Chapter 5 : Embarrassment

♡ Jessica Woods ♡

I quit the Netflix and closed the laptop as my mind wandered about today's incident.

Samuel has never ever been intimated with me like he behaved today in the car but when I resisted, his mood changed instantly. He didn't speak to me till they reached the mall and when they got out of the car, he paid my dad and dragged Natasha towards the mall without glancing at me as if he was in a hurry.

Weird right?

That was exactly what my dad said. But he didn't know how much Samuel hates me and how much I love him so obviously it would be weird for my dad. But my question was, why did I feel weird?

Maybe, now I realized he would never change and he would never consider me as an option until he was tired of being a manwhore and I murder the female population of our school.


I glanced at my phone and saw a new notification from whatsapp. I unlocked my phone and opened whatsapp.

A new message from 'Board of Prefects'.

I tapped it and noticed that I was added to this new group by the admin who was Jace Parker.

Jace? How did he get my number?

I held my phone with my both hands and started to read slowly.

Hey all! This is your HP, Jace Parker. I've created an official group for y'all so you could get each and every information we provide. And, everyone drop a private message to me with their names so I could save these unnamed numbers which I got from our teacher incharge.

P.S, Dress well according to the dress code and don't wrinkle your blazer.

So what I understood from this message was that he got my number from our teacher incharge and I should send him a message privately with my name.

I quickly tapped the group info and found his number on the top and Oliver's number on the second as they both were the admins of this group.

I tapped Jace's profile and when the picture enlarged, my stomach twisted in a strange way. Natasha was standing between Samuel and Jace, wrapping her arms around their waists and the three of them looked hot as usual and the t-shirts they have worn, only added fuel to the fire.

Natasha was wearing a white crop top which had 'Every short girl needs a tall bestfriend' on it while Jace and Samuel was wearing a white t-shirt which had 'Every tall guy needs a short bestfriend'.

I huffed as I saw my profile pic which was taken on last Saturday in my room with Louise and the pimples on my cheeks could be seen clearly if they zoom in but I didn't think that Jace would notice it, so after saving his number as 'Jace' with one heart emoji and one evil face emoji, I started to type the message.

Hey! I'm Jessica Woods. Hope you'd save my number.

After typing the message very carefully, I reread it twice to check if I made any mistakes and when I found nothing I sent the message. Less than in no time, I saw the blue double ticks in my message and 'typing...' under his name which made me a bit excited for no reason.

I waited for a good forty five seconds and I started to wonder what could be the reply if he takes much time to respond. My hopes jumped out of the window when I saw the thumbs-up emoji as his reply.


I woke up to love me like you do which was my favourite song and my alarm ringtone as well. Slowly, I opened my eyes as my hand rummaged under the sheet for my phone.

When I found it, I turned off the alarm and glanced at the time, rubbing my eyes.

I sighed in relief as I had forty five minutes to get myself ready.

While I was brushing my teeth, I felt a mild pain in my stomach but I didn't care about it as the ache vanished in a few seconds.

When I get dressed according to the dress code which was white full sleeved shirt with blue tie and white miniskirt, I pulled up my blonde hair in a high ponytail and wore a blue hair tie.

Before I could apply some makeup on my face, the honk sound of car started to rip my eardrums.

"Coming!" I screamed down at Louise through the window who was standing beside the car, placing her hand on the centre of steering wheel.

I grabbed my bag and glanced at my blazer which was hanging on my wardrobe and it reminded me of the idiotic rule I've ever heard which was declared by our principal.

The rule was, we couldn't put on the blazer till our head prefect does and we couldn't remove it till our head prefect removes it. We couldn't eat or drink, wearing the blazer and if we need to go to bathroom, the head prefect needs to remove his blazer before we take ours and after using the washroom, the head prefect has to wear it again and we could wear it after that. It was a symbolic act of respect for the prefect's blazer.

Dramatic people!!

And if we get caught for not obeying the rule, the principal threatened us that he would give a massive punishment.

"I'M LEAVING!" Louise yelled and I quickly headed outside, grabbing my blazer and my mom kissed my head while I was putting on my socks and shoes and said that she was sorry for not attending my investiture ceremony as she needed to visit my grandma who was in hospital and I didn't bother to reply as somewhere I was hurt for being treated useless by my parents too.

I shut my locker and made my way towards the auditorium, holding my blazer.

"Prefect, huh?" I turned around when I heard the familiar voice and Samuel was jogging on spot, wearing the basketball jersey.

Wow! He's trying to make a conversation with me!

"Yeah." I nodded and resisted the urge of touching his sweaty muscular arms.

"Do you think you deserve this?" he asked out of nowhere and I looked up at him, furrowing my eye brows.


"You heard me." he smirked arrogantly and he glanced at his basketball court and started to jog towards it.

"Congratulations by the way!" he waved his hand slightly in the air, looking at me over his shoulder. I smiled but didn't reply anything as I realized I was running out of time.

When I reached the entrance of the auditorium, I found Jace on his blazer and I could see his face in sideway but still I could bet that even the blind girl would fall for him if he stood in front of her.

Natasha was standing infront of him, adjusting his tie and he told something which made her laugh. When she finished adjusting- no, touching him, she tiptoed and kissed him on his chin and I could see the slight blush that was forming on his cheeks from here and they both were staring intently which made me puke so I left the place as soon as possible before my virgin eyes could lose their innocence.

When I entered into the auditorium, it was decorated by white flowers and white candles and everyone were on their Blazers so I too wore it and joined the crowd where Oliver and the teacher in charge advicing us the same thing they said yesterday.

"Now the prefects of Lavender house would get pinned their badges by the respective teachers." this was the phrase that woke me up from my small nap and I hoped that I didn't drool as I stood up and approached the stage cautiously.

I felt everyone's eyes were on us as the spotlight followed us when we reached the stage.

I started to get nervous when the announcer announced my name and I stepped forward as some teacher slowly approached me who didn't know my existence and congratulated me and took the house prefect badge from the tray and pinned it on my collar.

I peeked a glance at my badge which was circle shaped and it was painted in silver colour with purple outline and it had 'house prefect' on it in small curved letters.

Everyone applauded and suddenly my eyes searched the front row as I always wanted Jace to appreciate me but my smile disappeared when I found him having a serious discussion with Oliver, ignoring the whole thing happening around him.

Later, everything went as it planned and everyone looked happy except me. I didn't know exactly why, maybe it could be Jace's ignorance or the strange ache of my stomach but this day wasn't going as I expected.

"Congratulations Jessica and Louise!" Leah wished us and I smiled at her as Louise hugged her tightly.

"Wish you the same, Leah!" Louise beamed when they pulled away and Leah glanced back and gripped Louise's wrist.

"C'mon Lou, we'll take a pic together." she suggested and Louise glanced at me before turning back towards Leah.

"Can Jessie too-"

"Hey, no no, you guys go. I'll wait here." I forced out a smile.

"Let's go then." Leah squealed, dragging Louise towards the photographer who was going to pass out in anytime as he was taking the same snaps of each and every prefects with different poses continuously.

When I was about to exit the auditorium, some of the girl prefects giggled as they walked past me and I furrowed my eye brows in confusion.

And the boys behaved even worse as they walked past me. They were whispering something like 'eww' and 'ugh', looking at me which made me freaking nervous.

What the hell is wrong with them? what the hell is wrong with me?

Suddenly somebody gripped my arm and spun me around and I saw Louise who was frowning at the floor and Leah stood behind her, eyeing at me and I could see the concern in her eyes. Before I could ask them whether they took photographs, Louise pushed me backwards a little and I did so.

"Jessie, don't freak out but there's a red stain on the back of your skirt." she whispered and my eyes bulged out of my head. "I think it's period."

Period?? Holy fu-

I bit my lower lip as I hesitantly looked back of my skirt and there's a large circle shaped reddish mark on it and anyone could notice it as the skirt was white in colour and the stain was resembling the colour and the size of tomato.

"Hey, look at the national flag of Japan behind your back." a curly haired girl teased but my mind couldn't process a good comeback as I became motionless. Louise clenched her fists and before she could do anything, that girl disappeared from our sight.

"C'mon, let's go to the bathroom." Louise said sternly, pulling me by my arm but I didn't move which made her turn around at me.

"We are still wearing the blazer." I sighed softly and she raised her eye brow.


"So.. we couldn't go to washroom unless he removes it." I told, motioning to Jace who was standing infront of me a few feet away and talking something leisurely with his fellow prefects and Louise frowned.

"Do we care what the rule says?" she asked and before I could reply, Leah spoke.

"No Louise. Maybe you both could lose your prefectship if you break the rule on the very first day." Leah stated and I nodded in agreement which made Louise sigh loudly.

"Then c'mon, let's meet Jace and explain the situation." Louise suggested casually and I stepped back, shaking my head.

"No. I can't." I refused.

I cringed mentally when I thought how could Louise explain the situation just to make him remove his blazer? It would be much more embarrassing.

"It's better to stand here till he removes it." I plastered a fake smile on my face and slowly walked backwards and leaned my body on the wall, hiding my back.

Louise grimaced at me and muttered something to Leah before standing beside me as Leah walked away.

Calm Jessica! Now it's not the time to think how pathetic you look.

I tried my best to hold my tears as I recalled the moment how did everyone stare at me when they walked past me?

Bitches and Bastards!

I stared around, twirling the strand of my hair and when I glanced at Jace, he was already staring at me, clenching his jaw as Oliver whispering something on his ear.

Without taking his deep blue eyes off me, he pushed the persons who were talking to him as he made his way towards my direction.

I stopped twirling the strand of my hair and tugged it behind my ear in nervous as everyone's gazes turned towards me. Before I could blink, he was standing infront of me.

"Are you serious?" Jace hissed, unbuttoning his blazer.

"Wh-What?" I stammered, glancing around and then at him in widened eyes as he took off his blazer and hung it on his forearm.

Everyone began to remove it, following his action and now everyone's gazes were fixed on me which made me more uncomfortable.

Jace looked straight into my eyes and commanded, motioning at the exit door. "Go now!"

"G-Go where?" I asked, swallowing the lump in my throat and he groaned.

"Don't you want to use the restroom?" he whisper-yelled and some of the girls who were standing in the corner, snickered which made Jace to turn towards them.

"What? Don't y'all get period?" he shot back and the sound of gasps surrounded the auditorium while my lips parted slightly.

Thank God, the teachers and the parents left the place already.

"Jessica," Jace sighed, staring at me intently. "this happens to every girl in our school so there's nothing to be ashamed of, okay?" he spoke like he was talking to a toddler and it was hard not to cry. Not because of the embarrassment, but because of his soothing words.

"Go." he said quietly, nodding at the door and when he understood why I was not moving he waved at Louise to come closer and when she did, he grabbed her arm softly and set her behind me. "Louise, go like this." he instructed and everyone stifled their laugher.

Ignoring them, Louise nodded at him and pushed me forward, urging me to move. I kept two slow steps then stopped which made Louise's chest collide with my back. I quickly turned around, not caring whether anyone could see the back of my skirt and stared at Jace and his eyes softened when he saw my eyes that filled with tears.

"Thankyou." I told sincerely and the corner of his lips rose upwards as he shook his head.

"It's nothing."

When I exited the washroom after scrubbing the back of my skirt hard enough till the stain get vanished, Louise was waiting for me, leaning on the door frame beside the sink and hanging our blazers over her forearm.

Finally the tears I held back for a long time started to flow down but no one who came to use the washroom spared glances at me as they knew nothing and I quickly ran towards her and hugged her tightly.

"I hate Jace. I hate Jace, Lou." I cried, burying my face on her shoulder and she rubbed my back soothingly as she said. "I know why are you saying you hate him.." she paused, pulling away and smiling at me. "..because you can't say you love him. Right?"

I shook my head, staring at the floor as I couldn't be able to accept the fact but I couldn't deny it, either. She patted my shoulder before handing me my blazer.

"C'mon lets meet your knight in shining armour." Louise said jokingly, as I made my way towards the auditorium. Louise was still following me behind for some reason which I didn't know why.

As I headed to the auditorium, I noticed curious gazes and muffled voices in the crowd but I decided to ignore it when I saw Jace far from here as he was super tall and staring at the entrance like a kid who was waiting for the Santa Claus to arrive.

"Okay?" he mouthed and I nodded hesitantly and then he nodded back before draping his blazer over his shoulders and cleared his throat. "Alright guys! Hurry up and put on your blazers! We're gonna take a group photo." with that he turned around, guiding us the way.

Then everyone beamed and turned their attention from me as they started to follow him after putting on their blazers.

I sighed inaudibly, looking at my blazer and absentmindedly my lips curved upwards.

"Thankyou." I mumbled at it before putting it on.

Hey Lovely Readers!

Happy New Year!!!

Hope you enjoyed it and please tolerate if there's any mistakes.

And if anyone had thought how unrealistic the blazer rule was.. to be honest, in my school there's a rule like that! Lol.

Vote and Comment!

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