Chapter 31 : Rehearsal
♡ Jessica Woods ♡
"Guys! I hope y'all are aware that only three more days to go for the talent show." Oliver spoke, standing on the auditorium stage. "So today we're having a rehearsal and I can't say the exact time when it'll be finished but I hope y'all won't mind if you get home a bit late." he said and I was already feeling sleepy as he was talking the same thing since we had gotten into the auditorium.
Besides, I haven't slept enough for the past few days and I could already see the bags under my eyes. The more I cry, the more I become ugly but that thought didn't help my cause as it was really hard not to cry during night times, especially when I was on my time of the month.
I noticed Jace was standing beside the exit door and talking with our prefects' in-charged teacher with a smile on his face.
Why can't I be like him? Why can't I act like not-talking-to-Jace is not so big deal just like he does?
Maybe.. he wasn't acting.
"Let's get started, guys!" Oliver interrupted the train of my thoughts and everyone started to whisper with each other excitedly while I was sitting in the corner seat of the fifth row and observing everyone's actions. Currently, I was regretting the decision my old self made which was applying for the prefectship.
Because I vowed to become a prefect to engage with more people and come out of my comfort zone. But obviously nothing happened according to my wish. I was still an awkward introvert and I was a nobody to most of the people.
Even in the prefects board too, neither the teachers nor the prefects would recommend me to do some special duties such as; reading opening ceremony or vote of thanks in grand occasions, being a head girl for any event and whatnot.
Most of the time, those duties would be given to Gabriella or Leah. But I was completely sure that all of the prefects had gotten a significant role in some occasion except me. Even Louise too had received a chance of standing on the stage and reading a farewell speech for her favourite teacher who was leaving the school, once.
Everyone avoided me and made me feel unwanted since childhood. I thought Jace was an exception. But guess what? I was totally wrong.
And most importantly, If I haven't become a prefect, I surely wouldn't get close to Jace. I would never get to talk to him and I would never fall in love with him. It was all my fault.
This was why I wanted to time travel and change every stupid decisions I made.
When I glanced towards Jace's direction, I noticed he was now talking with a light-blonde haired girl who was leaning on the wall, twirling a strand of hair with her finger. And suddenly Jace chuckled, running his fingers through his hair in a boyish way while she was frowning at him playfully.
I clenched my teeth, staring ahead. Screw those people who called me weak. Because right now no one had no idea how hard I was trying to suppress my sob. Jace didn't seem to be upset as he didn't lose anything other than the spineless girl, who was head over heels in love with him, Jessica Woods.
He still has his bestfriends, his reputation, the happiness and above all, he was participating in the Talent show to get the oh-so-Talent-Tamer award while I was drowning in my own tears.
Eventhough he was the bestfriend of Samuel Collins, I never thought he would hurt me as much as Samuel did. It really hurt when I realized that the person once cared me a lot, suddenly stopped caring about me. I highly doubt that he would've acknowledged my existence these days. I never knew I was this easy to forget.
I could feel my eyes starting to fill with tears and I turned my head towards the wall and blinked my eyes continuously. He never liked me at all; he was such a soft-hearted guy who was being nice to everyone. Not only to me.
I stood up from my seat abruptly and Louise who was sitting beside me seemed to be startled by my action as she looked up at me with furrowed brows.
"What happened Jessie?"
"I wanna go to the bathroom." I muttered, trying to walk past her.
"Do you want me to come with you?" she asked and I shook my head.
"No need. I can manage."
I didn't wait for her to respond as I started move through the narrow way and stood infront of the step walkway of the auditorium. I stole a glance at Jace who was still talking with that chick.
I took a deep breathe before marching towards the doorway. When I was about to get out of the place, someone gripped my shoulder which made me turn around with a sudden jerk.
"Where are you going?" Oliver asked in his usual arrogant tone and I shot him a glare, swatting his hand away harshly.
"It's none of your fucking business." I hissed and he clenched his jaw but I didn't too bother about it as I dashed outside before he could do anything else.
I hate Oliver. I hate this school. I hate myself. I hate my life. I hate everything that would somehow relate to Jace. But as odd as it may sound, I love Jace. More than anyone.
A couple of minutes later, I slowly entered into the auditorium after checking twice or thrice that nobody could find that I went to the bathroom for nothing but to cry inaudibly.
The moment I got in, I heard some familiar voice calling my name out which made everyone to pause their works and turn their attention towards the owner of the tone who was surprisingly Jace Parker. He nodded his chin at me to come over but I stared at him without showing any movement.
"Jessica! Come here for a moment!" he commanded raising his voice a little and I noticed Oliver was slowly walking towards Jace and standing beside him. I see where this is going.
Without a second thought, I approached Jace and stood a metre away from him. "Yeah?"
He studied my face for a minute or two, crossing his arms over his chest before speaking. "Where did you go?"
I glanced at Oliver who was looking at me challengingly before turning my gaze back to Jace.
"Bathroom." I mumbled and he raised his eye brow.
"Did you ask my permission?" Jace questioned and I gave him a flat look. He's really rubbing me up the wrong way.
"You were so busy talking with some blondie." I stated, hoping that I sounded normal and Jace gave me 'Oh' look.
"Okay.. but still you could've interrupted the conversation I was having with her and informed me." he said and I huffed, throwing my hands in the air dramatically.
"I don't get the point here. Are you confronting me just because I didn't inform you before going to the bathroom?" I questioned and Jace shook his head.
"No. That's beside the point. I wanted to know whether you used swear words while talking with Oliver?" Jace asked, tucking his hands in his pocket and when I stole a glance at Oliver, an idea popped into my head.
Yes Jessie! Let's take the bull by the horns!
"When did I talk with Oliver?" I questioned and Oliver gave me a surprised look.
"Hey, don't you dare lie okay! Haven't we talked a few minutes ago?"
"Nope." I lied without any hesitation, crossing my arms over my chest.
"What the- Jace, she's lying! You know, I wouldn't just create a scene for no reason right?" Oliver said defensively but Jace didn't respond as he eyed my face intently.
"But I'm such a goody two shoes. Do you think I would use swear words, Jace?" I asked in a fake-offended tone and Jace tilted his head to one side, raising his eyebrow but didn't utter anything.
"But you've sworn at me once in past time too, miss goody two shoes." Oliver stated mockingly but before I could reply, Jace spoke.
"Oliver, let's drop this subject. If she swore at you, she would've admitted already instead of arguing with you.." he paused, looking at my eyes. "Plus, she wouldn't lie."
The last phrase hit me hard and I quickly averted my gaze to the floor, swallowing the lump in my throat as I started to feel guilty for being bitchy.
"So are you telling that I'm lying?" Oliver hissed and Jace sighed loudly.
"No man.. You know I didn't mean it like that. C'mon, let's go. We have so many works to do." Jace said, patting Oliver's back and Oliver scowled at me as they both walked past me.
Finally the rehearsal has come to an end and even though it took almost three hours, I was really entertained by it. Actually I was truly fascinated by everyone's performances. I couldn't believe that God has given so many unique skills to the students who were studying in my school. The act of magic and the classical ballet dance filled me with astonishment and on the other hand, the puppet show and the comedy skit which made the audience, including me, howl with laughter.
But what blew my mind was, the play of Pride and Prejudice. It's just wow. Amelia, the snobbish cousin of mine, and a brawny guy were playing the leading roles in the drama which were Elizabeth Bennet and Mr.Darcy. Eventhough Elizabeth's personality was totally different from Amelia's usual attitude, she fitted perfectly in that character. And that's why still Amelia was the best young dramatic artist in our Future Stars club.
Since I've joined in the drama club I always got jealous of Amelia, who was one year younger than me, as she never failed to impress anyone by her outstanding act. And today was no exception.
They both performed phenomenally well and they got my full attention as I watched the play without blinking my eyes like I'd miss any iconic part if I batted my eyes. Although they were performing an act of play in the talent show, it was best of the best.
I already had a huge obsession on that novel and when I got a chance to see the sneak peak of Elizebeth and Mr.Darcy's remarkable scenes by the modern artists, it just lit up my day.
But some of the participants who were doing the last minute talents didn't perform in the rehearsal. And Jace was one of them.
Actually I was really curious about what last minute talent Jace would be doing. Was he going to paint an art of his mother or was he going to wow us by making a dark chocolate?
"Do you know something?" Louise chirped but I kept walking, gripping the straps of my bag as I knew she'd say that something anyways even if I didn't respond. "Amelia and Stephen started dating lately. Especially after they both got selected for the play." she said and that caught my attention as I turned to look at her.
"Who's Stephen? The bulky guy who played the role of Mr.Darcy?" I asked a bit curiously and she nodded.
"Hell yeah. Did you notice how hot he is?" she sighed dreamily and I rolled my eyes at her.
"He's younger than you, Louise. Plus you both were in a relationship. With different persons." I retorted and she rolled her eyes, waving her hand dismissively.
"Oh c'mon. I'm just complimenting the guy. Ryan too does that when he sees some chicks who have big boobies." she admitted and I cringed slightly.
But I didn't respond anything as we reached the indoor pool and when Louise got inside, I too followed her behind. Actually at the moment, I just wanted to go home and take a hot bath before taking a nap but as you know Louise had other plans. And that's why the-tired-me was here right now.
Most of the guys were on their swimming trunks and only a few guys could be seen in the pool as the others were roaming the place and gossiping with each other.
Thank Heavens! The swimming practice is over or else I should wait a little longer.
The moment Louise spotted the half-naked Ryan, she almost ran towards him and jumped into his arms like we've seen in the movies.
Jeez.. She just met him a few hours ago before the rehearsal.
They both did their stuffs and didn't bother about the fact that they were being the centre of the attention right now.
I just sighed inaudibly and decided to listen some songs till Louise comes and made my way towards the bleachers.
My eyes widened slightly when I saw Jace sitting on the last row of the bleachers and staring at his phone.
Well, he must be waiting for Ryan.
I didn't stop walking as I slowly approached him and stood right next to his sitting figure. Somehow he acknowledged my presence as he turned his head towards my direction but when his eyes met mine, he instantly looked back at his phone.
I let out a heavy sigh before speaking. "Jace, can I have a word with you?"
Jace paused scrolling, looking up at me with a mocking gaze and studied my face for a couple of moments before responding.
"Sure. What's up?" he asked in a casual tone, setting his phone aside and I cleared my throat.
"Uh, actually.. what Oliver said was correct. I.. lied earlier." I admitted in a faint voice, looking down and he leaned backward on his elbows.
"I know." I heard he say nonchalantly which made me raise my head and look at him quizzically.
He sighed, staring ahead. "I know you lied."
"Then why didn't you expose me?" I asked and he averted his gaze towards me.
"Because I love the way you lie." he stated, shrugging and I stared at him with parted lips. "And, see, if I did expose you, you would've never confessed that you lied." he told and I dug my nails into my palms.
"Well, I thought you trusted me and that's why-"
"How the hell could you expect me to trust you when all you do is lying constantly?" he whisper-yelled, cutting me off and my eyes brimmed with unshed tears but he didn't seem to be noticed them.
"All I do is lying constantly? Okay fine. But you know what?" I lowered my voice to a whisper. "I actually miss the old Jace. Who's once a Prince Charming." I stated and he tilted his head, rubbing his jaw.
"I see your point here, but sorry to say, I'm still the Prince Charming." he announced somehow cockily and I glowered at him disapprovingly.
"Then, I guess I'm not your Cinderella." I retorted and turned on my heel, stomping off without waiting for Louise.
Dear Lord, please help my poor soul.
The next two days passed by like a blur as Jace didn't attend school these days for some unknown reason. He has taken so many days-off and I felt bad when I knew I was one of the reasons for it. Actually, in my opinion, he shouldn't get absent like this because of his personal stuffs as he was the Head Prefect of our school and he was on his senior year of high school now.
Plus, because of me, he couldn't be able to concentrate on his studies too. Though I hope he would atleast focus on Computer Science and get some good grades as he was staying with Roger nowadays who had a little knowledge about Computer Science comparing to Jace and who would share the notes whenever Jace asked.
This is my huge mistake, I still care about him eventhough he's so happy without me.
Right now I could surely tell what was difference between crush and love. I had crush on Samuel and I cried without a break and most of all, I was about to end my life too but it was just a crush that I got because of the stupid hormone.
On the other hand, the story of Jace's and mine was a bit perplexing. And I didn't fall in love with him at first sight as I knew him since I've known Samuel. It's not a crush or friendship. It was surely love which was developed by the love-hate relationship.
I'm rambling, ain't I?
I slumped on the seat and glanced at the clock that has attached on Louise's car for the umpteenth time as I waited almost fifteen minutes for her to stop the conversation with Ryan and get into the car.
These days, I started to get jealous of my only one bestfriend, Louise Adley, too. Because she had clear skin and she was quite attractive in her flat-chested figure too while I was a plain dumb girl with pimples.
And she was an ambivert who loves parties and enjoys her own company at the same time unlike me.
Plus, she was rich beyond measure and without any doubt, she was going to be lived happily ever after with her hottest boyfriend while I was sitting on someone's car and searching a good dating site on my phone just to get another heartbreak.
To be honest, I wasn't completely jealous of her; I was just feeling pity on myself.
Finally I saw Ryan pecking her lips through the side-view mirror and I straightened up, quickly wiping the tears with the back of my palms.
"Bye loser!" Louise waved her hand at him before getting into the car.
"Hey sorry babes." she apologized and I shrugged, turning my gaze towards the window and when Ryan appeared to the window and knocked on it, I startled momentarily but when he bent down a little and gestured me to roll it down, I did so.
"Hey Jessie! How are you doing?" Ryan asked, smiling a little and I was a bit surprised that he talked to me after what seemed like ages and I almost forgot he was waiting for me to reply.
"Err.. surviving, I guess."
He stared at me for awhile as if I was a some kind of alien, before clearing his throat and looking over my shoulder.
"Okay.. lemme tell you the story I read it somewhere." he stated and I gave him a puzzle look. "Friends are like boobs. Some are big; some are small; some are real and some are fake. But in my opinion, it's pretty hard to find the real and fake. Whether they're boobs or friends." he concluded and I frowned slightly as I didn't get what he was trying to say but before I could utter anything, Louise spoke.
"What are you trying to imply here? I have small and real boobs while Jessie has big and fake boobs? Fine. We get it, Ryan. Now leave." Louise announced which made him groan in response.
"No, silly." Ryan shook his head in disbelief at her before turning his gaze towards me. "Well, Jessica, did you get the idea what I was trying to say?"
I pretended to think for awhile before smiling sheepishly at him. "Uh, no?"
He exhaled loudly and muttered.
"No wonder why people say blondies are dumbasses."
And then he straightened himself up. "Well, ladies, It's time to hit the road. Catch you two later." he said hastily, winking at Louise and giving me a huge grin before disappearing out of our sights.
Actually I felt my mood has lightened up after talking with Ryan. I missed him too. I rolled the windows up and turned to look at Louise who was starting the engine. "Lou, you seriously didn't get the point of his story? Maybe he's trying to say the differences about friends."
"Well, duh." she rolled her eyes. "But don't take him too seriously Jessie. Sometimes he calls me in the middle of night and tells that Jack actually could've fitted in the raft in the Titanic movie." she sighed dramatically and I chuckled, turning my gaze towards the window.
But I felt a huge part of my brain was hinting that he didn't come up to me and talk to me just to say a lame story.
Hey Lovely Readers!
Hope y'all are doing well!
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