{ Sayori's P.O.V }
"Come on, We are just entering the cloud," Father motioned for us to follow him. He showed the men the scroll, they brought us to their Raikage's office.
"Sasuke, its good to see you again," he looked sorta young to be a Kage, but I guess all the Kages now do. "Well don't be rude who are these young ones?" The Raikage crossed her arms and leaned against his desk.
"My children, Haru and Sayori Uchiha. You know my wife, Hinata Uchiha," he pointed to us and we stepped up.
"Family mission, sounds fun," he laughed. "The package is a person, Killer bee," My Father's eyes became dead. He lost complete interest in the situation. Mother smiled and laughed. Who was this Killer bee?
"Non-stop hours.. Of that squid loving bee raping?" The door swung open, Haru and I turned around to see a man ridiculously dressed.
"Yo, yo, yo,"
"Shh! Killer bee, Sasuke has a headache," My mother just lied? Why? "It's good to see you."
"You look so nice, its better than rice," He through his hands all over the place. Mother laughed and shook her head. Father finally turned around and sighed.
"I'm not Naruto, I won't play the fool with you. Let's go," Father walked out and Haru followed. He wasn't even worried about if we knew who that guy was.
"Sayori, come on, I'll explain everything as we leave," Mother smiled and walked out the door behind the killer bee guy. We just kept following Father. I wonder if we were going to leave right away. I remember when Father and I visited here. We were taking a break from the mission, I had so much fun meeting the people here and trying to different foods.
"His name is Killer Bee?" I walked next to Mother as I gave him a look.
"He is the Eighth Jinchuriki, he was the one that survived with the Seventh Hokage and helped him control Kurama," Mother explained.
"Oh, and why does he need to go to Sunagakure?" I hadn't seen the scroll and Father didnt give much detail just that there was a package needed to be delivered but much less a person. Why do we even have to protect someone who already has a tailed beast inside them?
"Probably to visit the Fifth Kazekage, a former Jinchuriki," she shrugged. I didn't know the Fifth Kazekage was a Jinchuriki. I guess I didn't find out that much when visiting with Father.
"Hina!" Father called to my Mother and she smiled and walked by him. He put his arm around her shoulder and they talked. I could see her smiling and laughing.
"Haru," he looked at me out the corner of his eye. "Let's go explore," he just shook his head. "Come on, Don't you want to make memories with you little sister," I smiled as big as I could trying to hold in a laugh. He chuckled and stopped walking.
"What did you have in mind?" We both jumped out the nearest window with out our parents and that bee noticing.
"Come on, this way," I ran towards what looked like a ramen shop. I didn't remember the cloud well enough to say I know where everything is. We ran inside, it was a Morning bar but not many people were there.
"What's this, Sayori?" Haru stood in front of me checking the place out. "Have you ever been here?"
"No," a man obviously drunk walked over to us and poked Haru. His frown was now known to the world. "I thought this was a ramen shop."
"What you got there boy?" The man was wearing a vest with a symbol on his arm he must be one of the anbu from this village.
"My sister, and were leaving," Haru turns around and heads for the door. I felt something touch me, I turned around and flipped the man over my shoulder twisting his arm as he hit the floor.
"Sayori Uchiha, you might want to remember that next time you com after me," I had my Sharingan activated and my Byakugan had come in. Haru just laughed at the man. I let him go and walked away. Maybe we shouldn't have made a scene.
"There here," I heard someone speak low. "With the Brother as well." The man I slammed on the ground laughed.
"I never thought it would be so easy to find you, Uchiha!" He had this creepy smile on his face. Haru grabbed me and ran out the door. He was running as fast as he possibly could. Mother and Father were probably looking for us by now.
"Those people out after us, Uchiha and Hyuga children," Haru started to explain as we ran through the village jumping from house to house. "It's an elite group of anbu from each village that the double person of Kiba and Shino. They were the only ones without children and seemed as though that's the reason they didn't disappear. He has been after us because before the Sasuke from the other disappeared he wanted us," I looked around, three men were chasing us.
"Mother knew about this and didn't tell Father?" I looked at Haru. Because Father would have told me about this if he had known so he didn't know.
"She did and he doesn't," Haru turned around. "Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!" He fire ball dodged people and hit the people chasing us. He had learn how to control fire. "Chidori Stream!" He put his hand down and a big stream of lightning swings in the air. He swing it into one of the men chasing us almost hitting a building. "Sayori keeping moving towards the entrance of the cloud."
I ran and soon he followed I didn't know that this would be so dangerous. My mother left out pieces of the information and suddsuddenly we are trying to be killed. If she had told Father about this it wouldn't have been so bad. If these men are elite we need to from Mother and Father we won't be able to fight them on our own.
"Sayori!" I turned around and Haru grabbed my arm. He must have teleported because when I blinked I was at the entrance of the cloud. It was a trap. There the Double Shino Aburame and four more anbu were standing.
"You have made such a mess in the cloud, we can't let you leave," one of the anbu laughed. Haru and I haven't fought together sense we were children..
"Those eyes do look scary," Double Shino had his face covered as always. I never really went to the academy as a child so I don't really know him. Kiba and Shino didn't talk to my mother as much because she was with my father. They always hung out with Uncle Naruto and Auntie Sakura.
Suddenly I felt a sting in my arm. There was a bug on me, "Ew!" I moved it off my shoulder and shook my body. "That thing bite me."
"It injected a poison into your body that knocks you out for twenty four hours," Double Shino explained before everything went dark.
{ Sasuke's P.O.V }
"You know the kids snuck off right?" Hinata looked at me. I nodded.
"Sayori has been here before, she won't get into any trouble," I looked at the sky and there was a flash of light. Chidori?
"Sasuke, we should always be near them just in case," Hinata seemed worried about something and wasn't telling me what it was.
"Why is that?" We were sitting outside of killer bee's brother's place. The former Raikage. He said he needed to talk some business before they left.
"We are there parents.." She was looking down now I know there is something she isn't saying. "We need to be by them at all times to protect them."
"Is someone after them, Hinata?" I looked at her and she sighed. Like she was debating on weather go tell me if my children were in danger or not. "Hina.."
"Yes.." She spoke low. "Aburame. Inuzuka are after them," she just said last names did she mean the doubles? Kiba hadn't fought in years not sense Haruki and Akamaru.
"What do you mean?" She was giving me piece by piece and I needed the whole story. I know Sayori and Haru can protect themselves but who says they cn face against people that trained with their parents, meaning Hinata and I. I never considered Kiba and Shino a threat but they are very strong individuals.
"Uchiha Sasuke as in the double wanted Sayori and Haru to be in their world with him, he left a note saying if anyone didn't disappear bring Sayori and Haru home some how. Everyone disappeared by Aburame and Inuzuka. I think it was due to the fact of children," she shook her head. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you as soon as I found out."
"Hinata why didn't you tell me?" I heard some yelling and people running.
"Because I knew you would go after them and try and kill them before they got go your kids. I knew that wouldn't be good for Haru and Sayori so I didn't say anything. I found out after you visited the second time," she stood up. "I think they are putting their plan into action we have to go.
"Plan?" They already had a plan and I was completely clueless to what was going on. "Hinata. We're a team we can't do this alone."
"I know, and I'm sorry. We have to find the children before we leave. Hopefully their safe," she knocked on the door to the former Raikages house. Killer bee walked out.
"Yo, yo, yo, it time to go and hit the rode," he waved his hands around and Hinata smiled a bit.
"We need to get the children first they might be in danger and I can't leave without them, we can't," she looked at me then back at Killer Bee.
"Don't rap just come," I put my hand up as if to silence him before he said anything more. I looked at Hinata ad we both teleported to the entrance of the village. Killer bee was right behind us. I saw Sayori and Haru's bodies hit the ground and people grab them.
"Sasuke.." Hinata and I moved as fast as we could chasing the people that had them. I could use any jutsu and risk hurting Haru and Sayori. "Sasuke the body guards that were assigned to Haru and Sayori when they were little are ready to act when I give the call. We planned for the worst." That's my wife.
"How do you plan on catching them?" Killer bee was just following us. It would be better if he tried to help but I told him to shut up in the nicest way I could.
"We know where they are taking them, as long as we get there in time they will be okay," Hinata was keeping up with my speed better than usual. "They are going to try and go home with Haru and Sayori. I don't know how but its gonna happen if we aren't there."
"I'm going get Taka," Hinata nodded. She wasn't a big fan of Suigetsu and Jugo but Sayori seemed to like them and Haru doesn't know them well. Karin probably won't have the time to come. She always says she doesn't. But I know she does.
"Sasuke.. One more thing," I hope this wasn't another thing she was keeping from me. We need to find our kids before some one tries to test them and experiment on them.
"What is it?" I didn't want to stop moving because Haru and Sayori weren't far we could catch up to them in no time at all. Especially with Hinata's tracking skills. Going up against her team will be different and harder of course.
"Haru doesn't want to have anything to do with anyone who turned you against Itachi, and helped you on your journey to kill him. Team Taka will not earn any respect from him," Hinata looked determined to find them as was I, but team Taka would know any business going on with elite anbu. What should I do?
Next time.. Complete Trust
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