Chapter 13 Finally Friends
It was beautiful. Absolutely breath taking. You've never seen anything like it and truthfully you were so happy error let you sight see. His scarf was now securely wrapped around your neck, keeping you comforted as you took in everything.
It's all so strange, and yet breathtaking all at once. You couldn't get over it. The monsters were all different too. Error was cautious on who you were okay to be seen by. Luckily for you from far away no one could really tell you weren't frisk. You couldn't talk to anyone due to being a human but you were still happy to sight see. The structures were like looking at a sci-fi movie in real life. But quaint despite their futuristic appearance.
This was supposed to be the underground of this world. Or well so error explained. He didn't seem much for conversation on the au other than saying that this was what was supposed to be what kept monsters trapped in your reality. (There was a lot of differences but error didn't care to explain further than he had.)
"Oh wow!" The sudden gasp that left you started error as you sped walked just a bit ahead of him.
"Hey, wait!" Error rushed after hastily glancing around anxiously to make sure neither of you were seen by any of the main variants before he caught up with you.
You two had wandered so far you'd both made it to what was supposed to be waterfall. This one was obviously different, but it some how drew you in enough to race ahead.
"Look at these plants!" You were now on your knees looking at what were supposed to be echo flowers.
"Please, those are everywhere." Error scoffed slightly crossing his arms, but his gaze somehow couldn't leave you. He's not sure why, but something about the way you're looking at them made him not want to look away.
"Well maybe for you," you sighed fingers dancing across the smooth petals, "but I've never seen anything like this before."
Was that a lie? Or was that the truth? In honesty you're not sure. CORE frisk was still engrained in your mind, their words echoing in your mind. You still wondered why they hadn't saved error. What made him the outcast? The thoughts still swirled but never were voiced as your fingers softly brushed against the petals of the odd looking flower. You sunk down a bit into the scarf wrapped securely around your neck a hum leaving your lips.
What's so different about you. Error just couldn't wrap his head around it. Every time he tried to think of why he was okay with you running around freely, or the fact he let you wear his scarf after you cried, his mind drew a blank. You really were different. How again he's not sure but there's something abnormal about you.
About your code.
Don't think he didn't notice it. He did, he just didn't care until this moment. The moment you felt sympathy for him. Maybe he was curious because now he was seeing more of who you really were as a person. He gathered you cared a lot for those anomalies. That wasn't a hard leap. But you seemed so quite, only asked questions when you felt the silence was a bit to unbearable and then when he gave a cue he didn't want to talk you left him be.
Seeing you cry was something different, seeing you smiling was better, you were so genuinely intrigued with it all. With life. What was it like? To see the world through your eyes? Error couldn't help but wonder, and now looked back to the main curiosity of your code.
By now most who stay with him get a bit corrupted. Not in a bad way just that their code starts getting rejected unless they were a variant of sans. Or a special case. (Like you.)
Error wasn't sure what to say about it all. He knew in the end despite your pointless struggling he'd destroy your Au. That or ink would do something so catastrophically stupid that it would cause the destruction of many au's all for the sake of this stupid game.
Error kept his hands stuffed in his pocket glancing away unable to handle looking at you for another second. This is pointless. Why is he even doing this? All over some stupid hissy fit you threw over him and your situation. Still...
"I wonder if Chara's seen anything like this." Your soft voice broke the comfortable, at least for you, silence that grew between you both. Error turned his head to look back at you gazing down towards the ground as you turned to smile sadly.
"Since you said every AU is like a copy and paste, they should of seen something like this right? I wish I could of been there with them."
You looked away to return your attention back to the delicate flower as it swayed with a mind of its own. Error had to admit it was a beautiful echo flower. The echo flowers here looked like the northern lights. A soft blue with purple and pink hues that flowed on the dark speckled gently with dots of white to look like stars. In its own way the echo flowers here were almost like tiny individual portraits of the sky.
"Why do you care so much for that kid?" Error's sudden question left you silent. You didn't look at him. You didn't acknowledge him at first either hands now resting gassing yourself thighs keeping your head low.
"They're all I have left, it's complicated I don't think you'd be too interested in the story." You sounded so sad. Well you couldn't help but be sad. Normally error wouldn't care but somehow with you he was intrigued. (The words you muttered about Chara being all you had left struck a cord with him. A memory from a distant time he can hardly recall.)
Huffing error looked away again lifting a hand to rub against the back of his neck, or spine really, scoffing to himself. His mind battled back and forth over what he wanted to say and do, and then finally he settled on an answer sitting down next to you against the vibrant grass.
"Just talk." He looked up at the sky not bothering to look at you now gazing at the super nova's and galaxies that littered and sparkled in the far distance.
You found yourself looking at him only to look down again, hands softly resting against the scarf he let you borrow. You didn't want to recall all that much but you guessed you would if he wanted to know.
"I used to hate chara, not them as a person but the idea of them. My parents, our parents, saw Chara as the perfect child. At an early age they were something truly spectacular. I guess I was more jealous at the attention Chara got over me. Because I was old enough to recognize the lack of it. They loved me, they did I know they did, but it was clear they had a favorite. Everything they made me do was for Chara. Mr whole schedule my whole world had to revolve around what was best for Chara. Not what was best for me or for both of us. In the end I started to resent my younger sibling for it. That was until the accident..."
You felt like your breath was being taken away with every word as you too began to look up towards the beautiful sky admiring the stars. Your eyes watered as you thought back to everything. Error didn't utter a single word however and you took that as a sign to continue.
"I was out late, away from home for a while. I needed to get away, I felt like I was suffocating. Like they were drowning me in what they wanted from me. So I stayed with a friend for a bit. But ill never forget the phone call I got. I don't know why they left the house but, it was the last time they did. The police said it was a drunk driver, but I always wondered if it was intentional because the car that hit my family's car had no one in it when the police arrived on scene. I only knew as soon as I did because a family friend was near by when it happened."
You clutched the scarf tighter closing your eyes wishing desperately to get the horrible images out of your head. The blood that splattered the steering wheel of the car. Your fathers opened and bulged eyes from his head. Your mother beside him head busted open upon impact glass covering her skin. Chara was lucky they were passed out in the back, only suffering bad cuts, bruising, and a mild concussion. You shuddered to think just what could of happened.
"After that day, I vowed to do exactly what my parents wanted of me. Everything I did would be for Chara. I wasn't going to loose Chara. I distanced myself from friends I ignored the help of our other family friends. I pushed forward. I even ignored the help of any other family relatives because I knew they really didn't care. I realized after that I didn't hate Chara. I could never. Chara is my everything. So...if being here with you knowing if you really did want mr soul you'd have to kill me I wouldn't mind. Because then I'll know even for a little bit Chara could be happy. Taken care of by sans and Papyrus or even Toriel and Asgore."
You could feel the tears slipping from your eyes. But you didn't bother to brush them away. You couldn't. Error's silence was deafening. What you didn't realize how ever was that everything you just said was really making him think. He figured you were selfless for your sibling but, to the point that you didn't even care about your own mental health? We'll he guessed he wasn't one to talk but still the point remained.
"I'm not going to kill you." Suddenly his glitched our voice echoed through the silence.
"What?" You finally opened your eyes turning to look at him. He seemed to be avoiding your gaze favoring to stare at the picking at it.
"Don't look at me like that," error rolled his eyes partially, "I said I wasn't going to kill you. I never planned to. I just don't know what to do with you now. I finally beat that vomit of colors for once! But I don't want to toss you back to your AU yet because you could still be used as bait. I don't want your stupid soul it's useless to me. But I guess your company isn't all that bad."
He was quite upon those last words barely breathing them out into a whisper that just about made its way to your ears. You can't believe you've just said all that to your own captor who was using you as bait. And that he said your company wasn't bad at all. This all felt so backwards. You shouldn't be so chummy with a monster you barely know, telling him about yourself like you did. But then again he didn't have to let you come here with him or feed you and so on.
"Do you...not have anyone to talk to?" You turned slightly to face him better now resting your own hands against the grass. Error didn't look at you his silence telling you everything you needed to know. You were right he really was just so lonely.
"You don't have any friends?"
"What does it matter? I don't need friends. I don't need anyone." Error hissed sharply looking at you. You didn't flinch this time though used to the sharp movements.
"Even if you don't need anyone, I wouldn't mind being your friend." You spoke cautiously afraid he was going to laugh at you for such a foolish thought. But he didn't instead he just stared at you fully from where he sat on the grass. Only his eyes turned away from you in favor of gazing at the echo flower.
"You want to be friends with the monster who wants to destroy your home?" He seemed so vicious when he spoke his tone harsh and cruel but his expression was almost like he was mad at himself.
"I," you hesitated unsure what to say then you decided on something at least, "think so. Everyone deserves someone when they're misunderstood."
Error didn't say anything for a moment only glancing back at you with narrowed eye sockets. Again lost in thought.
"You're an idiot. You're definitely friends with that blue idiot back in underswap. Both of you are complete idiots." Error seemed almost amused by the whole situation letting out a laugh standing up.
He echoed the word as if it left a bitter taste against his tongue. You just stared up at him again unsure of what to do until his eyes met yours.
"Fine. Fine! You win. We can be "friends". You're a good listener to most things I say anyway." Error stuffed his hands into his pockets pointedly looking away with closed eyes.
"But don't think this changes your situation too much I'm still going to use you as bait for that glitchy moron."
What? Did you hear him correctly? He wants to be friends? That makes you, so, happy. You stood up quickly unable to mask your enthusiasm brushing over the fact error mentioned your sans. He wanted to be friends you can't believe that.
"Right, of course, I didn't think it would anyway." You shook your head slightly but you couldn't mask your smile. This felt like a good step. A very good step. Maybe even a step closer to see Chara and your new friends and family again. After all the monsters of the underground made you realize that there was more to life than just your sibling.
"Whatever." Error opened his eyes to continue gazing away from you. Maybe you were over thinking but you think error was happy too.
"Come on I wanna show you one last thing before heading back home."
Error turned on his heels walking away from water fall leaving you to quickly follow once again, humming happily as you walked along his side. As his friend this time.
"Okay, I'm sure it'll be just as beautiful as the rest of this AU." You couldn't help but be happy, it was really hard not to be. Now this wasn't so bad. Not anymore at least. In a way you almost didn't want ink to come back. You wanted to learn more about error and what went on inside his mind.
You wanted to see your friends and family again but right now you were content here with error in outertale. Content just sight seeing from a comfortable distance.
Error couldn't believe you wanted to be his friend after everything. Still he can't say he's displeased with the recent developments. Actually he'd say he was quite happy with them himself even if he didn't do much to express it.
It almost felt pathetic in a way but he was glad for it. He wasn't so lonely anymore. No longer stuck on that game over screen. He was free. He wasn't alone. It was nice in a strange way to have friends when he's really only ever had one.
Blue was all he ever had, even then he kind of squandered that with trying to destroy both your home and his. Though he's sure blue would still be stupid and think of him as a friend. Would you? Error wasn't sure but he didn't want you to leave him. He liked your company more now than he did at the beginning.
You're his friend. He'd prefer to keep it like that if it could be helped. His friend. Yes error was more than happy about that. And so were you.
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