Josh sounded anxious as he talked to Rich on the other line. "Please, Rich, make sure Mara doesn't see any of the news today. Jang and I will take care of everything."
Rich was worried-surprised by what Josh had informed him. Josh said a dating scandal between him and a Korean actress emerged. He insisted that there was no truth to the article, but every showbiz news channel, newspaper, and online sites covered it. He wants to ensure he gives a correction statement before Mara sees it.
Immediately, he and Jang met with their big Boss in the management office.
"지금 정정 진술을해야합니다."
(I need to make a correction statement now!)
"왜 필요합니까? 그것은 여전히 홍보입니다!"
(Why the need? That is still publicity!)
"음 보스 조쉬는 팬들에게 잘못된 정보를 제공하고 싶지 않습니다.
(Um, Boss, Josh doesn't want to give the fans the wrong information!)
맞죠 조쉬?"
(Right, Josh?)
Jang was trying so hard to help Josh convince his management company why there was a need for Josh to make a correction statement about the dating article.
"지금은 수정할 필요가 없습니다. 영화가 나오면 할 수 있습니다.
(We don't see the need to correct it now. We can do it once your movie is out.)
당신이 두 타이밍처럼 보이게 만드는 지금 관계가있는 것과는 다릅니다."
(It's not like you have a relationship; it will make you appear like you are two-timing!)
"지금 여자 친구가 있어요. 나는 진지하게 누군가와 데이트하고 있습니다."
(I have a girlfriend right now. And I am seriously dating someone.)
"장은 무슨 일이야? 조쉬가 무슨 말을하는거야?
(What is going on, Jang? What is Josh talking about?)
언제부터? 그리고 누구입니까?
(Since when is this? And who is it?)
왜 우리는 루프에 있지 않았습니까?"
(Why weren't we in the loop?)
"이것은 나에게 개인적이며 그녀를 사람들의 눈에 띄지 않게하고 싶습니다.
(This is personal to me, and I want to keep her out of people's eyes)
내가 연애 뉴스에 나오면 차라리 내 것을 지금 확인하고 싶다!
(If I am in relationship news, I instead confirm mine now!)
"이것은 개인적 일 수 있지만 팬에게는 모든 것이 공개됩니다.
(This may be personal to you, but to your fans, everything about you is public!)
각 팬이 당신을 원하기 때문에 우리는 보증, 제안 및 모든 것을 얻습니다. 그들은 당신이 거기에있는 그들 자신의 거품 속에 있습니다. 꿈을 꿀 수있는 사람!
(We get the endorsement, offers, and all because each fan wants to have you. They are in their bubble that you are just there. Then, finally, someone they can dream about!)
지금 가지고있는 것을 놓을 준비가 되셨습니까?
(Are you ready to let go of what you have right now?)
당신이 결정되면 이것이 할 일이라고 기대하십시오!"
(If you decide, expect this to be a do or die!)
"Josh와 나는이 보스에 대해 이야기 할 것입니다. 최대한 빨리 업데이트하겠습니다!"
(Josh and I will talk about this, Boss. I will update you asap!)
"업데이트가 필요하지 않습니다. 나는 당신이 당신의 일을하기를 기대합니다!"
(I don't need your update, Jang. I expect you to do your job!)
Josh was so upset and helpless. Jang understands what Josh is going through right now. He has been with him since the start of his career. Twenty years ago, they never thought he would be in his status right now. It's not just a manager-talent relationship they share. Each has been a brother to one another. He supports Josh and Mara's relationship because this is the first time Josh has decided for himself and is happy about it. And Mara is someone who likes Josh for what he is, simple, ordinary, and a good person.
In his mind, Josh is having a lot of thoughts.
For the past 20 years, I have given it everything. I listened to and followed what I was told. What my fans would like to hear and see of me was what I never thought of for myself. I always thought of people's expectations of me. Can't I take this chance I have now to love and be loved by someone who accepts me for who I am? Is it impossible for me to be happy in my relationship while I keep doing what I love for 20yrs?
Jang drove Josh back to his vacation house after they completed all schedules for the day. He suggested they hear what Mara says before deciding what to do.
On their way, Jang called Rich to inform him in advance. And to ask for Rich's help, as all three of them decided to tell Mara.
Mara was quick to give her an answer. "You don't have to do anything if you want to do that just because of me. Please don't. I am sure it will die down. And I wouldn't want you to put your career on the line. Anyway, I won't be here for long. After the holiday, everything will be back to normal for you guys."
But Josh was firm. "I want to do it. This is the only time that I want to do something for myself. I don't want to hide anything about us. I can say that I have a serious relationship outside showbiz."
Mara tried to reason out. "But will your management back you up? Won't it affect your contracts? Consider not just how you feel. Don't worry about me. I'm fine."
"Josh, please, but this is like déjà vu from three years ago." Rich butted.
"Rich! Please!" Mara stopped her best friend.
Jang was quick to stop the conversation. "I am sorry, Rich and Mara. We didn't expect this situation while you were enjoying your vacation here. Josh, let me check all the contracts you are in right now. From there, you can decide what you want to do. Whatever it is, I am always here to support you. So don't rush things."
"If it's going to help, Rich and I can return to the hotel anytime." Mara squeezed Josh's hand.
"I will not let that happen!" Josh exclaimed.
After their conversation, Jang left while Rich went to spend the night with his relatives. Josh and Mara stayed in the house.
"I will go to the bedroom. I want to rest my mind." Mara left without looking at Josh.
Josh can feel that Mara doesn't want to add pressure on him. But he can see from her face how she is getting affected. So he let Mara rest and talked to her the next day.
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