Chapter 7 Inking Mistake
(F/F) = Favorite Food
After shouting for a little while, you had given up this whole idea that this ink guy would come and rescue you. And at this point you half think error has left you alone as well. Maybe you're just hungry, and finding that the time was passing slower. Or maybe you just already accept an unspoken truth.
What ever the reason, you've resulted in sitting on the ground waiting for your captor's inevitable return. Looking around, you sort of found yourself lonely now. Sure you should be more uptight and find a way to be free but if you left your whole universe would be at risk and you couldn't have that. So here you sat.
Though the longer you sat the more you wished you didn't. You sighed picking at the floor regardless of there being nothing to pick at, only to see something hanging from the soul strings. Curiosity gets the better of you as you stand walking closer to some strands that hung unusually low unlike the others which were hung high above you on the ceiling.
You peered are the strings then caught sight of some sort of knitted doll, or plush? What ever it was it seemed kind of cute. You reached for it at first then withdrew sucking in a breath.
Didn't he tell me not to touch anything?
You sighed letting your hand dangle back at your side.
Well yeah he did, but he didn't say I couldn't look.
You smiled at the thought peering through the soul strings to get a better glimpse of the knitted plush. It was then you saw it was another skeleton only this one was dressed like papyrus but in blue, with more of a jacket than a hoodie, and looked quite a lot like sans. But lazier. You wanted to laugh at the sight. You could never imagine sans, your little ball of energy, to be as lazy as his brother and dress such a way. The more you looked the more you saw that wasn't the only one.
There was a black and blue looking version, with some sort of goop trying to be translated through the knit work. There was also a bright prince looking one next to it wearing shades of yellow favoring a star on the clasp for his cape. You sort of felt like laughing finding he looked like some sort of dream like prince. You looked past him to see one like the very first your eyes laid upon only it was dressed in red and seemed far more angrier.
You decided not to gaze too long at that one. But there was one that caught your eye. The poor little guy was white hidden amongst the others in a far corners. (You hadn't realized you had walked to view them all at this point. Away from where you had started.) With a deep red line knitted across his chest, a red scarf to match. Making both pieces seem like they didn't belong on such a white character.
It was definitely a contrast and you nearly lifted your hand to touch it finding your self fixated on the little guy. You almost understood him, the pain knitted into the eyes amongst restraint and a want to still do good even if the situation was hopeless.
But before you could do anything you jumped at the sound of shouting, you figured error must of returned. You could hear him loudly grumbling and quickly retreated back to where the soul strings had started trying not to touch them as you rushed to be back where you had been sitting. Only to stop short seeing errors back to your own.
"I leave for 10 minutes-" you heard him grumble irritably like an upset child with no control on their emotions. You thought about saying something to him but the smell of food finally filled your nostrils and you inhaled deeply.
Mm, (F/F).
Your mind thought happily, it was then your stomach decided to grumble allowing error to know your location. He turned on his heel quickly to face you, his face contorting with such an expression almost like you had startled him slightly before he relaxed narrowing his eyes.
"Finally," he growled a bit impatiently as he shoved the bag of food into your hands, "here take the damn thing. I'm gonna go watch a show."
He turned on his heel to go and sit on the only piece of furniture you had seen in this whole world. His body sunk into the bean bag and he seemed disinterested in the fact if you liked what he had brought or not as he opened another access point. You decided to leave him be as you opened the bag to see the contents. It really was (F/F)! You half wondered if some how he knew but you doubted it.
Sitting on the floor you began to eat in silence slowly inching closer to him to get a peek at just what he was watching only to seem curious. Wait was that sans and papyrus?!
Quickly you thought maybe it was a glimpse of your Au, as everyone seemed to call it now, only to see that it wasn't. You frowned hearing them speak Spanish and now you chose to ignore them finishing your food quickly.
What were you supposed to do when you're captured by some sort of crazy skeleton? You guessed just sit for a while. You wanted to look back at those dolls, and you turned your head to gaze back at them feeling compelled to look at the one that had captivated you so much once more. But, you knew better than that. Maybe you could start some small talk, after all you're not going anywhere any time soon. Right?
"Do you knit?" You peered at error from where you sat at a safe distance watching as he glanced at you. He seemed disinterested.
"Yes, what does it matter to you?" He scoffed relaxing more in his bean bag.
"I'm just wondering I saw some things that looked handmade." You turned your nose up at his attitude but continued to keep a soft composure to your tone.
"I just think it's interesting that some one who wants to destroy is capable of creation." You shrugged as you spoke. Error seemed to ignore you now trying to watch his show even more closely than before.
You wondered why it caught his attention so much, but he called it a show rather than an Au. Was it just a show? Or was it really an Au? Regardless you decided it best not to say anything any more and sat as comfortably as you could.
Now what? You'd of thought this would be more life threatening but somehow it wasn't. Well in a way it was but not to the extent one would think. He seemed pretty calm, at least until agitated and you haven't seen him like that yet.
"Why do you-" you started to try and hold a conversation again but stopped short.
"Error!" Suddenly an unfamiliar voice called through the void, cutting you off, in turn making your head quickly look to the ceiling. Who could of said that? Where did the voice even come from?! You thought you had been alone whole error had been gone. Error, who hadn't said a thing as soon as the voice called his name, seemed annoyed at first then seemed to find a smirk cross his face as he stood up.
"Finally." He cracked his knuckles as he let out quite a glitchy laugh you would of definitely associated with evil.
You caught sight of a blur of color and stood quickly wondering if this was that ink guy error kept on mentioning that was his arch nemesis. You blinked in shock when you saw him finding he looked awfully close to sans, except he was taller maybe 4 something. He's still shorter than error though.
"Well well, what took you so long ink? Being the protector of these useless glitches I thought maybe you'd be sooner." Error laughed as he stood a bit in front of you, shielding you from ink's eye line. (You didn't know why though, but maybe for the element of surprise.)
"You know what I'm here for, don't play these games with me right now." Ink huffed as he whipped out an abnormally large paint brush and you couldn't help but make a face.
Dramatic much?
You were amused at your thoughts between both monsters, but that was short lived when you felt like your very being was being torn from your body again, those soul strings wrapping themselves around your (S/C) soul making you jerk and fling wildly into the air. You suppressed a scream as you struggled again in their tangled web.
"Oh you mean the girl?" Error sneered finding this amusing as ink stared up at you in shock. You still struggled with the strings that entangled themselves around you but you knew deep down it was pointless. Regardless you were determined to break free.
"I'd be happy to let her go, if-" Error drew out the last word tauntingly as he yanked down on the soul strings wrapped so seamlessly around his fingers.
"If?" Ink spoke slowly squinting his eyes suspiciously.
"If you stop protecting these worthless anomalies!" Error yanked at the soul strings making pain shoot though you as you stiffened like you were no longer in control of your body. The feeling was strange and unwanted like you were possessed and seeing everything through a window unable to move everywhere but inside your own mind.
"You know I can't do that." Ink stood defensively seeming like he was wanting to reason.
You can see why he was seen as such a hero then if error was right about him. He had the air of one but to you something was a little off. Like watching someone smile happily with nothing behind the eyes.
"Well then I guess we both know my answer to that." Error rolled his eyes than lowered your body from the ceiling. Ink gazed suspiciously. You thought maybe error was going to let you go but alas that wasn't what happened.
With out your consent your body flung its self forward nails bared and aimed to slash at ink's clothes as you were directed in your movements by an invisible force. You couldn't stop it as you moved gasping and seeming ready to scream in fear of what you were doing. (Actually you did let out a bit of a scream.) Ink was quick to move out of your way seeming like he was refusing to fight.
"I didn't know the rules of our games have changed!" Ink sounded almost too excited as he launched himself back away from a swift punch that you had, unwillingly, began to throw his way. Error said nothing and only glared are ink as he directed the strings. So this is what a puppet felt like. To be yanked and pulled every which way to dance in ways they wished not to be moved.
"Wait!" You tried to call out gain attention, maybe alert this ink guy where your body was being flung too next. But your words were drowned out as you, again unwillingly, were flung into battle.
You had some control, at least you knew that. Over your expression and words. But still the shock of this was beginning to be too much, you're not sure how much longer you can remain so calm. (Well you say calm but really you're mildly panicking. Soon to panic more.)
You gasped as you were stopped paint suddenly clinging to your clothes after a swift movement from that gigantic brush ink seemed to carry around bad swatted against you. The shock must of been enough for error to pause in his puppeteering.
"You!-" error growled impatiently sending you flying towards ink who snapped his fingers having delicate vines entangle your body leaving you unable to move even with soul strings.
"What's the harm in creative strategy?" Ink seemed pleased with himself as the soul strings with drew from your body violently sending your soul back inside your chest. You shuddered at the contact gasping feeling as though you just had been plunged into freezing water. That seemed to be a reoccurring feeling with these strings.
"Fine, I guess I'll just have to do this the hard way." Error grinned, seeming almost enthusiastic that ink chose such an option. You tried to wiggle out of the vines desperation filling you suddenly as your sibling flashed in your mind. You had to stop this! Maybe there's a civil way to end this!
You gasped as you attempted to break free, nothing but determination keeping you going as you at last shimmed out just in time to watch as flashes of blue and bright pinks and purples flung through the air. You stood back at first in awe, it was sort of breath taking. Watching colors dance in their endless battle. You shook your head erasing the thought.
"Wait! Please!" You called again trying to get in between the two, though that was a bad idea. You gasped moving away just in time before being hit and again a second time. Both monsters too engrossed in their battle.
"No!" You reached out while the word that left your lips, but it was too late.
Ink was tangled up, but the strange part was his soul didn't leave his body instead he was thrown around like a rag doll despite no soul attaching him to the strings securely. You watched in horror at the scene not sure what to do.
Bones were cracking against the invisible ceiling and floors. Just when you thought Error was going to kill ink he had weakly grasped that paint brush of his, looking at you apologetically, then he painted himself an access code falling through and breaking free of error's soul strings as he did.
You and error both stared at the, now painted, floor. Looking intently at where ink had just fallen through. Though your expressions differed. Error looked angry, upset that he finally had a chance of beating his worse enemy only for him to flee like a coward. You were pensive, scared, worried. Everything you witnessed and had been forced to do now slowly creeping into your subconscious.
What was next for you now? What did he plan to do with you now that ink was gone. Would he return? Would he just leave you here to turn to dust? You eyed error, careful to keep your distance. Half of you wanted to attack him, the other knew better. So you stayed still with baited breath watching his angry calculative thoughts.
"I ALMOST HAD HIM!" Suddenly error screamed out head thrown up at the ceiling arms out stretched hands in a clenched position. He looked like a child throwing a temper tantrum and yet to you right now he seemed even more scary. You backed away in the slightest.
"YOU!-" Error turned to you quickly, this time his anger directed towards your well being. You stared at him with wide eyes body now uncooperative in your pleads to move. Run away, anything.
"IF YOU HADNT OF-" he began to march closer to you, as if he was going to hurt you. Then he stopped his expression calming a bit as he suddenly placed his hand underneath his chin.
"No, wait. This-this is good." He smiled, a jagged sort of grin, sending chills down your spine.
"Wh-what do you mean?" You swallowed down your fear as you tried to speak keeping your head high, it's what Chara would want you to do.
"He'll come back, he always comes back. He can't stand loosing! This is better than I thought! I should of thought of this idea a long time ago!" Error began to laugh, his laughter bouncing off the walls of the anti void. You shivered with fear at the sound of it feeling your eyes widen. He was crazy, crazier than you thought.
Maybe, even if he had kidnapped you, for a short while you just thought he was misunderstood. That someone didn't know how he really was and he was desperately calling out for anyone to take notice no matter what the consequences of his actions may bring. Now you can see in its full light he was a true monster.
He wanted nothing more than to kill innocent people and hurt good people. You can't say you're a good judge of character, but ink seemed nice. And he definitely didn't deserve that cruel defeat. Swallowing down your fear you kept your head high still repeating that one thought in your head. It's what Chara would of wanted you to do. (You've got to keep reminding yourself of that.)
"W-What do you mean? I don't understand..." Stumbling at first you caught your voice and held it at a calm level as best as you could eyeing error with a tinge of resent. He turned to look at you after laughing his shoulders still bouncing with his chuckles as he calmed down the slightest.
"Oh you don't get it yet do you? In that tiny human brain of your's." Error chuckled this time less amused and more evil as he eyed you.
"Just spit it out already!" You gasped in agitation noticing how his expression grew dark.
"Oh, (Y/N), this is only the beginning. I'm never letting you go now! He'll keep coming back because he can't stand loosing our "little game" and he'll be beaten and beaten and beaten until he can't take it anymore! By then he'll have no energy to protect those pitiful worthless anomalies and I'll have won!" Error grinned maliciously at the thought. Then he chuckled again.
"You're never going anywhere ever again."
You shrunk back in the slightest looking at error with wide fear struck eyes. He wanted to hurt ink that badly? He wanted to destroy all that was good and beautiful so much. But why? Why did he want this? Why did he insist on keeping you here for nothing but the destruction of good people. Even if some may have their faults.
This was your fault, if you never gave yourself up to protect your "Au" then error wouldn't be having this victory or any more in the near future. You did this to protect Chara to protect sans and papyrus and queen Toriel and asgore and Alphys and undyne. The list could go on.
But really all you've done is prolong your universe's life, just by a few more months or a year or so. Swallowing the lump on your throat your eyes began to water as error laughed again seeming overly amused with this.
This was all your fault, you caused this. You're the reason for this pain and suffering for everyone and everything. You felt as though you were just as bad as error for what you had done.
This was all your fault, or so you allowed your self to think.
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