Setting the Seeds

(Y/n) Pov

???: Why, Hello There.

(Y/n): I take your the one behind this?

Torguta: Nah it's in front of us.

???: *sighs* Prepare to die Jedi.

(Y/n): I don't think so.

I get into the opening stance of Djem so.

???: Djem So, Form 5. *laughs* Let's see how long you will last.

(Y/n): I see your no fool.

???: Yes I am, I been trained in your "Jedi" Arts, by Count Dooku. *Ignites 2 lightsabers a Blue and Green*

Chiss: I thought it was by Grace.

(Y/n): Grace?

I couldn't finish as the Blonde lunge at him with 2 blades. I rolled out the way in time but quickly parry a blow form the Torguta. I countered with a High knee, hitting her face make stumb back.

It was quickly followed by dogde the Chiss thrust at my face. She followed up by utilizing the other side of the Staff to strike. I quickly blocked it but she used momentum of her strike to parry. I quickly spun around, giving her a kick to the face as I block a Blue lightsaber.

I quickly duck as the blue tried to slice me in half. I tried to kick her in the leg but that result in me hurting myself. She laughs as I find out as I grunt in pain she attempts to grab me by the throat.

Nava Pov

I reach for the Jedi Slime throat but was surprise to see a cloud of Flower petals. I was surprise at this sudden turn of events, never have I seen a Jedi do suck an act. I scan to my front trying to find him until I heard blades clash behind me.

I turn to see him, full materialize with his purple blade barely touching my neck. It was being stop by Yuna Staff, recover form her early attempt. I reeled around aim, using my 2nd right arm to punch him. However I was met again by a gush rose, but it move slightly to side but hand was still cover in Rose.

He materializes again but is holding my hand. Throws a punch at my face as I catch it with my 3rd Arm. He then disappeared again into Cloud of Petals leaving me confused at this.

Yuna: I never seen a Jedi Ability like that.

Nava: Agreed.

I heard a lightsaber turn on behind me and I quickly turned. I blocked a Purple blade with my Green and Blue. Anna came up and swung her electro staff at him only for him to dodge it.

Yuna tried to attack in the opening only to hit the cloud of flower petals. However I notice that it leaves a trail of Red Petals where ever he goes.

(Y/n) Pov

I used my unique ability to get behind the one I presume was the General. I materialize and lunge at her only for it to miss. I saw one of her arms came around and grab me by the throat. It puts me in a Choke hold on the wall of the ship as I attempt take it off.

(Vision )

I see her looking at me in but it was something different. She looked at me with a smile and notice she only wearing Lingerie. She giggles before closing her eyes and brings her face in for a kiss.

(Vision ends)

That kiss was replaced by a fist impacting my face. She then flip me onto the ground and attempt to step on me with her foot. I roll out the way, activating my Blade to block an electro staff form the Chiss.

I continued to block her strikes as I deliver a spun kick to the Torguta. I also brought my leg around in an attempt to leg swept the Chiss. I back flipped over the blonde girl and quickly blocked her green blade.

I then feel someone strike me sending with an electro staff. It cause me scream in pain, losing focus and I found out the price. I couldn't feel my left arm as I feel a sudden surge of heat before nothing.

I dropped to my knees in pain, however that wasn't all. I quickly recieve a knee to the face sending me to the back. I cough up blood before seeing 2 humans over me before I was kicked in the face, knocking me out.

Nava Pov

I knocked the Jedi Slime out as I saw Bella and Stella.



Yuna: We had it under control.

Stella: *rolls eyes* Sure you did.

Bella: So what do we do to this Jedi? Kill him?

Nava: Yea-

That was when Coms came on.

Nava: What is it?


Nava: You guys go. I'll handle this Jedi Scum.

Bella: But Natalya said they are rather unique. Something about them was rather off.

I crossed my arms looking annoyed.

Nava: What's so Unique about?

Bella: Well... 1 of the Experimental Commando Droids Jump a trio of Clones. It killed 2 but, it would be better to see yourself.

She takes out a holo and show me the video form the Commando Pov. I watch as it has it arm Crushed, it was then pushed back off it and was levitating in place.

Nava: Intresting.

Anna: Agreed, Force Sensitive Clones. *looks at the Jedi* Do you think he knows of this?

Nava: Doubt it. If he did, then why bring them all the way out here?

I look at the guy and notice his comlink was still on.

??? (Coms): Sir, We taken the Reactor Room. Planting the charges now, Sir.

Stella: Seem the Clones Care for him.

Nava: Bring him along.

The two pick him up by the arms, well by 1 of them. I did slice his left arm off during our duel. I notice several things form it that made wonder what kind of Jedi he was.

Anya Pov

I had X2, Lexie, Peta, and several other troopers with me. We enter the Reactor Room, blasting the Organic soldiers that were inside. Right now we are covering Carrie as she was planting the Det Packs.

Anya: Sir, We taken the Reactor. What's your Status Sir?

X2: Anything?

Anya: Nothing so far. He could be busy with stuff.

X2: I hope so, I-

Lexie: Calm down X. He doesn't blame you alright.

Peta: And stop blaming yourself, you had a Slip up. We all do sometimes. Besides~, is this 1 of your ways at getting him close to you?

X2: Eh... No...

Everyone looked at her, even I couldn't help but look at her. I shook my head as that Idea of him as a Lover came to my head. I thought about before and realize I want him, he cares for us, just as Selfless, and has many other positive traits.

Anya: Okay, Okay, girls, calm down. X2, don't let your Feelings for him break your professionalism. However, I have a proposition for you all.

FCT-2857: And that is Sis?

Anya: *smirking* We share him, Helena.

Everyone looked at me like I go off the deep end. Even Carrie looked me form her spot near the Reactor Controls.

Anya: Well... I'll explain about that later. Carrie Status?

Carrie: Done... *dark Chuckles*

Lexie: Carrie, how much explosives did you use?

Carrie: You don't want to know. Let's get out of here, *toss me* Detonator Princess.

Anya: Alright lets move.

We got up and ran back out the Reactor Room and head for the Hanger. We came across several Droids and Organics soldiers on the way back. We came into the Hanger as X1 and several other troopers were here holding the Hanger. I quickly stop at his starfighter and quickly got on coms.

Anya: Commander, we have the Charges set. Lets go Sir.

It was nothing and it got me worried.

Anya: Rose, you there?

Still nothing.

Anya: Karabast. We got to find-

We then see a door open and several Organic soldiers enter. We point our weapons at them as do the same, enter a standoff. Then the door opens again letting 4 people who I presume were guards. There was a 5th female that enter with... 4 Arms behind her back.

???: So you are the Dogs that turned your slaughter into an Actual fight. For that I have to thank you for that.

Anya: Um... your welcome?

???: But I have something that you may... cherish.

She motion her heads and in steps the Commander, knockout. He was also missing his left arm so they holding him by the right arm.

X2: Release him now.

???: I will... only if you Surrender.

She activates a lightsaber and brings it to his neck. He was still knocked out and she raise his head.

???: Or he Dies.

(Y/n) Pov

I slowly open my eyes and the first thing I noticed a Blue Blade near my throat. The next thing I noticed was the Girls pointing thier weapons at me. I then realize I was in the middle of an Separatist Platoon aiming at my troopers.

I couldn't feel my left arm to which I realize what happen to it. It was cleanly sliced off smiliar to what happen to Anakin. I looked at the troopers before motion with my head to be ready.

I quickly transformed into Rose Cloud, getting out of there grip. I materialize and force wave the people around me. It knocked most the seperatist soldiers all over the place, even some being thrown into the halls.

I spotted the one that knocked me out and she quickly raise her hand.

???: KILL THEM!!!

In a quick session 3 other doors to the hanger open, 1 on our far right and 2 across the way. I spotted my lightsaber and quickly brought to my hand. I quickly start deflecting the Bolts before joining the Troopers in the Hanger.

(Y/n): Today could had gone better!!

Clones: AGREED!!!

We were in a bad situation, stuck between a cross fire, stuck behind our starfighters. We also have several Vultures Droids, 2 in front and 2 behind us adding to the already dire situation.


Anya: Yeah!!!

(Y/n): BLOW THEM!!!

Clones: WHAT!!!



Nava Pov

The ships began to shake as I hear explosions go off. I held onto the wall preventing me to fall but the others weren't so lucky. Almost everyone fell down, the Dogs and my girls, those that didn't held onto something.



I looked up and notice 1 of them, the Captain I presume was trying to recover. I grab my 2 other sabers and lunged at her.

(Y/n) Pov

I quickly regretted giving that order as the ship shook very, very hard.


Carrie: 1,2, all-of-it!!

I looked at her amazed before shaking my head in amusement.

(Y/n): Anya lets-

I turn towards Anya, who is recovering form the shockwave, and see the enemy commander Lunge at her. I raised my hand to yell at her to look out but the last thing I saw everything going silver.

3rd Pov

Within the Jedi Temple on Courasant, the presence of a massive disturbance caught the entire Order attention. Especially Master Yoda, who was meditating in his chamber before this disturbance cause him to open his eyes.

X2 Pov

I find myself on the ground, my head hurting and confused. The last thing I remember was taking out a landed Vulture Droid before everything went silver. I then remember, we are on a enemy warship, we are fighting the Separatist over Tatooine and the Reactor was destroyed. THE REACTOR IS DESTROYED!!!

I try to stand as I feel tired and heavy. I manage to get to on my knee as I feel my slowly strength returning.

X2: Come on let's get out of here.

I spot the Commander and he was unconscious again. I motion Peta to help me carry him to a LAAT.


Ren: *Got it*

Everyone board a Gunship or Starfighter as we got ready to escape. My brother took command of my starfighter as the gunship we were in took off.

Nava Pov

I sat as I wonder what the hell happen, I notice the Republic Forces were leaving the Hanger. I struggled to my feet as I saw my troopers trying aid the wounded.

Nava: Akira, get the transport ready. We are leaving.

Akira (coms): Got it, we are heading your way.

I spot my main starfighter, a Upgrade sith Interceptor form the Old Republic Era.

I start to limp not towards the ship but to my troopers. I picked up Stella and Bella before heading for the Interceptor I name "Phoinex". I placed them in the main hold before I ran back out to get more.

I went by Yuna and Anna who were carrying a pair of soldiers themselves. I spot one them under a piece of debri. I quickly ran to her side and realize it was Violet.

Nava: Your going to be alright V.

Violet: Nava *grunts* I can't feel my legs.

Nava: Okay.

I start lift the debri that is on her but it didn't move. I was soon joined by Natalya and Kayla.


Nava: V, we're going have to cut your legs off.

Violet: *sighs* Fine, *groans* Do it.

Anya Pov

As we started to head planet side, Sword, Hunter, and Red Squadron were escorting us.

Sword 5 (coms): Sir, enemy Shuttles are leaving the ship.

X1 (coms): Red Squadron on me, we-

Anya: Negative X1. We are pretty beat up ourselves, return back-

Sword 4 (coms): Ma'am, Incoming Warship.

Anya: Republic or Separatist?

Sword 4 (coms): Republic.

We then see an Accalmator, several Pelta and Consular C70 Class.

??? (coms): This is Captain Tarkin of the Accalmator, "Foward Onto Dawn".

Anya: Commodore, this is Captain Anya of the 69th Clone Legion.

Emily (coms): We are reading you Captain, we recieve your distress call and respond as quickly as we could.

Anya: Well you missed the fun. We took out the Enemy Cruiser.

We then hear a massive explosion. We looked at where it came form and realize what it was. The cruiser explode in a beautiful fireball.

Emily (coms):... and How exactly did you do it?

Anya: We board the ship and took out it's reactor.

Emily (coms): Who suggested this plan?

Anya: Commander (Y/n) Rose, he took Command when General Samantha was killed.

Emily (coms): Oh... *sigh* This is my 3rd time save his ass. *groans* Your clear to land in Hanger Bay 3, Medical Personnel will be on stand by.

Anya: Roger.

(Y/n) Pov


(Y/n) thoughts: Wha- What is Happening?

Old Male Voice: The Force is Strong with You. A powerful sith you will become

I then see the Old man shoot lightning out his hands. It then see a Planet destroyed.

Man Voice: I HATE YOU!!!

Then the last thing I saw was complete darkness. However, I began to hear breathing, cold, mechanical breathing. It began to sound louder and louder untila Machine like Man stood in front of me.

Man Voice: Do you know, what I have become?

In quick motion her activates and raise a Red Lightsaber.

Dream ends

(Y/n): NO!!!

I woke up in an attempt to block the blade. However, this cause several others to jump as I realize I'm not in the dream.


(Y/n): AHHH!!!

???: AHHH!!!

I was breathing heavy as I see 1 the troopers standing next to me. I was panicking at what I saw in the dream. I was breathing heavy at what just happen and what the hell happen.

(Y/n): WHA- WHAT HAPPEN?!?!? WHERE?!?!?! HOW?!?!

???: Sir, Calm down. Calm down, breath.

(Y/n): *breaths slows* Okay... Uh... *snaps finger*

???: Kamio, FCT-9823.

(Y/n): Okay... Kamio, what just happen?

Kamio: Well... You save the Captain but she and the others said it went silver as you rescued her.

(Y/n): Really? Silver?

Kamio: Yeah everything went Silver for a Few Secs.

(Y/n): What happen after?

Kamio: You fell unconscious so X2 and Peta got you out the ship. That was when Captain Tarkin arrive. We are currently in the Pelta, "Wasp".

(Y/n): Oh what happen to-

I raise my arm and notice it was a Mechanical hand.

Kamio: Oh... After your hand got sliced off, we had to replace it.

I looked at it and move my mechanical figures around.

(Y/n): H- how long was I out?

Kamio: 2 Days. Tops.

(Y/n): *sighs* Can you ask Anya to give me a Report?

Kamio: Right Away, Sir.

She left the room as I look out the room I was met by the Base. I was thinking of what during that dream or was it a Vision. What's even worse it felt like I know that presence behind that mask. I couldn't put the finger on it until I heard the Door open.

(Y/n): Hey, Em.

I turned around and there stood Captain Wilhuff Tarkin's Daughter.

(Y/n): So how have you been?

Emily: Good but... Somewhat annoyed. I had to save your but... again.

(Y/n): Hey I'm-

Emily: Your Reckless, I know. How's your Arm?

I just raise it and began to inspect while showing her.

Emily: Well it looks good on you.

(Y/n): Yeah...

She then came over to me and gave me a hug. I was surprise by this but I return it myself.

Emily: I'm sorry for Master Marek. She was good Jedi and a Great Friend.

(Y/n): It's alright, she will be watching over us.

???:... Am I interrupting something?

We broke our hug and looked at the voice. It was Anya who had a Data Pad in her he hand and she was glaring at us.

(Y/n): No. So report?

Anya: So after your little... Jedi Trick, we escaped but so did the Enemy.

(Y/n): *clicks tongue* Causalities?

Anya: 89 Dead, 146 Wound.

I sigh and place my fingers on the side of my head.

Emily: Hey don't be down. I read reports of Jedi getting close to hundreds of thier troopers killed and thousands more wounded.

Anya: When Samantha said you knew your tactics, she wasn't kidding. Plus it could had been worest if you didn't order us to be on watch.

(Y/n):... True.

Anya: Sir... Can I ask you something?

(Y/n): You just did but go ahead.

Anya: Well... Did the General tell you?

(Y/n): What?

Anya: The 69th isn't just a Legion but suppose to be a Clone Corp.

(Y/n):... Wait What?

Anya: Yes Sir. We were originally suppose to be a Clone Corp but this mutation happened. They were still conducting experiments on us during Geonosis so we missed it. This was our first Battle that wasn't a simulator.

(Y/n): Well it's my first battle too so your not a, what you clones call "Shines". But why did Samantha bring you out here?

Anya: Well... She wanted to train us.

(Y/n): But why didn't she have the others join? If she wanted to train you why didn't she bring the others?

Emily: Tatooine is in Hutt Control space remember, if it was the Entire Corp, Jabba wouldn't have none of that.

Anya: Wait... how was she even able to do this then?

(Y/n): Yeah, it was mainly a Job in helping hunt some pirates that's been terrorizing the Republic and Hutt Trade. *sits on bed* Any who, how are the... Troopers?

Anya: Everyone is exhausted form the fight. Though some are shock at the death of thier sisters.

(Y/n): Who wouldn't be, war is ugly. I really hope we can end this soon before it's to late.

Anya: What do you mean, Sir?

(Y/n): First you don't have to call me Sir all the time, like now. Only when other high ranking individuals are around.

However, I notice she was eyeing Emily. I was about to say something but Emily beat me to it.

Emily: Same rule applies to me too. He in fact lead to this "Only in Superiors" duty.

(Y/n): And what I mean is that War can change someone... for better or worse.

Anya Pov

I nod at what he said. Then the door open again admiting Ren into the Room.

Ren :*The Chancellor wishes to see you*

(Y/n): Huh so the Chancellor need to see me? That's a First. Am I good?

Anya: Yeah Kamio said your good but best not to get anything major yet.

(Y/n): When can you have the 69th back on Courasant?

Emily: In few Hours. May the Force be with you.

He nods before getting up and exiting the room. He was followed behind by Ren leaving me and Emily in the room.

Emily: You like don't you?

Anya: What!!! How did you know?!?!?

Emily: I didn't, you told me. So do you?

Anya:... Yes

Emily: And is it just you or-

Anya: Most if not everyone likes him.

Emily: Okay... why?

Anya: Well, over the 2 Days, I talk with everyone on why. Some of them like him cause he knows his tactics so we don't have to worry about incompetent and/or Suicidal Tactics. Others cause how good looking he is, his caring attitude toward us and the fact he see us as individuals.

Emily: Okay, those reason are really good examples to why you feel for him. So are you guys in a competition to win his heart or are you going to share him?

Anya: Wait... You also like him don't you?

Emily: *chuckles* You finally figure out how I knew you like him but for reals. Are you competing or sharing him?

Anya:... Sharing him.

Emily: Knew it. So do you want to know why I'm asking this?

Anya: Yes.

Emily: Well *walks to the window* Do you know of Consular Class?

Anya: Yes if I remember correctly that they aren't being maned by clones.

Emily: Yes they aren't but the crews of the Consulars happen to like the Commander aswell.

Anya: And I take you are sharing him?

Emily: Yes. However, we haven't made any moves on him yet.

Anya: Why? Do you want him to make the first move?

Emily: It's not that but... Do you know anything about the Jedi?

Anya: Welll... Samantha said that the Jedi had lost thier way, are to corrupted by Politics, and terrible Generals. Beside (Y/n).

Emily: Okay you got the basic but what Samantha has realize that the other Jedi haven't is that there is only the Force, no light and Dark.

Anya: And this matters why?

Emily: The Jedi are Extreme Pro Light Side, so they instituted rules to prevent members form falling to the Dark Side. One of these rules is that they can't have attachments.

Anya: So we can't-

Emily: Not we, he. He can't have attachments. So even if we love him so much, he can't accept our love in return.

Anya: That's... That's Stupid!!! Why would do that?

Emily: Who knows but for 1 thing I am sure of. The Jedi... they have to change thier ways or it will be thier downfall.

I nod at this information but somewhat annoyed at this information.

Anya: So... Jedi aren't allowed to love cause they can fall to the Dark Side. However, what Samantha has told me the Dark Side isn't that different but rather there is only the Force.

Emily: Yes but how I should know who is right, I ain't a Force User.

Anya: Yeah... Not a Force User. How exactly does the Force Work?

Emily: Well... I heard it is base off of Emotions. Why?

Anya: Nothing... Just Wondering. I need to go check with my Girls... and X1, make sure they are fine after all this.

Emily: Alright... you want to join us for a Game of Stribacc, later?

Anya: What the heck is Stribacc?

Emily: Heard of Sabacc?

Anya: Yeah, Samantha taught us.

Emily: Essentially it is Sabacc but instead of beting with Credits or that such, we bet our Cloths.

I looked at her surprise and flustered at her.


Emily: Well it is a Varient of Sabacc after all.


Emily: *place hand on my shoulder and smirking* Well... have you ever seen the Commander embarrassed before?

Anya:... No.

Emily: Well me and Consular Crews play this trick on him with us in a middle of a Game. His reaction when he see us in our linger, topless, or but nake is absolutely funny. And beside... we like him but he can't love us. So we like to mess with him, you want in?

Anya:... Sure why not.

Stripping + Sabacc = Stribacc

Could this this be a Varient of Sabacc in-universe?

Half way through the Introduction Arc and the reason for early action is introduce both sides. Plus that would be a funny story to tell you kids right?

I also had a crazy addition idea to the Harem but I'm not sure if I should do it.


(PLACE YOUR VOTE HERE) if so I need a Female Thrawn Name.

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