Title reference? O____o
School works are done so...as promised! :D Now, I shall do a RIVER DANCE with BOBBY SINGER! xD
Yeah, I'm TRYING to be unpredictable as possible...and at the same time, I'm trying to make my notes shorter so that you won't get annoyed...:P enjoy the new chapter tho!
or...is 'enjoy' really the right word? o_O
[Elsa's POV]
Rapunzel and Merida took our orders to our usual spot in the cafeteria. And then we started eating our lunch in a comfortable silence, and then we started talking about what songs to record next for the school radio, since I didn't agree on doing a duet of the song 'The Scientist' with Eugene, we'll record another cover song.
"So...what shall it be? And no, we're not doing 'Good for You'." I crossed my arms and glared at Anna who just shook her head before taking another bite of her chicken nuggets.
"Hell no!" Merida yelled and a few students looked at her before carrying on eating or walking. "That song ain't for me."
"We all know that, Mer." Punzie deadpanned and took a sip on her soda in can. "Maybe we shouldn't go for latest this year...what d'ya think?"
"Hmm...we could go with that, revive songs or something." Anna shrugged. "What d'ya think, Els?"
"Punzie and Anna are right, we should start looking for older songs...or even classic songs." I said.
Merida thought for a while before nodding. "Yeah, we could that."
After lunch, since are classes from 1-3pm are cancelled due to the teachers' emergency meeting...they called it, we decided to hang out on our favorite spot in the campus, a grass field near the library where only few students go...mostly to study or avoid distractions, especially nerds. Yeah, they mostly come here.
Merida is doodling something on her notebook while Rapunzel is brushing her golden blonde hair, Anna is chewing a gum while reading a book called 'The 5th Wave' while I'm scanning the music playlists on my phone, thinking on what song to record next. Though the deadline is still on two weeks before prom, it's better if we do it earlier so that we could search what to wear to the prom. Yes, our prom is almost coming.
"W-w-w-w-wait...they're the 5th wave?" Anna suddenly blurts out and we all looked at her in shock.
"Who's the fifth wave?" Merida asked and Anna shook her head.
"Read the book then you'll know." She grinned evilly and Merida rolled her eyes.
Everyone knows that Merida isn't really interested in reading. "No thanks, I'd rather watch the movie." She continued doodling on her notebook.
"Isn't it tomorrow?" Punzie asked excitedly and we all nodded. "We should all watch that!"
"Saturday?" I smirked.
"We could invite the boys!" Anna squealed.
"Y...eah, except, they still have to rehearse on their song." I shrugged. "But if they agree then it's fine."
Anna, Merida and Punzie all made a cheer of excitement. I smiled at them and decided to text the boys.
To Hiccup, Eugene, Pitch and Kristoff:
I frowned when I saw Pitch's name on my phone, he already left last Friday and to be honest, we all missed him already. He was the talkiest person in the boys' band.
I smiled sadly before removing Pitch's contact number on the recipients.
To Hiccup, Eugene and Kristoff:
Hey guys! We're planning on watching The 5th Wave this weekend, wanna come with us?
The messages were already sent and I waited for their reply. Five minutes later, I receive a reply.
From Eugene:
Not really sure, when will you watch? We have rehearsals in the morning.
To Eugene:
It's fine, we could watch in the afternoon :)
From Eugene:
Sure thing! :D So, I gotta go, we're having auditions today, I never know that a lot of students were dying to join our band. Were we really that awesome? XD
I chuckled and shook my head at his message.
To Eugene:
Haha! Probably! XD
Good luck on finding the rightful one then. ^^
But I still miss Pitch though.
From Eugene:
Yeah, we all do. But then, it was his dad who decided...it's a bit of shame though, graduation's almost there and then he had to transfer.
To Eugene:
Yeah...but he'll be fine in the new school, right?
From Eugene:
Nah, he's sociable...and he easily makes people laugh, so...he'll be fine.
I smiled.
To Eugene:
Yeah...I bet he will. :)
Text you later then.
From Eugene:
You too! I'll tell you if we already chose a new member.
[Eugene's POV]
After sending Elsa my message, I turned my phone off and stuffed it into my pocket, shaking my head slightly at the latest student auditioning. "No, stop! Stop!" I yelled and he stopped singing. I rubbed my forehead and looked at the student. "Sorry, but...you're not the one we're looking for."
He bowed his head and walked out of the room sadly.
"Dude, his voice was funny." Hiccup leaned on his chair.
"Hics, we're a band, not comedy players." I said irritatingly. "Is there someone who is here because he loves music...and not just some famewhore with no talent?!"
Kristoff shrugged. "I'm pretty sure everyone in here just wants to get famous."
Suddenly, the very last student in the line cleared his throat and Kristoff raised an eyebrow. "Who did that?"
An unfamiliar student got out from the line, with him was his own wooden guitar with a single snowflake carving in it. "I can play guitar, drums and piano...I could also sing."
Kristoff looked at the stranger. "You're a new student?"
"Y-yeah." The student replied.
"Okay, come in then." Kristoff said and went inside the room with the new guy following him.
"Well, he's bringing his own guitar...I bet he can sing." Hiccup said to Eugene who was inspecting the guy with squinted eyes.
"I haven't seen you around here before, I bet you're a new student." Eugene said and the guy nodded. "That guitar is really yours?"
The guy nodded again. "Someone gave this to me two years ago." He said, stroking the strings slowly. Hiccup tried to read the writing on the guitar, but he couldn't make a word out. He only saw a small heart shape on the bottom of the letters.
"Well, I do hope you can play that." Hiccup replied. "But before you show us what you got...let's start with a name."
The student sat on the stool that was in the middle of a mini-stage before starting. "My name is--"
[Elsa's POV]
From Hiccup:
Heya, Els! Eugene ran out of load and Kristoff left his phone in their house, so, we're surviving the 5th Wave on Saturday then? >:D
BTW, the real reason why I texted you is that we want you girls to know that we have a new member! He's good in singing, guitar and drums!
I smiled once I finished reading Hiccup's text message. Our classes are finally done and now Hans is driving us home. I could've told Anna but then she's snoring really loud at the backseat, I didn't want to wake her up. I'll just tell her once we get home.
To Hiccup:
That's great news, Hics! :D Who is he?
"We're here." Hans said and I looked around. Huh. I didn't realize that we already arrived. I must've been reading Wattpad for too long. Hans opened the door and I smiled at him thankfully and requested him to take Anna to her room, since that there's no hope that she'll be awake any minute. Hans obliged and carried the sleeping Anna in bridal style and went inside the house. I carried her bag and I was also about to get inside when I saw a truck with furniture parking beside our house. Mom got out and greeted me but I was too curious about the truck outside.
"Oh, yes, that." Mom said and I raised an eyebrow at her. "We have a new neighbor."
"Really?" I asked. "Where did Mr. and Mrs. Collins went?"
Mom shrugged. "Said they would go to the Philippines and never return, they have relatives there anyway."
"Oh." Was all I said.
"Yes! That goes inside!" A familar voice of a man said and I almost froze. I didn't noticed that mom was already back inside our house.
I put our bags back in the car and decided to check the house next to ours...and there I saw his father. Commanding the men about where to put his furniture.
What on Earth is his father doing in our neighborhood?
"Dad! I'm home." I totally froze when I heard his voice.
"Elsa?" I gasped when I heard Kayla's voice (the president of our neighborhood clan) behind me. "What are you doing there?"
"Uhh, I just--" I gestured to the house beside ours.
"Oh." She beamed. "We have new neighbors! Since Mr. and Mrs. Collins moved to the Philippines."
"Th--th--they're our--they're our what?"
"They're the Overland family, but just the father and two children, one like your age and one like Anna." She stated. "They're our new neighbors."
"Hey, Kayla!" My eyes widened in shock. Mr. Overland just greeted her.
"Oh, hey, Mr. Overland!" Kayla greeted back and waived.
Please let him be inside, please let him be inside.
"Jack, greet our new neighbors!" My eyes closed tightly.
"H-hey." He said.
"Els, he greeted us." Kayla said and I smiled sheepishly.
Unexpectedly, Kayla held both my arms and turned me around, making me face him.
His smile dropped and my heartbeat stopped beating for a millisecond. Our blue eyes met for the first time in a year.
He's my ex...but now, he's obviously my new neighbor.
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