(In a room, Lisa is practicing her sword fighting in the mirror while Jelani is fiddling with his morpher.)
Lisa; Who am I? I'm Lisa Hendrix. ( grunting ) And I'm taking you down. ( grunts )
Y/N: Looking good, Lisa, but-(gets up and does a pose) you are no match for the mighty-
( Ship system powers down as the two siblings begin to float in the air. They opened door to the deck and floated in and saw that everything was floating as well.)
Jelani: Sean! What did you do?!
Sean: Uh...
KRS: Um, he disabled the ship's artificial gravity. Oh. I didn't even know I could do that.
Lisa: Sean!
Sean: All right. Sorry, sorry! I was just trying to fix KRS's voice. (Goes back to the button and presses it)
Lisa: Whoa, wait.
(Everyone grunts as they land on the floor with a thud.)
Sean: ( laughs ) Crisis averted.
( metal crashes )
Terry: Sean!
(Sean covers his head back up as Terry walks in covered in blue stuff.)
Sean: ( laughing ) Dad! Why are you all wet?
Lisa: Yeah. ( laughs ) Did you get into a fight with the shower? (Fist Bumps with Sean)
Terry: (Wipes himself Clean) It was not the shower.
Lisa: Oh.
Jelani: Ew!
KRS: That's nasty, Terry.
( all three laugh )
Terry: Oh, y'all are real funny, huh? I'll take your laughter as a sign that you don't wanna be my extra pair of eyes on Chillion, then.
Jelani: Wait. Pair of eyes? Like...
Lisa: ( gasps ) We get to help?
Sean: ( gasps ) We get to be bounty hunters?
Terry: Eh, more like bounty hunter interns. But if you guys are good, who knows? Maybe I'll even let you hold one of my blasters. (Wavers a blaster at Sean)
Sean: Really?
Terry: No. ( laughs and walks off playfully)
Sean: Come on, Dad!
(Cut to Terry sitting at the center and his kids watching.)
Terry: All right. Now, check this out. (Shows hologram of Vax)This is the fugitive we're after.
KRS: Mmm. Still love that jacket.
(Lisa and Jelani look at each other as they realize that it was the alien that they saw back at Warpies. Terry notices their look.)
Terry: What's up?
Lisa: Hmm? Oh. Nothing.
Jelani It's just... I'm pretty sure we've seen her before.
Terry: You've seen her?
Lisa: Yeah. Back at the Warpies. She didn't seem like a criminal.
Terry: Listen, even criminals can appear to be nice. But trust me, she isn't. She's dangerous. If either of you see her, tell me immediately. Don't approach her. Don't talk to her. Got it?
(Lisa nods)
Jelani: Got it.
KRS: All right, y'all. Buckle up. We're landing. Chillion-5!
Terry: All right, guys. It's go time.
( foreboding music playing )
(They land on Chillion and head for the door while in their regular clothes.)
Sean: Bye, KRS! ( grunts as he bumps into Lisa ) Sorry.
Lisa: ( groans ) Sean!
KRS: And bring me back some Chilla dogs!
Sean: So, what kind of place is Chillion?
Terry: Oh, it's a place that's gonna keep you on your toes. It's...
Jelani: We know, Dad. Very danger...
Terry: The happiest place in the galaxy.
(Chillion is shown to be a wonderous theme park with games, rides, food, and entertainment.)
Siblings: Whoa!
(They walk in as Terry scans his card and they walk further in.)
Terry: Happens to be run by the company your old man works for, so behave. No, seriously. Be on your best behavior.
Sean: ( laughing ) Yeah! (Runs in)
Lisa: All right!
Jelani: This place is awesome!
( mascot laughing )
Lisa: A theme park? Why would Vax come here?
Terry: Who knows. She might've come here to lay low. She might have a contact here. I've hunted weirder criminals who've done weirder things.
Sean: If I were hiding from the law, I'd hide out at Splashtown. It's almost as big as this place.
Terry: You know, we could be looking for Vax for a while. Might as well have some fun while we're here. (Gives Sean three sticks of food which he hands over to his siblings)
Terry: Oh. Before I forget... (Puts Pin on Sean) Happy birthday, son.
Sean: Thanks, Dad. (Hugs him)
Terry: (Puts Sean on his shoulders)Okay. Here's the plan, birthday boy. We're gonna start at the Lazy Chilla Lagoon, then from there, we'll hit up the Chillion Game Alley, the Chilla Wildlife Show, then wrap back around and get some grub. Sound good? (Puts him down)
Sean: Yeah! Chilla World! (Runs off)
Jelani: Not bad, old man.
Terry: Uh, excuse you?
Jelani: Nothing.
Lisa: (Grabs Jelani's hand and pulls him along with her) Wait up, Sean!
Terry: Don't touch that! (Chases after them)
(Cut to a baby ride with a mascot waving to a family going on it.)
Children: (Cheering) Fun ride!
(The fam walks up to it.)
Lisa: Uh, looks like a baby ride.
Sean: Dad! Can we, please?
(Terry sees a hooded figure and thinks that its-)
Terry: Vax.
(Terry pushes through the crowd and makes it to the hooded figure, but it turns out that it's the hooded figure.)
Hooded Figure: Hey! Get your own food.
Terry: Oh. Uh... ( chuckles ) My bad. Thought you were somebody else.
(Walks back to his kids, embarassed.)
Lisa: ( sighs ) Way to go, Dad.
Terry: Hey. You miss every shot you don't take.
(The fam soon gets on the ride.)
mascot: Have fun. ( laughs )
(The fam rides off as it very slow.)
Sean: Whoo-hoo!
Jelani: ( groans ) This is so freaking baby.
(The ride soon comes to an abrupt stop as it is fast and Jelani, Terry, and Lisa are screaming as Sean is enjoying himself.)
Terry: Why are you torturing me?!
(The fam soon makes it back to the entrance of the ride and Jelani, Terry, and Lisa are holding on to each other in fear for their lives. While Sean was absolutely ecstatic.)
Sean: Again!
All Three: No.
(Cut to Sean running through the games section, with Jelani and Lisa behind him. But they soon see an alien holding two guns out to them.)
"Hey, little lady and mister. Wanna try your hand at the Octoclop Shooting Gallery?"
Lisa: Ooh! (Takes gun) Now, this, I like.
Sean: (Comes over to watch his siblings) Go Lisa! Go J!
(The music starts playing as Lisa and gelati shoot the targets while avoiding the Chillers and begin to wreck up points as the music soon ends.)
"Well, looks like we got ourselves some naturals."
(The alien has Lisa a stuffed plushie which she soon gives to an ecstatic Sean.)
Jelani: (Walks over to him)You gonna test your skills, Dad?
Terry: What? ( scoffs ) Nah. I think I'm good.
"Come on, pops. You gonna let your kids show you up like that?"
Jelani: ( laughs ) Give me some! (High fives the alien)
Terry: (scoffing and gets the toy gun) Watch and learn.
(As the game starts Terry starts shooting Wiley including shooting the Chillers which he is not supposed to shoot. Everyone is shocked. It's soon ends and Terry picks up one of the plushies.)
Terry: Don't feel bad. Took me years to get that good. (Alien takes back the plushie)
"Ooh! Sorry, pops. Better luck next time."
Terry: What? How?!
Lisa: You weren't supposed to hit the Chillas, Dad.
Jelani: Only the bad aliens.
Terry: Psh. These games are rigged anyway.
Jelani: (Snorts) Sure.
( fanfares playing )
Sean: Look! The Chilla Wildlife Show is about to start! Come on, come on, come on!
(Sean rushes ahead and sees the Chillias.)
Sean: ( gasps ) They're so cute! ( chuckles )
Lisa: (Walks behind them) Cuter than Bogdog?
Sean: Don't be silly, Lisa. Nothing's cuter than Bogdog.
(Terry is still keep an eye out for Vax, but gets creeped out by a mascot who laughs at him. He walks away to join his kids.)
(Start at 3:01 and Pause at 5:05)
Jelani: Hey Ma!
(Continue till the end)
Terry: (Walks over to his kids) We have to find Vax, and fast.
Sean: (Looking at a Chilla) Does that mean we don't have time to pet this little guy?
( Chilla chitters, sniffs )
Sean: (Hands his plushie to Jelani) Can we keep him?
Jelani: ( sighs ) He's not a pet, Sean. He's endangered.
Sean: So? People have parrots.
(The Chilla runs over to Terry and he kneels to get a good look at it.)
Terry: Hey, buddy. Hmm. "Chakalau."
Sean: He likes you. ( chuckles )
Lisa: He's probably got a cookie in his pocket or something.
Terry: I hear you over there hating, Lisa. Don't be mad. Hey, little guy. (Pulls out a cookie) You want this, huh? Cute little... ( groans as the Chilla takes his gun, kicks him in the eye, and runs off) Evil rat! Hey, get back here!
Lisa: ( laughs )
Terry: (Runs after it) Lisa!
Lisa: Sorry.
( Sean laughs as the fam takes chase.)
Terry: Get back here!
mascot: Whoa! Whoa!
(As the fam runs after Chilla that get into several mishaps while bumping into people. They soon see it make into a mysterious door.)
Sean: He went into that door!
Terry: Sean, wait! ( breathing heavily ) It says employees only.
Jelani: Aren't you an employee?
Terry: Uh, yep. Yeah. Yeah.
(As the fam walks into the place, they find the Chilla and continue to chase after it.)
Lisa: Dad? What is this place?
Terry: I'm not sure. God, that little gerbil punches like a grown man.
Lisa: But it's owned by your bosses, isn't it?
Terry: Listen, all I know is when I catch that thing...
Sean: Hey! ( metal scratching as the Chillia scratches at door ) There he is! Chakalau!
( Chakalau chirps, growls while aiming the gun. )
Terry: (Covering Sean's mouth) Shh.
guard: Hey!
( Chakalau groans as guard presses button that electrocutes him.)
guard: Uh, caught another one trying to escape. Bringing him back right now. (Hauling the Chilla off)
Terry: Hey, where are you guys going? (Sees his kids following the guard) How many times do I have to tell you to stop running o... Oh!
( They come to a distressing scene with Chillias being worked like slaves while mining for blue crystals.)
Jelani: Oh, man.
(The Guard from before tosses the Chakalau back into the den.)
guard: All right. Back to work.
( taps )
( device beeps )
( groans )
guard: Faster!
( Chakalau growls and works faster.)
(One Chilla passes out and is picked up by another one, but the former is quickly shocked again.)
guard: No breaks. Move!
( taps )
( Chakalau grunts )
Lisa: Dad, this is super messed up.
Terry: Well, we don't know that. Maybe that's just how they...
guard: What did I just tell you?
( electricity crackles )
( Chilla groans )
( body thuds )
(The fam is shocked by what they are seeing as Jelani covers his eyes.)
Terry: Okay. That's pretty bad.
Jelani: Yep.
(Cut to the family sitting together with concerned and devastated looks on their faces. A mascot soon comes along and drops some food off, he holds his hand up for a high five which Terry begrudgingly gives.)
Sean: Hmm. That didn't seem very "happiest place in the galaxy" to me. ( sighs ) I liked this place more back when Dad get knocked out by the Chilla.
(As they are thinking about that, they look around to see all the fun times that are being had.)
Lisa: Is this all just a cover for that?
Terry: That's, uh... ( sighs ) It's not great. But...
Jelani: Not great? Dad, those creatures are prisoners.
Eh, I mean, we don't know for sure what the Conglomerate is doing with them.
For all we know, those could be... tickle collars.
Lisa: Dad, this is serious. Isn't there anything we can do?
Sean: Yeah. We can try to free them!
Jelani: Atta boy, The Revolution will not be televised!
Terry: Whoa, whoa, whoa. ( chuckles ) Listen. I know that what we saw down there was terrible, and this isn't what you wanna hear, but that's not what we came here to do. Our mission is to catch Vax and get paid so we can get you guys back home.
But, Dad!
Jelani: Come on!
Terry: Lisa, Jelani. It's not our business.
(Sean tries to put some sauce on his food, but ends up spilling it on his shirt.)
Terry: The Chillas will be fine without us. Trust me. (Gets up) Come on. Let's get you cleaned up before that stain melts through.
Sean: Wh... Why would it melt through? (Terry takes Sean's hand)
Terry: You don't wanna know. Stay here until we get back. No wandering off on your own.
(Terry walks over to the bathroom, but it is interrupted.)
Park visitor: Hey! Where do you think you're going? There is a line.
Terry: You gotta be kidding me. ( groans )
(Cut back to Jelani and Lisa who are sitting in with an upset looks on their faces.)
Lisa: I can't believe this!
Jelani: (Tries to take a drink, but drops it. He goes to pick it up and sees Vax.)
Lisa: ( gasps ) Dad! It's...
(Sees he's distracted with Sean. Lisa and Jelani back at Vax.)
Jelani: We're gonna follow her aren't we?
Lisa: Yep. What are you up to?
(They soon follow her while trying to keep up with her, but end up knocking an ice cream out of a kid's hand and also get a picture taken of them with a cutout of a Chila.)
Jelani: No, no, no, no, no, no.
Lisa: What? Where is she?
(They see her go through a door and follow her. They hide behind some boxes and see her chatting with some other aliens who soon walk with to the front of a cage full of Chillas.)
Vax: You'll be free soon, friends. (Gives them food)
( chitters )
Vax: Stay strong.
( Lisa gasps and has her mouth covered by Jelani. Vax hears and charges her blaster and goes to where she heard it form but finds nothing. Cut back to Terry and Sean who walk out of the bathroom, but are stopped by Lisa and Jelani.)
Lisa: Dad!
Terry: Don't tell me you have to go to the bathroom.
Jelani: No. We saw Vax.
Terry: Wait. Really? Where is she? We can grab her right now.
Lisa: (Blocks him) Dad. No! She's a good guy. She was giving food to the Chillas.
Jelani: She was talking about freeing them.
Terry: What?
Lisa: We followed her, and...
Terry: You followed her? I told you she's dangerous! Jelani, you encouraged this!
Jelani: Dad, I know, but just listen to me! She's not a bad guy. She...
Terry: That is not for you to decide.
Lisa: Dad, please, you can't turn her in.
Jelani: You don't even know what your bosses want with her, or what they'll do to the Chillas if she doesn't save them.
Terrry: ( groans ) Guys , this isn't up for debate. She's a fugitive, and I'm here to capture her. Vax, and the Chillas, or whatever else, aren't my concern. You three are.
Lisa: How can you say that? Mom always says you're supposed to do the right thing no matter what. Isn't this the right thing, Dad?
Terry: I'm not gonna ask you again, you two. Tell me where you saw her.
(Jelani was getting really frustrated, but complied nonetheless.)
Jelani: She was near the Octoclops.
(Terry and Sean walk away, but see that Jelani and Lisa are not following.)
Terry: Are you coming?
Lisa: No. Since you don't care that you play on the bad guys' team, we're going back to the ship.
Terry: You know what? ( sighs ) Fine. Go back to the ship.
(Terry and Sean walk off. Cut back to the ship with Jelani being frustrated, but confused as Lisa starts to suit up.)
KRS: Hey, Lisa, Jelani. Got my Chilla dogs? Lisa, honey, what are you doing?
Jelani: Yeah, I'm with Chris, what are you doing?
KRS: Your father's not gonna like this.
Lisa: I don't care.
Jelani: Lisa, this is dangerous, you can't do this alone!
Lisa: Which is why I'm gonna need the Magna Defender.
Jelani: Lisa-
Lisa: Please, you told me that Vax told you that the Magna Defender was supposed to be the defender of universe. So.....
(Jelani holds his sword in his hand and throws it in the air.)
Jelani: Magna Power!
Let's do this.
(Lisa and Jelani head back to the place where she was, but sees she was gone.)
Jelani: Where'd you go?
(Vax grabs Lisa and slams her into the boxes while she kicked Jelani to the ground.)
Vax: Why are you following me?
Lisa: ( breathing heavily and takes off helmet ) I want to help.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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