My Anguish.
It's mourning. The Earth is crying out in agony. It's almost as if it can feel my pain. These clouds are my eyes. The raindrops are my tears and the thunders...the thunders are the screams I've been holding in for so many years.
I'm running. I don't know where I'm going but I can hear death calling me, guiding my feet to wherever it so desires me to go. The cold wind slaps me in my face as I run in the rain.
I struggle up a small, muddy hill and slip. I hit my body hard against the wet, hard earth and let out a groan as the pain sends shock waves all through my body. I manage to stand, shivering because of the coldness. I get to my feet and stand there panting. My dress, my hair, my skin...all covered with mud. The rain is pouring down on me, trying to wash away my pain, but it fails.
In the distance, I hear the waves angrily splashing against the rocks. I climb up to the top of the hill and find myself staring at a raging ocean. The waves are growling and lashing away at the rocks, pleading with them, begging them to stop me. Not even something as solid as a rock can change my mind. This is my destiny. The only way to end my misery. My mind drifts back to earlier today.
"Amy, you bitch! Where is my money, huh? Where is it!" My mother yelled, shoving my head as I was washing the dishes.
"Mom, my boss didn't pay me as yet. He told me he would give me my money till noon." I explained to her, shivering a bit.
It was very cold because of the rainy weather these past days. I love when it rains. It's the only time I can feel happy because I know I'm not the only one who cries for days and days without stopping. This world that I live in, it feels pain just as I do. People treat it like crap, destroying it everyday that goes by. I wonder if one day, the Earth will get so tired of our actions and just give up. What would become of us then?
"When I get home tonight, I expect my money!" she growled angrily, "You can't live here for free!"
"You'll get your money, mom." I reassured her. She looked at me with scorn and then headed out of the kitchen. A bang of the door indicated that she had left the house. I sighed and continued to wash the dishes trying my best not to think about my miserable life.
If you have parents that loves you, cherish them. All my life, I've longed for the love of my parents and until this day, I still do.
I've heard rumors that when I was a baby, my parents never held me in their arms. Some goddess of a woman, who they say is dead now, fed me, took care of me, taught me how to walk and is the reason I'm alive. I wish so badly that I could remember her but she died before my brain could develop the skill to save her face to my memory.
I've heard also that the only reason my parents kept me was because the woman left her wealth for me because she had no one of her own. It is rightfully said that not all hope is lost in humanity. There are still some pure, kind and loving souls left.
After finishing what seemed like never-ending chores, I rushed off to the bus stop.
I was 2 hours late for class. I'm in Grade 11 and for this week, I've gotten detention twice. This might be my third.
"Ms. Amy Flintz!" My Math professor yelled, "This is absolute nonsense! I cannot have you interrupting my class every time! You cannot walk in whenever you feel like," he hollered, "furthermore Ms. Flintz, I do not want you in my class. Leave!"
"S-ssir I'm sorry, I did not mean−"
"I said LEAVE!" he ordered.
I could have felt everyone staring at me. I was as mortified as one could be. I rushed off and tried to wipe my tears away but they just kept pouring down endlessly. It was as if my eyes were waterfalls-- water constantly pouring down them. I went to the one place I knew was peaceful. I sat alone in the Library crying until the lunch bell rang. As I walked towards my seat in the cafeteria, gripping my lunch platter , I heard the students whispering things about me like;
"She's always late," "She probably sneeks out to meet a guy,but then again,who'd wanna meet her," "I wonder how Jason took her as a friend," "He's hot and intelligent whereas, she's an ugly idiot."
Their words were like swords slashing away at my heart: it was painful...and it was true.
Jason is my only friend, the only person that seemed to care. Needless to say, I was always bullied in school. Girls used to mock me because I would wear two dresses all year round. Guys would push me into the wall and steal my lunch.
They didn't care that those two dresses were all that I had. They didn't care that the lunch that I had to hide and make was all the food that I would get for the day. They didn't care that many days I had to starve because of them. They didn't care... but Jason did.
He stood up for me. He'd embarrass the girls when they teased me and if any boy tried to steal my lunch or hurt me, he'd beat them up. He was always looking out for me.
Since then, we always had lunch together. We weren't best friends because he still doesn't know a lot about me. He would always ask, but I would never tell him. When we sat together, we'd just talk about what happened earlier in the day or Jason would tell me about his life; something I don't think I can tell anyone about.
He was in our spot waiting for me. I took my seat across from him. He looked worried.
"So it's true?" He asked, with his hands folded together and resting on the table.
"What do you mean?" I questioned, pretending to not know what he's talking about. He stared at me as though I was a book he had to study in order to pass his exam.
"I heard you got kicked out of Maths class? Is it true?" He asked again, this time his face was so full of emotion and his right eyebrow was raised.
I said nothing. Instead, I pierced a piece of meat with my fork as a response. Jason saw what I was doing and he immediately knew the answer from my silence.
"What happened? Is everything okay?" He asked, very concerned.
"Yeah, I just hate waking up on mornings and that's why I'm always late." I lied, hoping he would believe it. But the look on his face said otherwise. He looked hurt and disgusted.
"Fine. If you don't want to tell me I won't force you." He sighed, stared at me and shook his head before getting up from the table.
"I just wished that you'd trust me enough to tell me what's bothering you."
I felt his gaze on me but I didn't dare look at him. After a moment, he folded his hands into cuffs and walked away.
At 3pm, I was washing the dishes at a local restaurant located not far from my school. I was called up to my boss's office to receive my pay
I knocked on the door then a voice told me to enter. My boss looked up at me when I came in. His face was expressionless.
"Ms. Flintz, it has been an honor working with you but I'm afraid I must let you go," He told me bluntly. " We have found someone to work full time with us, so here is your month's pay and a small bonus from me." He handed me a white envelope. I stared at his hands for what seemed like 10 seconds before I collected it.
"Sir, is there any other work I can do? I really need the money." I told him with teary eyes.
"Ms. Flintz, I really wish there was something for you to do, but I'm afraid there is none," He explained with a pitiful look on his face, "I am very sorry."
What is happening to my life? How am I going to explain this to my parents? All those thoughts kept going through my head.
I came home to a very drunk father who was just sitting in his chair staring into thin air with his mouth open. I put my bag in its place and peeked in the kitchen only to see a sink full of nasty dishes.
"You're home? Where's my money? Give it to me!" My mother demanded with her arms outstretched. I reached into my pocket and handed her the envelope.
"My boss told me that he found someone to replace me." I told her.
"of course he did," She started, "You're worthless! If I had known you would be such a pain in my ass, I would've killed you before you were born. I regret ever bringing you into this world. You're such a disgrace!"
An hour passed. An hour filled with insults and how I should kill myself because I'm worthless. I've cried so much thta my tear glands were exhausted and my eyes were swollen. I couldn't take it anymore. For years, I have tried to calm myself and hope for betterment, but this was too much. This was the saturation point.
I snap back to reality. I'm standing in front of a huge mass of rough water. All I want to do is jump, to end my misery, to free my parents of my burden. No one would even care if I'm gone. My mom is right. I am worthless.
I think of Jason. What will he do when he finds out I'm no longer apart of this world? He is the only one who ever cared about me; I should at least thank him for that.
I pulled out my cell phone and sent him a message:
When no one cared, you were there for me. Thank you for that. I will miss you Jason. Good bye forever.
I step into the water. It's as cold as ice. I move deeper and deeper into the ocean. I cannot swim, I'll surely die. I take one last glimpse of the world. I inhale my last breath. I duck under the water and let death take me.
* * *
Hey guys!
Now that I've got that out of the way, what do you guys think? Comment and let me know!
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