Chapter Twelve- As Long As You Both Shall Live

Rey woke up with jitters . Today she was marrying Kylo and she was becoming queen of the whole galaxy.

Leia walked in her room "you're up" she smiled .

Rey smiled back yawning "yeah ... "

"It's kinda gloomy outside ... I was talking with Kylo and he said it was perfect weather ..." Leia smiled .

"Oh ..."

"Now , let's get you ready" Leia smiled .

Rey went to take a shower and then wrapped a warm robe around her body . Leia grabbed a comb and Rey sat down.

Leia brushed through her long wet locks . Rey sighed as Leia contained . This is what is must feel like having a mom , Rey thought.

"Now , how about we let that dry and I start your makeup " she smiled . Rey nodded and Leia grabbed some of the products .

First was the foundation , Leia dabbed little dots all over Rey's face then blended them in with a brush.

As Leia was applying concealer way started to having questions no ever answered . "Leia ... What's it like to be a mother ?"

Leia smiled "it's hard ... It's easier when you have someone to help you ... And you'll have Ben "

"What if he never comes to the light side ?" Rey asked as Leia put some powder over her face .

"He loves you ... It breaks my heart knowing that you won't be with someone you love ... He'd do anything for you " Leia smiled .

"Within reason "

"No , this morning I walked into his room and he asked me if I would be willing to live here with you ... Because apparently I make you smile... I said yes ... He kept going on and on about how amazing and beautiful you are... He was blushing when I'd bring up you ... He loves you Rey ... He'd do anything for you ... Including joining the light side"

"Leia , I feel bad ... I'm lying to him -"

"You're lying to Kylo Ren... Not Ben ... And I think Ben is just in hiding-"

"Leia ... Part of me doesn't want this mission to end " Rey sighed as Leia added some color to her eyelids .

"Then don't let it" she smiled .

"I have these feelings for him... I'm not sure if it's friendship ... It's something stronger than liking him ... It's not love but it's something near it-"

"Why ? What made you think that ?"

"I kissed him ... And well it was a strange kiss ... It was like he needed me not that he wanted me ..." Rey said as Leia ran a mascara brush through her lashes .

"All done .. Now let's finish up your hair" Leia smiled.

Rey looked in the mirror "wow " she said looking at the beautiful wings on her eyes and the soft colored eye make on her eyelids.

Leia began to braid small parts of her hair and then did a bun. "You're really good at these" she smiled .

"I've been wearing buns since I had hair" Leia smiled and then used hair pins to keep it in place .

Leia grabbed s large white dress "let's get you dressed".

Rey wore a white dress that was flowly and trailed a bit behind her. Leia clipped in her veil that reached her forehead .
Rey wore heels much to her protest , but they were simple .

Rey grabbed her flowers and looked in the mirror . "Wow" she gasped .

"You look beautiful... " Leia said moving her veil on her shoulders .

"This dress is absolutely stunning" Rey said noticing the beading.

"It was my mothers ... I was going to marry it with Han but ... It was a fast hurry up and get married deal ... No flowers no cake ... But now this dress will see another day... Another Skywalker wedding" Leia smiled.

"Am I Rey Ren or Rey Solo -"

"That's something that you'll have to discuss with Ben" she said and kissed her cheek. "Now let's get you married"

Rey stood behind two closed doors. They were getting married in a beautiful garden and it was gloomy . Cameras all over .

The doors opened and Rey took a deep breath. She held her flowers and walked down to Kylo .

He had a huge smile on his face and a bit of a tear in his eyes as well as a blush on his pale cheeks .

She felt like she was walking forever down the long aisle . People watched her , cameras zoomed and she could feel them all looking at her.

She finally reached Kylo and he grabbed her hand and helped her walk up the stairs .

He was wearing a nice suit and he kinda looked like Han . Rey didn't pay much attention to all the talking .

About how it was a good bond for the Galaxy. All their laws and vows as King and Queen .

Rey watched as a crown was placed on Kylo's head and she smiled at him . It framed his jet black hair nicely . She smiled at him .
Next a crown was placed on her head and it felt heavy.

Kylo then took the ring "I, Ben Solo , take thee Rey Wan Kenobi as my lawfully wedded wife... To have and to hold , in sickness and in health  , till death do us part . As long as we both shall live " he smiled .

Rey was shocked they he called him Ben solo . And that he actually used Wan Kenobi in her name though it was never legal , but Obie was her grandfather .

"I, Rey Wan Kenobi take thee Ben Solo as my lawfully wedded husband... To have and to hold, in sickness and in health , till death do us part . As long as we both shall live" Rey said placing the ring on his finger .

"By the power vested in me by the force and the Galaxy... I know pronounce you rulers of the Galaxy and more importantly, husband and wife ... You may kiss your bride" .

Kylo grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to him. Rey wrapped her arms around his neck and he kissed her . They both smiled and then pulled apart to run down the aisle .

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