
(Y/n)'s POV

I wiped my tears and gave Chat a hug. "Thank you Chat. It makes me happy to know that you care." I let go and went to the people that were once turned to stone. "I'm sorry everyone for what Siren did. I hope you can forgive me." They all gave me a smile and nodded. Then I saw Chloé. I was afraid to approach her. She saw me and then walked to me. I was so scared that I moved back. This kept going until I hit something hard. When I turned around it was Chat and I blushed. "S-Sorry Chat." He gives me a smile and pointed to something behind me.

Chloé was right behind me and I was scared that I was going to get hurt again. "Hey (Y/n)..." she spoke in a soft tone. "Wait... what is she doing?" She continued. "I'm... s-sorry for all those terrible things I've said to you." I was shocked! Chloé is apologizing! A part of me thought this was a trick, but the rest of me wanted to forgive her. After all we all deserve a second chance. "It's alright Chloé. Although what you said was hurtful, I'll forgive you." She smiled and gave me a hug. I hugged back.

I let go and turned to Chat and Ladybug. "Thank you so much for saving me! Please let me show my gratitude!" They both shook their head. "No need to thank us. We were just doing our job." Ladybug said. I then heard a beep. "Whoops gotta go. Bug out!" Then she left leaving Chat behind. Chat then looked at me and smiled. "Well I gotta go to. Gotta keep the rest of Paris safe. See you later!" He winked at me and I blushed. Then he left.

"Wha-what was that? Why is my face red?" My heart was pounding out of my chest. "Do... do I like him?" I mean he was very kind and considerate. But I just met him! How can I like someone that I just met?! T-Then again it was the same for Adrien. I barely met him and I already liked him. Ugh! I'm only in Paris for a day and already I have two crushes!

Speaking of which, where is Adrien? I looked around and I couldn't see him. I also noticed that Marinette wasn't around either. I just hope that they managed to get away during the attack. "HEY (Y/N)!" I turned around and saw Adrien heading towards me. I waved at him as he got closer. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah I'm fine. It's thanks to Chat Noir and Ladybug that I'm safe." He smiled at me. I was wrong before. I do have friends that do care for me. I've forgotten this feeling. It feels nice to feel this was again. Adrien then saw Chloé who looked away. "Chloé..." he sounded dark for a moment. "Adrien... I'm sorry. I already apologized... I understand if you still hate me." His dark attitude changed. "No I don't hate you... I'm glad you apologized and I guess after this I'll be your friend again." Chloé smiled bright. "YAY!" But Adrien interrupts. "ONLY if you try to be nice from now on." Chloé nods and gives Adrien a hug. I then saw Marinette running behind Adrien heading to me. Chloé pulled away and went behind me. "Hey (Y/n) are you okay? I just saw Ladybug and Chat Noir come out of the school." I nodded. "Yeah I'm fine. And... thank you both. It's nice to know that I know have friends that care about me." The both smiled. "Marinette, Adrien... umm... can I have your numbers? So I can talk to you?" They nodded which made me smile. I handed them my phone and they began to put in their numbers. When they were passing it to each other they touched hands and I saw Marinette blush. "She likes him too huh? Guess I'm not the first. Ugh! Great now this will get more complicated!"

-Timeskip to end of the school day-

After the school day ended I got Alya's, Nino's, Nat's, and even Chloé and Sabrina's numbers. We walked out of the classroom and went to the front of the school. As I looked around I saw the Eiffel Tower and a thought struck me. "Ladybug and Chat Noir are super heroes so they patrol. Maybe I'll find them there and I'll show them my gratitude!" A big smile went across my face as the thought crossed my mind. I then saw Shiro waiting for me and so I waved goodbye to my new friends and went into the car. I buckled up and went home.

Once we got home I placed my stuff on my bed next to the wolf plush I got from the airport. I looked outside my window and saw the Eiffel Tower. I sighed thinking of what I should do to show thanks to Ladybug and Chat Noir. Then a thought struck me. "Why don't I sing a song? That's the best way to shown how grateful I am for them helping me!" I smiled and went outside my room and went downstairs.

"Hey Shiro can I ask you something?" He nods. "Yeah go ahead." I started to get nervous worried that he'll say no. "Can I explore Paris? I want to get to know more of this place if I wanna hang out with my friends." He looks at me. "Only if you have your phone on you and if you need anything or if you feel in danger call me." I nodded and ran to Shiro and hugged him. Then I let him go and went upstairs to grab my phone and I grabbed a (S/f/c) jacket in case it got cold. I went back downstairs and went outside the door.

I began to look around and I began to walk t the school just to get a sense of where things are. After that I walked to the park and on my way I saw a bakery, filled with pastries, macaroons, cakes, and sweets. I licked my lips just wanting to taste them. While looking inside I saw two adults that seemed to be a couple, they saw me and motioned me to come inside. I noticed and walked inside the bakery. "Oh hello are you (Y/n) by chance?" The woman asked. I nodded and she and the man smiled. The man spoke. "Well nice to meet you. My name is Tom and this is my wife Sabine. We're Marinette's parents." My eyes widened. "You're Marinette's parents?!" They both nodded. "Marinette has told us about you being the new student in school and recently moving from America." Really? She talked about me? They both smiled and then I heard a voice. "Hey mom and dad I'm going to go hang out with Alya. I'll be back soo-" she stopped speaking when she saw me. "(Y-Y/n)!" I stood there and waved at her. She looked at her parents. "You guys didn't say..." they nodded. "Ugh... Papa, mama..." they smiled.

I kept looking around the shop and noticed some macaroons. I wanted some, so I reached in my pockets to see if I have any money. I pulled out nothing. "Ah... right..." I left all my money back home. I need to remind Shiro to call the moving company to move all our stuff. Marinette noticed and whispered to her mom and dad. They nodded and got out a small box of macaroons. "This is a welcome present. So welcome to Paris!" I smiled at grabbed the box. "Thank you! I hope to see you guys soon!" I then left and continued exploring.

I kept exploring until I reached the Eiffel Tower, the entire point of my journey. I placed the box of macaroons down and went into the front of the Tower. I breathed deeply in and out, preparing for the song I was about to sing.

Chat Noir's POV

I was out patrolling the city making sure everything was okay. I couldn't stop thinking about the smile that (Y/n) had. It's makes me happy to know that I can make him smile. "Hey Chat!" I turned around and saw Ladybug. "Hey LB..." she looked at me with concern. "Hey are you okay?" I nodded. "Yeah I'm fine, just got something on my mind..." Ladybug smirked. "(Y/n) perhaps?" My eyes widened. "H-How did you-" she interrupted me. "It's pretty obvious that you like him Chat. Normally we would do a fist bump, but you left me hanging." I looked away in embarrassment. "Sorry about that Ladybug..."

She smiles at me. "Hey don't worry about it. If it makes you feel better I ship you two." My face grew red as a tomato. "Y-You ship us?!" She smiles and nods. I feel so embarrassed. I then hear something... it's music.
"Ladybug do you hear that?" We stop and listen. "Yeah I do... where is it coming from?" I listened closely. "Follow me!" I then followed the music to its source.

I continued following the music until I reached the Eiffel Tower. "This is where the music is coming from..." I looked around and tried to find something that is making the music. Then I see (Y/n) at the base moving to the beat of the music. It looks like he's about to sing...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"In the white light, a hand reaches through. A double edge blade cuts your heart in two. Waking dreams fade away, embrace the brand new day. Sing with me a song of Birthrights and Love! The light scatter to the sky above! Dawn breaks through the gloom, white as a bone. Lost in thoughts all alone!"

He sounded beautiful, his song sounded like angels. I went to the Eiffel Tower and went to (Y/n). "That's a good voice you got there." He got startled "EEP!" He then turned around. "C-Chat! Jeez don't do that you scared me!" I smiled he was fun to tease. "Sorry about that, but once I heard you sing I couldn't help but be attracted to you." He blushed. "C-CHAT! COME ON STOP TEASING ME!" His voice was starting to get higher. "Hahaha! I'm sorry, I'm sorry. So what are you doing out here?" He looked away. "I-I was... just exploring Paris! After all I just got here!" He laughed nervously. "You're lying to me are you?" He stopped laughing. "Umm... no. No I'm not lying." I raised my eyebrow at him, and then he sighed. "Fine... I just came here to sing... for you and Ladybug."

"You wanted to sing for me and Ladybug?" He nods. "Yeah! It was meant to be a thank you for saving me." I smiled. "Well thank you!" I looked around and got an idea. "Hey since you are new, why don't I show you around?" (Y/n) beamed. "Really?! That would be so cool! But wait how are you going to show me around?" I thought for a moment and I finally got an idea. I picked up (Y/n) like I was giving him a piggyback ride. "H-Huh?! Chat put me down!" " Then how are you going to explore?" I smirked and he pouted. "Hmmm... Fine, but can you give me my box of macaroons?" I saw the box and gave it to (Y/n). "Alright are you ready to go?" He nods and we begin our adventure.

I showed him the Louvre Palace, the Trocadéro, the Bourgeois Hotel, and the News Tower. After all that exploring the sun began to set. "Oh no! I have to get home!" (Y/n) sounded worried. "Hey don't worry I'll take you home! So where do you live?" "Ummm..." Oh shoot! I forgot he doesn't know Paris, he's lost." I passed the school and immediately he told me to stop. "I remember now! Head north of the school and I should be able to find my home!" He kept directing me until we reached his home. I arrived at his front door and put him down. "Thank you so much Chat! That was the best time of my life!" I smiled. "No problem (Y/n)!" I then covered my mouth. "Wait how do you know my name?" I have to think of a lie and quick! "Uh I heard some on the students at the school call you that! I assumed that was your name." "Hmmm... alright. Anyway thank you again for showing me around." He then walked inside.

(Y/n)'s POV

Once I got inside the house I placed the Macaroons on the kitchen table and went upstairs to my room. Only to find Shiro inside my room. "You were out for a while." I rubbed the back of my neck. "Yeah sorry Shiro I was so lost with the sights I lost track of time." He then walked to me and ruffled my hair. "Alright but get some sleep, you must've had quite the day." He then left my room and closed the door. I went to change into my comfortable (s/f/c) shirt and (f/c) shorts. I then went to my bed and got under my covers. "Man this day was crazy. Is this what Paris is like most of the time? It's really exciting! Chat Noir is really kind, I guess I really do like him. I want to be just like him and protect my friends! I hope tomorrow will go good and I hope I'll see Chat again." I then closed my eyes and went to sleep

Hey! Thanks for reading! Share! Vote! And comment! Sorry for being offline I'll keep posting when I can. Alright Thanks again! Bye!

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