Heeyooooo it's been awhilleeee
I dub quarantine sUcks and 2020 sUcks and everything sUcks cuz this is the only thing I've drawn for personal pleasure in like two months and I'm sad cuz I like drawing but I'm hopelessly bad at it in terms of where I want to be and where I want to go. It has a bit to do with my Dysgraphia, my motor memory is shot so I legit can't make the same line twice and it takes me 20 min longer to do simple things cuz no matter how many times I draw the same thing it's going to take the same amount of time cuz I have to go through all the lines I mess up.
High-key need a Fox!Tim fic, though it's great in premise, not so much in plot. Of course I've thought extensively about this and really want to write something for it but again, zero plot, much furry. Ngl furries scare me and I'm not sure I wanna dip my toe into it but here we go I'm dipping my toe into it.
That being said, this drawing is not a furry. It's a fox. I can't do human hybrids unless it's a bird (is that still considered a furry???) and mainly just no humans at all lol. Trust me, I tried making Fox!Tim more human and it did n o t work, not even a profile shot or anything.
Anywho, I actually HAVE written a little something but it's not for viewing pleasure yet and ngl idk where to put it cuz low key don't want it associated with me? Anyone else get that? Like you wanna write something super obscure or extreme you're like 'yeah uh, I'd like to pretend someone else wrote this but I still want someone to read it'. Is that just me? I have lots of crazy extreme ideas, but like they're so extreme it really is as if someone else were writing it and idk you want to protect the sanctity of what you have written cuz you don't want to be clumped with the other extreme fics like it?
(High-key also wanna do an A/B/O fic just cuz I lOve the plantonic possibilities even if it's mainly used for smut and I stay away from smut but at the same time?? Platonic A/B/O??? I wanna?? So bad??)
You guys want art, I have art.
My version of Fox!Tim I think is pretty clever, foxes are orange, black, and white in designated areas yeah? Well this one is more like molten lava, it's mostly orange and black mixed together and only a bit of white in the normal spots. Cuz Reeeeed Robbinnn yUmmmmm is mostly red and black so YEet I did that cuz I can and I wanna.
So uh, for some reason I wanna talk about what I have written down for Fox!Tim AU and it's more like Furry!AU cuz all the bois are animal too. Jason is a tiger, Dick and Damian are (black) panthers. Yeah Damian too, and yeah he's the same as Dick. I've determined for this fic Damian is Dick's actual child cuz frick yeah why not.
But if you know me at a l l you know how this is going to work. Beans are trapped somewhere and experimented on and boom Animal!Beans and Bruce has to get em out and be daddybats to the traumatized childrens. Yeah that's basically it. But Tim is the important one cuz he's how the other beans finally trust Bruce cuz Tim knew of Batman (still debating if he knows his ID cuz he wouldn't have a Robin flip to give their ID's away) and Bruce does still have awkward Dad moments with Dami cuz frick yeah but at the end of the day it's Dick cuz also frick yeah.
I do have a one shot book up and coming and it's got a few unfinished stories in it rn, (and hey they're aCtuAllY shOrt) when I finish a few of them I'll post it and this furry AU will prolly be there.
Anyway yeah thats all for now. AND IM ACTUALLY WRITING FOR AMOC ITS A FRIGGIN MIRICLE I HAVE ALMOST 2,000 WORDS DOWN. BT is getting close but not quite, still have half a scene to write but the first half has been refined. AC, I'm afraid I've lost all sense of plot and apparently seem to be doing whatever fluff just randomly appears. Lol jk, mostly, there's just extra fluff cuz my brain said so and that'll make update time further away. But plot IS happening and sOon(ish)
TL I haven't forgotten about you, the next chapter is very nearly finished but I've hit a road block a bit farther down the road and it's important now cuz set up. Also TL has the same problem of short story becoming sprawling plot line and whOops I'm trying to keep it on a leash and it's only semi working so yeah.
Huh I actually only have four stories going, lol that's weird, I feel like there's 15 cuz that's pretty much how many I'm working on in my head at once.
Anyway, now that I've ranted my entire story notes to you for no other reason than because my brain on drugs (I'm actually on my period so frick that too) said so. THE END
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