Chapter One: Seeing him for the first time
Niall's P.O.V
I woke up to very loud buzzing. I groaned and turned over and hit the off button on my alarm clock. It was 6:30. I didn't have to be at school until 8:30. I slowly sat up.
"Great. Another day of hell." I chuckled to myself and got out of bed. Strolling over to my dresser, I picked out a lavender sweater, white skinny's , and my all star Adidas. I walked to the bathroom and set my clothes down gently and hopped in my shower. After a good ten minute shower, I blow dried my hair and styled it in a quiff and set a flower crown of marigolds neatly and gently into my head. Then I dressed and walked downstairs for breakfast.
"Hi mum. I'm off to school. I'll see you when you come home from work." I say giving her a peck on her cheek.
"Bye baby have a good day. I won't be back until tomorrow night due to super long hours, so there is going to be money for pizza and stuff. You can invite a couple friends over but no parties. And absolutely no alcohol. I love you bye" she replied and waved me off to school. I quickly made it to school around 8:00 so I had about half an hour to talk to my best friends Louis, Liam, and Harry. We've all been friends since we were in diapers so there is no secret kept between two of us. The thing I worried about the most though is Louis and Harry dating. I didn't mind them being gay, it's just if my parents found out, they would force us and them apart. My parents are so fucking homophobic it makes me sick. Judging people based on who they love saying they aren't human like the rest of us. That's bullshit and they know it. I have recently started questioning my sexuality but I didn't tell the boys in fear they would flip out and tell my parents. I didn't want the same fate as my brother, Greg. My parents found out about his boyfriend and immediately shipped him off to some gay kid remedial camp or some shit. He came back and was "fixed" as my parents called him. It was sickening. I strolled over to my friends and saw a new face sitting beside Liam. He had jet black hair, beautiful honey eyes, eyelashes that any woman would be jealous of, and a jawline that could cut diamonds. Wait... What?! Why the hell am I thinking this?! So I tried to stay calm and parked my not so happy ass next to Harry.
"So Li, who's this?" I ask trying to act like I wasn't internally dying when he looked at me. It's like his eyes were piercing my soul. A soft smile graced his plump, pink lips.
"Uh hi I'm Zayn. I just moved here from Bradford. It's only my third day here." He said shyly. "W-well it's nice to meet you Zayn my names N-Niall." I say cursing myself because I stuttered. I felt Harry nudge me and when I looked at him a smirk was plastered on his baby face. I desperately wish Zayn wasn't here so I could very easily smack that smirk off Harry's face. I was snapped out of my thoughts of smiting Harry and his curly haired smug ass by Zayn.
"Well, Niall what class do you have next? I could walk you if you want.." he said a light blush coming to his tanned cheeks. I'm pretty sure I just became a fucking tomato. "U-uh um sure let's see I uh have erm I have maths next." I say a tad bit embarrassed. "Oh that's cool I have maths too." Omg I think I'm beet red right now. When I finished my lunch, I stood and Zayn did as well. We walked side by side and threw our lunches away. Afterwards, he held out his arm as an invitation and I'll be damned if I didn't take it.
"Off to maths class!" He shouted in his unique and hot Bradford accent. Oh man I am in so much kimchi it's not even funny. As we walked to class I learned other things about him. He loved football, (AN: soccer for those of you who may not know XD) he loves to draw, sing, and he loves tattoos. He says he has multiple. I honestly don't doubt it. I can see many lining his arms. I wonder if he has any underneath his clothes...
I was cut off by my slightly creepy thoughts when I bumped into the worst bully ever to exist. Cole Matthews. "Watch where you're going Horan!" His deep vice growled. A voice spoke up beside me. "Maybe you should move out of the middle of the damn hallway and maybe he wouldn't have run into you" Zayn spoke confidently.( is that a word?)
I have never been more scared in my life than I am right now. He just stood up to Cole. Oh no. "Oh his this Horan? Your little faggot boyfriend come to save you?" He teased. "Sorry to break it to you dude but you need to fuck off. I was walking with him to class because we have the same classes." Great that's good to know. "Please stop. I don't want you to get hurt just please stop" I whisper cowering close to Zayn's warm and muscular body. "I hate to interrupt fag fest but I know your weaknesses Horan. Don't think it's over because this is only the beginning." He growled in my ear and stomped off. I shuddered at the thought of what he was going to do to me. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a calm and steady voice soothing me
"hey Ni? You okay there? You look a bit shaken up." I look over and Zayn is looking at me with worry in his eyes. Then I realized what he had just called me. Ni, that was my nickname Harry calls me. He just called me that omg I'm having a literal heart attack! I calmed myself enough to answer,
"yeah Zayn I'm fine. By the way, did you just call me Ni?" I wanted to hear him say it again. I really really did. "U-uhm... yeah I guess I did. If that's not okay I understand cause you know Harry calls you that and I"- "I don't care Zayn. I was just making sure I heard correctly" I said giggling slightly. His face turned pink and he nodded slowly. And then the bell rang. Shit. "
"Shit! We're late for class!! Cmon we gotta go!" I practically yelled and ran with him not far behind. I jiggled the door handle praying it wasn't locked. Luck never did go my way. It was locked. Double shit. "Zayn the door is uhm locked.." I say looking down knowing it was my fault we were late.
"Oh well I suppose it's only one class. Would you maybe wanna come and have coffee with me? There's a coffee shop down the street that has really kick ass coffee." He asked with hope dripping from his tone. One part of my brain knew this was wrong but the other half was screaming yes. I didn't know what to do. I went with my gut. I was so going to regret this.
"Uhm yeah sure. I don't think I've had my max amount of caffeine today." I say trying to keep my cool that Zayn basically just asked me on a sort of but not really date. Oh boy...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Well that was crappy as hell. That's was the first chapter of My Best Shot! I hope you enjoyed but if you didn't then I'll try to do better next time. Also I think I'll be doing updates twice a week. That is, if anyone decides to read my crap book. XD WELL I HAVE TO GO BUT I LOVE YOU GUYS AND I HOPE THAT AT LEAST SOMEONE WILL READ THIS.. anyjskcnskxksm... anyway, have fun, be nice to your body, it's the only body you have, you're beautiful, you're a potato, I might be on drugs. We may never knowww...
Peace out lovelies ✌️✌️
👅❤️- Rylee 😁
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