Bringing Out The Dead

Rusty would be the first to tell you that he didn't like mornings and today was not an exception. "What the fuck do you want because I want to sleep," He spoke into his phone when he got a call early in the morning, not even bothering to check the caller.  A familiar laugh met the ears of the tired boy and he groaned at his best friend, flopping onto his bed and putting his phone on speaker because he decided holding his phone took to much effort. 

"Can I not call my best friend to check in?" Klaus said, and Rusty could tell that the man had a smirk on his face.  Rusty wanted to punch him in the smirk.  

"Not at this time!"  Rusty shouted into the phone.

"It's noon," Klaus told him, his smirk that Rusty knew he had getting on the boy's nerves solely for the fact that he woke him up.

"Exactly, and wipe that smirk off you face, asshole," Rusty said, before burring his face into on of his many pillows, and the only one with the pillowcase still fully on the pillow, while the others had slipped off either completely or partly.  

"Well I need your help," Klaus said and Rusty let out another groan.

"Why the hell do you and your enemies wake up so early," He said, obviously not wanting to come out of the comfort of his bed, he had two fuzzy blankets and his comforter and about 5 pillows, why would he leave? 

"Early bird, gets the worm," Klaus teased and Rusty lifted his head up when he heard an all to familiar dog bark on Klaus's end of the conversation.  A dog that belonged to his neighbor.  

"You're at my house aren't you, you asshole," Rusty says and he can hear Klaus laughing at him.

"Maybe," Klaus said, trailing off at the end.  

"I'm not letting you in," Rusty said flopping back on his bed and closing his eyes in bliss at the warmth surrounding him, and he quickly hung up the phone.  He heard the door to his room open and when he peaked one eyes open he saw Klaus next to his bed with his arms crossed and a smirk on his lips.  

"Good thing I have a key then, huh?" Klaus said, and Rusty cursed the sassy hybrid out in his head.  

"Damn," Rusty whispered, before pulling his covers over his head, "why did I give him that?"  Klaus laughed at his friend and Rusty could imagine him shaking his head.  "Stop shaking your head at me!"  Klaus laughed full out at that and when Rusty uncovered his face he saw that Klaus was leaned over laughing.  Rusty quickly grabbed a pillow and threw it at the asshole hybrid.  

Klaus laughed even harder at this and Rusty finally sat up in his bed and looked at his friend with a glare, "Why are you here?"  

"I have a dinner party tonight with the Salvatores and my brother, who I don't fully trust.  I was hoping you would come with me, can't hurt to have a witch with me," Klaus said with his signature smirk and Rusty shook his head with a tired grin before nodding.

"Fine, I'll come but you owe me," Rusty said and Klaus nodded with a friendly grin that only Rusty ever saw.  

"That is why I brought this," Klaus picks up a McDonald's bag and a McDonald's cup that brought a grin to Rusty's face.  

"Okay give me my white girl drink," Rusty said and did an over-dramatic hair flip that didn't really work with his hair cut but brought a grin to both powerful creatures faces.  Klaus handed over the Caramel Frape from McDonalds which Rusty immediately took a drink off.  Rusty had a strange addiction to the frapes even though most people prefer Starbucks.  Rusty set down his drink and made grabby hands at the bag of food.  Klaus laughed while handing it to the boy who ripped it open and pulled out one of the large fries and moaned while shoving it into his mouth.  

"I have never seen anyone as crazy for food as you," Klaus said with a grin while Rusty had his eyes closed, seemingly happy.

"Food, the only love that never left me," Rusty said with a teasing grin before he set the food to the side and rolled out of bed.  Klaus offered a hand to his friend who lied face up on the floor, Rusty grinned and took his hand allowing the Original to pull him up.  "But I do have a question," Rusty said and Klaus gave him a look.

"No, you can't wear ripped jeans and your taco cat shirt," Klaus said and Rusty threw his head back with a whine.

"That is not fair," Rusty whined which only caused Klaus to laugh at his childish friend.  

"You are wearing formal clothes," Klaus told him and Rusty opened his mouth and Klaus shook his head. "A vampire costume does not count as formal!"  

"You are not fun!"  Rusty moaned in distaste.  Klaus chuckled and shook his head with a grin.

"Please just wear actually formal clothes," Klaus begged his friend who gave him a glare.

"You owe me," Rusty said with a dramatic point towards the hybrid who grinned.

"I thought you would say that, so I brought one more gift," Klaus said and walked to the closed door to the room, when he opened it Rusty could hear what sounded like meowing.  He away from his bed as Klaus picks up a box with holes in it and walks back to Rusty.  Rusty watched as a fury paw poked out of one of the holes in the box and a grin broke out onto the boy's face.

"You didn't," Rusty said in awe with a grin, meeting his friend's eyes.

Klaus smirked at him, "Oh, I did."  Rusty screams with joy and he gets a meow back at him, he grabs the box and sets it on his bed before opening the topl to look in on the kitten that looks back at him.  It was at most a month old and with bright orange fur.  Rusty thought he was adorable.   

Rusty picked up the kitten who snuggled into his chest and he looked at Klaus in awe, "I will do whatever you say, master."  Klaus laughed loudly at the dramatic boy he had befriended.   Rusty looked back down at his new kitten with awe in his eyes, the kitten had to be the cutest thing he had ever seen.  "You are amazing, you are the cutest thing I have ever seen, we are gonna be best friends," Rusty cooed at the kitten as he held it in front of him, it pawed at his nose and Rusty melted.

Klaus looked at them in amusement, "Am i getting replaced?  I'm gonna regret this aren't I?"

"Yep, Targaryen is my only best friend now," Rusty said as the kitten took to taking swipes at his nose.  "WHY ARE YOU SO ADORABLE!"  Klaus sighed and grabbed the kitten from Rusty's hands who whimpered in protest while the cat made a loud meow.  

Klaus held up the cat to view it, wondering why Rusty was so bewitched.  He raised it higher when Rusty lunged to try and get his cat back,  Targaryen looked back at Rusty and meowed, when he faced the hybrid again his paw quickly came up and he scratched Klaus across the face causing him to drop the furball.  Targaryen quickly streaked over to Rusty and propped herself up on his leg meowing at him, begging to be picked back up.  Rusty grinned and bent down to pick up the cat.  

"I'm her favorite!"  Rusty cheered while the cat once again cuddled into his chest.

"Yes, but will you come to the dinner party, and dress formally?" Klaus asked his friend who finally looked at him again.

"Oh yeah, how could I not after you got me a cat?" Rusty said and Klaus grinned shaking his head as his friend started making baby faces at Targaryen.  

Rusty pulled up to Klaus's house in nice black jeans and a black button up, he stepped out of his car and pulled at the collar of his shirt, not liking it.  He quickly unbuttoned the top button, liking the feel of it more.  He walked towards the door and before he could knock Klaus opened the door and smiled at him.

"Ah, Rusty good to see you," Klaus said with a grin as he looked at his friend who gave a playful glare and pointed at him.

"I left playing with Targaryen to come to this, if I die I am going to haunt your ass," He said with a teasing grin that Klaus returned.

"Oh, if you ever do die, I'll just find a witch to bring you back," Klaus told him carelessly and Rusty smiled.

"That is why we are friends," He told the hybrid stepping inside and the two gave each other one armed hugs. 

Klaus and Rusty walk inside to see Elijah, compelled female waiters and a table set up.  Elijah walks forward with a pleasent smile, "And who is this?"

Klaus placed a hand on Rusty's shoulder and grinned at his brother, "My friend Rusty, thought if the Salvatores tried anything tonight it might be helpful to have a powerful witch with us."  Rusty watched the look Elijah gave him, it was calculating and almost remorseful.  A couple minutes later they all heard the knock on the door and Elijah went to answer it while Rusty shared a wary look with Klaus.  

"Niklaus our guests have arrived," Elijah said before turning to face the two powerful beings in the dining room.  

"Damon, Stefan, Elijah tells me you seek an audience, very bold.  Let's discuss the terms of our agreement like civilized men shall we?"  Klaus said as the two walked in and he gestured to the table.

"It's better to indulge him," Elijah tells the vampire brothers as he walks past them and towards the table.  

Klaus smiles as Stefan steps down and begins to talk, "I didn't come here to eat Klaus, in fact, I didn't want to come here at all.  But I was told I had to because you would hear us out."  Klaus laughs lightly at this, still grinning while Rusty pushes himself off the wall he was leaning on. 

"Well we could sit and eat or, Rusty would you please?" Klaus says and gestures to his friend who grins at the two Salvatores.

"Or I can turn your blood to acid and we can watch you scream, your choice," Rusty said, a dangerous glint in his eyes and the rest of vampires in the room suddenly understood why the hybrid got along so well with the usually childish boy.  Klaus and Rusty sat down at the table and grinned at each other because of the uneasy expressions on the Salvatores' faces.  

They were all sat eating and Damon thanks a waitress who pours him some more wine.  The only one at the table not eating was Stefan and Rusty noticed, "What? Not hungry?"

"Eat, I thought we agreed that we would leave the grumpy Stefan at home?" Damon said with a irritated grin.  

"That's the spirit," Klaus says when Stefan finally eats and Rusty grins, shortly wondering if he should have poisoned the Salvatores food, just to see what would happen.  "This is nice, the five of us dining together, what a treat."

"Is this what you had in mind when you pulled the dagger from Elijah's chest?" Rusty finished his friends thought with a teasing smirk.  

"Well I knew how he felt about you so I figured the more the merrier," Damon said putting another piece of food in his mouth grinning and winking at Elijah.

"Elijah and I have had our scourals over the centuries but we always make it through," Klaus said, putting a peice of porkchop in his mouth.

"Kinda like you and Rebekah?  Where is she by the way?  Last I checked, she was still daggered because you were still afraid to face her," Stefan said bringing the wine to his lips.  

"If your talking about how Rebekah knows I killed our mother, I've already come clean to Elijah," Klaus said.

"Hey Stef, remember that time you killed dad, might want to dial down the judgement 'till dessert," Damon said, an angry grin on his face before he drops it as he drinks wine.

"We're here to make a deal, Damon, doesn't mean we have to kiss his ass for seven courses," Stefan says, with his hands folding together before himself, while Klaus and Rusty grin, overall amused by everyones actions.

"I know but we have a long evening ahead of us, pace yourself," Damon said.

"Stefan, where is the lovely Elena tonight?" Elijah asked the youngest brother.

"I don't know, ask Damon," Stefan said and Rusty could hear the bitterness in his voice.

Klaus and Rusty chuckled at the same time, sharing an amused look with each other.

"Oh you have missed so much, uh, trouble in paradise" Klaus told his brother and Stefan glared at the two friends.

"One more word about Elena and this dinner is over," Stefan said with a harsh glare and Rusty and Klaus both brought a finger to their lips in a shh gesture.

"Better to leave Elena in the do not discuss pile," Damon said, and Rusty has to say he was impressed with how Damon was trying to keep it a civil night.

"It's just the, allure of the Patrova doppelganger still so strong," Klaus said with humor in his tone.  "What do you say brother, should we tell them about Tatia."

"No, why should we discuss matters long since resolved," Elijah said, leaning back and throwing his napkin on the table.  

"Well given their shared affection for the two most recent doppelgangers, maybe they would be curious about the original," Rusty said leaning onto the table with his elbows grinning at Elijah, who gave him a look.  He didn't seem to like how much this unknown man knew about his family.

"We're not going anywhere Elijah, please do tell," Damon said lifting his glass to drink more, trying to get through the dreadful evening.

"When my family first came here there was a girl called Tatia.  She was an exquisete beauty, every boy of age desired to be her suitor.  Even though she had a child by another man and non loved her more than Niklaus," Elijah told them and Klaus tipped his head back in seemingly thought.

"I would say there was one who loved her at least as much," He said looking to Elijah who had his hands folded and propped up on his elbows.

"Wait, so you both loved the same girl," Stefan said, an amused grin on his face.  

"Our mother was a very powerful witch, she sought to end our feud over Tatia so she took her.  Klaus and I would later learn that it was Tatia's blood we consumed on the night our mother performed a spell which turned us into vampires," Elijah said while Klaus looked at him, no longer smiling before he quickly put one on his face.  Rusty grabbed his hand under the table to bring comfort to his friend who gave him a quick grin.  "Tensions grew between the two of us so for a time Niklaus and I... grew estranged.  Harsh words were traded, we even came to blows, didn't we brother."

"But in the end, we recognized the sacred bond of family," Klaus said, leaning forward.

"Family above all," Elijah said, grabbing his wine glass and raising it as Klaus did the same.

"Family above all," Klaus repeated back to him as they clinked their glasses together.

Looking at them Rusty had to think to his own family, the one he never talks to and hasn't seen in years.  Rusty wasn't from Mystic Falls, he moved there to escape those who were suppose to love him but when a secret of his came into light that love seemed to have burned out.

"So why don't we move this evening along and get to the terms of our proposal," Elijah said and Damon looked up from his phone.

"That's very simple, Klaus get's his coffin back and in return he and the Orginal extended family leave Mystic Falls forever, me, Stefan and Elena live happily ever after and no grudges," Damon says.

"The agreement seems fair Niklaus," Elijah says and Rusty gives him a disbelieving look.

"I have to disagree," Rusty said, leaning back in his chair while all eyes go to him.  "Klaus gets one tiny little coffin and has to leave this amazing house and the key to what has been his goal for a thousand years." Klaus grins at his friend who returns it, they always had each others backs.

"And let's say I do leave Elena here with you, what then?" Klaus says standing up with his wine glass,  "How long until one of you turn her into a vampire?  Or worse how long before she dies between your fueding?  You see you both believe that you are the one who can protect, and that is simple a dilusion.  The worst thing for Elena Gilbert, gentlemen, is the two of you."

"Gonna get some air," Damon says while standing up from his seat, seemingly bothered by what Klaus had said.

"I'll deal with it," Elijah tells Klaus while standing to follow out Damon.

"All this talk had made me thirsty, what do you say Stefan can I interest you in a drink?" Klaus said while moving the hair off the neck of a pretty little blonde he compelled.  Klaus's fangs grows before he shoves them into the girl's neck.  Klaus pulls his fangs out, "Delicious." He lets the girl drop and she lands next to Rusty who shoves her away with his foot.  "Aged to perfection," Klaus whispered before he used his thumb to wipe away the blood left on his chin.  

"Well I guess the only reason you agreed to this evening Klaus was to drive wedge between me and my brother," Stefan said standing up.  Rusty scoffed at this while Klaus chuckled.  

"I think you're doing that well enough on your own," Rusty said with a grin towards the youngest vampire.  

"As for Elena you're gonna lose your brother and you'll only have yourself to blame," Klaus said. 

"What do you say Klaus, time for you to put something on the table," Damon says as he and Elijah walk back in.  "We made our offer, now you counter."

"I offer Elena's future happiness, You see what she needs right now is to be rid of you lot, and to fall in love, maybe that nice football player, with the blonde hair," Klaus said before Damon interuppted.

"Matt Donovan?  Really?" Damon said in disbelief.

"Yeah why not?  They'll marry live a long and fruitful life and pop out a perfect family."

"And continue the Petrova blood line, every few hundred years you'll have a new doppelganger to drain and never run out of hybrids, right Klaus?" Stefan said, understanding what Klaus wanted. 

"Consider a small return in my investment of her wellbeing,"Klaus said while the Salvatores held unhappy faces.  "See after you hand me back my coffin, I'll ensure her safety for the rest of her natural life. You know it's what's best for her. So what do you say, Stefan?  Do we have a deal?"

Stefan walks over to Klaus by the fireplace while Damon asked what he was doing in confusion.  Stefan and Klaus holds hands as if they're about to shake hands but then Stefan says, "Nice try Klaus, but no deal."  Klaus drops the smile he held and gave Stefan a stonefaced look.Klaus breaks Stefan's wrist and leg while Rusty races up and sets the fireplace a blaze as Klaus shoves Stefan's hand in the fire.  Elijah held Damon to a wall, the latter having gone to save his brother.  

"What are you doing?" Damon quiety asked Elijah even though Rusty caught it and gave them both a glare.  "Stop," Damon said loudly.

"Now bring me my coffin, before we burn him alive," Klaus said while Rusty had a tight grip on Stefan's hair, pulling his head back and setting his hand alight next to Stefan's face to show Damon they would do it.

"I'll get it," Damon said walking away and knocking shoulders with Elijah.  

"Go with him brother, you keep him honest and when you return I will make good on my promise to you and I will hand over our family," Klaus said and Elijah left to follow after Damon.

"Go ahead kill me, I know you'll do it when he brings the coffin," Stefan said before Klaus moved him away from the fire and to be standing.

"You really have given up haven't you?  Where's the fight?  Where's the rippah?" Klaus says shoving Stefan, but Stefan shoves him back.  Rusty and Klaus spot Damon and Elijah in the doorway along with a blonde waitress.  

Rusty clenched his fist, not trusting them while Klaus says, "Elijah why haven't you left?"

"Where are your manners brother, we forgot dessert," Elijah said before taking the top of the tray the waitress held to reveal two daggers.  Rusty quickly went to his best friends side and twirled his hands around as power collected around them ready for him to use.

"What have you done," Klaus said, stepping back into his friend, hoping for a sense of comfort.

"What have you done? See I've learned not to trust your vulgar promises, Niklaus.  We're doing this on my terms now," Elijah said as a new man stepped into the room.  Rusty stepped in front of his friends while gold smoke that had once only covered his hands grew up to his forearms.  

"Kol," Klaus says and Rusty could hear the fear while the man steps closer, without thinking Rusty shot his hand forward while Klaus took a step back.  The power Rusty released sent Kol flying back, but he quickly stood back up.

"Hello brother," Kol said before vamping speeding forward to get past Rusty who knocked him down once again, "I see you've made a friend."  Klaus sped forward, grabbing Rusty to get them out of there only to be stopped by another man.

"Finn don't," Klaus said before the man grabbed a knife and shoved it through Klaus's hand.  Rusty quickly let out another surge of power sending the man flying back and into another room.

Klaus went to another exit with Rusty only to be stopped by a blonde in a red dress, "Rebekah."  She smiled before shoving a knife in him.

"That was for our mother," She told him before she too was knocked away by Rusty, who put a hand on Klaus's shoulder in comfort.  

"You're free to go, this is family business," Elijah said though Rusty paid no mind, the Salvatores left the house.  Rusty looked around him at the family while he let power come off him in waves, spiking whenever one of them would get closer to the two powerful best friends, who over the 5 years they've known each other have become more like family.

"Who is this, Niklaus?  He seems awfully protective over you," Rebekah teased her brother who glared at her with tears in his eyes.  "I like what you've done with the new place, Nik," Rebekah said before throwing a vase at a framed painting.  

"I wanted it to be for all of us, so we would never have to be alone again," Klaus said while the family kept a distance to keep out of reach of Rusty who kept his eyes on them all.

"And you're right, non of us will be," Elijah said walking to one of the exits.

"You'll stay behind," Finn said, walking to the exit all his family was at.

"We're leaving you, Nik, right after I kill that doppelganger wench," Rebekah said with the two best friends looked at them.  "And you will be alone, always and forever."  

Rusty let out of his hands power down so he could place it on Klaus's shoulder, his friend looked ready to cry. "Hate to rain on your parade and all but he won't be alone and if I have to help him track you down, I will," Rusty said with a glare at them all, Klaus looked at him thanking him silently with his eyes, Rusty nods at him in understanding.

"I will hunt all of you down," Klaus spat at them.

"Then you'll become everything you hate, our father," Elijah said.

"I'm the hybrid, I can't be killed, I have nothing to fear from any of you," Klaus shouted at them to hide his pain.  

"You will once we have that coffin," Elijah said calmly.

A door opens and everyone turns to look at it, from it walks out Esther Mikaelson.  "Mother," Rebekah breathes out and Rusty places his body in front of Klaus who had stepped forward at some point.

Klaus couldn't look at her and Rusty knew he must be in immense emotional pain.  Esther stopped in front of the two though her eyes were only on Klaus.  "Look at me," Esther said and Klaus finally met her eyes.  "Do you know why I'm here?" She asked him.

"To kill me," Klaus said, hurt by the truth in his words.  Rusty glared at her harshly prepared to take her out if needed.

"Niklaus you are my son, and I am here to forgive you.  I want us to be a family again," She said looking at all her children.  Rusty glared at her before looking at Klaus and nodding, Klaus quickly took the cue and grabbed Rusty before speeding out of the house and towards Rusty's.

When they got to Rusty's he quickly unlocked the door and ushered Klaus inside.  Once inside and feeling safe Klaus broke down, falling to the floor crying.  Rusty quickly knelt next to him bringing him into his arms.  

"Don't worry Nik, I won't let any of them hurt you."

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