Chapter 4 Captive
You thought maybe this was the end, how you'd meet your cruel unfortunate fate at last, you've been anticipating it for so long. But you've been hanging up with these strings for a while now. If this is what being kidnapped was really like people really over sold it.
The, still unknown, monster kept bragging about how now that he had you he could end that stupid "ink" once and for all. You were honestly getting quite bored, you don't even know the guy he's talking about.
"You know you're a good listener, if I wasn't using you for bait I may just keep you around." The skeleton laughed from below you as you still struggled in the strings captive grasps. Though you knew it was useless that didn't deny the desperation of still wanting to be free. Giving up after a while you sighed allowing your self to hang there for a moment. Then you decided you may as well speak.
"Who's this "ink" guy? He sounds familiar." You peered curiously down at your captor finding he stopped his pacing to turn sharply at you.
"You shouldn't interrupt me when I'm talking," he began his voice dangerously low, "but since you've been a good listener I'll answer your question."
You let out a breath you didn't know you had been holding at his tone change. Relaxing a bit the realization dawned over you that he really could just kill you any second. Well you knew that already, but when you're held captive with some one who won't stop talking for a while it's hard to come face to face with death even as if knocks at your door.
"He's the "creator" of all your worlds. Those disgusting au's." The monster seemed to grow increasingly more agitated at the idea of this ink guy. But that doesn't sound right, the creator? Well everyone believes what they want, still it's a little weird for someone to call their "creator" ink.
You paused in thought, musing over the information that had just been given to you to carefully ask your next question.
"Why do you want to hurt him?" You struggled in the strings a bit trying once more in vain to be free, though it was unsuccessful like the last few dozen times. You slumped again, only to gasp when they suddenly lowered you from the wall. (Ceiling?) Only to now be dangling close to this monster, but a good distance where he couldn't touch you. Not that he'd want to. (He hates touch. Dreads to even think about it.)
"Why do I want to hurt him?" The monster laughed, echoing back the question you asked him almost as if you had just told him the funniest joke.
"I'm being serious!" You gasped squirming in the strings grasp.
"You want to hurt him, why not just take my soul already? If he supposedly "knows" I'm here he doesn't know if I'm alive or not." You weren't sure why you were giving this guy advice but you thought you may as well talk some. It's kinda getting boring in here and the white noise is enough to drive you through the walls. The monster seemed to think about what you said and then nodded slowly then he laughed again, great more laughing.
"You humans, it's all about how important your souls are." He was waving you off as if you were nothing.
"Your soul doesn't mean anything to me. You're just bait I can use and then get rid of later." The monster dismissed you off handedly and you sighed, well at least your feet could barely touch the ground now rather than being so high up from it. You felt like a doll. Or maybe like a used puppet waiting to be picked up again. You shuddered in fear at the thought of being someone else's puppet.
"Well if I'm going to die, can I at least know your name?" You thought maybe talking could do some good, he seemed to like talking about himself which you don't care for but it was just something to do. Who knew being held captive would be so boring. But you weren't being nice because you liked him. He's kinda starting to get on your nerves. But you were following Chara's example. Show mercy towards those who need it most.
"It would be nice to at least know the name of the fearful monster who's so keen on the destruction of the Au's." You pressed against in hopes of gaining a reaction leaning your head forward to meet his gaze in the process.
The skeleton turned to look at you fully, eyeing you warily like maybe you were asking for his name for an alternate purpose. Like you could do something just by knowing his name. But in truth you just wanted the conversation to continue.
"How do you not know who I am?" He scoffed with another eye roll crossing his arms.
"Well, I mean I've never seen you before. It's only natural I don't know." You answered him quickly before sighing.
"It's alright if you don't want to tell me, I understand." In truth you did, you understood not wanting to open up to a complete and total stranger. The monster looked at you a little longer, seeming to be thinking.
"It's Error." Error looked away from you with his head turned up as if annoyed.
"What?" You looked at him confused.
"My name," he sounded frustrated, "is Error."
You blinked at the new information, then a small smile began to creep along your lips. Well that's a start at least.
"I'm (Y/N)." You struggled against the strings when he wasn't looking, trying again in vain to be released, but stopped as he turned around.
"I didn't ask for your name." Error sneered.
"I know." You you sighed out, rolling your eyes.
"But I just thought you should know it." You gave him a smile as he looked at you, then directed your gaze away as silence engulfed both of you.
Now you were beginning to really feel home sick. You missed your home. You missed Chara running around with their friends laughing happily. You miss the terrible puns that papyrus made, and despite how bad they were they still made you laugh. You miss sharing stories with Queen Toriel about what Chara has done in the past, or even her other children had gotten themselves into.
You missed helping Undyne with some new project she was working on or cooking with Alphys. You miss the puzzles that sans would set up for you and Chara to solve. You even missed Mettaton's shy singing and Napstablook's loud Djing? What ever it was called you even missed that! Your new friends and family had made you happy over the past few months it was strange being with out them.
You let your body grow limp just waiting for this to be over with already. It was silent now as you watched Error walk around seemingly impatient with the arrival of this so called ink.
"Maybe he's not gonna come just yet." You opted to speak again shrugging, watching as Error made an annoyed face.
"I'll be surprised if that glitch doesn't show his stupid face!" He laughed but you could tell he was starting to be a bit worried himself. You sighed and looked around the vast world of nothingness.
It was strange to say the least about it. There was no main stream of light anywhere it was all just bright white with nothing to show for it. No one else looked like they lived here, just nothing but blank walls and floors and ceilings that seemingly went on for hours.
The only reason you knew this place even had a ceiling was because of the messy blue strings that were strung above where you just were hanging from. There didn't seem to be any furniture, it was all just empty. This felt almost...lonely. You looked at Error who was growing more and more impatient the longer the seconds ticked by and wondered at the feeling, was he lonely?
"Do you live here?" You decided to start the conversation again watching as he turned to face you sharply. He seemed to think about his answer, if he wanted to mock you for talking again or if he wanted this conversation to start up again.
"Yes." He finally said rather shortly making you nod pressing your lips together.
"You ever get lonely?" It was an honest question, nothing but curiosity lingering in the sentence. But what ever you said must of struck a cord with him because he glared daggers at you.
"Lonely," Error scoffed, "no I don't get "lonely". I'm not some stupid glitch running around the multiverse in need of friends. I'm fine by myself i don't need anyone or anything."
He sounded so harsh as he spoke, making you flinch at the sound of it. Your eyes gazed at him, but finally you just nodded in silence looking away not wanting to press him on the subject anymore. This was getting awkward.
"I used to live alone too." You spoke after a little while.
"My sibling went missing for a while and even though they came back safe after saving the monsters, Ive never really gotten over how lonely I was living by myself before then. I just thought maybe you got lonely too, but more power to you for not needing anyone or anything." You shrugged with a sigh. You wished this was a nightmare and that you'd wake up in bed the next morning with Chara trying to get you to wake up. But this was very real.
The marks that grew on your skin irritated by your struggle against the string that confined you was turning red. Hurting you in the process of your many attempts of struggle, showing you this was indeed real. You stared down at the white floor finding no reflection to stare back at you. You didn't have strength to cry, not that you could. This was a stressful situation and one you couldn't cry in until the last bitter second. You'd cry when your last breath was taken from you.
Error hadn't said anything to you after you had spoken and you guessed he was done with the conversation, it's not about him anymore and you presumed that's why he didn't like talking. It was kind of funny how self absorbed he was, gloating about how this plan of his was the best he's ever thought up on destroying that anomaly.
It was funny in its own way, he called everything an anomaly or a glitch, but to your observation he looked like a glitch or an "anomaly" to you. After all it was a little strange how he seemed to be glitching at points of his body, or how his voice sounded like a record player scratching on loop. But you guessed he was a man, and well men were Annoying sometimes but most good to look at even if a lot lacked a brain. (Especially common in human men, monster men seemed much better.)
"When do you think this "ink" is gonna show?" You wanted to know when your untimely doom would be so you could plan what you'd want to say to Chara in your head even if they couldn't hear you. Or how you'd apologize to your parents for being so irresponsible and how you'd see them soon.
"I," Error seemed to think then he huffed shaking his head. "I don't know okay? Happy?"
He seemed annoyed with you more than he had been earlier but you're not sure if his annoyance was from you or from the fact you pointed out that this could get lonely. You just hummed in response staring at the ground again. You guessed maybe you shouldn't any anything else. Was there anything else to really say?
This ink guy, you don't think he's coming, he doesn't seem like the kinda guy who would just save one person when there's thousands of others to save. By what Error's said about him he's kind of a prick. Though then again do you really trust the words of your kidnapper?
Maybe not, but regardless you don't think this guy's just gonna swoop in and save the day. Why would anyone do that? You lived in a cruel world and even if there are people on the surface who have accepted monsters there's always some idiot who had to ruin it.
But you're lucky that you had time to see the good in the world than suffer like every other person. You had things to live for and now your options were thin. But you did this for Chara and your new friends and family. They probably are upset with you, you could hear sans right now trying to get a search party together. You could almost see Chara at his side wanting to find you. Though, while the thought was sweet there's a cold reality that they'll never find you.
It's better this way.
You thought to your self looking to the side to see some lingering trash on the floor. You hadn't seen that before but they look like candy wrappers. No, they were chocolate bar wrappers. You smiled at that thinking about Chara and their love for the chocolate-y goodness.
"Do you like chocolate?" You spoke again after a while, looking at error. Who narrowed his eyes at being addressed again, with a groan at the sound of your voice. Like he didn't want to talk. Well that was fine with you, you guessed.
"Yes." He answered shortly not wanting to speak again and you took the hint just sitting in silence. Error must of thought for sure this ink guy would come to your rescue. But minutes turned to hours, and hours felt like days at a time when they passed. But really it's only been about 5 hours since you've arrived in this...this Anti Void, and it feels like days have passed you by.
You could see Error was loosing hope this guy would swoop by and you sighed to yourself again admitting the cold harsh truth. You weren't going to be saved and no one was coming to find you...or so you thought.
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