Episode 1 One awesome babysitter

1991, Chicago

"So what are you doing tonight ?"

Shiva sits on the coach as she listens into the telphone talking to her boyfriend Milo.

"Well besides watching little Evie, it's just a boring night" Shiva said as she pets her little cousin's head as she plays with Shiva's old China dolls set.

"The Wild child ?, isn't she hard to control for your Aunt ?" Milo asks over the phone.

"She is but Animaticas calms her right down" Shiva said eyeing the tv.

"I heard that and tell him I'll shove a snake down his pants next time I see him" Evie growls.

"Milo you better watch out she's gonna put a snake down her pants when she sees you" Shiva giggles.

"UHHH she's kidding right ?" Milo asks.

"Afraid not babe" Shiva giggles. "Don't worry I'll see you tomorrow night so you won't see Evie" Shiva said.

"That's good, I gotta go my mom is nagging me" Milo said.

"Okay love you babe" Shiva said.

"Love ya too baby can't wait to see your lips" Milo said causing Shiva to smirk.

"I can't wait to see yours" Shiva said before kissing into the phone and hanging up.

"Oh get a room" Evie mutters as she plays with the dolls.

Shiva smiles before getting a beep from her pager within her pocket. She pulls it out looking at before groaning.

"Oh you got to be kidding ! now !?" Shiva exclaimes before signing.

"Ah what the heck hey Evie wanna go on a little field trip ?" Shiva asks her.

My Assassin girlfriend

Shiva gears up as she puts on a black cat suit. She ties her hair in a pony tail, pulling it back. She puts on her pair of combats before walking to a dresser and grabbing out a ring, placing it on her finger. Then she grabs a necklaces with a simgle blue charm on it. She walks towards her dress, opening it up grabbing her sliver mask.

Evie gives her a look.

"Why are you wearing that ?" Evie asks suspiciously.

Shiva gives her a small smile as s
he places Evie's hood on her head.

"You'll see in a little bit" Shiva said pulling out her keys and heads to the back door where her car is.

They get in the car. Shiva putting Evie in a booster seat and getting into drivers seat before driving off.

"So where are we going ?" Evie asks rasing an eyebrow.

"To my work, they called me unexpectedly" Shiva replies as she drives.

"So you don't work at the book store with Milo ?" Evie asks.

"Nah I just hang out there sometimes with him" Shiva said making an right turn.

"Did you tell my mom that you've been called in for work ?" Evie asks.

"No need, will be done before your mother gets home" Shiva said as she parks in front of an large but very old and run down looking dojo.

Shiva unblockes Evie from her booster seat. They get out of the car and Shiva locks it. Shiva places Evie on her shoulders and walks inside the dojo.

Inside Evie noticed alot of people clad in black or sliver where walking around. Theses people looked like there where in there teens and early 20's. Shiva walks up to an 19 year old girl with short black hair and asian features.

"Hey Trigger Happy" Shiva said.

Trigger Happy looks at her and smiles.

"My girl ! come here you" Trigger Happy said as she puts down her shoulder power missles luncher and gives her a bare hug.

Shiva smiles as she pats her back. After awhile Trigger Happy puts her down.

"Oh who's this cutie ?" Trigger Happy asks looking at Evie.

"This is my little couisn Evie, Evie this is my friend Tigger Happy" Shiva said.

"But you can call me Happy" Trigger Happy said.

"Why do they call you trigger happy ?" Evie asks.

"Huh ? For many reasons they call me that, one time I was 11 I grabbed an rocket luncher and I idmentally pulled the trigger without a second throught blew up an entire helicopter and it was awesome !" Trigger Happy said with an huge grin.

"There are so many stories where she pulls the trigger and asks questions later" Shiva giggles.

"Hey Happy listen I need you to watch Evie while I talk to the big boss man, he has a mission for me" Shiva said.

"Girl I gottacha, I'll watch her for you until you come back" Trigger Happy said.

"Thanks Happy, see you in a few and Evie you be good to my friend" Shiva said.

"I will Shiva" Evie said.

Shiva walks away.

"Hey you wanna play with my rocket luncher" Trigger Happy asks.

Evie grins mischievously.

Shiva walks up to an young man with spiky brown hair.

"Hey Gray can you keep an on them for me" Shiva asks him.

"That's why I'm here" Gray sighs usally in charge of Happy's wild personatily.

"Well Happy isn't excatly the one I'm worried about" Shiva said looking at her little cousin before leaving and walking towards an training area.

Shiva enters the training room. It was dark and quite.

Too quite.

Shiva quickly blocks an samurai sword with her iron ring.

"What did you say about being awarea of my surroundings ?" Shiva snarks as she kicks up the sword and catches with one hand. Shiva looks at an large cloacked figure in a chair, his back was to her.

The cloaked finger chuckles.

"Just like your father" The figure chuckles with a deep voice.

"Really ? I would like to think I got my mother's sass" Shiva smirks.

The figurer frowns.

"Last week you blew off a mission to be with your boyfriend" The figure said.

"Assassins have social lives and so do I besides the beach is something I don't pass up" Shiva said.

"I had to send Happy to do your mission and she was sloppy to say the least" The figure said sternly.

"Fine I'll complete this mission tonight to make it up to you, so spill what are we dealing with" Shiva asks.

The figurer pulls at a file and hands it to Shiva. She opens it up to see photos of a man wearing a lab coat.

"This is Dr. Jimmythy an brilliant scientest but lack of a better word is mad, our spies have been keeping tabs on him, it seems he's been building weapones and illegal selling to sketchy buyers at his sister's house" The figure explains as he paces back and force.

"So take him out ?" Shiva asks.

"Take out his operations before he has the chance to sell his wepones" The figure instructes.

"Piece of cake,I'll get my guys to help out" Shiva said as she walks out.

Once out side of the room, Shiva sees Gray taking Happy shoulder fire missle luncher. Evie looked angry. Shiva walks up to her.

"They where about to target flying arrows" Gray said with a sigh.

"Come on it would of been awesome !" Trigger Happy complains.

"Hey girly, You wanted to play with the rocket luncher didn't cha ?" Shiva asks.

Evie nods annoyed and disappointment.

Shiva rubs her cousins head foundly.

"Don't worry cous will have fun when we get to our mission" Shiva smirks as she picks up Evie.

"Oooohhh sounds fun let me come with" Trigger Happy said with exitment.

"Sure I could use the back up" Shiva shrugs as she heads out to her mission.


Note: To be countined in part 2

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