22- Have you gone mad?
Mr. Porter looked at Ryker and leaned back into his chair with his hands folded. "So this Christopher is now locked up, where did you end up finding the little prick?"
"Sir.. with all due respect I'm not finished with the investigation , so I ask that all my findings at this point remain only with me until I'm finished with the case and I write up the report."
Mr. Porter gave him an irritated look and groaned as he sat forward "I see. You do know that I am your boss and when I ask questions I am to get answers when I ask. This guy has been on the run for far too long and kidnapped a little girl on top of it, so my question is... where did you find the little prick?"
Ryker didn't know what to say at that moment not wanting to give him too much information, he scratched his head and sighed a little "Since I'm not done with the investigation, and there are still many unanswered questions I will just say that he had the little girl in Mexico." Ryker stood up and started walking to the door, he stopped and turned around "You gave me a week to find him in which I did, now I ask that you let me get the rest of the answers that I need to finish with the case. I will then hand you my report when I'm finished and you'll have all the answers that you're looking for."
He pushed his chair back and sighed not liking Ryker's tone or response "Very well then, I'll wait for your report." He stood up and walked to the door with Ryker "If you see Marcus, send him here please."
Ryker walked away with a bad feeling, he was curious as to why he was so interested in Christopher, and not as involved with the other cases he had handed to him. "Mr. Porter would like to see you." He said to Marcus as he walked past his desk.
"For what?" He asked curiously.
"Got me." He was short with him and continued to walk towards his office.
Ryker went into his office and started digging into Mr. Porter. He didn't come up with much, all he could find on his name were deceased people. "Huh.. that's odd" he said confused. He continued to look further and when nothing came back he decided to put that behind him for now and figure out where he could find Dante and Javier.
Marcus knocked on Mr. Porter's door before walking in "You wanted to see me?"
"Please sit down." He said as he stood up, pointing to the chair. "Have you been speaking to Ryker on the Hannah Olsen case?"
"Somewhat, he's asked for some help with her but that's about it."
"And what would that be?"
"Well.. while he was in San Diego he had asked for me to visit her when she wasn't remembering what had happened to her, he wanted to see if I could trigger her memory. He also had me place her in a home when she got out of the hospital. That's about it, he's been pretty quiet about the case."
"Do me a favor, see what you can get out of him about that case, I was given a deadline and he's gone over that time limit. He's hiding something and I want to know what that is."
"Sir?" He questioned.
"No questions.. just do it."
Marcus left his office and went over to Ryker's office, walking in without a knock. "Hey man what are you doing tonight?"
Ryker sighed as he shifted his eyes to Marcus "Let me guess Mr. Porter has you wanting to get information." Marcus gave him a dumbfounded look and sat in the chair in front of Ryker "I'm not stupid, and get that stupid look off your face."
"What's going on?"
Ryker stood up and walked around his desk and stood behind Marcus, he pulled out his gun and placed it to Marcus's temple and leaned down to him "You tell me... are you in on this shit?"
Marcus felt like he was about to shit his pants and froze "Damn Ryker, get that thing away from me!" He says as he sat there froze not wanting to move. "You better tell me now if you're involved with Christopher, Dante and Javier."
Marcus put his arms up "Ryker you've gone insane, I'm not involved with anything or anyone."
"I swear I'll put a bullet in this head of yours right now if you don't fess up to what's going on around here." He says pressing the gun harder against his temple.
"Have you gone mad? I swear I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm not involved with anything." Marcus says in a panic "Ryker please, I'm your friend dammit!"
Ryker removed the gun from Marcus's head and took a step back. He stood there for a moment, he felt that he was telling him the truth and walked away putting his gun back in his holster. He figured maybe he will be able to help him and finally get down to the bottom of everything. "So you're saying that I can trust you."
"Yes, Jesus Ryker..." He let out a loud sigh of relief and adjusted his tie as he sat up straight "Do you mind telling me what the fuck is going on around here?"
"Grab your shit and come with me, I'm not getting into it here."
Ryker took Marcus out to lunch and explained to him what was going on with everything, what happened in Mexico, Talia's family and that he suspects Mr. Porter might be involved with the case somehow. Ryker took him to a bar on the edge of town, it was nice and with a quiet atmosphere that was aimed towards businessmen. They choose to sit at a booth that was away from everyone, and to where nobody could come up from behind them.
Ryker started explaining what he has been up to, Marcus couldn't believe what he was hearing and had a hard time believing what Ryker was saying. "I'm telling you he is involved, I'm not exactly sure how he is, but the way he has been acting and all this information he wants me to give him I just don't trust him."
"Ryker he's our boss, do you think he would give you a case if he was involved? You're his best guy and knows you can find out anything."
Ryker took a swig of his scotch and set his glass back down. "That's just it, he gave me the case thinking that I would never suspect him, he handed me the case to find the little girl, I honestly believe he knew who attacked Hannah and who took her daughter. He wanted me to find him for him, I just haven't quite figured out why."
They both sat back when the waitress came to their table "Is their anything else that I can get for you?" The waitress asked.
"Get us another round of drinks please." Ryker said politely with a smile.
Marcus sat there thinking, thinking about how Mr. Porter has acted since everything started. "Now that you bring all this up I have noticed a change in him." he then went on to explain when Ryker was out of town, he happened to be gone the same time, and has been leaving the office more claiming meetings with clients.
The waitress brought their drinks to the table and walked away. "If you want to become a better private detective this is one thing I can offer my expertise in, he's guilty of something and he's connected to Christopher. When I searched Mr. Porter nothing came up on him, just deceased people with the same name and age. See what you can find out on him, as for him wanting information on me and what I'm doing.. play along with him and come up with something."
Marcus finished his drink and set it down "So you believe he had something to do with Talia's family as well?"
"I do... so are you in this with me or not."
"Are you going to pull your gun out on me again?"
"If I have to I will, but if you have nothing to do with any of this then you have nothing to worry about." He smiled.
"Then I'm in."
Ryker smiled "Great."
Ryker took Marcus back to the office to drop him off and to start digging on their boss, then left to go pick up Talia. Marcus stared at the door wondering what he was getting himself into, he then took a deep breath before walking in to the building here we go he mumbled, as he walked in he noticed Mr. Porter on the phone exiting the building. He walked in and acted like he needed to see the boss and stood at his door knocking. "Oh he left for the day." Laura said to him as she walked by with a stack of files in her arms.
"Oh alright, I'll just wait until tomorrow then."
Marcus sat down and logged into his laptop, for hours he searched trying to find out all the information he could. He kept coming up with the same as what Ryker came up with. Marcus decided to stay late and after everyone left he quickly went into the boss's office, wanting to see what he could find. He searched his desk and filing cabinets trying to find any little clue that he could, while searching he was having no luck with anything. And took a break to think as he looked around the room, looking at pictures he had up on the walls which showed nothing.
There has to be something here he groaned. He then went back into his filing cabinet searching all the files and found a file with no name, he pulled it out and opened it. There were obituaries and news articles on missing people in the state of Texas, as he flipped through the pages he stopped at one that caught his eye, as he read on his eyes got wide, Stan Porter missing after taking his dog out for a walk.
"Holy fuck." He said loudly in shock. He grabbed the papers he found and shoved the file back where it was and left his boss's office. His heart was racing as he was shoving the paperwork in his briefcase, hoping to get out of there incase someone came back.
He got in his car and kept a lookout making sure that he wasn't being followed and called Ryker telling him what he had found. He then went over to Ryker's home to show him the article and papers that were in the file.
Ryker got off the phone with Marcus and smiled "Marcus is on his way here." He said to Talia.
"I thought you said you don't trust him?"
He chuckled a little and grinned "I had a nice talk with him earlier. He's OK." he says still grinning.
"What kind of talk?" She asked as she walked over and sat down on his lap. "By that grin on your face I take it wasn't a nice talk."
"We had a good talk, just know that." He winked.
"Ryker?" She begged.
"Talia.." He looked at her and saw the look in her eyes. "OK fine, I pulled my gun out on him and made him talk. He is definitely not involved with them guys, but as for my boss I'm not so sure about him. I asked Marcus to help me out with this investigation, maybe with the two of us we can both our heads together and figure it out."
"Mr. Porter?" She curiously asked "I got a bad vibe from him when he was in your office the other day, I swear I know him from somewhere and it isn't the coffee shop."
"Well Marcus is on his way over, he found something out about him and is coming over to show what he found."
Marcus was nervous driving over to Ryker's home, he continued to look in his rearview mirror making sure he wasn't being followed. When he arrived he grabbed his briefcase and walked up to the door and knocked. Talia opened the door and smiled "Nice to see you again."
"Likewise, I'm here to see Ryker."
"Come in."
Ryker walked in and sat down at the table opening his briefcase "You're not going to believe this, I'm not sure if this means anything or not but they are the same name." He says pulling the papers out and handing them over to Ryker.
Ryker and Talia looked at what he had found, and were shocked to read what Marcus discovered. "So is he really Mr. Porter or is he using this missing person's identity?" Talia asked.
"That's what we're going to find out." Says Ryker.
Hope the chapter wasn't too boring and you enjoyed it!😊😊😊
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