Chapter 3 The Deal
(E/C) = Eye Color
(S/C) = Soul Color
You felt like you were floating on water, gently drifting through a vast ocean unsure of where your destination was, but not caring. It was calm, feeling the waves rippling against your body rocking it gently as you moved through the water. Sometimes it would ran, specks of softer droplets cascaded down your face but you were calm even through the storm.
It was relaxing, to lay here with out a care in the world, no thoughts about anything no worries no fears. You sighed contently opening your eyes just to see the stars that littered the sky above you as you floated. Calm. Floated so calmly. Nothing in the world mattered, you didn't need to rush from one place to another. You could just rest.
You almost closed your eyes again feeling sleep calling to you begging you to come back to bed.
You opened your eyes quickly jolting in the calm waters at first thinking you heard some one call your name. You relaxed finding that impossible. But just as your hands clasped against one another readying your body for sleep you felt your self sit up now swimming no longer floating. The waves grew rough their vibrant blue now a sea of black that began to rock you back and forth violently. Water was starting to get in your mouth as you desperately tried to keep above the water.
The sea sung your name, too many voices to count all at once as they screamed your name. Yet at the same time merely said it. You gasped for air, violently pushing past the water that attempted to drown you trying desperately to stay on the surface of it. And just when you thought you were just making it you gasped feeling some sort of string wrap around your body.
At first it felt like sea weed, or maybe even a creature, the way they slithered around your waist and ankles. But as you pulled against them you caught the vibrancy of blue in the darkness that the sea had become. You fought feeling them trying to pull you down, drowning you in waves of emotions you couldn't control.
But before you could even make it they dragged you down, your head dipped below the water and your hair flew past your face as you struggled with the strings trying to swim back up. Determined to make it back up.
Bubbles of air were leaving your lips as ripples of light shimmered in the black water you were swimming through fighting strings that had no relevance to the ocean reaching your arm up. Fingers brushing just against the surface to try and make it back, but just as you brushed against it you were yanked back down.
You didn't stop fighting, you didn't want to stop, but your body was growing tired and your eye sight was beginning to blur the more you struggled. Soon you'd be all out of air and you knew it. Black dots littered your vision as you now weakly struggled seeing the ocean ahead of you seeming as though it was glitching. Your eyes wanted to close your body loosing all its will to fight back as it grew limp.
"(Y/N)!" Screaming was heard and you felt your self suddenly being pushed from the ocean back to the surface gasping for air, feeling as though some one was shaking you.
Then you opened your eyes, for the first time in the real world.
You gasped for air sitting up in your bed, the covers thrown off of your body hanging loosely off the side dangerously close to the floor. Your pillows were littered around the bed, and it was clear you had moved them in your sleep. You panted looking around with eyes pricked with paranoia as you let your gaze zoom around.
You stopped when you felt hands tug at your t-shirt and you turned your head to meet the bright eyes of your sibling.
"Oh, Chara." You gasped relieved as they looked at you a bit worried.
"You should of been up an hour ago, I thought you were tired so I let you sleep. But then I heard noises like you were screaming so I came to wake you up." Chara signed in haste looking at you concerned as you just gazed down at them smiling though it was strained.
"Oh yeah, I'm fine just a bad dream." You ruffled their hair, mustering up a smile as best as you could all while swinging your legs over the side of your bed to stand up.
"How late are we?" You winced at the question rubbing your eyes in the vain attempt of erasing the sleepiness from them. Chara looked at you patiently waiting for you to finish before signing.
"We're not late, not yet at least. It's only 10:30, sans asked us to come over at 11." Chara looked at you worriedly as you gazed at them then shot up. You looked like you were in quite the hurry now, it startled them a bit at first.
"Go pack the things you wanna bring! I didn't mean to sleep that late!" You gasped in an anxious manner throughly ignoring Chara's concerned gaze as you dashed around to get dressed. They sighed audibly then left you to it. Knowing better than to pry you about your dreams.
Now that you were alone you sunk over your dresser leaning against the top staring down at the wood as it reflected back at you with its glossy finish. You hadn't had that dream since Chara had gone missing. It was one of your worst dreams but they could always get even worse you guessed. Grabbing your clothes you walked towards your bathroom to change.
Yes it's been a while since you've had a proper nightmare, sweet dreams are all you've been having in their wake. But you guessed it was only a matter of time before the nightmares crawled back with their tempting offers of letting you suffer alone while everyone else could be free. Pulling your hair out from under your new fresh shirt you sighed through your nose eyeing your reflection.
Dreams were your escape, the good ones anyway, they had been when you had thought Chara had been missing. Good ones were hard to come across and you always held them close. But now the nightmares were back even if everything's fine.
You stared at your reflection for a while, watching the way your (E/C) eyes stared back at you with a sullen purpose. It was hard to pretend that the nightmares don't bother you. But you had to admit that was a tamer one. You've had worse for sure, ones where Chara is dead at your hands bleeding out and using the last of their strength to sign to you that they were happy you found them and that they'll always love their big sister.
You've had dreams were you're kidnapped taken away to be beaten and abused your kidnappers sneering army you for not having the strength to protect your sibling. Then they tease you saying you wanted them to go missing all while they hurt you.
Yes the ocean dream wasn't that bad, but that didn't mean it still didn't bother you. Checking the time on your phone you walked out of the bathroom quick to grab your bag before making your way out to the living room to play the role of the happy older sister.
Chara was busy getting their shoes on and you joined them slipping your own on, then helping them with the laces of their shoes laughing a bit at the sight.
"Did you forget how to tie your shoes?" You joked as you looped the ropes through one another in a knot.
"No! Of course not! I'm just having trouble with these..." Chara signed quickly and you smiled more the sadness still in your eyes as you took their other shoe's laces holding them up.
"Here watch, make two rabbit ears. Now the rabbits need a home, where do they go?! Down, under to the burrow and repeat that twice so they're safe and happy." You smiled as you finished off the knot patting the shoes lovingly rising up from the crowed position on the floor to stand.
"Better?" You peered down at Chara as they nodded. You watched carefully while they stood up quickly scrambling to get their things before hopping back to you seemingly impatient as they rocked back and forth on their heels.
"All set? Ready to go?" You began to unlock the door your keys in one hand. Chara now nodded hastily unable to contain their excitement to what was going to happen today as you opened the door and let them out first. Today's gonna be a long day.
It's not that you hated Chara hanging out with Sans, but he's a ball of energy you can't keep up with! Even still you were happy Chara had some good friends. You stood on the sidelines now looking out into the living room as Chara and sans played with one another. It was a game of cops and robbers but the monsters called it monsters and humans.
You thought about scrolling through your phone to pass the time but, you knew if you looked away for even a second Chara could potentially hurt themselves.
"Hey ya kid." You jumped at the sudden voice and turned to look at papyrus alarmed before relaxing. It's just him, he's not gonna hurt you! You're just jumpy.
"Hey." You let out a breath of relief.
"Didn't mean to make you jump out of your skin." He grinned at his own joke, the cigarette laced between this teeth, like he normally has it, as he stood there with his hands in his hoodies pockets. You laughed a little but you were anything but calm.
"It's fine, no big deal, at least not for you. Nothing gets under your skin." You joked earning a sort of snort that was let out in a puff of through his nose a smile lingering on his face as he looked at you.
"You seem on edge." He commented shortly and you shrugged watching Chara trying desperately to tag sans, but he dodged away at the last second with a laugh.
"Mwe hehe! You'll have to try harder than that human!" You heard the little blue ball of energy laugh and smiled a bit. Chara tried to laugh back. But you knew everyone could tell they were happy.
"Just tired," you shrugged deciding to change the subject, "oh hey! I keep asking but you haven't answered my question. How do you and sans know sign language? Toriel only just started to learn with asgore and I don't think Alphys or Undyne know how."
You turned away from your playing sibling to look at papyrus who took his cigarette out from between his teeth with a shrug. He seemed like he didn't want to say anything and you guessed if he didn't say anything now you'll never get the answer out of him.
"Sans and I knew some one who spoke in hands like Chara. Guess we just retained the knowledge, came in handy." Papyrus looked at you waiting for a laugh and seem satisfied when he got it looking away back to watch his brother carefully as you sighed a bit calming down.
"That makes more sense." You nodded approvingly not wanting to push for explanations. You didn't need to know who they both had known, you had just wondered why they knew it and not anyone else.
"I win!" Sans suddenly loudly declared as he held his hands up satisfied with his triumph as Chara clapped for him despite loosing. You just smiled at the display and walked over to Chara helping them stand.
"Congratulations." You laughed a little as Chara now stood bouncing on their toes happily seeming to congratulate their friend.
"Thank you humans! We shall celebrate in victory tacos! Made by the magnificent sans!" Sans boasted as he began to march towards the kitchen not with out stopping to loudly ask his brother to help him prepare the treats.
"Can't we taco 'bout this?" Papyrus grinned as sans huffed stomping his foot down.
"Brother! You're going to influence the humans!" Sans seemed to be greatly pouting but he smiled never the less and you couldn't help but smile in return. This was a nice distraction from the dream you had.
Chara grabbed the sleeve of your shirt, as papyrus and sans left to go into the kitchen, trying to get your attentions you looked down quickly as they pushed you towards the couch sitting down quickly with you.
"What?" You laughed a little as Chara pouted making you tilt your head to the side.
"You're not having fun." Chara signed quickly and you had to hastily keep up with their quick hand movements.
"I am having fun." You justified drawing out a word, only to frown as Chara shook their head.
"I know you're not, you're upset because of your dream!" There was a pause in the hand motions.
"Don't worry, after tacos you'll feel better!" Chara signed quickly after finishing their thoughts. You sighed ruffling their hair in your hand knowing that they hated that, but at the same time found it sweet.
"How can I say no to tacos? They're the souls healing food." You joked thinking back to the first time sans had talked about his tacos upon those first weeks of meeting him and his brother. Good times good times.
"Humans! It is time for food!" Sans called from the kitchen and Chara had already ran ahead leaving you lagging behind as you walked inside to go eat lunch with everyone.
Lunch wasn't very long but Chara had eaten far too many tacos than they should of. They huffed as you refused to let them eat another but they knew why you were being stubborn about it. They just didn't want to admit they had a problem. Honestly you didn't think Chara ate anything as fast as chocolate but you were proven wrong.
They wanted something to do, and you had suggested that maybe you all could go down to the park and play at the playground. Chara and sans really loved that idea and so here you were walking along the trail that led to the playground you promised to take the two to.
You didn't know why but you felt uneasy as you watched sans and Chara race ahead while you and papyrus lagged behind walking at comfortable speeds. You just felt like something bad was going to happen but what you're not even sure. Maybe you're just paranoid. After all the dream you had wasn't exactly a good way to start the day. Even if it wasn't that bad.
You just didn't realize your gut was right and you weren't the only one feeling uneasy. You smiled a bit as Chara turned around quickly to wave at you to get over to them and sans faster. You waved jokingly smiling more as sans shouted.
"Come on human! Brother! We must get to the playground as fast as we can!!" Sans shouted almost at the top of his lungs but he was so far up ahead with Chara that he sounded faint as you kept walking closer. Papyrus was about to say something but stopped dead in his tracks looking up. You followed his gaze thinking maybe he saw something interesting.
"Wh-" you had begun to ask what he saw, head turning to catch a glimpse, and then you saw it too.
The sky looked like it was open, like some sort of portal had been ripped through and your world, your sky didn't seem to agree with it. It was glitching as if this was some sort of virtual reality. By now sans and Chara had turned around to look where you and papyrus were staring seeing a figure up in the distance at the opening. Sans seemed to be talking to the strange figure and when you turned to your side to look to papyrus again in anxious worry he was gone from your side.
You couldn't loose Chara a second time, so you dashed forward to reach them not wanting to be left on the sidelines and just watch.
"You don't have to do this!" You heard sans trying to reason as you raced closer and closer the ground leading the way for you as you ran along its curves. The closer you got the more you saw that sans and Chara were held hostage by some sort of blue string.
"This world is one glitch among many others, have you gone soft? Have you forgotten what I do?!" This voice was new, and presumably belonged to the mysterious figure. It was a weird sound, deep like silk with a hint of some sort of, was it Brooklyn?, accent. But what stuck out the most is how the words jumbled up like he was a broken record scratching.
You skidded to a stop finally catching up in an attempt to keep Chara safe. But now that you were here staring up at the person who invaded the world you saw he looked like sans, only he was notably taller, his bones weren't a milk white but a dark black, and he seemed to like to dress comfortably. He looked like he was crying, but you somehow doubt that he was. He looked like he was glitching...
"What's going on?" You wanted explanations but you didn't know what to say nor how to get them, especially now that the skeleton was looking at you with his two different eyes.
"What's going on?!" He seemed impatient with your question growling a bit as he rolled his eyes.
"I'm going to destroy your Au! I'm going to free all you insufferably anomalies!" He sounded so angry. Making movements from the portal he and created motioning to the world around him. You were shocked, appalled even, that this stranger thought he could just come here and do such a thing! That he could walk into, as he called it, your world and destroy it with no mercy!
"What?!" You gasped out, shock written all over your features. You inched closer to Chara noticing the blue strings that wrapped themselves around them keeping them protectively behind you despite the silent protests.
Yes you know the story, you know Chara faced this weird dog creature that had like 6 human souls in it or how ever that went. You knew they could take care of themselves but that didn't mean you'd let them as the older sister. And it was clear papyrus, who wasn't bound by strings yet either, was doing the same for sans.
"You can't do that! Why would you do that?!" Your voice argued back, making a stand as best as you could in the moment. You took a moment to glance back at your friends seeing papyrus on edge, you don't think you've ever seen him use his powers, let alone on edge, but there's some orange mist leaking from one of his eyes. Sans looked just worried like he was looking at an old friend who had just gone down the wrong path.
"Why would I?-" the monster huffed appalled you even had the gall to talk back to him.
"Have you even been listening?" The monster above then scoffed seeming agitated with you and your "stupid" questions.
"Well I'm sorry! But you can't just waltz on by wanting to "destroy" my friends and family! I'm finding it hard to listen to a crazy person!" You shot back but that wasn't exactly a wise thing to do. The monster seemed displeased with that moving his skeletal fingers to his eyes pulling out some sort of blue liquid from them, no that's not liquid.
"I'm done talking to you idiots! I'm going to end this Au once and for all! Your friends and family can all thank me later!" The monster laughed and threw the strings towards you and papyrus now. You moved quickly, some how just missing the strings that so effortlessly attacked you, but papyrus didn't have the same luck.
You watched in horror turning around, watching as Papyrus's soul was forcibly ripped from his chest not allowing him to move thanks to the strings that made their home around him. His eyes sockets were wide, and he seemed shocked like he wasn't sure how he hadn't even been able to move. Truthfully you're not even sure how you had moved out of the way and not gotten hit. Not to mention the whole soul thing was confusing, how did those strange strings get them out?!
"Ugh, hold still!" The monster growled up top jumping down from the portal, you assumed, to try and get you too. You weren't sure what to do, run away or act? In an instant you chose acting.
"Wait!-Wait!" You pleaded holding your hands up as you looked to your side helplessly seeing your friends and family bound together by these..."soul"strings.
"Let's make a deal!" You offered watching as the skeleton eyed you.
"I don't do deals, try talking to nightmare." He sneered and you shook your head waving your hands frantically.
"Just listen please!" You were pleading, begging him to listen. You felt anxious, your chest was caving in on its self and your stomach was twisting like some one was tying it into knots.
"Human souls are powerful and valuable to monsters right? What if I offer you my soul in exchange for my "Au" to be spared." You knew Au meant alternate universe but it was weird hearing someone, some stranger, call your home an Au.
There was a long pause after you spoke. He seemed to think about it for a while. Weighing his options and you're beginning to feel like you shouldn't of suggested this idea at all. Dreading just what fate awaited you now. He was looking from side to side like on one hand he was convincing himself he doesn't need a human soul but on the other it could be valuable.
"Why?" His sudden question caught you off guard as you gazed at him confused. He sounded so curious, so confused. Like he couldn't even begin to understand why you wanted this world to be spared.
"Why?" You echoed his words back, not really relaxing why he was asking such a quad thin. He rolled his eyes in response.
"Why do you want this world to be spared? What's so important about keeping this world alive?" He motioned his free hand around to the green park that seemed like it wasn't phased from what was really going on.
"It's not the world that I care about," you narrowed your eyes a bit, "it's the people in it. My sibling deserves a good happy life with their friends and new family. And if it means I have to give my self up for their happiness I will."
The monster seemed to stare at you confused but thought about your reasoning, like there was a time he'd of done the same. You watched as he tore his strings from your friends and sibling's souls retreating them back to himself before suddenly he attacked you. You gasped feeling as though something was being torn violently from your body. It felt like cold water had been dumped on you, and for a second you couldn't breath.
Our flew a (S/C) soul beating anxiously in the strange strings grasp. Your eyes widen upon the sight, seeing your soul the very accumulation of your being floating just barely in front of you. You always wondered what your soul had looked like, after all Chara had mentioned them and so had all the monsters. But seeing it like this? It was terrifying.
"We have a deal." The monster growled, smile plastered on his face as he used his strings to pull you forward. You couldn't move you felt like some one else's puppet and that your body wasn't your own.
You heard sans and papyrus calling out for you and the only thing you had control over was to see them and Chara all staring back at you. You wanted to speak and for a brief moment found the courage to.
"It'll be okay, be happy for me you guys!" You knew it was a lie. To say that this was going to be okay, but you had to, for them you'd lie. You forced a smile looking at Chara wanting to tell them one last time you love them, but you weren't fast enough. Your body was pushed forward flung to the portal being thrown through so brutally, leaving your friends and only family behind.
You hoped they knew you were sorry. You hoped they knew the sacrifices you made for them. You had allowed your self to leave your lush green world, only to be met with a blinding white in its wake. Thrown to the floor at first like a discarded toy before being wrapped up in more strings. That in turn strung you up to dangle against the ceiling.
This was your new life now, or short life, you hoped they'd forgive you for just hoped. You just desperately hoped they'd forgive you, for making such a deal.
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