My Life

S/n= State's name
L/n= Last name
Y/n= Your name
H/l= Hair length
H/c= Hair color
E/c= Eye color

(Y/n's) POV
I was on my chair near my desk thinking about my life. My life was somewhat normal. I have (H/l) (H/c) hair and I have (E/c) eyes and to be honest I'm pretty short for my age. People often confuse for a 8 or 9 year old cause of my height and face. I freaking look like a kid with my face. Not only that but my voice sounds like a kid too! It's pretty easy to fool someone with these looks and voice, but it's not something I'm proud of. I live in a pretty safe town, but the stuff we get into is crazy. I live in (S/n) in a nice town free from all the craziness that happens in the world. I live in a single story house and my room was near the back door. It's nice almost like paradise. I live with a family of four, but my brother Shiro lives is Paris, and me, my mom and dad live in America. My mom is Mika (L/n) and she is half Japanese half French. My dad is Richard (L/n) he is half French and half Hispanic. They met in Paris and fell in love. But when I was born we moved to America in order to settle down. They learned English before we moved and they taught me English, French and Japanese when I learned to speak. Spanish was hard for me but very little of my family were from the south.

I've always wondered what Paris looks like now. I barely knew the place when I was born, so I wish I can go see it and explore. I'm only 14 and I already want to leave home to explore, maybe this is why mom and dad say that "kids are a handful", but I can't help it! I love to see new things and I love to see people together in peace. Everything I see makes me want to sing out with joy! I can't wait to see what Paris looks like!
Although I was so busy in thought I didn't hear my mom calling me. "(Y/N) COME OVER HERE!" I was so startled I jumped up from the chair I was sitting on! "Yes ma'am! I'll be right there!" I then left my room and went to the living room where my mom was. "Geez (Y/n) what were you doing in your room that was so important that you didn't hear me calling you?!" I told the truth. "I was just lost in thought mom. I mean we're leaving to Paris tomorrow morning! I was just excited in what I'll get to do there!" My mom sighed "Yeah I couldn't blame you for thinking like that. This is a big trip plus you're going to see Shiro after 4 years." I smiled. The thought of seeing him again was on my mind a lot, we were almost inseparable when he was here. Not only was he my brother but he was my best friend well other than Kitsue, my pet fox.

He's a really kind fox that I adopted a year ago. Before he would always come and go but he decided to stay when I let him in when my parents were out. When they came back, mom and dad came back they were super scared that he was going to hurt me. I explained that Kitsue was nice, but I decided to let him choose if he would stay or go. After some thought he decided to stay and then we adopted him and gave him his shots. I always felt so close to Kitsue, and that bond is what allowed me to communicate with him. I can understand what he says completely.
"Alright (Y/n) do you have Kitsue's food and bed? Your clothes, phone, and passport?" I nodded "Check, check, check, phone is charging, and check!" I have everything prepared.

Then my father came from his room with a bunch of clothes from his room. "Mika can you..." he struggled to keep his balance with all the clothes he has. " me with... these clothes?" My mom smiled. "Of course Richard! But I'm surprised you didn't pack!" My dad put the clothes on the sofa and sweatdroped. "Sorry honey. I had to put in extra hours so we can have a lot of fun on this trip." My mom smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek. "It's alright dear. Now let's get started. Hey (Y/n) can you be double sure you have everything, because we leave tomorrow morning." I nodded "Alright mom." And I went into my room.

I looked around and saw that my pendant was on the window sill.

I grabbed it and put it around my neck. My parents gave me this pendant for my 10th birthday and they said it would protect me from harm. I always believe what they told me is true. I kept looking around and found my anime collection was out. I picked some titles to bring like "Fairy Tail, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Rwby" and I also looked at my phones battery. It was at 100% so I took it off the charger. I put in the anime and charger into my suitcase and put it beside my bed.

-Timeskip to dinner-

Mom and Dad finally finished packing and with all our hard work we decided to have something special. My mom's best Salisbury Steak! Completed with mashed potatoes and brown gravy. She handed out the plates and gave Kitsue some steak too. I sunk my teeth into the steak and I felt like I was is food heaven! "You really enjoy your mom's steak huh?" I looked to my left and saw Kitsue staring at me. I nodded and continued eating. I could never make my cooking this delicious in a million years! I loved cooking and baking much more than my passion for anime. It was something I loved to do with my family. We all continued to eat until all our plates were clean. Mom did the dishes while me and dad checked on our luggage. Everything was okay and so we decided to crash for the night. This is going to be the best day of my life!





Or at least I thought it was.

-Timeskip to middle of the night-

I was asleep as sweet as I could dreaming the night away. I was dreaming of our trip to Paris and everything was going smoothly. Until... BAM! BAM! I immediately woke up and heard gunfire coming from the outside. My mom ran into my room completely out of breath. "(Y-Y/N) YOU HAVE...TO LEAVE NOW!" She looked very distraught. "M-Mom?! What's wrong?" "TERRORISTS! THAT'S WHAT'S WRONG! YOU HAVE TO LEAVE!" I was starting to get scared. "Wait why do I have to leave, can't we leave together?" She shook her head. "No (Y/n) we can't. We made a promise before you were born. It's that we would protect you no matter what." I began to get teary eyed. "Mom... don't... please you have to come with me...". Tears began to fall from her eyes and she gave me a hug then pulled away. "(Y/n)... here." She then gave me a ticket, a ticket to the airport. "Mom... isn't this one of the tickets for our trip?" She nodded. "Go (Y/n). Shiro will be waiting for you." She got up and began to leave, but before she could I got up and gave her a hug. "I love you mom." She hugged back. "I love you too (Y/n)." She then left.

I quickly put on a black T-shirt, pants and black socks and shoes that will help me blend in the dark and I also put on my pendant. I let Kitsue out of his cage and grabbed my suitcase and went for the back door. I reached for the knob... until I heard grunting near the front. I decided to check it out. "No (Y/n) get back here!" Kitsue yelled quietly. I ignored Kitsue and peeked at the front window by pulling the curtains. I saw my mom and dad held down by the terrorists and I felt the urge to stop them, but I stayed there. One of the terrorists held up a gun "H-He isn't going to-" before I could finish my thought... BAM! BAM!

Both my mom and dad... lie dead on the ground. I... I was terrified... they killed them a-and it could be me next. I quickly went to the back door and grabbed my suitcase and opened the door. I ran outside with Kitsue by my side. I can't believe and dad... are dead. I could have stopped it, but I was too scared. No... I can't think like that. We kept running into the direction of the airport. "Wait." I looked back and Kitsue was looking back. "What's wrong Kitsue?" He looks at me. "I think we're being followed." My eyes widened. "A-Are you sure Kitsue?" He nods and I was beginning to shake. "Don't worry (Y/n) I'll draw their attention." Now I was shaking more. "B-But Kitsue..." he gave me a determined look. "Don't worry I'll be fine. I'll catch up I promise. Just go!" I gulped and nodded and began to run to the airport again.

I didn't look back. I kept on running and running until I could run no more. At least I finally made it to the airport and thank goodness it was open. I walked in tired from running, it feels cold and dead. It's so quiet. I thought that would help me, but it just makes it worse. I'm scared and I couldn't sleep, so I just stayed up until it was time for the flight. I'm glad I managed to get way from those people, but now I have no family, and I have to travel to Paris alone.

Something then came from the intercom. "Now boarding Plane 57 for departure to Paris. All boarders head to gate 6 for departure." I got up and went to gate 6 and I showed the gate lady my ticket and passport. She gave me a smile and said "Enjoy your flight." I nodded with barely enough energy to smile or walk. I walked onto the plane and went to find my seat. I was on a window seat and I managed to find it. I put my suitcase up and sat down. I looked out the window and all the memories came to my mind. I sighed and began to cry. "What has become of my life now?"

Now this is a beginning! Thanks for reading. Vote! Comment! And Share! See ya next time!

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