got up from bed and went into the bathroom.

I did my normal routine in there and after that I left the bathroom and went to get changed for school. I grabbed a (s/f/c) short sleeve shirt, some dark colored jeans, I wore my (s/f/c) shoes in order to match my shirt. After that I grabbed my pendant and put it around my neck. The pendant then began to shine again. "I never got around to using my power, or how I got it in the first place. Maybe I'll find someone that can help me later..." I dismissed the thought and went into the kitchen where breakfast was waiting, along with Shiro.

"Hey little bro. How did ya sleep?" He asked. I yawned as I spoke. "I slept fine. I needed a good night rest after what happened." Shiro smiles and motions me to sit down. I go to Shiro and look at my plate. Some simple eggs and bacon. Seems perfect. I grabbed my fork and began to eat the eggs. The eggs were fluffy and nice to eat, but a bit salty. Shiro uses too much salt sometimes, but I'm used to it. After I finished my eggs I went to the bacon and once I took a bite of it I felt the juice from the bacon get released. It was juicy as the way bacon should be. After a couple of bites of the bacon my entire breakfast was finished.

I got up from my chair and went to put my plate in the sink. I looked behind me to see Shiro looking at his phone, and Kitsue who is still on the couch unconscious. I walk to the couch and crouch down to Kitsue's level. I then began to pet him. His fur felt as soft as I remember, but it's a bit dirty and a bit bloody due to some cuts. It hurt me seeing him like this. "Oh Kitsue... I wish I can help you..." then all of a sudden my pendant began to shine bright. Light began to envelope Kitsue and it became so bright that I had to cover my eyes. "What the hell is going on?!" Shiro exclaimed. "I-I don't know Shiro!"

Slowly the light enveloping Kitsue begins to dim and the cuts around Kitsue were gone! His fur that was once bloody and dirty was clean! "W-What did I just do?" I said completely awestruck. Then Kitsue began to twitch and his eyelids began to slowly open. He's coming back to me! His eyes completely open and I smile brightly while looking at him. He moves his head around to see his surroundings, until he looks at me. "(Y-Y/n) is that really you?" He asks. I nod and tears began to come out of my eyes. "Yes! Yes it's me! Kitsue I'm glad your okay!" Kitsue then jumps on me and begins to lick my face. "Gah! K-Kitsue stop it! That tickles! Stop!" I said while giggling as Kitsue licks my face. "I'm so glad you're okay! I thought I lost you!" Kitsue said. "That's just exactly what I thought! I missed you so much!" I said. I then wrapped my arms around Kitsue, giving him a big hug. He wraps his front paws around my neck, hugging me back.

Shiro then tapped my shoulder. "(Y/n)... what was that you just do?" Shiro asked. Kitsue looked at Shiro and said "Magic". Shiro stepped back from Kitsue. "Wait you can talk?!" He yelled. Kitsue nodded. "Yes I can, I just choose who can understand me." Shiro is still shocked but nods. "Now to answer your question... that was magic. Magic that was imbued in the pendant." Kitsue knows? "Wait how do you know Kitsue?" I ask. "I can sense it. I knew that pendant was special, I just didn't realize it was able to use magic." Then puzzle pieces were beginning to come together. "So the cat ears and tail incident, and healing you was really magic..." Kitsue nodded and jumped out of my arms. "I don't now much about the pendant, but the magic is strangely familiar here. I sense that others posses the same magic." I thought about what Kitsue said. "Ladybug and Chat Noir... are you talking about them?" He nods. "Yes they possess the same magic, but it's much smaller than your pendant."

So that explains he they have powers. "(Y/n) I recommend that you don't use that magic, until you can fully control it. Others might want a piece of you in order to get that magic." I gulped. "But you shouldn't worry (Y/n) as long as I'm here I'll keep you safe!" Kitsue said with confidence. I smiled, but Shiro looked concerned. "Sorry Kitsue but you can't stay with (Y/n)..." Shiro said. I then remembered the incident that occurred yesterday. "Yeah he's right Kitsue. You were out cold when you found me. I don't want you to get hurt." Kitsue's tail drops down and he looks down on the ground. "Oh..." I crouch down and scratch his ears. He nuzzles my hand as I scratch. "Don't worry I'll be okay. Plus you need rest. Shiro do you have work today?" Shiro shakes his head. "Good then I want you to take care of Kitsue while I'm gone. You already know what he likes, because mom sent you a text about it months ago." Shiro nods and gives me a thumbs up. I smile and I go back up to my room and grab my bag. I walk back down and head to the door. I grab the knob and turn it, and I exit my home.

I walk out and started walking to school. But as I'm walking people began to look at me weird. I just decided to ignore them as I got to school. But once I got there the looks were worse. Everyone was staring at me and I was getting pretty nervous from it. Then I see Alya in the distance. "Hey Alya!" I yell and she looks at me. Her face looks serious and she runs to me. "Are you dating Chat Noir?!" She yells. "W-What?!" I yell back. "Are you dating Chat Noir?!" She yells again. "N-No I'm not!" Then she grabs her phone from her pocket and shows me a picture. "This says otherwise!" The picture she showed me was when I was saved yesterday... and when Chat and I first kissed. My face begins to turn red. How did she manage to get that picture?!

"I-I um... uh..." I stammered and I losing my cool. "So are you dating him?" She asks one more time. "Um..." I didn't want to say anything, but I had to think of something. "N-No I'm not! That kiss was just in the heat of the moment! I was depressed and Chat tried to cheer me up!" Alya sighed and put away her phone, and all the stares around me disappeared. "Alright, but just be careful with him, he's a giant flirt." I didn't pay no mind to it. But I felt bad for lying.

"Hey (Y/n)!" I heard someone call me and I turned around and say Adrien waving at me. I wave back and I see the bracelet around his wrist. A small blush formed on my face as I'm happy he wore it. Adrien got closer and managed to get in close range. "Hey Adrien how are you?" I ask with a smile on my face. "Everything's great! This bracelet you gave me is awesome. I can't thank you enough!" He then gave me a hug and my blush got deeper. He then let go of me and he was smiling big.

But when I looked behind him I saw some kind of limousine. Adrien walked here, but I looked around and saw that Chloé was in the school already. They are both popular, but then who's here? The door on the limousine opened and I saw four people come out, all female. I know those four anywhere! One with pink hair, one with purple hair, one with orangish hair, and one with brown. I can't believe it... they are really here!

???'s POV

As I got out the car with the girls I noticed a small figure in the school. That figure is someone I would never forget. The girls looked where I was looking and saw the figure as well. (Y/n)...

"Is that really him?" "Are you sure?" "There's no way..." the girls whispered. "It is. It's him." I said. Small tears went on our faces and I see him doing the same. "(Y/N)!" We all yelled! "MONIKA, SAYORI, NATSUKI, YURI!" He yelled and we ran to each other, and once we did we had a huge group hug. Tears were still in my eyes as I felt his embrace. I felt eyes on us but we didn't care. What we cared about is seeing him again.

We then let go of each other and dried our tears. "Monika, Natsuki, Sayori, Yuri... I can't believe your here!" (Y/n) said in excitement. "I can't believe you're here (Y/n) I thought you would still be in America!" Sayori said. "Yeah... we had a change in plans." He said. "Well we are happy to see you again. It's been so long." Yuri said. "Yeah it has, I thought you forgot about me to be honest..." he said as he looked down. "Why would we forget you? You're our best friend! Plus we got these to remember each other right?" Natsuki says as she pulls her sleeve to reveal a bracelet that (Y/n) made back in school. He gasps "I-I thought you..." I stepped in. "We kept these to remind us of each other. These are special to all of us and it symbolizes our bond together. Why would we get rid of something so special?" I asked. (Y/n) then shook his head and smiled.

"I'm... so happy to see you again guys!" He said beginning to get teary eyed. I walk to him and give him a hug. "I'm glad you're okay. It's great to see you again after a year!" I said with a smile. "Thanks Monika. But we have a lot to catch up on!" I look behind me and the girls nod, we have something special planned.

I then let go of (Y/n) and then I notice the boy behind him. I then look at his wrist. He had the same bracelet. Something stirred in me, but I didn't know what. I confronted the boy with the bracelet. "What do you have that bracelet?!" I exclaimed. The boy was confused and began to stammer. "Um... I-I..." (Y/n) steps in. "Monika, I gave Adrien that bracelet!" He yelled. The girls notice the bracelet let as well and confronts "Adrien". "Yeah you're right Monika! He does have the same bracelet!" Natsuki yells. "Why do you have it?!" Sayori yells. "You don't deserve that bracelet!" Yuri yells.

"GIRLS!" (Y/n) yells at us and we turn to him. "Listen I gave Adrien that bracelet, he's one of my best friends! Please don't harass him! Please!" He says and we nod. "Alright (Y/n) we won't harass him." I said calmly. "Thank you Monika!" Then the bell rings. "Oh I gotta get to class, come on Adrien let's go!" "Adrien then follows (Y/n). Something is off about that boy and I'm going to find out.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter. This crossover will stay in the rest of the book. I felt like the friends mentioned earlier in the book needed to be the girls from DDLC. One because they are all fourth year and are easy to get along with. And two they are friendly and will do anything for those who they care for. Just a disclaimer the DDLC thing with Monika (won't spoil) will not be a thing in this crossover. They are just normal girls who wanted to be pop stars. Anyway Vote, Comment, and Share! See ya later!

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