Chapter 13 : Note
♡ Jessica Woods ♡
Jace Parker just KISSED me!
He stole my FIRST KISS!
I must be dreaming.
Wake up, Jessie!
OMG! I couldn't wake up. Then it's freaking real.
I swallowed the lump in my throat and averted my gaze from Jace who was staring at me with a look that was mixed with guilt and shock.
Natasha approached us furiously and she stood beside Jace, shooting daggers at me.
If looks could kill, I'd be dead right now.
Samuel, Ryan and Louise too made their way towards us and surrounded us. Samuel and Ryan were staring at me without blinking their eyes and Louise mouthed 'Oh. My. God!' grinning widely while I was having a hard time to maintain eye contact with anyone.
"How dare you kiss my man?" Natasha seethed, holding Jace's forearm tightly.
I opened my mouth and closed it as I didn't know what to say.
How could someone expect me to speak when the poor me had her first kiss with the one who was the boyfriend of some other girl?
Gosh! I thought my first kiss would be with Samuel Collins who was standing in front of me and looking at me intently more than three minutes for the first time.
"Hey!" Natasha snapped her fingers at me. "Are you dead or something?"
I hate her already.
"Tash, there's no fault in her. I'm the one who kissed her." Jace admitted, barely looking at Natasha.
Natasha, Samuel and Ryan said in unison and Louise giggled as if she was watching some comic opera.
Natasha looked at Jace for a few moments, waiting for him to say something but when he didn't utter any word, she turned her icy glare towards me.
"Screw you guys." she said through her clenched teeth and stomped off. Then Samuel glanced at me before glancing at Jace.
"You really made me speechless, man." Samuel sounded so amazed and patted Jace's shoulder. "Fine. Fine. It's not a big deal. C'mon." with that Samuel dragged Jace along with him who was trying to say something to me but nevertheless went with them.
He slowly disappeared from my sight while I was still processing what had just happened.
I felt strange when there was a pleasurable feeling somewhere in my heart. If truth be told, I really enjoyed the kiss and despite the fact that it was my first kiss, it was unforgettable. Yet.. it was pointless when I was being kissed by someone who wasn't mine and never will.
But, to be frank, why the hell did he kiss me? He was the one who kissed me right? Did I seduce him or something? Oh God! Look how pathetic I sounded.
I couldn't blame Natasha because If I were her, I'd feel the same and never talk to him again.
Wait.. Could I be able to talk with him again? Would he come and talk with me as always? He wasn't an introvert like me but at the same time he was a shy guy who wants his personal life to be hidden from everyone because I never knew he had a sister until I saw her and except Natasha there's no such details to share about his girlfriend stuffs.
I knew this kiss happened in the spur of the moment but does it mean it was nothing to him? At all?
God! The freaking kiss made my life more complicated.
But do I regret?
Well, No..
"Story time!" Louise squealed, snapping me out of my jumbled thoughts and I didn't realize she was standing beside me for the whole time.
She looked at me, wiggling her eyebrows playfully as we didn't have an argument a few minutes ago but all the worried incidents that happened lately had vanished away from my mind after the kiss.
All I could think was, KISS!!
Jace's kiss!
Jace's sweet kiss!
Oh God! I'm turning into something and it's not good.
Jessica Woods, You. Are. Pathetic.
"Stop rubbing your lips and spill the details you sneaky bitch!" Louise groaned and I was really unaware that I was tracing my lips till now as I dropped my hand down.
I chuckled at her sulking face and wrapped my arm around her neck tightly, almost choking her breath. "Then get us a back bench at the English period."
She managed to give me a thumbs-up while struggling to get out of my grip.
I stepped out from the car and shut the door, turning around.
"Ta-ta baboon!" I waved my hands at Louise through the window and she raised her eyebrow, leaning forward.
"Wow. You're really in a good m- hold on.. Did you just call me a baboon?" she exclaimed and I giggled.
"C'mon Lou. I'm stating the obvious."
"Alright bitch." she retorted and I frowned playfully.
"So you would come to the party right?" Louise asked and I shrugged.
"If only."
"Oh c'mon. Your mom isn't that bad okay? If she denied, just gimme a call and I'll use all of my sweet voice and batting lashes tactics to convince her." she said, flicking her hair proudly and I chuckled.
"You better do it. Because don't you dare have fun without me." I warned and she nodded mockingly.
"Ok mom."
I laughed and turned on my heels, heading towards the place which I called home.
I pushed open the door and the house was unusually silent and I assumed that my mom has gone somewhere and my brother hasn't come yet so I made my way towards my room and the next thing I was doing was dropping my bag on the bed and standing infront of the mirror.
I stared at myself and today I felt my cheeks were glowing naturally and my lips were parted slightly.
I leaned forward and glanced at my lips before rubbing it.
Goddamnit! He tasted so goood.
After having a long refreshing shower, I wrapped a towel around my head and wore an oversized hoodie and baggy sweatpants before heading to the kitchen.
I was so happy for some reason and the thought of being alone at home made me feel like I was on top of the world But I knew all of these happy feelings would vanish sooner when my mom comes but I hoped she wouldn't come so early.
I grabbed a milk box and chocolate pieces from the refrigerator as I decided to make hot chocolate on my own.
"He kissed me in a way that I've never been kissed before.." I sang underneath my breath and poured the milk in the bowl and placed it on the stove.
Why on earth is this song so relatable to my current life?
"Who's that unlucky guy?" a voice startled me and I jumped in surprise turning around and Alex scoffed looking at my reaction.
"Damn Alex. You scared the shit outta me." I exclaimed and he shrugged as he approached me and sat on the counter. He was wearing an ordinary t-shirt and sweatpants and I guess, he was already at home when I came from school.
He was about to take the chocolate piece but I slapped his hand which made him drop the chocolate.
"You can't take that. It's mine." I said and he took the chocolate piece again and flipped it before putting it in his mouth.
"Sorry. Your name is not there." he deadpanned and I frowned, turning on the stove and tried to ignore him.
"So why were you muttering the lyrics of then he kissed me earlier?" he asked and my eyes widened slightly.
"Uh well.. I love that song. So where is mom?" I tried to change the topic and he sighed, getting down and moving towards the refrigerator.
"She has left a note for you in her room." he informed and I furrowed my eyebrows.
Note? She wouldn't write me a note unless it's important.
"Alex! Keep an eye on the stove." I told but he was searching something on the freezer, sticking his head inside.
I entered into their room and glanced everywhere to find a note but I noticed nothing other than a red colour card on Alex's study table. I approached his table and glanced at that which was supposed to be a handmade birthday card.
I took it and opened it slowly which made me gasp in surprise.
It was for.. Georgia Parker and it was done by him. By Alexander Woods who was my brother and who said he hates Georgia. When I read the phrase that was written on the bottom of the card, I almost had a mild heart attack.
'Will you be my girlfriend?'
Oh My Freaking God!
Suddenly Alex barged in and when he caught me reading his card, his eyes narrowed. He strode towards me and was about to snatch the card from my hand but before he could, I hid it behind my back.
"Did you write this?" I breathed but he didn't reply as he started to attack me to take his card so I raised the card over my head but easily he took it as he was much taller than me.
Stupid move!
He glanced at the card and muttered some swear words before slipping it into his t-shirt.
"I knew it. I knew it. Your big nose would always stick into my business." he fumed and I frowned.
"I thought it was the note."
"No one would write a note in a birthday card, Jessie." he groaned and I rolled my eyes.
"So where's the note?" I asked and he groaned again before moving towards the night stand and opened the drawer. He took a folded piece of paper and extended it to me.
I took it and he walked past me to leave the room.
"Care to explain what I just witnessed?" I asked slowly, unfolding the paper and I heard the door slam so hard which meant he wouldn't.
Like I'd leave him just like that.
I opened the paper and read what she had written quietly.
Alex and Jessie,
Dad and I are going to a hotel and we will vacate from there on Saturday. So take care of yourselves. And Jessie.. I allow you to go to that Louise's party but no drugs, drinks and sex. Come home before midnight! Keep that in your mind.
Don't call me or dad unless it's very important. But Jessie, you should drop me a text when you reach the party place.
Love you both.
My jaw hit the floor as I squealed in happiness. Today was a good day to have a good day.
I made my way towards the kitchen happily and when I noticed Alex and the milk bowl were missing, my expression turned into a frown. I rushed into the living room and found Alex holding a glass of milk and watching 'forged in fire'.
"You asshole! It's for my hot chocolate." I shrieked, pointing the glass and Alex rolled his eyes.
"Is this the way you thank people?" he asked, watching the tv and I furrowed my brows.
"You're going to the party right? and didn't you think why mom gave you the permission so suddenly?" he asked, turning his head towards me and I stood there dumbly and when he noticed my face, he huffed.
"Miss dumbass, I'm the reason that you're going to the party so what you should do is, thank me. Not cursing me okay?" he said casually, sipping the milk.
I sat beside him, scooting closer and gripped his lean masculine arm.
"What did you do?" I asked curiously and he looked at me out of the corner of his eye before responding.
"Well, I didn't let them have sex yesterday." he replied and I narrowed my eyes in confusion, taking my hand off of his arm.
"Do I want to repeat it?" he asked quietly and I nodded.
"Argh.." he grunted and muted the volume before turning his body towards me. "Yesterday mom complained that they had kinda slow sex life right?" he asked and I nodded so he continued. "Later..while I was trying to sleep they got into the room and they both were horny at that time so I pretended to sleep, closing my eyes and suddenly my mom started to moan-"
"Oh My God!" I gasped and he snorted.
"Yeah. And I started to roll this side and that side on my bed and I guess my dad got some hint so when I slowly peeked a glance at their bed they were cuddling each other but their eyes were closed and I didn't hear any moan after that." he concluded, making a gagging expression and I laughed.
"Poor mom and dad."
"No Jessie.. hugging and kissing is okay. But having sex infront of me is-"
"Gross?" I asked, cutting him off and he nodded.
"So that's why they went to the hotel huh?" I asked giggling and he nodded, unmuting the television.
"They know that they couldn't afford to make another room for their privacy so they decided to rent a room to have their breathtaking sex." he said dramatically and I laughed out loud.
The-morning-me would never had thought that she would get her first kiss today and stay happy for the rest of the day.
I turned to Alex and noticed that some strands of his hair were falling on his eyes and sometimes he reminded me of young Leo.
Eventhough he was my little brother he behaved like my older one and I could share anything with him without any doubt. He was my secret locker and I knew I was the secret locker for him too.
He was annoying when he gossiped like a girl and many times I've planned various ways to kill him when he hurt me because I loved him so much more than my dad and mom.
"So when is the party?" he asked, snapping me out of my trance and I looked at him but his eyes were focused on the television.
When my eyes noticed the card that was hiding behind his cushion, my thoughts immediately went back to Georgia.
"Alex, look at me." I said and he glanced at me, raising his eye brow.
"Why did you lie yesterday?" I asked and he squinted in confusion.
"About what?"
"About Georgia." I replied and he sighed exaggeratedly.
"Jessie please.. I beg you. Just drop it." he pleaded.
"Alright. You don't need to tell me anything. But mind that you're not fooling yourself only, you're fooling Georgia and hurt her feelings too." I told and he scoffed, looking at me.
"Hurt her feelings? Me? Wow."
Okay.. now I'm confused.
"What do you mean by this?" I questioned.
"Look Jessie." he began, turning off the television. "If you can't tell me your personal stuffs then I can't tell mine too."
"I've told you everything." I muttered and suddenly he looked pissed off.
"Are you kidding me?" he hissed and continued.
"Did you tell me that someone has taken your first kiss today and that person is not your crush?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest and I bit my inner cheek in a bit surprise.
"Did you tell me that you've no longer feelings for your crush.. what's his name? oh yeah.. Samuel Collins! as you are developing feelings towards Jace Parker who happened to be your first kisser." he rambled and I looked at him open-mouthed.
"Oh my Gosh Alex! Chill out! You've got information from a wrong person. I still love Sam and I have nothing on.. Jace."
"Are you saying that to me or you?"
"Shut it dude. Yeah, Jace is my first kiss. But he has a girlfriend for God's sake."
"Who? His bestie?" he asked casually and I nodded.
"And he's your girlfriend's brother too. So it would be-"
"Damn Jessie! She's not my girlfriend. She doesn't like me at all."
"Puh-leeze, I'm not that dumb." I scoffed and he frowned.
"Last week I eavesdropped her conversation with some guy who was supposed to be in my age. He asked her what is the relationship between her and me and she said we were just friends."
"What's the problem with that dude?"
"we have KISSED Jessie! We have kissed countless times and how the hell could she say like that? She knows I like her and she too confessed her feelings towards me." he ranted but I tried to muffle my laugh.
"I'm sorry, but for some reason this reminds me of señorita. 'You say we're just friends, but friends don't know the way you taste la-la-la.' " I giggled, singing the lyrics and he frowned.
"What a loving sister?" he deadpanned, looking down and I giggled even more but it sooner stopped when I saw the glum expression on his face.
It was the same expression I had when I found Sam was dating Sarah.
I wrapped my arms around him and rest my head on his shoulder and he rest his chin on my head.
Aww my poor baby brother.
"Alex.." I began, staring at the blank TV screen. "Look at your face. Look how popular you are and look how many people love you. There are so many girls in queue waiting for your approval. So why on earth are you going behind that skinny lassie?"
"She's not skinny okay?" he defended and I chuckled, looking up at him.
"Just go and confess your feelings already. Misunderstanding would lead you into major problems." I adviced, squeezing his arm and he sighed.
"Will take this into consideration. Now stop crushing me. My arms are paining." he faked wince and I smiled, swatting his arm.
"That's my boy."
"Oh wait. I have something for you." he said hastily and ran into the room and in no time he came out, carrying a gift box that was made by blue-coloured card board.
"Here." he extended and I smiled at him in awe.
"But why?" I asked, taking the gift and he smiled at me and nodded at the gift box to open without responding anything.
It's the first time he's giving me a gift. I thought as I opened the gift box and before I could look what it was something like a boxing glove popped out and punched me in the nose which made me wince loudly.
Wow.. I could see the stars over my head.
I rubbed my nose as I saw Alex who was laughing hysterically, clutching his stomach and pointing at my nose and laughing even more.
"Th-This.. Oh God! Look at your face!" he laughed again, wiping his eyes while I was getting my knee ready to kick his family jewels so hard.
"This is for looking at my c-card sneakily." he managed to say and I gave him a death glare.
"You're so Dead Alexander!" I yelled as I threw the gift box at him but he easily dodged it and ran to his room and locked it when he found I was going to chop his fingers and roast them and will feed them to him at dinner.
Hey Lovely Readers!
Sorry for the late update!
Please forgive me if this is a boring chapter but don't worry the next chapter will be good and you know what?
I've already started to do it.
So what you should do is..
Yeah, yeah. That's it. Go ahead and make me happy.
Love you guys!
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