Pics of when Midnight and the rest meet Flame, Tina, Spark, Maple and Ember
Original Pics belong to EV Zero and ElijahThePikachu. This is for Chapter 7 of ES FP.
The 1st pic shows a Flareon (Flame) sensing his evil older sister's aura. He then asks a Jolteon (Spark), a Leafeon (Maple) and his old childhood friend, partner and crush a Glaceon (Tina) if they can sense their evil older siblings auras as well and the Glaceon said "Yes we can sense their auras as well." The Jolteon then said "We have to find Midnight and the others before it's too late."
The 2nd pic shows the 4 eeveelutions heard a voice that said "I can help you guys with that." The voice came from a Sylveon/Espeon Hybrid (Ember). She said this to the 4 "Follow me. I know where Midnight and the rest are at.". The Flareon, Glaceon, Jolteon and Leafeon then followed her to where Midnight and his family and friends are at.
The 3rd pic shows Midnight and the rest relaxing, training and resting after battling Metal Midnight. Then they sense 5 auras heading towards them. Black then said "Please don't tell me it's Nightmare and his goons again." Lazuli replied with "No I don't think they have negative energies on them." The Sylveon/Espeon Hybrid, Flareon, Glaceon, Jolteon and Leafeon then made it to the beach house where Midnight and the others were at. Volt recognizes the Jolteon in the group. Blaze then went up to the group of 5 and asked them who are you. The 5 eeveelutions introduced themselves as their names are Ember, Flame, Tina, Spark and Maple. Ralph then blushed after seeing Ember.
The 4th page shows Midnight and the rest introducing themselves as they tell the 5 their names are Speed, Crystal, Solarflare, Midnight, Sapphire, Rose, Violet, Sunshine, Lilly, Luna, Eve, Nova, Mollie, Jin, Ralph, Alan, Susan, Jack, Zero, Jay, Zack, Pearl, CC, Blizzard, Stella, Cream, Flora, Blaze, Brian, Amber, Shadow, Hannah, Ribbon, Axel, Rin, Bolt, Black, Frost, Vector, Burst, Ray, Thunder, Woody, Sadie, Alex, Lazuli, Leaf, Volt, April, Lapis, Alfred, Silvia, Gai, Opal, Sylvia, Frank, Trace, Emerald, Robert, Sally, Spike and Shade. Volt then notices Spark and says "Cousin? Is that you?" Spark then replies with yes as he and Volt hugged together happily reunited with each other again.
The 5th and final page shows Cream asking them what they are doing here and how did they found them here at Frank's beach house. Flame then explains that he, Maple, Spark and Tina are younger siblings of Rouge, Branch, Shock and Icicle. They sense their evil older siblings auras and Ember led them to Midnight and the rest to explain about their older siblings joining Nightmare's team. Flame also said that they also killed their real parents after they were disowned by them and Rouge ripped one of his eyes out. The others felt bad for them and Midnight offered them to join his team. Flame and the rest accept the offer and Ember fell in love with Ralph and introduced him to her kids (Amethyst, Shelly, Lunar, Katara, Bella and Indigo in The ES FP AU Version), Flame was adopted by Sylvia and Frank, Maple was adopted by Mollie and Jin and Spark was adopted by Blaze and Brian. Tina doesn't know which family she wants to be in but then 6 familiar eeveelutions came by which are Tia, Jake, Dawn, Terry, Sakura and Samson. Jake and his mate Sakura adopted Tina.
Pics of them and Note: Tia and Terry are NOT the birth parents of Stella and her sisters in this AU, Sakura (Rose) belongs to Megaicemanx and Jake (Espeon Damian's old design) and Dawn belong to Oldagent3.
Sakura (Rose):
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