Chapter 12 : Dumb Blonde

☆~ Jace Parker ~☆

I should apologize to her. This thought was bothering me till yesterday and I hated when that dumb blonde was perfectly correct in her opinions.

"Come to earth, Jace." Natasha waved her hand in front me and I sighed looking down at her.

"Wassup?" I asked dully and she furrowed her eye brows.

"Are you alright?" she asked tiptoeing and placing the back of her hand on my forehead and when she found my temperature was normal she furrowed her brows again.

"Nothing serious." I said and wrapped my arm around her shoulder and moved towards my locker.

Where is she?

"Where is Ryan and Sam?" I asked eventhough I knew the answer.

"Ryan was probably with his new girlfriend." Natasha said casually, leaning on the locker beside mine while I was taking my books out of my locker.

"Sam is.. making out with Charlotte. You know, the dark-haired French?" she cringed slightly but pretended to be normal.

I'm hundred percent sure that she has a secret crush on Sam.

"Yeah yeah. The pretty nerd eh?" I asked, raising my eye brow and she frowned.

"She isn't pretty."

"Aw yeah, not more than you." I winked, closing the door and a pinkish blush spreaded across her face.

"I love you Jace."

"Love you too." I ruffled her dark blonde hair and she frowned slapping my hand away.

"You know how much time I spent to brush this?" she whined, smoothing her hair and I chuckled.

"My bad."

But before she could reply, Ryan approached us and pulled down the hair tie slightly which made Natasha to turn around swiftly.

"What the hell?" she scowled and Ryan pinched her nose.

"Aw, look at our bonny bestie." Ryan commented and she scrunched her nose, swatting his arm.

"You guys are annoying. So I'm leaving and no cheek-kisses today." she told and I chuckled while Ryan was pretending to be hurt as he clutched his heart.

"Aw Tash, don't do that. I will die."

Natasha punched him in the stomach and walked past away without giving her buh-bye cheek kiss and Ryan laughed, calling her name but she didn't stop so he turned his attention towards me.

Such a sweetie pie.

"Hey man!"

"Hey!" I punched him in the shoulder which I used to greet him. "How's Louise?"

"Well.. she's the bad kisser I've ever got." he admitted.

"Though you love her more than all the girls you kissed." I stated, rolling my eyes and he nodded.


I glanced around but I didn't notice her coming.

"Hey, do you know that today Jessica is being all weird and unusual." he spoke and I was a bit surprised as I wondered when did he start to read my mind. "She fought with Lou and denied to come to the party. Maybe I guess this has to do something with the yesterday's matter."

"Where is she?" the words slipped out before I could stop them.

"No idea, why man?" Ryan shrugged.

"Uh.. so I could stay away from that place." I stated and he laughed.

"What did I miss?" Sam joined tucking his phone inside his pocket and his lips were smeared with red lipstick.

"When did you start to wear lipstick dude?" Ryan teased and Sam touched his lower lip with his index finger and glanced it before wiping his lips with his shirtsleeve.

"That nerd bit my lip with her needle-sharp teeth. I hope it's not my blood." Sam snorted and I knew that no girl in the world was perfect for him as he always found out some faults in them.

"And then Stacey told me I have too many freckles on my nose." Natasha sighed.

"Yeah, she's very correct. And that's one of the reasons you're looking ugly." Ryan stated, munching the lettuce of his hamburger and high fived with Samuel while Natasha was pouting like a kid.

Weak, fat, ugly ain't no joke.

"Guys, Stop making fun of her." I stated and pulled Natasha closer to me.

"Am I ugly Jace?" Natasha looked up at me, wearing a babyish expression on her face and I smiled.

"You're amazing the way you are." I whispered, kissing the top of her head. "Ryan doesn't know the definition of pretty."

"That's why he's dating the bestfriend of Jessica." Sam snorted, shaking his Pepsi bottle and Natasha giggled agreeing with him.

"Hey! Don't you dare insult my girl. She's eating alone, though she said me to go and have fun with y'all bu-"

"Chill dude. We were just kidding.." Sam nudged Ryan and he sighed exaggeratedly.

"I know. But don't." Ryan muttered, looking down at his plate and Sam nodded, offering his diet Pepsi to Natasha whose eyes brightened instantly as she grabbed it.

Louise is staying alone?  I glanced at their table and Louise's back was facing me and she was looking at her phone, sitting alone.

Louise and Jessica would never be apart even when they go to washroom and if they both got into some silly fights they would make up within two minutes like nothing had happened.

Then why is she staying alone today? The fight they had is more serious than the earlier ones?

Moreover, where the hell is Jessica?

Whenever I tried to take her name off of my mind someone would remind  her name. But actually where was she? I didn't see her for the whole day. She didn't even come to the Computer Science class but Mrs.White was not too bothered about her absence.

She wasn't in the canteen too. Then where was she? Was she hiding away from me?

I saw Louise standing up and exiting the cafeteria.

"Guys. I gotta go." I said standing up swiftly and Natasha's head was about to fall as she was resting her head on my shoulder but I didn't care about it too much as I headed out and followed Louise without anyone knowing.

"Louise!" I called out and she turned around and when she noticed me, she gave me a small smile, approaching me.

"Uh.. well..-" I began but she cut me off.

"Jessica is at the basketball court." she informed and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Why are you telling me that?"

"In case you need it." she gave me a sly smile and I felt like I caught red-handed.

"Uh, no no. I just wanna.." think a lie, think a lie. "..came to tell you that you're always welcome to our table."

"Thankyou. But I love Jessie's company more." she told and I assumed that she was the only person who loved Jessica the most.

To be honest, she deserves more than Ryan!

"Well Jace, I have a library shift-"

"Yeah yeah. Sure. I too have a work to do." I told and she muttered something like 'I know' before walking away.

Without any second thought, I made my way to the basketball court and instantly noticed her longish ponytail swaying in the air as she was staring ahead, sitting on the empty bleacher.

I looked where she was staring at and found nothing and realized she was in her own world. I slowly approached her till I could see the red pimples on her right cheek clearly.

I grabbed the basketball that was lying on the ground and dribbled it but yet she didn't acknowledge presence. Spinning the ball with one finger which I usually used to do, I walked past her and looked over my shoulder but still she was staring ahead. I sighed and turned around walking in the same direction but she didn't even steal a glance at my way.

Huh-uh. It's not correct. I'm the one who should ignore you.

So I held the ball and threw it towards her and she startled when it landed on her lap.

"Hey strong girl!" I smirked and that's when she noticed my presence as she averted her gaze to me from the ball. Her eyes were puffy and she looked exhausted for some reason as she passed the ball back to me and I caught it with my hands.

"I'm not in the mood to argue with you, Jace." she sighed, barely meeting my eyes.

"Neither am I." I said, dropping the ball and she sighed again, louder than before.

"Th-Then what?" she stammered as if it was hard to speak.

Alright! This is the correct time to apologize.

"Uh actually.." I trailed off, scratching the back of my neck and she already lost interest in my speech as she turned her head and stared forward.

Ryan is correct. She looks weird today.

I tucked my hands in the pockets and took out my favourite branded dark chocolate bar which was covered in brown-coloured wrapper and had roasted hazel nuts in it. I flipped it and I couldn't take my eyes off of it as I loved it the most and wouldn't want to share it with anyone.

I glanced at Jessica who was looking ahead with a blank expression on her face and then at the dark chocolate.

I'm sorry love. Eventhough I hated to say this, today someone gonna have you and that someone is none other than this dumb blonde.

I slowly rubbed it before advancing towards her. Her eyes were still focusing ahead and when I cleared my throat she turned to look at me.

"Still you didn't finish?" she questioned but there was no sarcasm in it.

"I'm sorry for what I've done yesterday." I apologized genuinely but she didn't look convinced.

"I don't need your ap-" she stopped in mid-sentence when I extended the dark chocolate bar towards her and she looked at it and then at me in kind of shock as if I gave her a time bomb.

"You're giving me this?" she emphasized this as she couldn't believe what she was witnessing.

"Yeah." I nodded casually. "Take it."

She looked at me for moments before taking the chocolate from my hand slowly and now I could see her eyes were filled with tears as she glanced down at the chocolate. I never knew I could make some girl cry until I saw the tears in her eyes.

Then I turned around as she looked somehow lost for words and about to leave but a strange touch on my hand stopped me and I turned back and she was still looking down at the chocolate bar but her hand was wrapped around my wrist.

"Stay." she whispered, letting go of my hand and I took two seconds to process that she was talking to me.

Stay? She wants me to stay?

I took a deep breath before climbing up to the bleacher and sat beside her, keeping an average distance between us. I glanced at her and noticed she was smiling at the dark chocolate but I could tell it wasn't a happy smile.

She didn't speak anything for more than two minutes and either I didn't know what to speak so I fiddled with my watch looking down at the basketball.

"Thankyou." she broke the silence and I looked at her and she motioned to the dark chocolate as she extended to me. "But I don't deserve it."

I furrowed my brows and when she noticed my confused expression and I was refusing to take it back she sighed, looking down at her lap.

"I mean, I don't deserve your apology either. I deserve nothing. Absolutely nothing." she said dryly and the phrase somehow reminded me of Oliver.

"It makes no sense." I frowned.

"It does." she nodded, looking down and a tear drop fell on the dark chocolate and that's when I realized she was crying.

I just hated when she cries. Especially when I was the reason for her tears.

She always said she isn't weak but in my point of view, I considered her as the weakest person I've ever seen. I was not judging her either. But being a prefect, she couldn't be like this. Like some kind of stray puppy who thought it was being abandoned by everyone.

She never stood for herself and she was always being insecure about herself; I didn't know why, but it always made me angry. 

I wanted her to be strong and I wanted to stand up for her no matter who was against her side. I just wanted to show that she wasn't abandoned.

Still.. sometimes.. when I was alone.. I did think why the hell was I too bothering about this dumb blonde. Even I couldn't name the thing I had on her properly.

She sniffled and it interrupted my train of thoughts.

"Hey c'mere." I stretched out my arm and pulled her towards me. She hesitantly came closer without meeting my eyes and I took the chocolate out of her hand and she looked at me in a bit surprise but it sooner replaced into an extreme shock when I placed it down on her lap and intertwined my fingers with hers.

She was looking down in nervous and I squeezed her palm soothingly to make her less uncomfortable.

Her hand was as soft as velvet but it was sweating for some reason. I felt something strange whenever I touched her. It wasn't like either Natasha's or any other girls I've gone to blind date with; it was kind of unique.

"If you deserve nothing. Then I wish I could be that nothing." I heard my mouth say and I knew it wasn't slipped just-like-that.

She looked at me for a few seconds searching something on my face and she bit her lower lip hardly as she didn't know what to speak.

Oh God!! Those virgin pink lips!

She caught me I was looking at her lips so she immediately folded her lips and averted her gaze to the chocolate and suddenly I heard her stomach grumble which made her cheeks redden.

I chuckled and motioned to the chocolate. "You can have it."

She turned to me as she asked. "You sure?"

"Of course. It's yours now." I nodded and was about to take my hand from hers but she didn't let go of it as she held my hand tightly.

"I can manage it with one hand." she muttered and I held back my smile.

"Oh gotcha."

She grabbed the chocolate with her left hand and brought it towards her mouth and tore the wrapper through her teeth till the half of the chocolate bar appeared to our sight clearly. It has already melted as it was in my pocket till morning.

She took a big bite and it was trying to slip out of her hand as it was melted and as she wasn't the left-handed one. I grabbed the chocolate bar and bit the opposite side where she bit at.

I chewed it and when the bittersweet touched my tongue I cursed underneath my breath.

Damn! How could I fall in love with some kind of dark chocolate?

Then I turned to look at Jessica as most of the girls, especially Natasha, hated to eat dark chocolate but she was licking her fingers which were covered with melted chocolate and I could see that the chocolate was smeared all over her mouth too and right now she looked like a small kid who craved for chocolates.

When she found I was staring at her she gave me a sheepish smile, blushing slightly and licked her upper lip.

I thought Natasha was the only one who could do childish activities which made us awe.

I kept the chocolate bar aside and turned to her, releasing my hand out of her grip and she looked at my hand and then at me in confusion.

I moved closer to her and she hesitated and was about to move backwards but before she could do it, I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to me gently which made her gasp. 

Our faces were inches away and I could smell her scent of Vanilla and to be honest she smelled so good than the dark chocolate.

Her gray eyes wandered all over my face while my gaze was set on her chocolatey pouted lips. I brought my other hand to her cheek and slowly rubbed the corner of her lips which had a slight cream of chocolate.

I could feel her heart was pounding heavily as if it was going to explode anytime soon. But mine was feeling calm and for some reason I wanted to be felt like this over and over again.

Before I could realize what I was doing, I took my face towards the corner of her lips and slowly licked it with the tip of my tongue as my hand caressed her neck up and down.

She took a sharp intake of breath when I pressed my lips on hers without thinking about anything.

I started to kiss her gently, tasting the bittersweet which was my all time favourite taste.

In no time, she gripped my collars, pulling me closer and kissed me back. But she wasn't doing it in the sync and didn't know how to kiss properly, yet somehow I loved the way how she was struggling to win over me. 

Suddenly I heard the bell ring and being the head prefect of the school, I should check whether all the students left the cafeteria and not doing any unwanted stuffs but currently I couldn't do anything as I didn't feel enough of her and wanted to kiss her more and more, so I pulled her face closer to mine, gripping her chin with my thumb and forefinger and kissed her deeply hoping it would satisfy me.

I never knew whether I was going to regret about this but right now, I didn't feel shy about myself and neither did she.

I bit her lower lip causing her to moan and I chuckled through the kiss when her moan was as awkward as her other actions.

"Jace! What the hell!?"

We both jerked away when we heard the familiar voice. Inhaling and exhaling lots of air, I turned around and saw Natasha shooting daggers at Jessica who was breathing heavily more than me, while the three of others, Sam, Ryan and Louise staring at us in kind of shock.

The realization dawned on me and I quickly glanced at Jessica who was giving me the same shocked expression as her face resembled the colour of tomato.

Shitting Hell! I just kissed Jessica Woods!

Hey Lovely Readers!

Belated Happy Valentine's day to y'all!

I just wanna give this update  yesterday as a Valentine's day special treat..

But sorry guys I had a cake baking class and I spent the whole day by making cakes and decorating them.

So.. how's Jace POV?

I just wanted y'all to get to know about his side too.

Vote, Comment and love me! Muah!

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