Chapter 31- girls day

Italics- thoughts/ flashbacks/ dreams

Bold- author talking

Underline- narrator talking, known as the main character

Normal- normal story

2853 words


I had a dream.

A nightmare.

I relived the guy trying to kidnap me. There was so much blood. Everything was hot instead of cold. This time people stood on the sidewalk across the street just watching like it was some show.

It was horrible. I miss the dreams where they had so many plot twists and no meaning but fun and adventurous, not these.

I'm laying on the edge of the bed on my left side with my right leg hanging off. Death has his hand around my waist so I don't fall off I guess. I got Pikachu in my arms and the edge of the blanket in my hands.

Why am I over here? I don't need to hang halfway off the bed anymore. I'm not alone anymore.

I turn over and Death still looks asleep. I poke his shoulder to see if he's faking but he doesn't respond. Alright.

I look at his hot face. He usually looks happier when he's asleep but this time he doesn't. Did I make him sad? I didn't wanna make him sad.

I don't wanna be sad anymore either.

I look around for a minute wondering what to do before very carefully and slowly lifting up his arm and putting Pikachu under it. I then carefully put his arm down and mine over his.

I then try to get closer. Like when your bed is against the wall and you wanna sleep wedged between the wall and bed.

I hide my face against his shoulder, on his arm and he wraps his legs around my left one.

Maybe we are married. Is this how married people act? I never saw my parents cuddle but they fight over blankets and fight each other throughout the night while asleep.

We don't fight. I hope we never fight, my heart can't take it. I can't even stand seeing him sad.

People shouldn't be sad. Life is too chaotic and short to be sad all the time.

His hand starts caressing my back. Awww dammit he's awake.

Every time I do anything he wakes up. I gotta turn into a statue from now on. I look up at him and he looks down at me.

"Did I wake you up?"

"No." He has that drunken smile again.

His smile makes me smile.

He gently takes arm off of me and sits up. He looks around the room before turning to me and putting Pikachu under my arm like it's the most fragile thing ever.

Why does he act like he'll accidentally destroy everything he touches? Maybe he would. That would suck. He's the hulk but not green or crazy looking, just a hot psychopathic-ish murderer and nice and cuddly.

I just thought of a little kawaii death holding a strawberry bigger than him. Oh my heart.

I sit up too because I don't know what to do. Death wraps the blanket around me, pats my head and puts his arm diagonally across my back and his hand hooked under the back of my thigh. I lean against him.

He has fine legs too. All of him is just really fine. He's not even trying, I'm jealous.

"Do you have any plans today?"

"Yea I'ma have a girls day with Athena."

"What's that?"

I wanna mess with him. "You know damn well who Athena is."

He kisses my nose, "you know exactly what I'm talking about my butterfly."

"Do I? I'll tell her that you don't know her after all this time."

"She doesn't know I exist."

"I told her evvvverrryyyyyttthhhiiinnnggg."


"She told me my dreams are getting outta hand and writing stories is getting to my head."

"Exactly." He pulls me to sit between his criss-crossed legs, "now tell me what a girls day is."

I mess with Pikachu's ears. "It's just when girls hang out and talk about girl stuff."

"For how long?"

"However long. Usually an hour or many."

"Where will you be?"

"Her apartment and stores or parks, depends on the weather."

"Can I be a part of it?"

"Are you a girl?"

He looks at me like 'bitch do I look girl to you'? "No."

"Then you can't."


"Are you jealous?"

"No. It sounds pathetic."

"Boi just cuz you're jealous doesn't mean you have to insult my amazingly put together plan."

It was all last second too but no one knows.

"I don't need to be 'jealous'," he mocks, "I'll just keep you here."

I'm com-fuber-boble-dudled. The disrespect.

But what if he's serious? "Really?"

He grins, "of course not."

"Oh ok. Tomorrow we could have a girls day. A girl and guy day." I look up at him excited, "that would be so fuunnnnnn."

He nods along with my squeaky self.

A minute of silence. My date planning skills are astronomical.

"I'm stuck." He's always caging me. This time between his legs. My fat ass ain't that flexible like some cat.

He fucking smirks. "I know."

Damn. "Let me be free."


The hell? "I just wanna sit on your leg. Like damn my back hurts and I feel so short. And it's my basic right to move."

"Is that so?"

He lifts me onto his right leg.

"Yes it is. Thank you."

Yay, I'm not so short. Still shorter but only by an inch now. I kiss his nose.

"You make me wanna stay in bed till the end of time and cuddle you till my arms grow weak and I can't move them. I already wanted to stay in bed forever but you make it worse you big cuddly clingy asshole. Like whyyyyyyy??????"

He snickers, "Time doesn't end. Classes start in 20 minutes."

I jump off of him and the bed and walk to the closet door before stopping and turning to him.

"Did you see anything?"

He just stares at me, my face I think. I wait.


"Are you lying?"

"No. lying is too annoying to keep up with."



"School came from hell."

"Right? That's what I'm saying." Maybe that's why I don't see much there.

It made school and came up here cuz no one in hell wanted school either. I walk next to Athena as we leave the stupid fucking school. I gotta ask death if school came from hell.

The same death that didn't want to let me go. He wouldn't take his arms from around me till I had to threaten him. And what did I threaten him with?

No more kisses. So he immediately let go.

Me and Athena planned on exploring the stores, like Target. She always picks Target, I love Walmart more but the one around here sucks.

And someone gets shot at every other day. So sweet. So very fucking sweet.

Fucking idiots.

We drop our stuff off at her place before leaving yet again.

"So what's the news about the cashier guy?"

The vibes drastically change and she looks at me sad and angry and disappointed. I look at her with concern.

'He cheated."

"What? Huh?"

"He cheated."

"On you?"

"No, with me."


"Bitch, are you deaf? H.e. u.s.e.d. m.e. t.o. c.h.e.a.t."

"I heard you."

She shakes her head before getting in the car. I was mindlessly following her yet again so I walked around the car and got in. She joins traffic on the street.

"So what happened?"

"We were talking a whole lot. He then kissed me and after I found out he had a girlfriend so I told her."

"What did she say?"

"She's happy I told her and we plan to meet at the bar down the street at 8."



"Girl you aren't going alone to meet up with a stranger at a fucking bar."

"But it's for girls only."

"Doesn't mean shit. I'm coming along."

She smiles, "Thank you."

I look out the windows at the street shops and people walking around with their coats and heavy sweaters. Today was 50 which is much nicer than 0. The snow has melted and most of the ice. The birds and squirrels are happy with the wind that isn't freezing anymore.

The roads are so bumpy with big ass pot holes from the semi's. The sun is lasting longer. It's not night at 4 anymore.

The people look happier. Dogs look happier. The sky doesn't look so depressed or the buildings.

She pulls in the Target parking lot and we get out of the car.

"So what are we getting?"

"Soft things and jewelry."

She rolls her eyes and I snicker. I'ma get Snickers. Many of them.

So we went shopping. Getting a lot of things. Well not really but it felt like a whole lot. Our bank accounts said it was a whole lot.

And I did get a lot of Snickers. And earrings.

And she drove us back to her home and my old home. I wonder what happens with the bills. Do I still own it? Another thing to ask Death later.

She pulls out her keys from her pocket and unlocks the door. I follow her in before closing the door and locking it.

I dig in my pockets and give her a Snickers as soon as she turns back around. She takes it.


I hum a response. She walks over in front of her couch and sits on the floor. I follow.

"Why are you on the floor?"

"Sit down, I have questions."

Oh well this is surprising and unsettling. I sit on the floor in front of her.


"What's going on?"

I look at her stupidly, "whatcha mean?"

She looks at me like I'm stupid. I'm clueless, not stupid. Maybe both.

"You've skipped a lot of school for you and I don't ever see you."

"It was only maybe 2 days of school and I see you almost every day."

"'Almost'. It used to be multiple times a day. Then it went from once a day to not every day. If you're replacing me just admit it."

I'm shocked, "I'd never replace you. You're irreplaceable."

"Then why do you take forever to respond to my text? You're one of those people that respond instantly."

"Maybe my phone needs an update. I always respond as soon as I can."

"Then why don't you open the door when I knock?"

Oh fuck fuck fuck.

"My ears need an update."

She rolls her eyes.

"I just want to know if you're good."

"I'm fine."

"That's not good."

"I'm good too. I'm both."

"If that's what you say."

"It is. Now tell me more about the drama."

"She broke them up."

"How'd you tell her?"

"Well I was stalking his Instagram and saw most of his pictures with this girl. So I find her Instagram and she said on there that they have been together for a year and half."

"Poor girl. Poor you. Poor everyone except him."


She grabs the TV remote from the couch. "Half an hour till 8, what do we watch?"


She looks at me like 'hell no'. "You got to be joking."

"I am."

"Thank god."

She clicks through the channels till bones show up. I squeal so she leaves it on.


We're walking down the street. I insisted.

No one can follow us home if there's no car.

"I've never been to a bar."

"I know."

"How'd you know?"

"You told me 2 minutes ago."

"Oh yea." I look around the dark streets.

At least this time it's not 3am and I'm not lost or lonely.

"Ew there's people."

"Duh it's a bar."

"It's only Wednesday night. What the hell?"

"At least it's not the morning."

Alright that works I guess. Sorta. I follow her cuz she's been here like 2 times before and knows how these things work.

She shows the buff guy at the door her ID and I fight my wallet to find mine and give it to him.

Where's the long ass like of people full of shiny expensive clothes and makeup with their sophisticated speech? Their giant group of gossip friends.

He gives me my ID back. He doesn't have a buzz cut with black sunglasses and a boss stance. He looks more tired than anything. Poor guy.

I follow Athena in. It's not a giant bar with 800 things and people. I count 22 people.

"She's not here yet." She says before walking over to the counter thing while dragging me along.

She sits on a stool things and I sit next to her. I wanna spin around but then I'd hit the counter and fall off. That would be embarrassing. So I spin just a little.

Athena turns to look behind. I stop looking at the door and spin like I'm bougie to the counter before hitting my knee.

Ow. I look up to see the bartender lady with her black hair and brown eyes and brown skin and black sleeveless shirt. She has this dragon tattoo down her arm and pretty purple and black nails and a nose stud. And the most perfect makeup.

"You're so pretty." I'm awe struck.

She smiles, "thank you, now what do ya ladies want?"

I look at Athena for guideness. She looks at me disappointed before ordering.

Pina colada. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

"Thanks." The lady nods before walking to somewhere else.

I look at the time. It's been 3 minutes.

At 5 minutes I drank the drink. And asked the beautiful bartender for a virgin version because I shall not get drunk but I love coconut and pineapple.

Now I can't get any more or I'll go broke for the 2nd time today.

After some time the girl comes. Athena waves her post self at the front door over.

She introduces herself to me and I introduce myself to her. Her name is Alessandra.

She sits on the other side of Athena and they talk about what happened. I sorta listen while mindlessly staring out the windows to the night covered streets and buildings. Slightly spinning back and forth on the stool with no back support.

Cars make the ground move and the alley cats chase the squirrels. That's the first time I've seen cats chase anything.

They talk about similarities while strangers talk about drama that I don't think I should be hearing.

I was always and still am the background person that learns everything from the strangers, wether it be legal or not. Even in school.

Shit's crazy.

The strangers are talking about the murdered ex-husband. I decided to stop listening to that since I don't want to be part of it.

I'll just daydream instead. Daydream about what would be different in my life if there was no Death. Less stressful? Less enjoyable?

There would be less tears and horror but there wouldn't be as much fun and feelings. I wouldn't know whatever type of love this is would feel like. I wouldn't know what violent affection from gentle hands and lips would look like .

I wouldn't know what a lifeless house looks like. I wouldn't know what an extremely hot man would look like in person. I wouldn't know what a demon looked like or that horrifying monster.

I wouldn't be able to help him. I want to help him. I don't know what's bothering him but it shouldn't.

I don't know what he did to others but he hasn't done anything horrible to me so I won't watch a hidden past haunt him without helping. It's other's choice to ignore, mine isn't.

I spin on the chair thing and look at the time on my phone. I've been in another dimension for 40 minutes. I drink the rest of the coconut pineapple heaven. Athena and Alessandra seem to be saying their goodbyes. I say mine.

Athena calls over the bartender and we pay. I give her Snickers because she needs it.

While we're walking out I give one to the security man. He thanks me and we walk around the corner and start the journey to her apartment.

"Why are you giving out all your candy? Where do you even stash them?"

I open my sweater pockets to show her, "I got 29 more at your home. They need them."

"If you say so."

I smile like a buffoon before looking at the blurry street lights.

Well it's all blurry. And dizzy. The hell. But I feel so relaxed. Meh I'm just tired. Everything is pretty though. And eventually Athena is walking in front of me. She turns and looks at me.

"You drunk?"

"Naw, I only had one drink."

She walks back over, hooks her hand under mine and drags me along. I'm stumbling more than normal and soon walking feels hard to do.

It's all heavy and dizzy.


Y'all got tips for weight loss? I don't wanna be fat anymore lol.

My weight is embarrassing even tho I'm the only one that knows it 😃😂.

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