Wrestlemania Night 2
(A/N: Just know that this could be the last chapter of my entire writing career thanks to this fucking app.
I hope this chapter makes you happy because to me, that matters more than anything.
~With Anthony~
After yesterday, when Eimi and I reunited, it has gotten so much better. We obviously had a great time with our reunion and it was an emotional day for both of us. It really made me happy to see her again as I really enjoyed her company once again.
After staying at the hotel, I showered dressed, and I walked down to get some breakfast, but I saw that Eimi was sitting at a table by herself.
Instead of letting her be alone, I decided to walk from behind and let her know that I was here, but when I did...
Me: Ciao dolcezza! (Hey, sweetheart!)
She jumped, looked at me, and laughed really hard as I did too.
Eimi: Anthony, non spaventarmi così! (Anthony, don't scare me like that!)
Me: Scusa. Ho pensato che avrei potuto farti un piccolo scherzo. (Sorry. Thought I might play a little prank on ya.)
We hugged as she was still giggling from what I just did. I always thought her laughing is so cute. Like, her laughing is just adorable to me, I don't know if anyone would find it as that.
I do know that she tried speaking English while reading fan comments about her, and it was so cute that I wanted to come over and laugh with them.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
She's just adorable, how can everyone not love her?
Me: Lasciami andare a fare colazione e parliamo. Suona bene? (Let me go get some breakfast and we'll talk. Sounds good?)
Eimi: Suona bene. (Sounds good.)
I patter her shoulder and looked to get my breakfast, which all I got was a piece of toast, scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns, and some ketchup with a sweet tea and some water.
When I walked back to Eimi, she seemed to be always happy whenever I'm around her, you know?
As I sat down, we got to talking, but I just noticed something about her as I'm about to bring it up.
Me: Mi sono appena accorto che non sei truccata. (I just realized, you don't have any makeup on.)
Eimi: Io non? (I don't?)
Me: Sì. (Yeah.)
Eimi: Ne metterò qualcuno, allora. (I'll put some on, then.)
Me: No, no, no. Tienilo così. Ti sta bene. Sei comunque più bella senza trucco. (No no no. Keep it like that. It suits you. You're more beautiful without the makeup anyway.)
Eimi: Lo sono davvero? (Am I really?)
Me: Ovviamente! Voglio dire, almeno per me. (Of course! I mean, to me at least.)
She looked away a bit and blushed as I knew I made a mistake, and I had to apologize.
Guys flirting is actually not a thing in Japan, but girls flirting with guys is a thing, so I kinda feel like I broke one of the culture's rules a little bit and I have to apologize, just to compensate.
Me: Mi dispiace. Non avrei dovuto farlo. (I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that.)
Eimi: No, no. Va bene. Mi è piaciuto, in realtà. (No, no. It's okay. I liked that, actually.)
Me: Fate? (You do?)
Eimi: Sì, decisamente meglio di quella volta che un ragazzo a caso mi ha chiesto di sposarlo. (Yeah, definitely better than the time a random guy proposed to me.)
Me: Ne hai una foto? (You have a picture of that?)
Eimi: Certo che lo faccio. (Sure do.)
Me: Mi piacerebbe vederlo. (I'd like to see it.)
She then pulled up her phone, pulled up the picture, and what I saw made me laugh my ass off!
Me: Aspettare! Quello è Nosawa?! (Wait! Is that Nosawa?!)
Eimi: Certo lo è. Voleva che venissi ad uno dei suoi spettacoli, ma come puoi vedere ho rifiutato. (Sure is. He wanted me to come to one of his shows, but I turned him down as you can tell.)
Me: Povero ragazzo, probabilmente aveva un sorriso sulle labbra e un'erezione nei pantaloni quando ti ha visto, e quando lo hai rifiutato, ha urlato ed è corso nella direzione opposta piangendo. (Poor guy, he probably had a smile on his face and a boner in his pants when he saw you, and when you rejected him, he screamed and ran in the opposite direction while crying.)
Eimi (laughing): Posso capire che! (I can see that!)
She and I just cracked up as it was such a funny thing to see, but I knew I said something very inappropriate and I gotta apologize to her.
Me: Scusate per la seconda parte della prima parte del mio arrosto. Non era mia intenzione essere un po' inappropriato. (Sorry for the second part of the first part of my roast. Wasn't my intention to be a bit inappropriate.)
Eimi: Ehi, posso perdonarlo perché quello che hai appena detto è molto vero! (Hey, I can forgive that because what you just said is very true!)
I would've said this to her if it wasn't Nosawa, but I might as well say it now while she doesn't know about it: I wouldn't be surprised if it was another fat fuck wanting to fuck her when in reality, he'll probably have a stroke before he could get one stroke in.
With Eimi looking for guys in their forties that wear glasses, it's no surprise that she's still looking after all this time.
Eimi: Oltre a ciò, ieri mi sono davvero divertito con te, Tony. (Besides that, I really had fun with you yesterday, Tony.)
Me: Lo stesso con te. È semplicemente passato troppo tempo dall'ultima volta che ci vediamo. (Same with you. It's just been too long since we've seen each other.)
Eimi: Sono d'accordo. Voglio dire, visto che lavoriamo entrambi in aziende diverse e ora rimarremo nella stessa, ne vale la pena. (I agree. I mean, with both of us working in different companies and now we're gonna be staying in the same one, it's all worth it.)
Me: Sì, lo è, soprattutto nella mia città natale, Philadelphia. (Yeah, it is, especially in my hometown of Philly.)
Eimi: Allora cosa stavi facendo? (So, what have you been up to?)
Me: Facevo wrestling ogni volta che potevo. Una rivalità qua e una rivalità là, ma niente di che. (Just wrestling whenever I could. A rivalry here and a rivalry there, but nothing much.)
Eimi: Ancora nessun campionato? (No Championships yet?)
Me: Non ancora. Sto aspettando il momento giusto per essere spintonato, sai? (Not yet. I'm waiting for the right time to be pushed, you know?)
Eimi: Devi essere spinto qualche volta. Non puoi semplicemente rimanere in una posizione. (You gotta be pushed sometime. You can't just stay in one position.)
Me: So che. Spero di parlare con Shawn della possibilità di vincere alcuni campionati. Oltre a ciò, quando si terrà la conferenza per la promozione di Rossy? (I know that. I'm hoping to talk to Shawn about going after some Championships. Besides that, when is the conference for Rossy's promotion coming up?)
Eimi: Pochi giorni dopo il tuo spettacolo a NXT. (A few days after your NXT show.)
Me: Ah, beh, prima di allora, che ne dici di avere il tempo di unirti a me questo martedì? Posso provare a realizzarlo. (Ah, well, before then, how would you like to have the time to tag with me this Tuesday? I can try to make it happen.)
Eimi: Oh, Tony. Non so se posso. (Oh, Tony. I don't know if I can.)
Me: Dai. È a questo che servono gli amici. (Come on. It's what friends are for.)
Eimi: Ho la mia attrezzatura con me, ma non credo che ne valga la pena perché abbiamo un programma serrato. (I have my gear with me, but I don't think it's worth it because we have a tight schedule.)
Me: Che ne dici di questo: pagherò per i futuri appuntamenti dal chiropratico, solo per renderlo giusto? (How about this: I'll pay for the future chiropractor appointments, just to make it fair?)
Eimi: Lo faresti davvero? (Would you really?)
I smiled before saying,
Me: Ehi, sono il tuo migliore amico, lo direi se non lo dicessi sul serio? (Hey, I'm your best friend, would I say it if I didn't mean it?)
Eimi: Ok, ne parlerò con Rossy. Inoltre, sarà la prima volta dopo molto tempo che faremo squadra, se mi danno il "ok". (Okay, I'll talk to Rossy about it. Besides, it'll be the first time in a long time that we've teamed up, if I'm given the "okay".)
Me: È così? Quanto tempo è passato? Due, tre anni? (Is that so? How long has it been? Two, three years?)
Eimi: Sì, dal 2021. (Yeah, since 2021.)
Me: Come vola il tempo. Fammi parlare con Shawn e vediamo cosa possiamo fare. (How time flies. Let me talk to Shawn and see what we can do.)
Eimi: Andare avanti. E parlerò con Rossy. (Go ahead. And I'll talk to Rossy.)
Me: Suona bene. (Sounds good.)
I called Shawn and looked to get his approval while I saw Eimi texting Rossy. I'm sure he would be fine with the idea of her tagging with me in a match on NXT.
After a while, I got a text back, and it was the answer I was hoping for.
Shawn: If she has her gear with her, I can make it happen!
I texted back...
Me: Grazie, Shawn. You don't know how much it means to me.
Shawn: I kinda figured from last night lol
I kinda laughed about it when Shawn told me, but I was alright with him knowing about Eimi and I'd friendship.
I looked back at Eimi, and she smiled at me with the most beautiful smile I've ever seen, saying,
Eimi: Rossy ha approvato, e che mi dici di Shawn? (Rossy approved, and what about Shawn?)
Me: Ha detto che se hai la tua attrezzatura con te, lo farà accadere. (He said if you got your gear with ya, he'll make it happen.)
We both celebrated by hugging and just laughing, knowing that it was the first time in a long time that we were going to tag together, however, we had to be at the Eagles' stadium for Wrestlemania.
~6:00 PM~
We were gonna stay up in a skybox while the show was going on, and I was alright with that, but Eimi had to go on ahead so she could secure the seats for us.
I let her do what she needed to do as I took a few pics with the fans and signed some autographs.
To me, this is what I love, more than just wrestling in general.
I know that Eimi is gonna hate for what I'm about to say, but I actually don't give a damn about the championships, the money, the fame, and the success. I'm only in this sport because I love it.
My relationship with the fans is complex because of how far they can go to be just bigots and smart fans about their favorites.
Even with the women on NXT, they gotta be a certified nerd virgin to think that every NXT woman is gonna have sex with them. I'm telling you, those kinds of fans never felt a woman's insides in their life and their attitude just proves it every time they bitch and moan about something.
To all the fans that are seeing this, seeing CM Punk take pictures with the young NXT girls, when those types of fans simp for them, don't even think for a second that they're gonna be the ones to take a picture with your fat asses. STOP IT!
Anyway, I was given a text from Eimi that the place was ready and I was allowed to come up.
Once I did via elevator, I saw Eimi just smiling and showing off the outside of the arena.
Seriously, Eimi is just one of the most beautiful girls I've ever met, and I will fight anyone who disagrees with my statement.
Eimi: スカイボックスへようこそ! (Welcome to the skybox!)
Me: ええ、間違いなくそうです。 (Well, I definitely am.)
Eimi: 君のために席を取っておいたよ。 (Saved a seat for ya.)
Me: それはありがたいですね。それで、あなたにとって有利な試合はどれですか? (And I appreciate that. So, which match do you have going for you?)
Eimi: コーディ対ローマン。彼が物語を終わらせてくれることを願います。 (Cody vs Roman. I hope he finishes his story.)
Me: コーディ対ローマン。彼が物語を終わらせてくれることを願います。 (I wanna see him lose tonight.)
Eimi: しばらく様子を見てみましょう。 (Let's see what happens.)
I sat down next to her as I just saw that our hands touched. She looked down, blushed and pulled her hand away immediately as I felt heat on my face.
Eimi: ごめんなさい。私のせいでした。 (I'm sorry. It was my fault.)
Me: いやいや。それは私のせいです。そんなことをするべきではなかった。 (No no. It's my fault. I shouldn't have done that.)
Then, it was an awkward silence as we just blushed together and apologized, but the fun for Wrestlemania was about to come.
~Before The Main Event~
We were just having a great time and just loving the show, but I then received a text from Paul, and I had to see what he wanted.
He said,
Paul: Hunter wants you to make an appearance tonight, in the main event with Cody and Roman. Can you make it?
I then replied back with...
Me: Of course I can. Let me say bye to my friend real quick.
Paul: Take your time, no rush.
I then turned to Eimi,
Me: Ehi, Eimi, vado velocemente in bagno. (Hey, Eimi, I'm gonna head to the bathroom real quick.)
Eimi: Ti aspetterò. (I'll wait for you.)
She smiled as I patted her shoulder and walked out, leaving her up here, but when I got to where the wrestlers were, I saw Paul waiting for me. It was awesome to see him, and I bet it'll go the same for Hunter.
Paul: Anthony! Great to see you here.
Me: How you doin, Paul?
We hugged as Hunter shook my hand, and I was looking forward to whatever they got for me.
Hunter: You got your gear with you, right?
Me: Oh, I'm supposed to?
Hunter: Don't worry about it, what you have on is good enough.
Me: Alright.
Hunter: You're gonna stop Rock from whipping Cody with the weight belt, but do whatever you can to make it look good.
Me: Hey, I can do that, so I'm pretty sure it is gonna look good.
Hunter: I trust you on that. Paul was telling me about how good you can be with this stuff, so whatever you need to do, alright?
Me: Sounds good.
~Cody vs Roman; Finish~
Luckily, Rock and everyone else don't know that I was gonna help Cody win the Championship from Roman and I know that Eimi is gonna lose it when my music plays.
Cody was being whipped my Rock as it looked like he was gonna do it again, but when he said this...
Rock: Get up, boy! Huh!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
The crowd popped immediately, just as loud as they could be and I was really loving it while Rock was stunned, he looked back at the entranceway to see the American and Italian flags with woodland camo and my name on the titantron.
When I came out, I was met with a bigger pop from the fans and I'm pretty sure Eimi is losing her shit right now, probably wanting to give me a piece of her mind for not telling her.
Graves: The hometown hero! The NXT Superstar is not happy with what Rock is doing, and he looks like he's going to war!
Cole: Mancini, a veteran in his own right, lost his lower left ankle area during his service, he knows what it means to get the job done, and Cody is about to get some backup!
After walking down the ramp as carefully as I could, since I'm on a prosthetic leg, I slid in, and attacked Rock with a tackle and started laying in some punches until he pushed me off!
He then got up as I picked him up...
McAfee: Hey, Rock!
...and performed my...
McAfee: You better CARLO SOMEBODY, because you just got your ass beat!
I then celebrated a little bit before looking at the skybox where Eimi was in. She must be pissed off right now, but I know she would forgive me when I tell her the whole story.
I went out of the ring and walked up the ramp to see Cody hit Roman with three Cross Rhodes before pinning him for the three count, finally ending Roman's reign as Undisputed WWE Champion.
I was all for him winning because it's been since last year that he's been wanting the title his father never got to hold, and now he has it.
When I walked into the gorilla position, Hunter and the others were happy with what I've done out there.
Hunter: They loved you, man.
Me: Well, I am from Philly.
Hunter: That's true, but before you go, there's someone who wants to see you.
He moved to the side and it was Eimi.
She was angry. She looked she wanted to beat me as if I owed her money!
Then, out of nowhere, she slapped my face!
Me: Ow! Per che cos'era quello? (What was that for?)
Eimi: Non mi avevi detto che avresti preso parte a tutto questo. (You didn't tell me you were gonna be a part of this.)
Me: Nemmeno io lo sapevo. Paul mi ha inviato un messaggio in precedenza e voleva che ne facessi parte dato che sono di qui. (I didn't know either. I was messaged earlier by Paul and he wanted me to be a part of it since I'm from here.)
Eimi: Adesso ti stai spiegando? (Now you're explaining yourself?)
Me: Eimi, mi dispiace. Pensavo che saresti stato felice di poterti dare il bentornato a casa, sai? Era qualcosa che non pensavo di ottenere. Intendo- (Eimi, I'm sorry. I thought you would be happy I get to have a welcome home, you know? It was something I didn't think I would get. I mean-)
Eimi: EHI! (Hey!)
Me: Che cosa? (What?)
Eimi kept her angry look on her face until she smiled, pointed at me, and said,
Eimi: Gotcha!
Hunter and the others, including Eimi started to crack up, making me feel embarrassed about what just happened.
Eimi: Ti avevo, ammettilo! (I had you, admit it!)
I then had to lie again and say that she didn't.
Me: No, non mi hai capito. (Nah, you didn't get me.)
Eimi: Non la pensi così? Posso letteralmente sentire l'odore della merda nei tuoi pantaloni! (You don't think so? I can literally smell the crap in your pants!)
We were cracking up as I have to admit myself that Eimi knew how to pull a pretty good prank on me.
Eimi and I always pulled ribs on each other and it was a lot of fun, so this is kinda like what we would do whenever we had the time.
The first time I did a prank on her, Eimi looked like she wanted to send Yakuza members to my front doorstep!
I did this same exact shit on her and she didn't think it was funny back then, but I'm pretty sure what Eimi just did is payback, and I'm all for it.
We went back to the hotel and we went to our separate rooms as I had to get ready for NXT this coming Tuesday, and the best part is that we're still in Philly.
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