Pit Stop Part 2

(As the alien took off her hood, she was surprised about how she looked. Meanwhile, Jelani was still looking around, until he heard something above him.)

Jelani: Huh?

(He looked up and came face to face with something crawling away and decided to follow it. Meanwhile Sean and KRL were still hanging out.)

Sean: (After drinking alien slushie) Ah! Brain freeze! Brain freeze! ( shudders ) Hoo! All right. You're next.

KARL: (Leans over the alien slush dispenser)Uh, you know, I should say I've never done... ( electricity crackling ) Uh...

Sean: KARL! (Goes to him)

KARL: ( electricity crackles )

Sean: KARL?

KARL: ( face display crackles )

Sean:( screams )

KARL: (laughs and gets up)

Sean: Are you all right?

KARL: Are you kidding? Again! (Puts his head back over the dispenser, but Sean stops him)

Sean: What? No. Dude!

KARL: Psych! ( laughsYou were all like, "Ah! You're gonna die!"

Sean: ( laughs nervously ) Yeah.

( face display crackles )

KARL: That was amazing! Can we have more... fun?

(Sean smiles as two begin to have the time of their lives in the store, but Sean soon notices something weird crawling around and decided to follow it with his toy gun out. Cut to back outside where Terry is still talking to Tess.)

Tess: And make sure that Sean eats his vegetables.

Terry: Yep. Matter of fact, let me go check on that. I'll have the kids call you later.

Tess: All right.  Oh, hey. Keep trying, Terry. Honestly, they care about you, even if they has a tough way of showing it.

Terry: Yeah? ( sighs )

Tess: It's all you can do.

Terry: Yeah. All right. ( sighs ) I'm gonna see what these gremlins are up to.

Tess: Have fun. ( cell phone beeps

Terry: Huh! I said ten minutes! (goes to check on them)

(Back to inside the store Jelani is still walking around looking for that weird thing that he saw, but didn't. Back in the store, Sean is still hanging out with KARL as the bot began to play even more.)

KARL: (Yelps) Clean up on aisle three. ( laughs ) 

[service robot, repeating]: Bugs. ( slowing down ) Bugs. ( electricity crackles ) ( glitching ) Bugs. ( electricity crackling )

(Sean continues to look for what that noise was and comes face to face with a robot that had weird bubbles sticking out of him.)

Sean: KARL, I think your friend is leaking.

(Sean sees something drip above him and comes to face to face with a weird alien bug.)


(Watch from 4:03 to 4:46)

(Jelani moves quickly through the shadows of the desolate space station, determined to find his missing siblings, Sean and Lisa. The air is thick with tension as he navigates the eerie corridors, the flickering lights casting an uncertain glow.)

As Jelani turns a corner, he stumbles upon Vax, . Vax looks at Jelani with a mix of surprise and curiosity.

VAX: You okay?

Jelani, momentarily distracted by the impressive armor, regains his composure.

JELANI: Yeah, looking for my siblings. Have you seen a boy and a girl around?

Vax tilts his head, examining Jelani's own unique attire.

VAX: Wait, are you the Magna Defender? Defender and protector of the universe?

Jelani blinks, caught off guard by the assumption.

JELANI: Uh, no, I'm just Jelani. I don't know anything about a Magna Defender.

Vax looks skeptical, eyeing Jelani's outfit.

VAX: Sure about that? The armor, the look, it's pretty convincing.

Jelani, now realizing the misunderstanding, chuckles nervously.

JELANI: No, seriously. I'm just a guy trying to find his siblings. No universe-saving business here.

Vax, not entirely convinced, crosses his arms.

VAX: Well, if you say so.

Just as Jelani is about to continue his search, Vax bows respectfully.

VAX: My apologies, Magna Defender. I didn't mean to intrude.

Jelani raises an eyebrow, utterly perplexed.

JELANI: You really got the wrong guy. No need for bows or apologies.

Vax, now slightly embarrassed, straightens up.

VAX: Sorry about that. Good luck finding your siblings.

(As Vax walks away, Jelani scratches his head, still processing the bizarre encounter. Shaking off the confusion, he resumes his mission to locate Sean and Lisa, hoping that the next corner holds the answers he seeks. He soon runs into Lisa.)

Jelani: Oh good, Lisa, are you okay?

Lisa: Yeah, I'm just looking for Sean.

(They keep walking until they pass by a wild KARL, until they see a weird purple substance on the ground.)

Lisa: What'd you do? Bathe in this stuff? Jeez!

(They soon find Sean hiding behind some clothes and Jelani pushes the clothes away so they can find them.)

Jelani: I hate to break it to you, but the shades only make you...

Sean: Shh. Look.

(Jelani and Lisa look up to see the weird bug alien, Jelani immediately grabs both Lisa and Sean puts them behind him. Meanwhile, outside Terry was about to inside to get his kids, but sees Vax and immediately gets into a shootout with her. Back in the store, Jelani is running with Sean and Lisa tucked under his arms while the kids are screaming. They pass by KARL who is looking at a box of food.)

KARL: Oh, man! We sell Glorple Blatz! Hey! Robo-Sean! You know we sell Glorple Blatz?

Sean: Run, KARL! Run!

(KARL is confused until he turns around and gets immediately caught by the robot. Sean is shocked by this, that wriggles free and looks at the scene.)

Sean: KARL! (Jelani grabs him) Whoa! (Dodges the bug that is still on Sean)

Jelani: We gotta keep moving!

(They soon hid on the side of a slush machine. )

Jelani: What in the Sam hill are those things?

Sean: KARL mentioned a bug problem, but I thought he meant, like... like, cockroaches! Aw, and now he's just a pile of dead robo-goo. 

Lisa: What are you talking about? Who is KARL?

(An arm falls in front of them as they turn to see a still-ailve KARl getting mauled by the bug.)

Lisa: What the... 

( KARL groans ) 

Sean: ( gasps ) He's alive!

Jelani: Shh!

Bug: ( screeches )

KARL: Run, Robo-Sean! Run! (Gets knocked away by the bug as the latter continues to advance)

Sean: KARL!

(Jelani gets in front of his whimpering siblings as the light goes out, which distracts the bug so they go on the side of slush machine.)

Sean: ( panting ) What do we do? 

Jelani: Shh! 

( creature chittering ) 

Lisa: (Gasps) Sean, Jelani, when I say "now," we're gonna push back on this thing as hard as we can.  Okay? 

Sean: But... 

Lisa: Just do what I say. 

Jelani: You got it boss.

Lisa: On my go. Ready... Steady... ( chittering, screeches ) Now!

(They push the thing on the creature as it gets trapped and is even hurt by the slush machine.)

Lisa/Sean: We did it! ( laughs ) We did it. We did it. (They laugh and do a handshake, but Jelani is distracted by something.)

Jelani: Guys, I would stop those victory dances!

(Lisa and Sean look at what their. brother is talking about and see that smaller creatures were coming out of vents and the floor. Jelani pulls out his sword and starts to hit them, but they began on climb on his sword.)

Jelani: Man, I wish I had a gun.

(Suddenly, his sword converts into a blaster and he begins to shoot the bugs. Outside, Terry was still going at it with Vax and was about to arrest her, until he heard the sound of his kids calling for him, which made him let go of Vax and go in the store. Back in the store Jelani was holding off the bugs, but they were starting to overwhelm him. Suddenly, Terry comes in and begins to shoot at the bugs and make a path for him and his kids.)

All Three: Dad!

Terry: I thought I said ten minutes!

Jelani: (Grabs Sean while Terry grabs Lisa) Let's get out of here!

(They begins to run, but stop as some were following so Terry pulled out a grenade.)

Terry: You've gotta be kidding me.

(They see KARL who is still getting mauled by the bugs.)

SeanL KARL! You're alive! ( explosion ) 

Terry: Who is KARL? 

KARL: (groans ) Oh yeah, no. I'm a robot. We can't really die. It's kinda the whole thing with being a... (Gets mauled by more) 

Sean: No! 

KARL: Hey, Robo-Sean. You gotta chill, man. It's all good. (The family runs out of station and head back to the ship) Bye, Robo-Sean and other people! Be sure to visit us again! Thanks for teaching me the meaning of fun! Oh, wow, that tickles! 

( Sean screaming ) 

Terry: KRS, open the hatch!

(They make it back to the ship, but see some are crawling up the hatch which make Terry and Jelani shoot them off. They head to the main deck.)

KRS: What're those? ( screams ) Get those nasty things off of me! 

Jelani: Dad! Get us outta here! 

Terry: KRS, what's going on? 

KRS: (Gasps) They're too heavy. The bugs are weighing us down! Get 'em off! Get 'em off! 

Lisa: They're going to take us down! (The Ship lands back on the ground.)

Terry: Divert the ship's shield power to the thrusters. No, wait! Divert all power to thrusters. 

KRS: Can you pick one, Terry? 

(Sean gets an idea where he goes down to the weapons area and begins to shoot at the bugs.)

Sean: It's working! It's working! 

Lisa: Sean, be careful before you hit...(A stray blasts his KRS) KRS. ( alarm blaring ) 

KRS: Wing damage! Wing damage! 

(Terry grunts as they blast off leaving the bugs behind. Terry and Lisa were doing a victory dance.) 

Both: We did it! We did it. We did it. We... (They stop as they see the wing damage) 

Sean: It doesn't look that bad. ( explosion ) ( alarm blaring ) 

KRS: Put me out! Put me out! 

Lisa: Ooh, you're in trouble.

Terry: ( groans )

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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