
(Y/n)'s POV

Does he really mean that? Does he really love me? My heartbeat went insanely fast, it was getting hard to keep calm. "D-Do you really love me?" I asked as my lip quivered from my crying. Chat gives me a big warm smile. "Does this answer your question?" He said, then all of a sudden he got closer to my face and kissed me again. All those dark thoughts disappeared as I melted into the kiss. I felt content, happy, and most of all loved.

Chat then broke the kiss again with a big blush across his face, and mine was no different. I smiled big and said "Yes that does." I was so happy that one of my crushes likes me back. I looked behind Chat and saw Ladybug with her yo-yo out. I then saw a flash and I realized what she was doing. "A-Are you taking pictures?!" I yelled in shock as the blush on my face grew darker from embarrassment. "Hehe... this is pure gold." She said as she lowered her yo-yo. I saw that her nose was bleeding. "Yes (insert M!reader x Chat Noir ship name) for life!" She yelled.

I didn't realize that she was a Yaoi fan girl. But that worsened my blush and I hid my face in Chat's chest. "Hey don't be nervous. Everything's fine so don't worry." Chat said with a big smile. I smiled back. "S-So does this mean that-" then I was interrupted by Chat "Yes."

My heart skipped a beat when he said that. I felt so happy when he was near, I didn't want to let him go. But then I realized what I did before this. Guilt then began to come back. I should talk to them. "Chat... can I ask you something?" He nodded at me. "Sure what is it?" I took a deep breath. "Can you take me to Adrien Agreste? I have to say something to him."

Chat Noir's POV

He wants to talk to me? I don't know what's going through his mind but I know what I'm going to say. "Sure. I'd be glad to." I kneeled down and (Y/n) climbed on me piggyback style. And I was about to jump when Ladybug stopped me. "Hold on let me get a picture!" I smiled and I felt (Y/n) bury his face in my hair, trying to hide his face. I can just imagine what he looks like now. A flash came from her yo-yo and gave me a thumbs up. "I'm so keeping this." She says. I smile and wave off and jump heading to my house.

A few minutes later

After a bit I managed to reach my house and once I landed I put (Y/n) down. "Well here we are." (Y/n)'s face in awe. I forgot he's never seen my house before. "Go on ring the doorbell." I move out of the way and he rings it. A camera shows up and looks at him. "Hello who are you?" I know that voice. It's Natalie. "Um my name is (Y/n), I'm a friend of Adrien. I just came to talk to him." There was a long pause. "I'm sorry but Adrien is not home now. Now have a nice day." She cuts off and the camera turns off.

(Y/n) looks down and frowns. I walk to him a give him a hug. "Hey don't worry I'm sure Adrien will be here soon." He looks at me. "A-Are you sure?" I nod. "Yeah I'm sure." He gives me a big smile and I break the hug. "I'm sorry but I got to go. Stay safe okay?" He smiles and nods. "Alright I will! Thanks kitty!" I blush and smile and then I left.

After I left I looked back to be sure (Y/n) didn't see me. I found another dark alley and hid there. "Claws in." I said. I then transformed back into Adrien and Plagg came out of my ring. "So it now looks like you got what you wanted." Plagg said. I smiled. "Yeah I guess so." But why do I feel sad? I walk out of the alley and walk toward my house. Eventually I saw my house with (Y/n) waiting still. He turns to me and frowns. He started running to me and I'm expecting something bad like a slap, so I prepared for the worse and closed my eyes. I was waiting for it, but instead of a slap I felt a whole weight on my body. I opened my eyes and I see (Y/n) hugging me.

"Adrien... I'm so sorry." He said. "Sorry? What are you sorry for?" I asked. I then heard him sniffle. He was crying. "I'm sorry for yelling at you. I shouldn't have done that. I'm a terrible friend." That hurt my heart hearing him say that. "No it's okay it wasn't your fault, it was mine." He shook his head and looked at me and I saw tears in his eyes. "No it's not. I was just hurt and happy when Kitsue was there. I haven't seen him in a while and I thought he died. I shouldn't have yelled at you and I should've been more calm." Now something sparked my interest. "Died? You thought he died? Why?" He looks at me and was giving a worried look. "I-It's nothing to worry about." He says.

I felt my heart ache for a moment. Why am I feeling like this? I mean I'm with him now right? But then it hit me. He only likes Chat Noir, not Adrien. Should I tell him? No... then he'd be in more danger. Thoughts continue to race through my mind. "Um... Adrien are you okay?" I snap out of my thoughts and look at (Y/n). "Y-Yeah I'm fine." He smiles at me and wipes his tears. "Adrien do you want to walk with me?" I smiled and nodded. "Yeah where do you want to go?" He thinks for a moment. "Home."

(Y/n)'s POV

Adrien nods at me and I walk toward him with a smile. He extends his hand for me and I blush. Does he also like me back? I smile and take his hand and we walk to my house. This is awesome that means it's possible that he does like me. But I'm with Chat, so I can't be with Adrien. It hurts me knowing I can't be with him, but if Adrien found out I think he'd be devastated. I shook my head trying to get rid of those thoughts and tried to smile. I mean if it wasn't for Chat I wouldn't be here now.

A few minutes later

We reach my house and I turn to Adrien and smile. "Thanks Adrien for walking with me." I said. "Heh... no problem (Y/n)" I then go toward my door and reach for the knob. I then turn the knob and open the door and I see Shiro waiting for me. "(Y/N)!" He then gives me a hug. "I'm so sorry! I've been a terrible brother! I put work before you and I've made this mistake before! Putting friends, school, and even Mom and Dad before you! I'm so sorry!" I felt something going down his cheeks. He was crying. I felt terrible for telling him that he need to be a better brother. He was the best brother by far. I always loved him even if he did put others before me because I knew he loved me. It just felt less since he moved. I pat his back while he was hugging me. "I'm sorry too Shiro. I shouldn't have said that. Please can you forgive me?" I said as I began to get teary eyes. "Yes I will, but do you forgive me?" He asked. "Of course I will."

After a minute we let go of each other with tears in our eyes. I'm glad things were back to normal, or as normal as they can be. I then turn to Adrien who looked awkward just standing there. "Thank you Adrien you're a amazing friend! I'm glad I met you! Please let me give you something in return." He shook his head. "No it's okay I don't need anything." Shiro then walked to Adrien and put his hand on his shoulder. "Look Adrien if anyone knows my brother best it's me. He won't stop until you accept his gift." Shiro said. "Um okay. I guess I'll accept it. What is it?"

I went into my room and went though my closet and looked though my belongings. I pulled out a bracelet with some charms. I made this a couple of years ago when I was with my old friends and I accidentally made two extra. One was for me and the other was now his. I went back to the living room where Shiro and Adrien were waiting. I pulled out the bracelet and handed it to Adrien. "Um what's this?" He asks. "This bracelet is a symbol of friendship. I only give it to those I am best friends with, and now this is your's." I said and he smiles. "Thank you (Y/n). I'll keep it close to me." I smile back. "I'm glad. Thanks Adrien for being an awesome friend!" The gives me a hug and I hug back. He felt so warm, but why does it feel familiar?

He lets go of me and walks toward the door. "Well I better get going. Thanks (Y/n) for the bracelet. I'll treasure it always!" I smile and wave. "Alright Adrien have a goodnight." He then heads out the door and leaves. Shiro then walks toward me. "You like him don't you?" I blush. "W-What are you talking about?" I ask. Shiro smirks. "I know the true meaning behind those bracelets. You only give it to those you truly care for. You gave it to your friends before and now Adrien. You must like him!" My blush deepened. "S-Shut up! How do you know that in the first place?!" I said in shock. "Mom and dad told me after you gave them to your friends." I was a blushing mess.

"I-I think I'm going to head to bed." But before I could leave Shiro gives me one more hug. "(Y/n) I also have great news." I look at him. "You know how your friends wanted to be pop stars right?" I nod. "Well I have great news, my boss just gave me tickets for their concert here in Paris and it's only in two days!" My eyes widened. "Wait you mean-" He nods. "Yup DDLC is coming to Paris!"

My eyes flared to life. I'll finally see them again! "Awesome! I can't wait!" He then let go of me and I went into my room. "Finally after a year apart I can see them again! So much has happened today. Though there are some things I want to forget there are many things I will always remember. Chat and I are together and Adrien and I are closer. Shiro and I are becoming better brothers and Kitsue is back." With all these good things in my mind I didn't acknowledge the bad, but I feel really tired. So I changed into my pajamas and went under my sheets. A new day is soon and I can't wait!

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