(Uhm, this was supposed to be out on Halloween but like.. I had like no motivation to write at all so you're getting it now XD
Fair warning I did NOT proof read so sorry if there's any mistakes!)
Brendon was pacing the living room back and forth while Pete was sprawled out on his couch. Brendon's hands were lightly tugging at his hair and he groans in frustration.
"I can't just tell him like that! It's not that simple!" Brendon whines out as he stops and stands in front of Pete.
Pete just watches him with amusement, his eyebrow raised.
"I can't just go, 'Oh hey, we've been dating for a few months now, I love you with all my heart! Oh, and by the way I forgot to mention the fact I'm a freaking werewolf!' No! I would not do that to him!"
Pete shrugs a little.
"I mean, technically you could do that. It'd be one if the simpler ways to tell him."
Brendon groans and shakes his head.
"Well I can't tell him tonight cause there's a full moon!" He tugs at his hair again and whimpers, a sign he's close to transforming.
The sky was dark and the moon was high, the only sound able to be heard was the wind blowing through the trees. Brendon's pupils were blown as he was on the verge of transforming.
"I'm sorry, B. One way or another you'll have to come clean eventually," Pete says, a sympathetic look on his face.
Brendon just nods a little. He whines quietly before he walks over and sits down in front of the couch by Pete.
He feels his back arch a little as wolf ears start to appear on his head.
Pete just watches from the couch. It was normal for him to see Brendon change to a wolf because he was usually the one that had to stay with him. Brendon either trusted no one else, or they were scared that Brendon was going to hurt them.
The giant wolf that was now stood in front of the couch looks up at Pete sadly, the big brown eyes it had were no doubt Brendon's.
Pete pats his lap a little as wolf Brendon lays his head on it. Pete runs his hand over his ears and through the fur on his head.
Basically whenever Brendon changed, Pete would just be there to watch him. He was basically an extra sized puppy. Pete would play with him, cuddle with him, and even just pet him.
The big wolf finally jumps up on the couch, his head landing in Pete's lap again, his body spread out on the couch.
Pete just plays with his fur, running his hand over his head before going to his back.
He didn't mind watching Brendon whenever he was like this. He'd usually just toss a tennis ball to him and watch tv until Brendon eventually got tired. When the huge wolf did get tired, Pete would lay and watch him for awhile to make sure he didn't get up.
After a few hours, Brendon finally gets up off of Pete. He stretches out before jumping up off of the couch and looking at Pete, a low whine escaping his throat.
"Hey, Hey, Hey, no whining buddy. I know what you want," Pete says, smiling softly before he pulls out a tennis ball.
The wolf immediately perks up, his tail swaying happily behind him and his ears stood up straight.
Pete laughs a little before he throws the ball, Brendon immediately yipping a little and chasing after it. He almost tackles the ball before he picks it up and takes it back to Pete.
They repeat this process for awhile until Brendon notices that Pete's getting bored with it so he starts to throw the ball up himself and catch it.
Pete smiles and he lays his arms on his lap.
"Thanks bud, my arm was getting tired."
Brendon doesn't seem to notice his words as he continues to throw the ball up and catch it, sometimes he'd bounce in on the ground and just chase after it.
Pete laughs and shakes his head at him as he moves to lay down more on the couch. He switches on the tv and he scrolls aimlessly for a show, Brendon was still content playing with the ball.
After awhile, Brendon gets bored and he goes to lay in front of the couch. Pete reaches down and strokes the fur on his back, lulling him to sleep.
Once Pete knows he's asleep, he pulls out his and scrolls through it until it starts ringing.
He reads over the caller ID, his eyes widening.
"H-Hello?" "Hey Pete, what're you doing?"
Dallon Weekes, Brendon's boyfriend that doesn't know he's a werewolf.
Well heck.
"Uh, n-nothin much, what about you?"
There's a pause on the other end before he hears Dallon let out a soft sigh.
"Nothing really, but, uh.. have you seen Brendon? He usually calls me everyday and.. he hasn't yet.."
Pete smiles.
Dallon was so sweet and it was really cute how protective he was over Brendon. He then realizes the problem at hand and he cringes a little.
"Uh, w-well.. I.. n-no. I'm sorry, I h-haven't seen him," Pete stutters out, hoping that Dallon doesn't see right through his lie.
"Oh.. alright. I was just starting to get a little worried since I haven't heard from him, yknow," Dallon says, and Pete can hear the sadness in his voice.
His eyes glance to the wolf that's sleeping soundly on the floor and he bites his lip a little.
"Y-Yeah, if I hear from him I'll let you know, alright?" He says, quickly trying to wrap up the conversation so he doesn't have to lie anymore to Dallon.
"Alright, sounds good. But, hey, Bren was over at my house the other night and he left his keys.. I know you're usually at his house, even if he's not there, so do you mind if I drop them by?"
Pete's eyes widen and he inhales a little.
"U-Uh.. I mean you c-can? Y-Yeah sure! Uh.." "Okay! I'll be over in a bit to drop them off. Maybe Brendon will be back by then," Dallon says, sounding happier.
"Y-Yeah! OkaybyeIgottagoseeyainabit!"
"Hey-," Pete quickly hangs up before Dallon has the chance to speak again.
So he now currently has less than thirty minutes to hide the huge wolf, or in other words, Brendon.
He sighs a little and he shuffles over to Brendon, the poor thing looking so peaceful.
Pete sighs and he leans down to shake him a little.
"Hey, buddy, I need you to get up for me please," Pete says, shaking him lightly. He stirs but doesn't fully wake up.
Pete groans and he shakes him a little harder.
"Brendon, please get up!"
He still doesn't budge and Pete finally pulls out a small bone chew toy out of his pocket. He'd meant to show it to Brendon before he transformed, but too late now.
He squeaks the toy a bit, and Brendon's head immediately snaps up, his ears perked up and his tail starts to sway a little.
"C'mon bud, lets go play!" Pete quickly makes a run for the spare bedroom in Brendon's house, it being the room farthest from the front door and living room.
Brendon barks softly, quickly jumping up to run after Pete.
Once Brendon runs into the spare bedroom, Pete throws the toy close to the closet and he runs for the door. He successfully makes it out and he quickly shuts it behind him so Brendon won't get out.
He leans back against the door, letting out a long sigh.
He's about to go back to the living room to watch tv but the doorbell stops him. He cringes a bit as Brendon starts barking at it.
"Brendon! Hey, hey, shhh! It's okay!" He whisper yells, desperately trying to get him to stay quiet.
Brendon's barks become softer before it's just a few whimpers every now and then. Pete walks over to the door, already knowing it was Dallon.
"H-Hey Dallon," Pete's voice wavers a little and he bites at his lip.
"Hey, I- what's that noise?"
Pete's eyes widen and he shakes his head. Brendon's little yips could now be heard despite the fact that he was in the other room.
"W-What noise? What do you mean?" Pete's hands shake a little and he doesn't make full eye contact with Dallon.
"That yipping noise, did Brendon get a dog?"
Dallon generally looked confused and a little worried.
"Uh, I mean.. that's n-not exactly wrong?"
"What do you mean that's not 'exactly wrong'? Pete what's going on? Where's my boyfriend?"
Pete sighs and he opens the door more so that Dallon could come in. Once Dallon does enter, he closes the door and turns to look at Dallon.
"Brendon.. well.. you can't freak out after I tell you, okay?"
Dallon nods a little but he still looks worried. Brendon's yips had completely stopped and Pete had come to the conclusion that he had probably laid down to sleep.
Pete starts to walk to the spare bedroom, Dallon directly behind him.
He opens the door quietly and he lets Dallon step in before him. He hears Dallon audibly gasp and he looks up, watching his expression.
"Is.. is that?" Dallon whispers, his facial expression becoming a solemn one. He takes a few steps closer to brendon before he drops to his knees and runs his hand over Brendon's soft fur.
Pete nods a little as he looks at the ground.
"Y-Yeah.. it's Brendon. He's a werewolf.."
"I mean I can kind of see that," Dallon says, laughing softly. "Y'know I kind of figured.."
"What? What do you mean 'you kind of figured'? How could you possibly know he was a werewolf," Pete's expression changes to a confused one as he looks up at Dallon.
Dallon continues running his hand through Brendon's soft fur smiling. He sits down correctly beside the wolf before he looks up at Pete.
"Well, he'd always have an excuse about why he couldn't hang out on a full moon, so that was a clue. Whenever I would throw something away or just throw something for example, his eyes would follow it like he wanted to chase it,"
Dallon says, acting as though it's chill. Pete had an amazed expression on his face.
"So, you don't care he's a werewolf? It doesn't freak you out?"
"Not at all, I don't mind. He's basically just like a giant puppy and I don't mind playing with him. I presume he sleeps a lot when he's like this, yeah?"
Pete nods and he sits down on the bed next to them. "Yeah he does sleep but whenever he's up, oh boy, he's very playful."
Dallon nods and smiles at he looks down at Brendon.
"It's pretty late, you can stay if you'd like. You can sleep in this bed because Brendon doesn't like getting fur on his own bed," Pete laughs, and he stands up.
"Okay, thanks. I'll probably just stay here, I don't wanna wake him up."
Pete nods and he walks over to Brendon's closet, coming back with a blanket and a pillow.
"You can use these if you're not gonna get on the bed. I'm gonna head to bed, you'll probably have to talk to him about this whole thing in the morning."
"Yeah, I know, and I will. Anyways, I'll see you in the morning," Dallon smiles and nods to him.
Pete leaves the room, closing the door behind him. Dallon pulls Brendon a little into his lap so that the wolf's head is closer to his chest.
He listens to Brendon's breathing, it slowly lulling him to sleep.
(Le time skip to tha morning)
The next morning, Dallon wakes up and he finds that his boyfriend, or wolf, is no longer in his lap.
He looks around the room for a few seconds to see if maybe Brendon was around but he wasn't.
Dallon stands up and stretches, his back being sore from sleeping in a sitting position on the floor.
He walks out of the room and down the stairs where he hears talking in the kitchen.
"P-Pete he's gonna hate me!"
"Bren, no he's not. You just need to talk to him okay? I can promise you that he doesn't hate you."
Dallon walks a little closer and he sees Brendon pacing back and forth while Pete was working on what seemed to be breakfast.
"Brendon, baby, I don't hate you."
Brendon's head shoots up and he looks at Dallon, an anxious expression on his face. He tears up a little as he sees Dallon standing there and he looks down again.
"Baby c'mere," Dallon says softly, and he opens his arms for the shorter.
Brendon breathes out shakily before he walks into Dallon's arms, immediately relaxing into his touch.
Dallon rubs his back before he moves his hand to run through Brendon's fluffy hair.
"Babe I don't hate you, okay? I love you with all my heart, whether you're a werewolf or not."
Brendon sniffles and he nuzzles into Dallon's chest, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.. I was scared.."
"I know love and you're alright. You could've told me though, I don't mind playing fetch with you," Dallon laughs and Brendon looks up at him smiling.
"I love you," Brendon says softly, as he still looks up at Dallon. The taller looks down at him smiling.
"I love you too, puppy."
(Ayeeee have a Halloween-ish oneshot that's three days late! Woo! But in all seriousness I had like no motivation to write so sorry it's late! Hope you enjoyed!
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