Kleptomaniac (story)
Dark themes: thievery(duh)
"There, perfect!"
I grin at my reflection in the large mirror. I wear a white long-sleeved blouse under an unassumingly bulletproof black sleeveless vest. Black leggings run down to a pair of black combat boots. A belt with a grappling hook. tranquilizer guns, disintegrating tranquilizer darts, and other important things hang on my waist. My face is hidden by a white domino mask and my usually braided hair falls down in waves at my back. A black top hat with a scarlet ribbon making a stripe against it sits atop my head, hiding a miniature hacking chip. A black cape with a crimson lining is draped around my shoulders. A pair of white gloves cover my hands to prevent fingerprints. Nobody would expect the phantom thief to be a timid helper in the bakery.
I turn to my computer as I recheck the program. Against a green screen, 1's and 0's flash rapidly. Sure that it will work, I replace the old hacking chip with the new one before tucking it into a secret compartment in my hat.
I go to the roof of my home and begin to run. My feet temporarily dangle in the air as I jump from roof to roof, adrenaline pumping into my blood. I can't help but smile at the prize that I have chosen for this night: the Blood Phoenix. It had gotten its name from being a perfect pigeon-blood red ruby, and a dazzling star ruby at that. The media described how it seemed to be clear as stained glass and how it just burst into sparkles when placed under the right lighting.
I wonder what the police has in store for me this time. I had anonymously sent a silver card with a message to its billionaire of a owner. It was a tradition of mine to send a hint to the treasure's master just for fun. After all, I stole more for the excitement than for the gem, though that was a fun part of it too. I never believed in what they said about girls. I can't be a good little girl if a love to steal, and I can't be all sweet about it either. The only part that I could possibly agree with was the spice part of that old nursery rhyme. I definitely had that.
After a good half-hour of running, I use a fire escape stairway to get to the ground. The mansion housing the precious jewel is still a few blocks away, but I know that the police are shining lights to the sky. There won't be any using of my grappling hook to get in tonight. That wasn't going to stop me though. I come close enough to scan what they have.
The mansion has a pretty garden in front that has tall hedges here and there, resembling a maze. I wonder if that was made purposely for me, seeing how the mansion in the background of the newspapers didn't have any sort of garden in it. I realize that the men report every twenty minutes, likely due to my other method of getting in. The same one I plan to use tonight. As soon as they finish reporting, I grab my tranquilizer gun and aim for the necks of the two officers guarding the closest entrance. They crumple as their eyes close, too quickly to radio for help.
I dash into the maze.
After seven minutes, I duck behind a fountain as a policeman goes by. Another one comes in and they exchange a few words.
"Do you really think that she'll come tonight?" asks the first one.
"Who cares?" shrugged the other one. "I just want to find a way out of here. My shift ended two hours ago!"
I almost laugh at how many of them seemed to have gotten lost in the labyrinth. The first man pulls out a map and begins pointing out directions to his comrade. My eyes widen. A map! I sneak up behind the two of them and give them each a swift stab with a dart. They fall as easily as the entrance guards. I grab the map and check my location. The fountains are checkpoints that are marked by color. The pinkish marble of the nearby fountain matches the shade of pink of the circle nearest to the entrance.
"Right, left, left, straight, left, right, left," I mutter, as I mark out the path. After memorizing, I leave the map with the sleeping guards. They were going to be in enough trouble when they wake up.
I take a right and smile. Just a little more to go.
My grappling hook wraps around the banister. .
I press the button to retract it and I'm lifted into the air. On the balcony, I pick the lock to open the heavy door. I shut it behind me and sigh in relief. I look around and see that I'm in a study. A camera is in the corner of the room, I quickly attach the hacking chip. The chip does its job, deleting the recent memory and causing the previous one to loop in the process. A shelf of books lays against the wall and a large desk with a leather-covered single-seat sofa takes the center of the room. There is a door on the wall opposite the side of the bookcase. In the wall between them is a large cabinet. A few smaller cabinets are on the last wall.
I go through the door and find myself on the floor above the glass display case. The floor below has guards surrounding the ruby, all pointing flashlights about the dark room. I prepare to get down when I notice something out of place. When a guard sweeps his flashlight across the room, the ruby cast no shadow. I look closer and I can see a thin line go up and down the ruby. I realize that it's a hologram, one made to trick me. I give a grudging smile. The billionaire had surely taken many precautions.
I retreat to the study to think. After a while, I decided to check the room. The drawers were full of regular office supplies and paperwork. The small cabinets are the same. I check the remaining cabinet revealing stacks of paper and a few briefcases. I almost close it when I see that the back panel seems to be a lighter shade than the rest. I grasp the edges of the first shelf and pull. It's detachable. I do the same to the others. leaving a wooden panel at the back of a wooden box. I remove the panel and it shows a metal door with a screen and a keypad.
The screen displays the words MY GREATEST TREASURE IS___________.
I remove my hat, grabbing another chip and pressing it against the screen.
"ERROR TRY AGAIN" flashed on the screen. My eyes narrow as I press the device once more.
I groan in frustration. I look at the hint. My greatest treasure is what? I see four short blanks after is. The first word that comes to mind is ruby. The Blood Phoenix was quite valuable after all, but the answer couldn't be as simple as that, could it? I shake my head and my eyes rest on the desk. Many of the pictures are those that he had with his daughter. In the earliest photo, he hugs her as a three year old in a field of tulips. The latest one is the daughter graduating. A small box lies in front of it. In my hurry, I didn't bother to open it. I undid the box and saw a violet card over an angel pendant necklace. I read the card.
To my little Emma:
I'm proud of what a big girl you are now. I can still remember the times when I could still pick you up and carry you everywhere. I miss these times greatly, but I am truly happy of what you have become. No matter what happens, you'll always be my greatest treasure. I love you. Happy Birthday-Dad
I replace the card and place the cover on top. Without hesitation, I punch in the word Emma.
The door swings open, revealing a room with nothing but a display case with the true Blood Phoenix. I lift the glass and pluck the gem from its cushion. I examine it for a while, admiring the gem. I open a hidden compartment in the heel of my boot and slip the Blood Phoenix in. I leave the secret room and hear footsteps rushing to the study.
My twenty minutes are up.
I grab a small cylinder from my belt and press the button on its top, releasing a strong EMP(electromagnetic pulse) signal to temporarily short out any electronic devices for a mile around. After keeping my hacking chips, I head to the balcony and climb up to the edge of roof where I shoot my grappling hook on its strongest setting to attach to a tall building. I push a button on the gun part of it to shoot a spike at its bottom. I slam it into the roof tiles, making it secure enough to withstand my weight. Next, I set it to self destruct in twenty-five seconds. I grab a steel ring from my belt and attach it to the wire spreading from the rooftop to the building. Policemen start pouring out from the roof's attic door.
I turn around and wink at the gun-pointing officer. I jump and zip down the grappling hook, my cape billowing behind me. I hear shouts and guns firing from below, but it doesn't matter. I know that it's too dark to fire well, and the wire is bulletproof. Three-fourths of the way down, I feel a vibration traveling down the wire and I turn to see that the grappling hook's base has exploded, causing policemen to sputter and cough. I immediately feel the slack as the wire from the grappling hook's end snaps and catches fire.
All according to plan.
I wait for a few more seconds until I let go. With the grappling hook destroyed and the wire going to burn itself up, they'll have no clues. The momentum from the temporary zip line is enough to propel me to a rooftop some fifty meters away from the policemen. I absorb the impact with a roll and begin to run across the rooftops.
The EMP signal gives me a lead, since it not only stopped them from radioing for help, but also stopped their vehicles. Still, it doesn't take long before the cars and motorbikes regain energy and begin the hunt. I deliberately choose to go on the houses with the paths between them only large enough for the bikes. The blaring of sirens only cause me to laugh.
After all, the fun has only begun.
I dodge bullets as I run.
At times my fluid movements almost look like a dance. My black attire also helps in further frustrating the policemen as they attempt to shoot and drive their bikes. It's all so amusing to see their vain attempts at catching me.
I wonder why they even bother. Could it really be considered stealing if I returned whatever I took later on? I only do what I do for the fun of it. If I didn't, then I wouldn't have bothered to alert the rich people that I stole from. The police chief would always find a mysterious wrapped box containing the artifact or jewel in his office a week or two after the heist. But they would still go after me regardless, and that just made it more interesting for me.
I continue escaping bullets as I run in the direction opposite of my home.
They have me surrounded in a shady intersection with a sole lamp hanging directly above me as the sole source of light. Each of the four roads are blocked by motorcycles, cars, and officers that are pointing guns at me. I do as I'm asked, raising my hands into the air. As I do so, I can hear clapping from a corner.
The detective steps out from the shadows, slowly clapping as he wears a victorious smile. The detective has been chasing me for quite some time now. After my third robbery, the mayor had hired him to end my crimes. It's the seventh one now, but this is the first time we've met face to face.
He crosses one arm as the other pinches the brim of his fedora. "Well done, little thief. This is the longest time that I've let a criminal run free, but it seems that I've finally caught you."
I silently smile back. I don't dare to speak, knowing that the police could be recording my voice and match it to find my civilian identity. Instead, I take a closer look, noticing a revolver hanging off his belt.
He stretches his hand outward. "The Blood Phoenix, if you please."
I lower my hands as I stomp the ground with my right boot twice, unlocking it. I bend down to click open the latch and retrieve the gem.
While I do this the detective's looks on in admiration. "Nice tech you got there."
I stand up and hold the gem in my hand, but I don't place it in his. I turn it around to make it catch light, showing its luster. Thinking that I'm not going to give it, detective clears his throat to get my attention. I stop, my smile turning into a provocative smirk. I hold in my palm, but I don't extend my arm. The detective steps forward to retrieve the ruby.
As he does, I grab the cylinder that I used earlier and I press the button on its bottom twice. I throw it into the air and cover my ears as a piercing shriek blasts out from it and it explodes, sending black smoke everywhere. Most of the police force copy me at the ear-piercing whistle, but a sole officer shoots. With his actions having been done as he crumpled to the pavement in pain, his aim is terribly off. I tackle the detective to the ground as the bullet whizzes above in the place where he stood. His look of surprise is barely registered as I grab his gun and shoot the bulb of the sole lamp that lights the area. The cloudy night and the inky smoke from the cylinder blend together to cover my escape.
I smile as I run, my grip tightening on the Blood Phoenix as I do so. The adrenaline pumps into my blood once more, giving me a rush. Running quickly through the city, I finally let a laugh rip free from my throat.
This little thief is free to steal another day.
( third person pov)
In the intersection far away from the thief, the detective was pacing the empty street alone.
The rest if the police force had long since left, leaving the detective to try to think of ways to catch the thief. But his thoughts were far from the case.
He once again went to the building in the corner of the street. He traced the wall with his fingertips, right in the area where the bullet had embedded itself. The force had buried it an inch deep in the stone. He knew that by its position, it could have gone through his heart had the thief not pushed him down.
His eyes wandered to the silver card in his hand.
The detective thought of how the thief had saved him. She could have left him die and save herself the trouble of having a professional on her trail, but she didn't.
Did he really want to catch her?
When he had first been told of the case, he had shrugged it off as a common burglar. There was nothing special about stolen items.
Then he had been told of how the treasures she stole would always end up as an anonymously wrapped box in the police chief's office. The treasures were appraised and proved to be real, baffling the police and the media. Even more strange were the cards sent with them. They would have words handwritten in elegant script thanking them for the "fun" that the thief had and that she was looking forward to the next time they would have a "game". Each one would also have some comments that seemed out of place, like how when she stole a bejeweled scarab from the Egyptian section of the museum, she suggested using less lighting and a better arrangement for the sarcophagi. Another time, she had greeted a happy birthday to a jewelry shop's owner, even attaching a silver charm bracelet that spelled out the owner's name to it along with the diamond necklace she took. A bag full of chocolates were even found once along with the favorite headband of the police chief's preteen daughter three days after the man had made an announcement that the thief was "a petty one who couldn't steal candy from a baby" (The card mentioned that his daughter's red-and-white candy cane design headband was the closest thing that she could find to candy and that the sweets were for taking the girl's accessory). All of these, save for the candy, were scanned for fingerprints (a chocolate was taken as a sample for a poison test).
Another strange thing that was noted was how she never left any human casualties. Of course, the records of her using the tranquilizer darts were present, but she never truly hurt anyone even if she could. With her accuracy with the tranquilizer guns, she could have easily left a bullet in an officer's brain, but she left them with no more than a drowsy feeling. In her fifth card, she even showed concern for an officer that had chased her on a motorbike and fell off.
It was all quite intriguing.
He joined the case just to see what the thief would do.
After rereading the reports, the detective branded the thief as a kleptomaniac. He decided that the mental disorder was the only reasonable explanation for the her strange behavior. It would explain why she thought that being chased down was fun and why she would return the items she stole when she could have sold them to the black market for millions.
Without realizing it, the detective had pressed the card against his chest. He quickly shoved the card in his coat pocket as he looked up at the now-cloudless night sky. Bathed in the silvery moonlight, he sighed as he walked down the empty road.
Perhaps the thief had stolen more than a gem tonight,
A/N: Sappy sappy sappy! Even more than the last one! This is why I didn't want to place that last stanza there in the song! That whole part down there is like a third of the whole thing just for the explaining bits! Aaaarrrgghhhhh! I'm going to wonder why I even wrote this for a long time.
Goodbye and see you guys later.
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