entry 1 - Recognize,Realize,Rectify -

What does it mean to fear something? Ive talked about this in my other chapter regarding what makes horror good or what makes something "scary" but I wanna really go in depth on it. Here we shall dive into the mind,body and even soul if you believe in it,lets begin. For starters when you "fear" something there is a mental and physically even a hormonal response that are all mixed to create that one "feeling". We know its more than just one feeling tho right? Its many many different breeds such as Anxiety,Anger,Sorrow,Caution,Fight or Flight,Nuesia and Pain,I talked alot about pain in the first chapter going over how mental/physical pain are different as well as different to everyone such is fear itself. When you fear something you may find yourself anxious at the thought of it in your area or even around you,feeling a sense of dread when you are in a situation with it. This is caused by either a phobia esk fear or a repetitive "protective" fear. A phobia or similar to, fear is when you have no surface level reason to be afraid of something but you still are anyways. A protective fear is when you've either already experienced something or know about it and dread coming into contact with it again. When something physical acts out at you a fight or flight response kicks in causing adrenaline to pump making your heart rate go up for better blood flow and up your focus as well as increase athletic performance to some degree,its a split second act determining if you need to fight for survival or run away for survival. Mental stress could cause this too but physical danger such as pain,and outter/inner trama to the body are more likely to invoke it. Mental fear is a more dreaded set back in my eyes,if you fear something physical it could be because you fear it mentally like people fear clowns just by seeing them,nothing inherently scary but in their mind they feel in danger so it send signals to the body to either run or fight. Mental terror is also repetitive due to past experiences such as PTSD,BPD,DID ect... which can hinder someones day to day life because their mind has not yet gotten past what happened. There's many many things to cause these things both small and large,short term and long term so saying theres a way to just fix it would be false. Also yes im aware I put in BPD and DID Borderline Personality Disorder and Dissociative Identity Disorder while not inherently fear based they are caused from mental stress as either a coping mechanism or protection of the mind/body thus I could consider them "fear" related. I believe we as humans can overcome what we understand as fear simply because when you understand something you can take steps to Recognize,Realize and Rectify. Taking that knowledge of why it is we fear something and using it to prepare yourself then eventually get past it however that may be. Its more than just telling yourself you can do it or having others tell you,you yourself must make those decisions through your own educated guess. When you are afraid of anything at all just remember to Recognize,Realize, and Rectify,analyze what it is,think about why it makes you feel that way,think over what you could do yourself and to your surrounding to make it less so then finally face it knowing how to beat it. Nothing happens physically without a mental choice within humans always remember that next time you wanna scream,cry,run or fight. You are always in control of your mind,you simply just have to believe with science and alittle faith in yourself that you are. Im going to be writing my own Psychological Short stories maybe in an attempt to help others while also pursuing my love for horror stories,this was all short and off the top of my head but I may make this a weekly thing however dont hold me to that cause I do alot throughout the week but I shall try.

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