Chapter 1 The Lost and The Found

Key: (Y/N) = Your Name

Alone. What was the definition of that word? The solitude that followed it, and the pain that laid in its wake, nothing more painful to be alone after having friends and family. Than to never have them in the first place and to be alone.

Fear. What about that word? What semblance did it have for you? It was simple really. Though do you really want to venture down that route?

Do you wish to see a peek into one of many realities?

That being said, out of the multiverse this universe was simple. An echo of preexisting universes, that was calmer than the rest. Despite that all fear and loneliness were a constant, and no matter how hard you'd try to escape its clutches it would always snag you in the end.

The world would spin, and continue to spin whether everyone was happy or not. Life moved on. And if you did with it or not was up to you.


Fear was the worst emotion of all right above the loneliness.

Fear, was what you felt that night.

Your feet pounded against the wet pavement. Chara, your sibling, hadn't come home. You had searched the whole town for them. Yet nothing. You called the police yet there was nothing they could do despite your pleas. It had to be 48 hours before they finally went looking.

Frustrated with them you went looking for your sibling yourself. Two weeks you looked and that fear sprouted inside you like a seed in soil. Becoming a tree of anxiety.

You'd lay awake at night after looking, tossing and turning. What if's plaguing your head.

What if they've been kidnapped?

What if they're dead?

What if they died alone?


That's what you were. Alone in these moments. No one left to call family. Not after the accident. It was just you and chara. Now it was just you.

Those nights you'd clutch the blanket tight to your body. Hoping for comfort but receiving none. After all there's only so much comfort someone can get while being alone.

Despite it all, you were undeterred still. The police, while they did try to help, were useless. After the first week passed they told you that there was only so much they could do. That if anything changed they'd alert you.

They're useless.

Or so you reasoned. The best way to get something done is to do it yourself. To keep doing it yourself. So you did. You never quite stopped looking. But even you were starting to loose hope.

Hope was such a fragile thing. And yet it was the most powerful thing of all. You tried to hard to hold onto that hope. Hold it tight and never let go. Every night it was always the same. The longing for comfort the desire to be reunited with your sibling. The only thought in your mind that soothed you was the same;

Tomorrow's another day.

And like always that thought filled you with determination.

Determination to find your sibling. Determination to not give up. Because you'll find them. You know you will.

Though the strangest thing happened in the second week of your sibling missing.

As always, you got up to get ready for work. While you wanted to spend most your time looking for chara you had bills to pay. So you worked in the day and looked at night.

But as you got up one morning, the tv playing just for noise in the background, your attention was drawn to the news.

"Breaking News! Monsters have been released from underground! All thanks to a small child! Where have these monsters been all these years? Why haven't we known about them? And what's made them pop up now? More tonight with a special interview with the Queen of Monsters Toriel at 6pm!"

Though the words were shocking, monsters actually existing, and that wasn't what gripped your attention. As the reporter spoke, there was live footage of these monsters coming up from a cavern all being helped my a familiar child.

The cup you held in your hand slipped in shock. Falling onto the kitchen floor with a tunk noise as your drink spilt out of it splattering the floor. Eyes wide, heart racing, you did the next logical thing. You ran.

At first running to get your clothes on, slipping your shoes as you struggled to get out the door in your haste. But you ran out. You knew what part of town that was, given that you lived in a small area just outside the city in the mountain side, and nothing was going to stop you from getting to Chara.


Your mind cried and tears blurred your vision as a result. It didn't matter how weak you felt from the lack of nutrition you've given yourself. You had to find them. They're here you know it.


You clenched your jaw tight, seeing the crowd of people all murmuring to one another. Reporters and camera men in the front and policemen keeping people back. They didn't matter.

They don't matter. All that matters was...

"Chara!" You cried shrilly, shoving your way through the crowd. Pushing and squeezing past people as you attempted to make it towards the front.

You shouted again, hoping they'd hear you. Desperation cling to you, like a moth drawn to a flame. People were looking at you as you struggled to get to the front. Tears blurred your vision now making it hard to see. Hope was slipping out of your reach. You had made it to the front finally, gasping out as a quick glimpse of that familiar green and yellow sweater caught your eye.

"Chara!" You burst past the barricade that kept the curious on lookers from getting too close to the monsters. You almost had them. Hope was before you, right at your finger tips. Your hand almost grabbed Chara's sweater, and then..

It was gone. Just like that slipped between your fingers and disappeared back into the sea of monsters. Like dust floating past your touch. Sand falling down through the cracks. You wanted to collapse. You could hear the officers shouting and rallying to pull you away.

This is it. Nothing matters.

Defeated you sunk to your knees. Everything felt blurred out and you began to wonder if you made it all up. Was this some sort of dream and you were never meant to find Chara? Tears streamed down your face finally. No, no this can't be the end it can't!

"Human!" The voice that called to you sounded cheery. Pleased to see you but you're not so much pleased to hear it. Reluctantly you lifted your gaze. Meeting the eyes of a short skeleton dressed in blue armor. His eyes like stars as they looked down at you with such optimism. An optimism you wished you had.
"Are you okay? I couldn't help but notice you calling for our magnificent friend! Do you happen to know them? Are you a friend too?"

So many questions it felt like to your overwhelmed mind. But as you brushed your tears away, you couldn't help but respond. "T-they're my sibling." You gasped stuttering out between tears.
"I need to get to them."

Tears blurred your vision again as you leaned to the side trying to peek past the skeleton in your way. You wanted to see chara. Were they there or was it a figment of your desperate imagination?

The skeleton in front of you looked surprised.

"Oh!" He began beaming from ear to ear.
"Do not fear! I, The Magnificent Sans, shall help you see your sibling!"

Your gaze shifted back to sans. Your tears ran down your face. You felt so helpless. Did he mean that or is this some sick joke? You swallowed thickly. About to speak but got cut off as sans kept talking.

"You must be (Y/N)! They have said a lot about you! The human is my closest friend!" Sans declared puffing his chest out proudly. A sniffle fell from your lips as you looked up from where you were defeated on your knees.

"You-" you hesitated. "You know chara?"
The desperation came back. You stood up hastily nearly grabbing the short skeleton by his shoulders viciously.
"Where are they?! Where are they?!"

In your mania you shouted through tears. Sans took a step back in shock. Looking apprehensive at your behavior.

"Hey." A deeper voice spoke now. You looked up seeing a much taller skeleton dressed in an orange hoodie smoking a cigarette stand close to sans's.
"What's going on over here?"

You recognized the look in his eyes. An older sibling protecting a younger one. You staggered back. You didn't mean to cause issues. You just want chara back. Tears continued to stream down your face, as sans looked up at what you assumed to be his brother.

"This older human claims to be the human's sister!" Sans declared with a grin all the same.

The orange skeleton looked at you. His gaze sharp despite his lax smile. You felt like you were being judged some how. You wrung your hands together anxiously.

"Please," you croaked finally, "they-they've been missing for two weeks. I-I'm so worried about them."

Your voice tapered off. Trailing your sentence away as you made a pained expression. Then you saw it, movement at the leg of the taller skeleton. Your eyes dipped and finally you saw the familiar eyes staring up at you.

"Chara!" You cried out and dropped back to your knees pulling them into a tight hug. Chara, who was mute, managed a noise like a laugh and held you close. You trembled as you held them close.
"You're okay, you're okay."

You whispered on repeat. They were okay. They pushed away from you, and you looked at them as they had. Their hands motioned, sign language, speaking to you now.

"Don't cry." They said.
"I'm here. I'm okay."

You wiped your tears hastily and just nodded. You wanted to sob your eyes out in relief. The worst hadn't happened chara was okay. Though it was odd that they seemingly saved these monsters. It was definitely a story you'll need to hear later but for now everything was okay.

"I-I know." You gasped between tears. You gripped their shoulders in your hands and tried to muster a stern look.
"Don't you ever do that again.  I-I thought something awful happened to you! I-I thought-"

You felt a lump in your throat at the idea that crept into your head. They didn't die though. They're safe.

"I'm sorry." Chara signed.
"I'll tell you the whole story when we get home. It was crazy! I wish you had been there with me." You rubbed your eyes with your arm and nodded your head before enveloping chara into a hug again.

"Well you can tell me later." You muttered quietly. Clutching chara so tight you were afraid any looser they'd slip away again.
"Right now I just want to make sure you're safe."


That was an emotion that was a positive one. It was a sign for hope to come back. Your hope was back. Your desire to keep going returned. Chara was all you needed. Now everything was okay again even if you'd probably scold them for what's happened later. For now all is okay.

"Oh my!" A soft and gentle voice called out from the crowd. Chara made you pull away from the hug, standing beside you now as you stood up. Your eyes widened as you met the gaze of the goat monster. Is that the queen? She was huge but she looked gentle.
"Are you the child's mother?"

The queen clasped her hands together in front of her. A sweet smile on her lips as she spoke.

"I uh-" you sputtered before shaking your head.
"No. I'm-I'm their sister."

The queen smiled at you.

"Ah you must be (Y/N)." She hummed faintly between words.
"A pleasure to meet you. We have so much to discuss. You must be very proud of chara."

You looked down at chara as they held your hand. A toothy grin on their lips as you two met each other's gaze. Despite it all you were proud of chara. Always and forever.

"Yeah I guess I am." You responded. With a squeeze of Chara's hand you felt it again. That rush of determination.

Like most time lines, this one was a pacifistic route to on lookers from beyond. Time moves at its own pace and soon months of freedom finally greeted the monsters.

They were an odd bunch, but definitely in your opinion better than humanity. Chara had told you the whole story, about falling down into the under ground. About meeting asgore in the ruins, about meeting Papyrus in snowdin first. There was so much, it sounded like something out of a fairytale.

Of course that's not to say once you had heard the whole story you did get onto chara for venturing off in the first place. But no harm no foul. They were safe now, and to you that's all that matters.

They had insisted you meet everyone. Of course who are you to deny your sibling the chance to show you their friends? Despite it all nothing else mattered. You had your family back, and now it seemed much bigger than before.

You never thought this would be possible, but it was, and the truth is you're happier like this. Happy to help out like you used to, to have people to rely on again and not just chara.


Finally a positive emotion. Finally happy for the future to come. With your new friends and family to face it with.

But this is only the beginning of our tale to on lookers from beyond. For when you deal with the multiverse, anything can happen.

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