God's Light Bearers IV (story)
A/N: (belated) Happy Birthday, DifferenceIsHarmony! I hope you enjoy this chapter, you're slightly more important here! In the first part anyway. Also, apologies if you guys are OOC, especially the friend who's Rika . And I still can't remember which bunk you guys prefer. Oh well. And um, about what happens after the randomness. . .yeah. .. I'm fine, don't worry. Just read the A/N. Really, I am.
Dark themes: (ridiculous) violence, randomness, religious triggers(more than usual), mention of suicidal thoughts
"Yani, shield!"
Defense is said to be the best offense, but the are times when defense should just be defense. This was one one those times.
My friend just manages to will her Blessing into existence before we can get hit by a barrage of pillows.
"Cheat!" Hazali yells.
"Just using my Blessing!" Yani shouts back with a grin. "And you've got a freaking PILLOW CANNON!"
Rika, Juvanine, and Blake join her in laughing at us from behind their defense.
The Crusader and I run to the other end of the room in her bubble shield, probably making us look like hamsters. I hear the sound of pillows being loaded and hurry. Yani dispels the shield and we duck behind a bunk bed serving as our wall of defense as more pillows and a teddy bear fly across the room.
Arcia is still at our side, one hand under her chin. "So, how's it going?"
I shoot Arcia a look and try to stop the myself from hitting her and pleasing the demon. "They've got a pillow cannon on their side. How do you think it's going?"
The night had started innocently enough. After dropping off our bags at the room, we all headed to the canteen(or cafeteria, as other schools call it) to have dinner and chatted about games and stories and funny experiences throughout it. We chanced to meet Blake there, a close seventh-grader of a friend. We invited her too because the room still had an extra space anyway, and after a quick phone call, she agreed. Her stuff was sent over too, and we all headed back to the room.
The trouble started soon after we got changed into pajamas. Yani had decided to surprise us and brought out a container filled with home-baked goodies which were all too quickly devoured. Arcia proceeded to also surprise us with pancakes, which despite her suggestion to wait for the morning, we all scarfed down with butter and syrup. In hindsight, we probably shouldn't have finished either. I blame sugar for the sudden bout of randomness that caused a certain someone to decide to smack another one of us with a pillow. The victim just had to exact revenge. We had been divided into groups with whoever was closer at the time, which meant I was suddenly with Yani, Arcia, and Lilian while Rika joined Hazali, Blake, and Juvanine on the other side of the room. Mattresses were quickly pulled down from the metal bed frames and stacked to make barricades, self-mending pillows and poor unfortunate stuffed animals that were brought from home were turned into ammunition, and I prayed for mercy and protection.
The other team had the advantage of Hazali, who had a morphing weapon. She could will it to change into just about anything at the cost of her energy. Just about anything unfortunately including a pillow cannon. It didn't help that her team could do ranged attacks. Rika was spearing the pillows with arrows and shooting at them without care because they never caused too much damage to become unfixable, Juvanine was using a dragon-skull blaster to propel the fluffy ammunition at us, and Blake was using her sledgehammer to swing pillows at us as if she was playing golf.
My team's trump card was Yani, who made my prayer half-answered by her protection-giving Blessing. This could only be done in short bursts since it also took quite a bit out of her, which meant we couldn't leave our base often. Her weapon was becoming very useful as well. They were cestus, which were basically battle gloves with blades over the knuckles are that made you Wolverine. Yani's were special in the sense that they could be like grappling hooks, so she could fire it at the pillows to risky to get manually and retract the claws to replenish our ammo pile. The rest of us weren't as useful. Arcia's non-monster truck weapon was a scythe, which would also mutilate pillows. Lilian had two katanas, which were obviously not long-ranged and would damage the pillows beyond repair. I could only summon one chakram, and I couldn't stick a pillow on the end of that without making its aim go out of whack. My sickles couldn't be used for the same reason as Lilian's katanas and Arcia's scythe.
After several minutes had passed, I was sure that the only reason the other group and Yani(because she's the only useful one in our team) weren't unconscious yet was because of the dreadful sugar that started the chaos still giving them energy. And no, I didn't just refuse to use my Blessing to energize my team because of my failure at it, I didn't because I couldn't. During the first minute, we yelled out a few basic rules to the pillow war, which went a little like this:
So now my group was delaying our defeat, and quite horribly if I may add.
My train of thought is broken by the other group's enthusiastic cry of "PILLOW IN DA HOLE!"
We all duck as pillows sail over our heads.
"How many do they have left?" I groan.
Lilian shrugs. "A dozen?"
"It's how she curses without cursing," Yani explains.
"You know what?" Arcia starts. "I realized something. Instead of attacking them, let's stop them from attacking. If they run out of pillows, they'll have to come out of hiding."
We make plans. Lilian and Yani are to be the distractions, one to feign attack and the other to defend and try to make it last longer. While they keep the other team occupied, Arcia and I would take turns hoarding and protecting the pillows in our end to force them to leave their barricades.
Surprisingly, it works. By the time they launch their pillow launcher the again, they only have four pillows left. Yani and I quickly clamber up the ladder to the top of our bunk bed-fort where we're concealed by the stolen pillow pile and hold our breaths. Arcia and Lilian stay on the ground, pillows ready as they face the enemy.
"Aw man!" I hear Hazali whine.
"Well," Blake's voice is followed with a shimmering sound, probably unsummoning her weapon. "I guess we're doing this the hard way."
I peer through the tiny cracks between the pillow pile and see that they've taken up the remaining pillows.
Hazali turns her pillow cannon into a spear and raises it to the heavens. . .er, ceiling.
They charge.
They're halfway across the room when Yani grins. "Three."
Only a quarter of distance left.
The look in her eye is mirrored in my own as we spread our arms out behind the pillow pile. "Two."
They raise their pillows, ready to clobber the elder students.
With wide grins, Yani and I push the pile with everything we've got.
"PILLOW AVALANCHE!" we gladly yell.
Our teammates step aside and before the enemy realizes what's happening, a torrent of pillows rain down on them. Rika and Blake are knocked down while Juvanine and Hazali get buried neck-high in the fluffy sea.
"Help meh!" Hazali cries. "I'm drowning in fluff!"
"Get me out of this!" Juvanine demands, wiggling in vain to free herself from the surrounding pillows.
Whatever Blake and Rika say only comes out as muffles, their voices lost under the soft rectangles.
My team laughs, and it is a very satisfying evil laugh. Then we high-five each other in congratulations before helping the other team.
"Pillow avalanche beats pillow cannon!" Yani chirps as she digs Hazali out.
I manage to remove the pillow directly over Rika's head just in time for her to say, "Seriously?!"
I laugh. "We win! And we didn't even have a pillow cannon."
"You okay?" Lilian asks as she pulls Juvie free.
"Next time, I'm on Arcia's team!"
"I second that!" Hazali shouts.
I help Rika out. "Third!"
Arcia finishes digging Blake out and the student raises her hand. "Fourth!"
"Then who'd be on the other team?" Arcia asks with a raised eyebrow.
"Whoever dares cross paths with us!" I grin.
"And we'll crush all in our way!" Rika adds.
We all look at each other in mock disturbance before bursting into peals of laughter.
We spend an hour or two after that drawing or fangirling over games and art. We watch videos and discuss the ridiculousness of the world and joke around 'til there are tears in our eyes. A chunk of time is spent straightening out details of stories yet to be written. At twelve, Arcia, being the responsible mother figure, tells us all to sleep. There are half-hearted protects and grateful yawns as we drag everything back to its proper position. A mattress on each bed, a sheet over that, and two pillows on that to top it off. Stuffed animals are picked up and apologized to, dusted off, and carried to respective beds. Rika shoots the light switch to turn it off, then Arcia leads us in a prayer.
She thanks God for the fight, for the cookies and pancakes, and that no one was injured. She prays for forgiveness of our sins, and I think of how all my mistakes are forgotten with a grateful smile. The she requests for the healing of relatives and friends, high grades, help in making the right decisions, the finishing of homework, and wisdom to eat sweets in the morning next time. Some soft snickers are heard at the last one. We all say Amen together, then drift off to dreamland.
The thing is, I don't.
After about fifteen minutes of tossing and turning in the bunk above Yani, I get down to drink some water before returning to bed. Another fifteen minutes are spent staring blankly at the ceiling. After a while, I get down and take out my notebook and pen. If the boredom doesn't lull me to sleep, at least I'd be done with one of the assignments I settle in the corner of the room near the window where moonlight's streaming in to avoid waking the others.
The homework I have for science class is about the three things to note about weapons and energy, more accurately called The 3 Laws of Stamina Consumption in Regards to Weapon Usage by Lucio Fateforger. The instructions are to write the laws and think of examples for the first one. I write the laws down simply enough and soon scribble on the page slowly to avoid needing correction tape.
1. The more unique the nature of the weapon is, the more energy it will use.
Since Hazali's can turn into anything, it uses up a sizable chunk of her stamina and makes her have to retire from most battles early. Arcia's monster truck and Juvanine's blaster take significantly less, but still a lot. Weapons that can change mechanically due to how they were forged take up an average amount of energy. The twins Zair and Amir's rifle/Xiphos(type of double-edged sword)/javelin and scythe/sniper rifle respectively, Blake's sledgehammer/grenade launcher, and my chakram/scythes are under this category. Yani's cestus is a level lower than this because being a grappling hook just requires chains being behind the blades and Rika's is even lower than that because her bow being a sword just requires the end being sharp. The simplest weapons last the longest, though they aren't necessarily the weakest. Lilian's katanas and Arcia's scythe are just as lethal to Sins as Hazali's morphing weapon is, they just don't have the same level of flexibility.
2. Double wielding results in a larger amount of energy loss.
Somewhat related to the first law, this one is pretty logical. If you get tired with using one hand, why wouldn't you be even more exhausted when using two? It's why some of us blade weirders forged one and some made two. As for me, I picked both by making my chakram able to split into two. It feels more convenient than forging two chakrams.
3. Faith is a special form of of energy, a type of enhancer in a sense. Therefore, having a high amount of Faith can decrease energy loss drastically depending on how much trust a fighter has in the Creator.
To be honest, I wonder if Faith is a drug sometimes. It is said to numb pain, give energy, and make everything seem perfectly at peace. That's probably true. God can ease injuries, give strength, and bless people with the peace of mind.
My grip on the pen tightens as my mouth forms a thin line. I just wish that I had enough Faith to feel that way too. The demon seems to be glad about that, happily drinking in my self-hate.
"Celia?" My eyes snap open and flicker to Rika. She's out of bed, bare feet on the ground as she looks at me. "What are you doing up?"
"What are you?" I retort.
She shrugs. "Just sort of woke up and noticed you weren't in your bunk anymore. So why are you awake?"
"Couldn't sleep."
Her eyes drift down to the notebook in my hands. "Doing homework?"
I smile tiredly. "Yeah, wanna join me?"
"Eh, why not?"
Because it's past midnight, I think.
Rika silently moves to grab her notebook before sitting down beside me. "So, the Laws, right?"
"Uh huh."
"What examples did you use for the first one?"
I hand her the notebook. She peers at it for a while before chuckling. "Really, you used us?"
I lean against the wall as I take it back. "And the Labelle twins."
"But mostly us."
"So, who are you going to use?" I ask.
"Classmates. And maybe Arcia."
"Why? Is it because of the monster truck?"
"Yup," she grins. "It's too good to pass up."
We stifle our giggles and move on.
We continue to chat long after the homework's done. I think it's around two when she turns to me with concerned eyes after a comfortable silence.
"So, why were you so upset earlier?"
I force a frown. "What are you talking about?"
"You know, the incident earlier with the monster truck."
When I speak, my voice is harsher than I meant it to be. "I was yanked out by a rope thanks to you helping Arcia, why do you think I was mad?"
That answer probably would've been enough for most people, but Rika isn't satisfied with it. "You know that's not what I mean."
"Oh? What did you mean then?"
She scowls. "Come on, that wasn't the reason you were mad. Don't you think I've been noticing how you get worked up or have that. . .look on your face whenever our classmates use the Blessing recently? Just tell me what's wrong."
I bite the inside of my cheek and focus on the world outside the window. "It's none of your business."
"We're friends, it is my business!" she says adamantly. "We share snacks, we review for tests, I read your stories, you rate my drawings, we joke and talk and agree that the boys are idiots and that our Christianity's the only reason why we shouldn't jump off a building and see the pearly gates! You help me with my problems, I help you with yours. Isn't that what friends are for?"
"Fine, fine!" I yield. "I'll tell you, just lower your volume! I don't want to tell the others, okay?"
Rika snorts but does so. "So, what's wrong?" she says in a softer tone.
I take a deep breath and look down. I mutter out. "I can't use my blessing."
"What?" she says with furrowed brows.
"I said I can't use my blessing!"
She's taken aback for a few seconds. "What do you mean? I've seen you use it."
I sigh. "I mean I can use it, but not properly." I proceed to tell her about how I can't seem to trust God enough and my ever-dwindling Faith in the face of hardship and even my analogy of the torch. She listens patiently as I explain. When I'm done, I slump my shoulders.
There's a silence that settles between us, and I look at the trees waving in the outside. I'm not afraid that she'll judge me for my inability to use my Blessing, we're too close for that. I just don't think she understands.
"Do you think it's easy for me?"
I blink and turn to her. She has a look between exasperation and anger on her face.
"I'm not any better than you are! Yes I can use my Blessing, but it tires me too! I have my own issues when using it, what on earth makes you think otherwise?!"
"I'm not saying you're better." I grumble. "I'm saying that no matter how good or terrible you are at it, I am worse. I can't even trust in God, for crying out loud! He sent His Son to bleed out a slow, painful death by crucifixion and I can't even bring myself to trust Him enough, to have Faith in Him! What about that isn't wrong?"
"We are humans, Celia! It's not in our nature to trust! It human nature to distrust and sin!"
"I know that, but aren't we supposed to be different?!"
She pinches the bridge of her nose as she takes a deep breath. "Fine, why do you think you lack Faith?"
I shrug. "I don't know."
"There's a reason or problem for everything, think."
It takes a minute before I can say, "Maybe. . .maybe it's because I'm useless?"
She does the go on gesture with her hand.
"People don't like useless things, right? So I guess I try not to be, but then I end up being more of a mess. I try to be strong, but my lack of Faith makes me weaker. I try to do better, but still fail. And I try to convince myself that I can trust Him, yet somehow I can't."
". . .you're an idiot."
"We all are, what's your point?"
She rolls her eyes. "My point is that you are trying to be self-dependent. Listen to what you said. 'I try to be this, I try to be that', do you ever ask God for strength instead of doing it yourself? Or do you ever think that instead of convincing yourself to trust Him, you should just do it? Don't think of reasons, God the Father is basically our Spiritual Dad, it's in His name! And if you want a reason, fine! The fact that Jesus died for our sins is a reason to convince yourself, don't you ever think of that?"
I recall all my prayer requests, all my thoughts of God, all the times I skipped over the actual crucifixion, and ultimately respond with. ". . . no."
It's all so simple that I feel like facepalming a hundred times. I never did ask God to help me directly. It was always Lord, please make me stronger instead of Lord, please give me strength. How stupid I was, trying to fight with my own puny strength when I could've had the God who wiped out armies and cities lend me His. And He being my spiritual Father, He cares. I viewed the crucifixion as a reason to have to trust Him, like out of obligation and as a trading of favors when it was already an act of love. I think of John 3:16, and how I never truly though of its meaning. For God so loved the world that he gave His only Begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
"Do you see now?" she asks.
I turn to Rika, then hug her. "Yeah, I do. Thanks." She hugs me back as I say, "Can we pray?"
"Stop squishing me first."
I let go, then bow my head and join hands with her.
"Dear Lord," I begin. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I never thought of how you could strengthen me and kept asking for you to help me do it myself. I'm sorry that I never thought of You for what You are, a Father who will not condemn me when I ask for your help. I'm sorry that I even forgot the meaning behind your Son's sacrifice. Please forgive me. I know now that I should have more Faith in you for such things, for you care and are omnipotent and would've helped me if I had only asked. Help me now, Lord, and everyone else who needs your guidance. Thank you for waking Rika so that she could remind me of this fact and may we still be able to have enough sleep for tomorrow. In Jesus' name we pray,"
"Amen," we say in unison.
"Thanks," I tell her again as I help her off the floor.
"So what's your problem when trying to use the Blessing anyway?"
She yawns. "I'll tell you some other time, it's really late."
"Fine." I say, yawning too.
"Besides," she says as we return to our respective beds. "I think it's better to say it when it's not being typed out."
"What?" I ask.
"Nothing, I'm tired and really don't know what I'm saying."
"Sure. Goodnight, Rika."
"Night, Celia."
I close my eyes as I cuddle my favorite pillow from home. Thanks Rika, thanks God, I think. There's a smile on my face as I drift into sleep.
Thanks, God.
A/N:Glad that's finally out of the way. Seriously though, I'm fine. This is a story and I have to dramatize a few things here and there so it isn't plain old conversation. And no, this never really happened. I've never had a sleepover at school or a friend's house, and the closest semblance to this situation is the real world is the random talks my friend and I have about stuff. I am logical, my character is not. I know how to trust God, and this situation in real life might have just been something like Why should I trust God again? Oh yeah, He loves us and let His Son die to prove it. Once again, this is a story. So hope none of you got offended by anything in here. These characters are based on you guys, and not actually you guys. Just want to remind you people of that. For those people who I have absolutely no clue about that's reading this, hope it didn't strike a nerve or situation. I didn't mean to if I did.
So yeah, thanks for reading and see you guys in the next chapter, which may or may not be weeks/months away because it's still not summer vacation for me, (sarcastic) Yay! Bye and hope you enjoyed!
p.s. For my friend who's Yani, I hope you liked the first part. For the one who's Rika, I am extremely sorry for OOC.
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