
~With Eimi; Late At Night~

A few hours after Tony had fucked me like I haven't been before, I felt something moving on me, and then I remembered that Tony has PTSD from serving in the army.

He was squirming around making some noises I've never heard before as it got me concerned. I had to try to wake him up by

Me: トニー。トニー、起きて! (Tony. Tony, wake up!)

He kept moving around and just kept making the noises, it was only after a good long while that he woke up and screamed!

Tony was also panting but after a few seconds, he started to cry as I hugged him tightly.

Me: 大丈夫だよ、トニー。吐き出してくれ。僕がそばにいるから。 (It's okay, Tony. Let it out. I'm here for you.)

I never heard Tony cry like this and I know about his time in the military, thanks to him telling stories and the reason he has a prosthetic leg he needs to care for for the rest of his life.

I didn't let go because I wanted to make sure he was okay until he was ready to go back to sleep.

To be honest, I don't know how girlfriends, fiancées, or wives, or whatever care for their military spouses, but this was the only way I can think of to make sure that my new boyfriend is okay.

I'm really concerned about him because I heard that many veterans like Tony, who suffer PTSD from their service, often consider suicide as a way out of this thing, as they feel really alone, but I won't let him kill himself from this, not while I'm here.

~With Tony~

Everyone says war is hell, but I call bullshit on that because to me, the aftermath of war is truly hell.

To keep myself from having these nightmares, I take some antidepressants to help me sleep and keep the PTSD down, but I never took them tonight thanks to the sex Eimi and I had a few hours ago.

Tony: エイミ、ビュッフェに行ってゾロフトを買ってきて。行って。 (Eimi, go to that buffet and get me my Zoloft. Go.)

She nodded and looked to grab them as I had water with me.

After she came back, Eimi gave me the Zoloft and I took it as I tried to calm myself down, but it just wasn't enough.

Instead, I got out of bed, showered, dressed, and looked to take a walk, but Eimi had to stop me.

Eimi: アンソニー、どこへ行くんですか? (Anthony, where are you going?)

Me: 少し散歩する必要がある。 (I need to take a walk for a bit.)

Eimi: あなたを一人にしないから、私も一緒に行こう。 (I'm not gonna leave you alone, so let me come with you.)

Me: 大丈夫ありがとう。 (Okay. Thank you.)

After Eimi got dressed in her own outfit, we walked around Tokyo, looking to help me walk off what I just experienced. I really need it and I saw that a Yatai, or a street food stall was open, so we walked over there and it was really cool.

However, a couple of people didn't recognize us, so there was some hope.

When we sat down, I ordered some of the guy's pork ribs while Eimi wanted pork dumplings.

The owner's wife got started with the dumplings by mixing pork with scallions while the owner worked on the ribs.

He took out a dozen ribs that were pre-cooked, sous vide, I think, as he set them off to the side of the stove while he prepped the sauce.

In a small wok, he put in sake, brown sugar, honey, freshly minced garlic, freshly grated apple, dark soy sauce, roasted sesame oil, pre-toasted sesame seeds, white ends of spring onions, and salt.

He let it come to a simmer and in no time, it did come to a simmer as the ribs looked delicious without the sauce.

After that, he added the sauce, minus the white ends of the spring onions, stir fried them around until they were all heated up, put them on a plate, one at a time using chopsticks, with some green ends of scallions.

When I was served...

...I was given some water to wash the taste down.

After 6 to 7 minutes, Eimi's dumplings were done and she was served them with a dipping sauce.

We both said...

Me/Eimi: Itsadakimasu. (Thank you for the food.)

I dug in and I was surprised by how tasty the ribs were.

Me: これで私の主張は終わりです。 (I rest my case.)

Eimi: とても美味しいです。 (So tasty.)

Then, Eimi had to get serious.

Eimi: あなたが見ていた夢は何でしたか? (What was the dream you were having?)

Me: 何? (What?)

Eimi: トニー、君は悪夢から目覚めたばかりだ。言わなければ助けることはできない。 (You just woke up from a nightmare, Tony. I can't help you if you don't tell me.)

I then put the rib down as I told her, getting a flashback of my time in the army.

Me: 私はアフガニスタンでパトロール中、すべてを統制し、敵に警戒していました。突然、私たちは攻撃を受けました。30人以上の兵士がいて、私と友人たちは圧倒されそうだったので、私は援軍を呼ぼうとしました。走っているときに一歩踏み出したら、予想もしなかったことに地雷が爆発し、ご存じのとおり、左足の下部、膝のすぐ下を撃たれました。 (I was on a patrol in Afghanistan, trying to keep everything under control, and keeping a look out for enemies. All of a sudden, we were attacked, I tried to call in reinforcements because they had over 3 dozen soldiers and my friends and I were going to be overrun. While running, I took a step and just as I didn't expect, a land mine exploded and, as you know, there goes the lower part of my left leg, right under the knee.)

Eimi covered her mouth in horror as I told her this.

Me: 悪夢のその場面に遭遇するたびに、もう一度それを体験したくないと思うほど泣いてしまいます。 (Whenever I get to that part of my nightmare, that makes me cry as much that I really don't want to relive it.)

Eimi: トニー、私はあなたのためにここにいます。私があなたから背を向けるなんて思わないで。 (I'm here for you, Tony. Don't think I'm gonna turn away from you.)

Me: 本当に感謝しています、エイミ。本当に感謝しています。 (I appreciate that so much, Eimi. I really do.)

After finishing up our late night meal, we both paid the check and walked back to my hotel room, where we slept a bit longer and the nightmare wasn't back.

~9:00 AM~

It was finally morning and I still was in disbelief that Eimi and I finally got together and we definitely had, probably, the best sex we've ever had in our lives, but I had a nightmare from my days in the army before my leg got blown off and sent to the gulags.

Other than that, it was still awesome that Eimi and I are together after all this time.

Now, with the dating culture being very different in Japan, I have to be very careful on how I talk about Eimi because based on experience, the girls in Japan actually don't like it when their foreign boyfriend brags about them, leading up to a potential breakup. They just want to keep the relationship between each other.

I think I'm willing to do just that because I love the culture and I really want to be respectful to it. So, if I'm asked about my relationship with Eimi, I'm gonna ask her for permission, rather than just going headfirst into it with my brain being the equivalent to a hot pocket spinning in a fucking microwave.

However, if Eimi doesn't want me to talk about her, I can keep it private, it's not a big deal. I can work with that.

Anyway, we had to get up so she could get ready for the Marigold event tonight, since today's the 20th, but since she doesn't have to be there until, like, 4 PM, I decided to let her sleep a bit longer.

Trying not to wake her, I got up slowly and showered. After doing so, I saw some stubble on my face and decided to shave that shit off, but after I took this out... the cream, the leather strap, sharpened it a bit, and looked to get started on shaving.

When I put the cream on my face, I was ready to go, but I heard a knock on my door.

Me: 誰だ? (Who is it?)

Eimi: ルームサービス。〜 (Room service.~)

Me: えいみ、今髭を剃ってるから待っててね? (Eimi, I'm shaving right now. Can you wait?)

Eimi: 入ってもいいですか?退屈なんです。 (Can I please come in? I'm bored.)

Me: よし、入って。 (Alright, come on in.)

Eimi opened the door to see my waist wrapped in a towel, with the lather on my face, but she noticed the straight razor I'm using.

Being that much of a cutie, she smirked and crossed her arms while leaning on the side of the doorway.

Eimi: カミソリ、ね? (A straight razor, huh?)

Me: うん。 (Yeah.)

Eimi: あなたが髭を剃っているのを見たことはありませんが、みんなが使っているような安全カミソリの方がいいと思います。 (I've never seen you shave before, but I'd prefer the safety razors like everyone uses.)

Me: まあ、時には古いやり方が最善なこともあります。 (Well, sometimes the old ways are the best.)

Eimi: それには同意します。 (I'll agree to that.)

Me: 私が怪我をしないように見守ってくれますか? (Watch me in case I cut myself, will ya?)

Eimi: もちろん。 (Sure.)

As I went to the neck first, Eimi walked over, leaned over near the sink, her elbow on her chin as she smiled with fascination at me, almost as if she has hearts in her eyes.

She looked really adorable, but I was really confused on why she was staring at me, and if I look at her for much longer, I'm gonna cut myself.

Me: どうしてそんな風に私を見ているんですか? (Why are you looking at me like that?)

Eimi: だって君はハンサムだから。 (Because you're that handsome.)

I chuckled and then said,

Me: 顔中にこれが付いているので、私はそうみなされるべきではないと思います。 (I don't think I should be considered as one, since I got this all over my face.)

I shaved the neck first, but surprisingly, the first stroke went smooth. So, I kept going with the shaving.

Me: Come pensi che andrà lo spettacolo? (How do you think the show's going to go?)

Eimi: Non ne sono sicuro, ma ho la sensazione che andrà come vogliamo che vada. Tuttavia, se vogliamo che questa promozione abbia successo, dobbiamo fare una prima impressione. (Not sure, but I have a feeling that it's gonna go the way we want it to go. However, we gotta make a first impression if we want this promotion to succeed.)

As I was finishing my neck...

Me: È un buon punto. È meglio fare impressione perché uno, non vuoi insultare l'intelligenza del pubblico, due, non vuoi fare tutto mamby pamby, e tre, devi distinguerti dagli altri, tipo, come puoi, rendi la tua promozione così unica e guardabile da poter essere un'alternativa per i fan, non solo in Giappone, ma in tutto il mondo? (That's a good point. It's better to make an impression because one, you don't want to insult the audience's intelligence, two, you don't wanna make it all mamby pamby, and three, you gotta make yourselves stand out from the rest, like, how can you make your promotion that unique and watchable to where it can be an alternative for fans, not just in Japan, but around the world?)

As I moved on to the left cheek...

Me: Sto solo dicendo che Marigold deve distinguersi da Tokyo Joshi Pro, Stardom, dalla tua ex promozione casalinga, Ice Ribbon e così via. (I'm just saying, Marigold's gotta stand out from Tokyo Joshi Pro, Stardom, your former home promotion, Ice Ribbon, and so on.)

Eimi: Ora che l'hai detto, è molto interessante. (Now that you said that, that's very interesting.)

As I was finishing up my left cheek...

Me: Potrei non essere un esperto di wrestling, anche se sono nel settore ormai da un po', proprio come te, senza togliere nulla, ma so una o due cose sulla gestione di un'impresa. (I may not be a pro wrestling expert, even though I've been in the industry for a while now, same as you, not taking away anything, but I know a thing or two about running a business.)

Eimi: Capisco il tuo punto, ma cosa succede se ti sbagli? (I can see your point, but what if you're wrong?)

As I was moving onto the right cheek...

Me: Se sbaglio, non lo so. (If I'm wrong, I don't know.)

Eimi: Non lo sai? Tony, è una cosa seria. Se non abbiamo nulla che ci distingua, allora perché iniziare questa promozione? (You don't know? Tony, this is serious. If we don't have anything to stand out, then why are starting this promotion in the first place?)

Me: Hai Rossy. Voglio dire, la sua relazione con Stardom potrebbe essere nei gulag adesso, ma ciò non significa che non si rialzerà di nuovo. Lo ammiro molto ed è come un padre per voi ragazzi. Voglio davvero vedere Marigold avere successo sotto la sua guida. Devo ammettere che Kenny potrebbe avere degli ottimi punti da dire su di lui, ma Ogawa è un bravo ragazzo. (You got Rossy. I mean, his relationship with Stardom may be in the gulags now, but that doesn't mean he won't get back up again. I admire him a lot, and he's like a father to you guys. I really want to see Marigold succeed under his leadership. I will admit that Kenny may have some pretty good points to say about him, but Ogawa's a good guy.)

Eimi: Sono d'accordo. Scusa se sono sembrato scortese. (I agree. Sorry if I sounded rude.)

As I finished the right cheek, stopping for a bit...

Me: Va tutto bene. Ci sono abituato con mia madre. (It's alright. I'm used to that with my mom.)

Eimi: E ci sono abituato con mio padre. (And I'm used to that with my father.)

Me: Io posso dire. (I can tell.)

We both laughed a bit and as I was about to focus on the chin and the mustache area, I had to tell Eimi to stay silent for a moment.

Me: Aspetta, Eimi. Non puoi parlare un secondo? Quello che sto per fare è la parte difficile. (Hold on, Eimi. Can you not talk for a second? What I'm about to do is the tricky part.)

Eimi: Ovviamente. (Of course.)

With caution, I slowly shaved the chin and mustache area, making sure I didn't cut myself. When I finished it up, I cleaned my face and put on some aftershave that I thought Eimi might enjoy, since it reminds me of my time working in Japan.

Me: Così va meglio. (That's better.)

After I wiped my face, Eimi walked up, and touched my face with a smile on her face that I find so adorable.

Eimi: È liscio. Mi piace. Che odore ha quel dopobarba? (It's smooth. I like it. What's the smell of that aftershave?)

Me: Fiori di ciliegio. (Cherry blossoms.)

Eimi: Mi piace che. (I like that.)

Eimi then kissed me that seems like she wanted to get a better idea, but I had something else in mind.

Eimi: Ha un buon odore, ma mi chiedo che odore hai per la maggior parte del tempo. (Smells nice, but I wonder how you smell most of the time.)

Me: Oh, ci sei adesso. (Oh you're in for it now.)

I kissed Eimi again and she melted into it, which made me pick her up by her ass, carry her and I slammed Eimi onto the bed, making me throw away the towel off my waist as I was gonna fuck her again with reckless abandon, but then, a phone call had to come at the worst time!

Eimi picked it up and it had to be Rossy, letting her know that the show was today and she had to be there for rehearsal.

Sure enough, it was and we got moving as fast as we could like that one family off of Home Alone or some shit.

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