Chapter 24: "I love her".


They all ate the breakfast together, and YN was a little bit better than yesterday.

The youngers soon made their way toward the office, and Mr. Kim was joining the work the next day from distance.

Namjoon and YN entered their office room and sat down on their perspective places.

Namjoon then looked at YN.

Namjoon: Are you ok?

YN: Yes, i'm fine.

She smiled to him which was reassuring for him.

He smiled back to her and started his work.

Few time later, suddenly the door burst opened and Jungkook entered in furiously.

YN flinched and got up from her seat immediately and so Namjoon.

Namjoon: What do you want now, Jungkook?!

Jungkook: Oh so now there is no more profit here so no more respect too? Woaahh such a duality, Mr. Kim!!

Namjoon glared him.

Namjoon: Just get out of here!

Jungkook then looked at YN and she got scared.

Namjoon quickly went to her and pulled her behind him.

Namjoon: Look at me, not at her!

Jungkook: But do you know one thing, Mr. Kim? My main target is YN so you are none of my use.

Namjoon: Just get out and leave her alone!!

Suddenly Jin and Taehyung came while running after that a worker informed them about Jungkook's presence.

Taehyung: You bastard, what do you want now?!

Jungkook: Oh Mr. Kim Taehyung, what a pleasant surprise to meet you again.

Jin: But it's not for us, just take your butt and get out!!

Suddenly Namjoon's anger took over him and he started to walk to him but was soon stopped by Jungkook pulling out a gun.

They widened their eyes and YN gripped Namjoon's arm tightly.

Namjoon looked at YN then back at Jungkook who was pointing the gun at him.

Jungkook: Give me your P.A and i will leave you otherwise i will kill then take your P.A. The choice is yours.

Namjoon: She will not come with you!!

Jin was about to go outside secretly to call the police but Jungkook was quite faster and put the gun toward Jin.

Jungkook: Mr. Kim don't move otherwise i will have to send you there.

Jungkook said while pointing at the top.

Jungkook: Now Mr. Kim Namjoon, what is your decision?

Namjoon: She will not come!

Jungkook chuckled.

Jungkook: Ok then bye-bye.

YN: N-No wait!! I-I will come with y-you.

Jungkook looked at her amazed.

Jungkook: Wow YN, you never fail to impress me!

YN: Don't you dare to touch them and i will come with you!

Taehyung: YN, what are you doing!?

Jungkook: Oh you shut up!! Just let her do what she wants.

YN started to walk to him but Namjoon grabbed her hand.

He looked at her, and his eyes were saying to not to go.

YN just looked down, not wanting to leave him.

Out of sudden, Jungkook pulled YN toward him before making her turn around.

So now her back was facing him with one arm of Jungkook around her neck as the other hand was holding the gun toward YN's head.

Everyone gasped and the fear was getting bigger inside of everyone.

Jungkook: Don't you dare to come near or i will shoot her!

Namjoon: Jungkook, put the gun down. We can talk normally.

Jungkook: This is what i was doing, i was talking normally but you forced me to take out my gun.

He then started to walk backward with YN and the gun still toward her.

At this time, Taehyung took the chance and called his dad to come with the police.

Jungkook now arrived to the middle of the big hall where everyone were working.

The workers saw the scene and got scared.

Jungkook looked around as YN was still trapped in his arm.

Jungkook: Don't you all dare to come near me, otherwise i will shoot you all and her.

YN was doing her maximum to stay calm so it would be less dangerous for everyone.

Namjoon: Look i'm saying, let her go.

Jungkook: But i want only her and no one else. I loved her since my school time.

Taehyung: This is called obsession and not love. You are obsessed by her, i'm telling you, leave her!!

Taehyung was wasting the time so his father could come with the police as soon as possible.

Jungkook: Oh maybe you are right, i'm obsessed by her.

He trailed the gun on her face to her neck which scared her a lot.

Jin suddenly spotted his father with the police and sighed in relief.

The police came and started to fire, Jungkook widened his eyes then looked at the main entrance.

He saw Mr. Kim with the police.

Jungkook: Mr. Kim?

He said in a whipered yet shocked voice, he then threw harshly YN onto the floor.

She fell hardly but her head got hit by the corner of a glass table.

She shouted a little bit in pain before her vision became blurry and she became unconcious.

Namjoon: YN!!!

He ran to her and quickly took her upper body in his arms.

He saw a lot of blood dripping down from her head.

His eyes became glossy and started to pat her cheeks.

Then Mr. Kim ordered to the police.

Mr. Kim: Arrest him and give him a punishment more harsh than he deserves.

The police nodded and took Jungkook who shouted like psychos to leave him.

Then Jin, Mr. Kim and Taehyung ran to YN who was unconcious and Namjoon who was crying badly.

Mr. Kim spoke in worry.

Mr. Kim: Let's go to the hospital!

They nodded and Namjoon took YN in bridal style before running to their car.

Jin was driving as Mr. Kim sat beside him on the passenger seat.

Meanwhile Namjoon and Taehyung were at the back with YN sitting in the middle, in Namjoon's arms.

Namjoon: Please hyung, drive fastly!

Namjoon cried really badly.

Jin: Namjoon, calm down, we are going.

Everyone were so worried then Taehyung called Yoongi and told him about YN.

Yoongi said that he was on his way to the hospital, and do not forget the fact that he cried.

Very soon they arrived to the hospital and Namjoon took again YN in bridal style before running inside of the hospital.

Namjoon: Doctor!! Doctor!!

He shouted and some nurses around them started to run to bring a bed for YN.

Soon a doctor came with a nurse and a bed.

Namjoon made YN lay down on it.

Doctor: What's the matter?

Taehyung: Her head got hit by a glass table and she fell unconcious.

Taehyung explained with a knot in his throat and the doctor nodded.

Doctor: I hope it's not a severe injury, let me treat her meanwhile be patient and sit down.

Namjoon: Please be careful, she is very fragile.

Namjoon said while crying and the doctor smiled reassuringly to him before bringing her into the OT.

Namjoon sat down on the chair while gripping his hair and Mr. Kim sat down beside him before patting his back.

This was when Yoongi came while running and saw the scene.

He then went to Jin.

Yoongi: Hyung, how is YN?

Jin: They brought her to the operation theatre to treat her injury.

Yoongi started to cry and sat down on the floor, Taehyung crouched down beside him and hugged him.

Then a nurse came with some bottles of water for them, she gave them the bottles and said reassuring things to them before going away.

They were so much worried and sad for YN.

After 30 mins the doctor came out and took off his mask before wipping his sweat.

They ran to him.

Namjoon: Doctor, how is she now?

Yoongi: Is my sister ok?

Doctor: I'm sorry to say that but she got amnesia. But a partial one, means that she forgot few moments or persons of her life.

They all widened their eyes.

Me. Kim: Doc, what do you mean?

Taehyung: Please don't say that, can you give her the best treatement? We have enough money for a very good treatement.

Doctor: Mr. Kim, this is natural. We can't just give her a treatement like that, her memories will come back by their ownsleves.

Yoongi started to cry again.

Doctor: We will see what is her state after that she wakes up.

Everyone nodded sadly and the doctor went away.

After some time, a nurse came.

Nurse: Excuse me, you can go and meet the patient, she is awake now.

They nodded and went quickly to her room, they saw her sitting on the bed with a little bandage on her forehead.

Yoongi ran to her while crying and hugged her tightly.

Yoongi: How are you my angel?

YN smiled to him.

YN: I'm fine oppa, don't worry.

Then she saw the others and smiled to them.

They approached her and Taehyung sat beside her on the bed.

He grabbed her hand while smiling sadly to her.

Taehyung: Are you ok, YN?

YN: Of course i am Taehyung, don't be sad like that.

She smiled to Jin and Mr. Kim BUT, there is always a but.

When she saw Namjoon, a confused frown came across her face.

YN: Oppa, Who is this man...?

They all widened their eyes and Namjoon's mind went numb.

His heart ached after hearing that from her.

He slowly approached her.

Namjoon: YN, it's me. Don't you remember about me? I'm Namjoon, your boss, we are like friends.

She looked at him without understanding what he was saying.

She then looked at Taehyung.

YN: Tae, have i ever seen him before?

They looked shockingly at her.

They were shocked to see that she remembered everyone expect Namjoon.

Namjoon slowly started to walk backward until his foot got stuck with a little table and he stumbled.

Mr. Kim came to him to help him but he showed him his hand; saying that he didn't need any help.

Some tears fell from his eyes and he went out of the room.

Yoongi: Namjoon!!

YN: Oppa, do you know him?

Yoongi: YN, how can you not remember him...?

YN: Oppa, i'm not lying, i really don't know him...

They all looked down sadly, meanwhile Namjoon started to walk into the corridor.

He did not know where he was going, his mind was just filled by the thought that YN forgot him.

He also bumped himself into some persons but it did not affect him.


The doctor gave the permission to YN to go to home but she could not work as she needed a mental rest.

Everyone thought of what the doctor said.

Doctor: It usually happens with the amnesia's victims, they remember everything but forgot the ones or the things who/which are the most close to them emotionally. I think that Ms. Min had a deep connection with Mr. Kim Namjoon so this is why she forgot him. But as the time will pass by, she will remember him very soon.

They all arrived at home and sat in the living room as Namjoon just went upstairs.

He did not even utter a single word since this incident happened.

Ha-rin got to know that and was quite upset too.

Namjoon arrived in his room and washed himself before going to sit on the bed.

He was so much broken, he never thought that his heart would come this close to YN one day.

Some tears rolled down from his eyes but he quickly wiped them.

This was when Jin came and knocked on Namjoon's door.

Namjoon: Yes?

Jin entered in and went to Namjoon.

Jin: Namjoon my brother, come and eat.

He looked up at him before looking down and playing with his fingers.

Namjoon: Hyung, i have no appetit.

Jin: Namjoon, look i know you are sad but don't be angry on the food. Come and eat, then come back to your room.

Namjoon: Jin hyung, i got no more strenght to face her again. I can't anymore, my heart is lifeless now.

Jin sighed before caressing his hair.

Jin: Are you sure? Or do you want me to bring your food here?

Namjoon: No i'm not hungry yet, when i would like to eat then i will take it by myself.

Jin nodded and went out of the room.


Now everyone were in their perspective rooms, occupied by their own works.

At this moment, Namjoon took the chance and went downstairs toward the garden.

He entered the garden and went to the swinging bench before sitting on it.

He looked up at the sky, remembering the old good memories with everyone.

Like the day of his birthday, this day was really meaningful for him.

Firstly because he was surprised by everyone and secondly, YN brought his parents back to him.

Also bringing Yoongi in his life, it was so memorable for him.

This woman was more than a P.A or a friend's sister to him.

A sudden and deep connection was between them and he felt it.

As he was busy in his own thoughts, suddently Yeontan came while running and stood in front of Namjoon.

He barked slightly, as he was asking Namjoon if he was ok or not.

Namjoon smiled slightly before extending his hands toward Yeontan, who himself jumped happily in his arms.

Yeontan started to lick Namjoon's face to show his love toward him.

Namjoon chuckled lightly before kissing him and putting him in his lap.

Yeontan made himself confortable in Namjoon's lap and decided to sleep.

Namjoon started to caress his head.

Namjoon: At least you, you show your love to me openly, Yeontan...

He said sadly and continued to caress his sleeping figure in his lap.

This was when Taehyung spoke; who was standing there the whole time since Yeontan went to Namjoon.

Taehyung: Me too hyung, i show you my love toward you, right?

Namjoon looked at Taehyung and he smiled slightly.

Taehyung walked to him before sitting beside him on the swinging bench.

The younger looked down sadly.

Taehyung: You are quite hurt, right?

Namjoon: This is the destiny, and fighting against the destiny is none of my use.

Taehyung: I know it's hard for you...but don't worry, everything will be alright.

Namjoon just looked down.

Namjoon: Can i ask you one thing, Taehyung?

Taehyung nodded.

Namjoon: Why does a person must be hurt before understanding his feelings?

Taehyung looked at him trying to read his expression, but found nothing other than sadness and loneliness.

Taehyung: Hyung, can i ask you something too?

Namjoon nodded while looking at Yeontan.

Taehyung: What is the difference between a school and a life?

Namjoon frowned.

Namjoon: I don't know.

Taehyung: The school firstly teaches us a lesson then we are put to a test, but the life firstly put us to a test then teach us the lesson.

Namjoon was quite amazed by Taehyung's talk.

Taehyung: Hyung, please don't be sad. Maybe you found something somewhere in your life that you couldn't find without this twist.

Namjoon: I think you are right...i came to know something that i couldn't found if this would not happen.

Taehyung: What is it...?

Namjoon looked at Taehyung before speaking with a knot in his throat.

Namjoon: I-I think i-i love her...


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