Chapter 15: Flareon...
Chairo's P.O.V.
I was pretty satisfied to have played some games with Hyde and incineroar. They aren't as bad as I thought they were. After Hyde went back home, I started cleaning myself in the bathroom since I haven't taken any shower today.
Chairo: "Hmhmm..." *Sings quietly* "Never fade... Never fade... This silhouette—"
The door suddenly start knocking.
???: "Hey... Chairo? Are you in there?"
Chairo: "Oh? Hey Popplio, what's up?"
Popplio: "Um... Could you, come to my room later? There is something I need to talk about."
Chairo: "Eh? Sure, I'll be there in a few minutes."
Popplio: "Alright, thanks."
I could hear her footsteps as if she's walking away. Is it just me or does she sounds a bit down?
Chairo: "I hope it's not something serious..."
After I finished cleaning myself, I went to Popplio's room and I saw her sitting on her bed with a frown of her face, and there was a lump under her blanket besides her which is odd.
Chairo: "Hey Popplio?"
Popplio: "Oh... Hey Chairo, I'm glad you're here."
Chairo: *Sat down beside her* "Is there something wrong? You looked pretty down."
Popplio: "... There's something I wanna admit."
Chairo: "Hmm? What is it?"
Popplio: "Is Shiro... a great cook?"
Chairo: "Hmm? Well, yeah. Her cooking is great, I really enjoy the taste of her dishes. Although, I kinda miss it now."
Popplio: "... I... I'm really sorry..."
Chairo: "Huh? What for?"
Popplio: *Tears up* "Shiro... made a pudding for you before she passed away to celebrate the day you learned Chidori... But, I ate it without knowing it..."
Chairo: *Eyes widen* "You... what?"
Popplio: *Starts crying* "I'm so sorry! It was an accident, really! I didn't know it was Shiro's cooking until Torracat told me!" *Bows her head* "Please!! Don't kill me, I'm begging you!!"
I looked at her, bowing her head with tears falling off her face. It was a bit upsetting that she has done something like that. But since it was an accident, I couldn't blame her and neither does Shiro. I grab her chin and raise her head up.
Popplio: *Sniffles and look away*
Chairo: "Popplio? Can you look me in the eye so I can talk to you?"
Popplio: "I can't... I'm a monster... I'm a heartless monster..."
Chairo: "Popplio? Please?"
Popplio: "..." *Looks at him with teary eyes*
Chairo: "Listen, even know you ate it by accident or not, it won't change the fact that I still care about you. I know I'm a bit upset that I couldn't taste her cooking for one last time, but I know that she's happy that you enjoyed it."
Popplio: "Ch-Chairo... I..."
Chairo: *Hugs her* "There there Popplio, you don't need worry anymore. I still forgive you no matter what."
Popplio: "Nggh..." *Holds her tears* "I-I... I'M SO SOOOOOORRYYYY!!!" *Cries loudly*
Chairo: *Pats her back* "There there, let it all go. It's alright."
Chairo: "It's okay, let it all go. You're already been forgiven."
It literally took like 30 minutes until she finally stops crying. I'm not surprised for a water type like her. I let her go and pat her back.
Popplio: *Sniffles and rubs her nose* "Thank you... Chairo..."
Chairo: *Smiles* "Hehe, don't mention it."
Popplio: "I... made something for you to replace that pudding... But it was a mess because of some overheat..."
Chairo: "Oh really? Can I see it?"
Popplio: "Here..."
Popplio bring out something from under her blanket and gives it to me. It was a bowl of glob? I think that's how they say it. Oddly, it smells like mixing of chocolate and vanilla.
Chairo: "Well, this is surprising."
Popplio: "I was actually trying to make you a new pudding, but it's a total mess."
Chairo: "Well, it all comes down to the taste." *Puts his hands together* "Thanks for the food."
I grabbed the spoon and spoon some of the glob up, I looked at it for a few seconds before I took it into my mouth. Just then, my eyes starts widens open out of shock, the taste was... very familiar.
Popplio: "Umm... Chairo?"
Chairo: "..." *Let go of the spoon*
Popplio: "Huh? Is everything... okay?"
Chairo: "... I remember..."
Popplio: "Huh? Remember?"
Chairo: "I remember..."
Tears started flowing down my cheeks before I quickly grabbed the spoon and starts eating the food in a fast pace while crying.
Chairo: "I remember... I remember... I remember... I remember... I remember... I remember..."
Popplio: "Ch-Chairo?! What's going on!?"
I then grabbed the bowl and lift it up and drank the entire thing until it's empty and I slam the bowl on my lap before I looked down and cry again.
Chairo: "Pwoh! I..." *Pants* "I remember everything now..."
Popplio: "R-Remember what?"
Chairo: "My... My life... Before I met Master Sasuke..."
In a middle of a very bright forest, Chairo was playing tag with a wild Chikorita as they were running around in circle.
Chikorita: "You can't catch me!!"
Chairo: "I sure will! Hah!!" *Tackles him down* "Tag! You're it!"
Chikorita: "Awww man! Hahaha, you got me good!"
???: "Chespin dear? Time for lunch!"
Chairo: "Oh? It's my Mom! I have to go!"
Chikorita: "Alright! Goodbye now!"
Chairo: "See ya!"
He runs back to his home that was inside a tree, he opens the door as he saw a Flareon setting up a bowl of something steaming on the dining table.
Chairo: "Hey Mom! What's for lunch?!"
Flareon: *Smiles* "It's your favourite, sweetie. Chocolate soup with Moomoo milk."
Chairo: "Oh goodie!!"
The two of them sat down on their chair before Flareon gives Chairo a bowl of his soup, he then started eating it rather happily while smiling.
Chairo: "Your cookings are always the best!!"
Flareon: *Giggles* "Thank you dear."
Chairo: "Hey Mom, you still remember the day you found me?"
Flareon: "Yeah, you were sitting cold under a heavy rain. I had to bring you in to warm you up."
Chairo: "Hehe! I'm very thankful of that! That's why I wanna be your son from now on!!"
Flareon: "Thank you Chespin. I don't feel lonely anymore."
Chairo: *Burps* "Another bowl please!!"
Flareon: *Giggles* "Sure."
Flashback ends
Chairo: "She was a very awesome cook, and very caring mother. Even know I'm technically not her son."
Popplio: "Oh? Well, where is she now? Is she still around?"
Chairo: "..." *Looks down*
Popplio: "... O-Oh, I... Nevermind, maybe you—"
Chairo: "No, I'll tell everything. It's the least I can do to repay for that food.
Chairo was just standing, frozen out of shock as he witnessed the forest he's living in being covered in flames. There was a Mega Charizard X flying around, burning down the trees as a lot of wild pokemon flees away from the area.
Chairo: "M-Mom? Mom?! MOM?!! MOM!!!"
Flareon: "CHESPIN!!!"
He looked over and saw Flareon was running towards him while being covered in cuts and scratches.
Chairo: "MOM!!" *Runs and hugs her* "WH-WHAT HAPPENED?!"
Flareon: "It's nothing, dearie. We have to leave this forest, it's not safe!!"
Chairo: "Wh-Why?! But our home!!"
Flareon: "We need to leave!! Now!!"
Just when they are about to run off, suddenly a Mega Garchomp comes down in front of them as he glares at the two of them.
Garchomp: "Grr..."
Flareon: "Chespin? Run."
Chairo: "B-But—"
Flareon: "RUN!!"
The Garchomp was about to attack them with his scythe-like arm but Flareon pushes Chairo away in time before she jumps away to dodge the attack.
Flareon: "Cih, close one."
Chairo: "Mom look out!!"
Flareon: "Huh?!"
She look up and saw the Garchomp was about to hit her using Cut but she quickly dodge away and uses Flamethrower.
Flareon: "Chespin!! Get out of here, now!!'
Chairo: "I can't leave you!! I'm going with you!!"
Flareon: "You have to leave!! It's—"
Garchomp: "RAAAWWRRR!!!"
Flareon: "Ergh?! AAGGHH!!"
Flareon got hit on one of her hind leg which breaks it by Garchomp's Cut before she fell down hard and hit her head on the ground.
Chairo: "No!!" *Looks around and picks up a stone* "Hey!! Stop hurting my Mom!!"
Chairo threw the stone right on the Garchomp's head which makes him growl angrily as he turns around and glares at him.
Chairo: "Guh..." *Falls on his butt and stares at him, scared* "N-No..."
Garchomp: "RAAAAAWWWRR!!!" *Dashes towards him*
Chairo: "AAAAAHH!!!" *Tries to run away but trips and fall down*
Flareon: "NO!!!"
Chairo looked over in fear before covering himself with his arm. He then heard a loud stabbing sound as he felt something splattered all over him.
Chairo: "H-Huh?"
He looked over before his eyes widen in shock because he was witnessing Flareon getting her stomach stabbed through by Garchomp's scythe. She grabs his scythe that stabbed her with her last strength to make him stuck
Chairo: "M-Mom?"
Flareon: "Ch-Chespin... Please... Go... Live well... For Mommy..."
Chairo: "..." *Starts crying* "M-Mom..."
End of flashback
Chairo: "I couldn't remember anything after that moment. It was shocking that I was coated in nothing but fear... What I remembered after that was waking up in a very dark forest where I met Master Sasuke..."
Popplio: "...."
Chairo: "First was my dad... then my step-mom... and then there's Shiro... I just keep on witnessing the death of someone that is close to me..."
Popplio: "..." *Sniffles and cries* "I... I'm sorry you're going through all of that..."
Chairo: "It's okay Popplio. I feel relieved after you help me awaken the memory that was buried inside me."
Popplio: "... I'm really sorry to make you remember that sad moment... I..."
Chairo: "It all happens. I'm just glad that I was able to spend time with her. She was a good mother figure to me."
Popplio: "... Where... Where's your real Mother at?"
Chairo: "I'm not sure. But I know she's somewhere, I just don't know where."
Popplio: "I hope you meet her soon."
Chairo: "I sure hope so. Thanks for everything, Popplio."
Popplio: "Huh? What for?"
Chairo: "For awakening that memory in me, I feel relieved now. Can you maybe make this again?"
Popplio: "Uh... S-Sure! I'd love to!"
Chairo: "That's great."
I looked at her for a second before I lean over and gives her a kiss on her cheek to show her my gratitude.
Popplio: *Blushes* "H-Huh?!"
Chairo: *Smiles* "Thanks again, Popplio. You're the best."
I then hop off from her bed and walks out of her room while bringing the empty bowl with me as I smile.
Popplio: *Rubs her cheek* "Wow... He's cute when he smiles..." *Blushes madly* "W-W-Wait!! What am I thinking!! Aagh Popplio, you idiot!!"
To be continued
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