Bucky Quanto's Part 2

(The fam soon landed in the landing  area of Bucky Quanto's. Terry got ready to leave, but he turned back to his kids.)

Terry: Okay, guys. Remember what I said. Stay put. 

Lisa: "And don't touch anything." Yeah, we know, Dad. 

Sean: Yeah, we know. 

Jelani: We'll be alright.

Terry: This shouldn't take too long. (Walks out) I'll bring back some wings.

Sean: (Giggles)

(Cut to outside, Sabo is walking towards  the entrance, but suddenly the ship blasts at someone in the area, causing an explosion.)

Alien: Hey, watch it! 

Lisa on speakers: Sean did it!

Sabo: (Sighs)

(Cut to inside as Sabo was walking in, but stopped to drop off his weapons. He continued to walk until his eyes soon landed on a table.)

Sabo: You're late, Kryll.

Sabo: Gah! 

Mascot: Welcome to Bucky Quanto's! Home of the best wings this side of Andromeda. Can I take your order? 

Sabo: Sheesh! Yeah, uh, let me get three Dark Matter Habaneros, two Acid Bath Mouth Melters, and, uh... ( Sees his target ) ...make 'em to go.

(Cut back to the ship wear Jelani is writing in his journal, while Sean keeps messing with a dial that changed KRS's voice.)

KRS: Please, human child, refrain from... ( snappy voice ) Look, pal. ( angry voice ) Foolish creature! Touch me again, and I'll... ( Sean spins it too much which caused the dial to rip off, making KRS fly and hit the wall. ) 

Sean: Ooh! 

Lisa: This is ridiculous. Dad is this cool alien-hunter guy, we're in space, and all we get to do is stay on the ship? 

Jelani: This isn't vacation Lisa, this is a very dangerous place, tat we shouldn't be right now.

Lisa: Still, you once told us that you believed there was life out in the universe! 

Jelani: ......Touche.

Lisa: I say we go inside.

Sean: Well... 

Lisa: (Walks over to him) Come on! Don't you wanna see an alien?

Sean: Yeah. But what if we get in trouble? What if Dad sees us? 

Lisa: He won't. We'll be quick. In and out. (They look over at Jelani, who is trying not to agree, but fails.)

Jelani: In and out?

Lisa: In and out!

Jelani: Alright, if we're gonna do this we'll need...

(Jelani looks over at a weird cabinet and opens it, revealing Terry's contraband items. Sean picks up a weird vest with "mouth holes". )

Sean: This one's got mouth holes in it.

Jelani: Uh... I don't think those are mouth holes.

(Sean and Lisa, got their disguises, but Jelani couldn't find anything.)

Jelani: Jeez, you think dad might have at least something in my size! What's this?

Sean: Woah, maybe it's some kind of alien watch!

Jelani: I think this key fits into it.

 (Jelani puts the key into it and in a matter of seconds, armor appeared around him and attached to him.)


Lisa/Sean: Woah!

Jelani: What the?! (Looks in the window and sees himself in the weird armor) What am I wearing?

Sean: That's so cool! How did you do that?!

Jelani: I have no idea, but let's go in, before dad gets suspicious.

(The three siblings head in and fist bump as they make it through the entrance. They look around in absolute wonder and amazement.)

Sean/Lisa: Wow! 

Sean: Whoa! 

Lisa: Wow! 

Jelani: Look at that! This place is amazing. ( diners chattering ) 

Sean: Oh my gosh! 

Lisa: Sean, cool it. 

Jelani: We need to blend in. 

Sean: Oh. Okay. Sorry.

(The three continue to look around as they look around and take in their surroundings. But it soon ends as Sean bumps into a weird pig alien, making him spill sauce on himself.)

Diner grunts: Hey!

(The alien gets up in huff and glares at Sean.)

Sean: (Whimpers) My apologies, large, uh... pig guy.

Jelani: (Grabs Lisa and Sean by their shoulder to push them away) Our bad. Excuse us, sir.

Diner: (Pulls Jelani back) Oh, no, pal. Your bot owes me a new vest!

Sean/Lisa: Uh..

Jelani: (Glares right back at the Diner) Hey, don't yell br-I mean BOT!

(Jelani and the Diner continue to glare at each other, until the mascot gets in between them.)

Mascot: You know the rules! No tusslin' at Bucky Quanto's, unless you wanna be... ( menacing voice ) ...banned! 

Diner: (Gasps and sits back down) 

(Mascot squawks and goes off) 

Siblings: (Sigh)

Jelani: But it worked. We totally blend in. (They all walk off) You okay, Sean?

Sean: I do not know who this Sean is you speak of. I am man and technology made one. I am Robosean. 

Lisa: Okay...

Jelani: Come on, let's sit here.

(The three take a sit at a table.)

Lisa: What do you think they're made of? Do you think they have space chickens?

Jelani: Hope they got them hot wings.

Robosean: Wings. Noun. Definition. The organic...

Lisa: Sean! 

Sean: Sorry. We should order some. (Hologram menu pulls up) It says they're the best in the galaxy.

Lisa: (Laughs) You sure about that? Or have you forgotten the long night of red-hot wings?

Jelani: Hahahaha, you were in the bathroom for 3 hours straight! Hahahaha!

Sean: Man, I was a kid when that happened, Lisa. I'm grown now. I can handle it.

Jelani: Aight, "Grown man".

(Minutes later Sean was eating wings like he was possessed, while Jelani was eating normally.)

Sean: (Munching) So spicy! But... ( panting ) ...can't stop!

Jelani: (Licking his lips) Best the galaxy!

Lisa: Hey! Maybe slow down there. 

Sean: They're so good! You gonna eat yours? 

Lisa: It's all you, dude. (Pushes her tray at Sean)

Jelani: I wonder what dad is up to?

(Lisa hears cheering and looks over at a poker table.)

Lisa: Hello! Hey, I'm gonna look around for a bit. (Gets up) Just chill here for a sec.

(Jelani and Sean get up in worry.)

Sean: Wait! What if Dad catches us? 

Jelani: You said in and out, Lisa!

Lisa: I'll be quick. Just want to check out the game.

Sean: I'm gonna tell Dad. ( stomach growls ) ( groans ) 

Lisa: Ugh. Sounds like you got your own problems. (Goes off towards the game)

(Jelani looks at Sean and sees that he's having tummy troubles.)

Jelani: Alright, Sean, stay here, I'll go find a bathroom.

(Jelani went off to find the bathroom, while he continues to look, he soon comes across a beautiful anthropomorphic cat alien.)

What she's wearing:

(The cat looks and sees Jelani looking at her, they soon felt something. Jelani takes off his helmet and both look deep into each other's eyes.)

(Jelani walks over and sits down at the seat next to her, not trying to be a creep.)

Aurora: Are you to sit there or are you going to talks to me?

Jelani: Heh, sorry, it's not everyday someone as beautiful as you.

Aurora: (Giggles)

Jelani: (Holds his hand out) Jelani.

Aurora: (Holds her hand out) Aurora.

(With the others)


Terry: Wait, where's Jelani?!

(With Jelani and Aurora)

Jelani: And so I was like,  Are you a magician? Because my interest in you just disappeared!

Aurora: (Laughs with Jelani) Wow, you have quite interesting life for a Terran.

Jelani: Yeah, I still can't believe my dad kept me from all of this. (Gestures to Bucky Quanto's)

Aurora: (Puts hand on top of Jelani's ) Well, at least you're here now. Right?

Jelani: (Blushes, but smiles)

(Both lean in, but are interrupted as Sabo grabs Jelani and pulls him away.)

Terry: Sorry, we got to go!

Jelani: Aa-ug-I'll see you later! Sabo. I was about to get her number. (Puts his helmet back on)

Terry: You're supposed to be the oldest.

Cardplayer: Well, well, well. If it isn't Sabo Brok. (Diners grunting as they turn to the group)

Sabo: (Sighs and turns around) Glorlox. What's up, man?

Glorlox: Been a long time, Brok. A real long time.

Sabo: Yeah. Glorlox, listen. Uh, we're kinda in a rush, so, uh... 

Glorox: (Points at Lisa) Is this being with you? You know, she stole my winnings. (Sabo looks at the bathroom door) You at least owe me a chance to get 'em back. 

Sabo: I'm sorry you lost your creds, but we actually gotta get going.

Glorox: You're acting strange, Brok. (Kneels and looks at Lisa)Is this one important to you?

Jelani: (Growls and pushed Lisa behind him)

Sabo: Glorlox.

Glorlox: You think you can fool Glorlox. ( scoffs ) I could smell your lies. I know who this is. 

Sean/Lisa/Jelani: (Gasps)

Glorlox: These are, of course, your... new partners!

Jelani: Whaaa..

Sabo: Oh, uh...

Glorlox: Yeah... Well, that's interesting, after you said you didn't want a partner anymore, said you wanted to work "solo," said you didn't wanna be "in a thing."

Sabo: Glorlox, I'm not in a... No. You know what? It's cool. It is. It's really cool, actually. ( laughs ) I'm happy for you. Really, I am.

Lisa: How do you know this guy?

(Cut to commercial)

alien on TV: One of our prisoners just escaped our prison planet. Who can help us? ( explosion ) 

(Both grunting as they squeeze through the door together.) 

Who are you guys? 

Both: Brok and Glorlox. ( explosion ) 

Both: Bounty hunters for hire. 

Sabo: You've tried the rest... 

Glorlox: Now hire the best! And remember... If we can't find 'em... 

Both: They're probably dead! ( explosion )

(Back to Bucky Quanto's)

Lisa/Sean/Jelani: What?

Glorlox: You know what? It's actually been a really good journey for me, being independent. (Sabo gestures to his kids, so they could leave, but Glorlox continues) And while I was on that journey, I recruited a few partners of my own. Say hello to the gang.

Sabo: We really have to get... 

Glorlox: Torga! 

Torga: (Walks over to Glorlox) I'm twice as dangerous on land than on sea.

Sabo: Okay. We're doing this.

Glorlox: Lootbat. 

Lootbat: (Slides in, holding coins) By the time you see me, I'm already in your pockets. 

Lisa: Ugh.

Glorlox: And this is Bogdog.

Sean: (Gasps and pushes past his family) He's so cute! Come here, puppy!

(Everyone gasps at this.)

Glorlox: Uh-oh. Watch out.

Sean: I mean, you're adorable! Can I pet him?

Bogdog: Oh, Bogdog's gonna wreck this bot.

Sabo: Okay, guys. We're going now. (Picks up Sean and puts him back with his siblings. They begin to walk away until Glorlox stops them.)

Glorlox: Hold on. What are you up to, Sabo? You after a big bounty or something?

Sabo: Wh-wh-what? No! No! Definitely not. Just taking my interns out for some wings. Best wings in the galaxy.

Glorlox: (Growls)

(The bathroom doors open and Krill is there with his Chicken alien guard.)

Krill: Sabo!

Sabo: Oh boy. (Grunts and pushes a diner) 

(Diner yelps and falls onto the pig alien which makes him punch the Diner into an alien jukebox.) 

(Rock music playing on jukebox, which makes the diners look at them.) 

Glorlox: What the... (All groan as Sabo pushes them down which causes a brawl to break out.) 

Sabo: Time to go. Jelani, grab Lisa!

Jelani: (Picks Lisa up) Got her!

Glorlox: Sabo! 

Chicken Alien: Bok kwah! (Glass shatters ) ( energy crackling ) ( both groaning ) 

mascot: Banned for life. I said no tusslin'. (Beeps as more mascots appear and zap all the aliens tussling. ) 

(The fam was running out of the place, while trying to make sure that they don't get banned.)

Sabo: Please don't get banned. 

Lisa: (Yelps) I think getting out alive is the bigger priority here. ( Sabo grunts as he slides under table, while Jelani jumps over it.) 

Glorlox: Hmm... Huh?

Bogdog: (Flies over and lands on Glorlox) Bogdog! ( both groaning ) ( energy crackling ) 

mascot: Banned for life. 

(The fam continues to run, until they finally made it out of the place.)

Sean laughing: Yeah! Whoo! ( laughing ) (Terry panting, grunts. While Jelani pants in exhaustion.) We did it, Dad! Yeah! 

Terry: We did! We did! ( laughs ) And we made it without getting... ( groans ) ( energy crackles ) 

mascot: Banned. For. Life. ( laughs, squawks ) 

Terry: No! ( groans )

(Cut to the ship where Terry is looking in the mirror and seeing that he is BANNED in red on his forehead.)

 Lisa: Uh, so you just gotta walk around with that? Permanently? 'Cause if so, that's kinda messed up. 

Terry: Great. Best wings in the galaxy gone forever. I can't believe... Hey! (Sees Lisa eating some wings) Where'd you get those? 

Lisa: ( munching ) I won 'em. Mmm. ( clicks tongue ) You were right though, Dad. These are pretty fire. 

Terry: You didn't save me any? 

Lisa: Hmm... Hmm? 

Terry:(Sighs and looks at Jelani as he powers down and is back in his regular clothing) How did you-Wait, did you touch that weird device in the contraband.

Jelani: (Nervous laughing) Maybe.

Terry: (Shakes his head in annoyance.) KRS, set coordinates for Chillion-5. ( gasps ) 

KRS: Oh! Chillion-5? Child, don't you threaten me with a good time. 

Terry: What the... What happened to KRS? I told y'all not to touch anything! 

Sean: Lisa did it. 

KRS: Hey! Loose lips sink ships, little man. 

(Thrusters whoosh as Glorlox and his crew was following them.) 

Glorlox: Don't get too close. We don't wanna tip him off. 

Lootbat: So, uh, why are we following these guys? 

Glorlox: Because I know my partner. Sabo's onto something big, and I want in on it. 

Lootbat: Oh! I thought it was 'cause you were still mad at him for going solo. 

Glorlox: What? No. I'm not mad. ( scoffs ) Why do you guys keep saying that? 

Torga: Well, you don't look happy. Your eyebrows are pointed down. 

Glorlox: I'm Glorsian, okay? That's how our eyebrows look when we're happy! What are you up to, Sabo? ( techno music playing )

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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