Chapter 1
The view we see before us shows the endless sky, looking down is the town of Musutafu in Japan.
You'd think that it'd be normal but... (something fast zooms past the screen) WHAT THE?!?!
Looking at the figure who dashed earlier was a tall fourteen year old boy with black hair styled to look like a frill and two horns. And oddly his arms weren't exactly arms at the moment, They were huge pteranodon wings. "WOOO!" The young man cried flying down low enough to see the city but not low enough to be spotted.
In this world there are things called quirks, odd genetic anomalies that people often gain that give them unusual features and additionally of one is lucky, super powers. Because of these powers a new profession rose, being an actual super hero.
"Almost at the school, better land before I'm spotted... huh?" The young man spoke looking down. Then saw a fight break out between a villain and a hero, unfortunately when heroes emerged so did villains who use their unique gifts to do as they please. Thankfully as said earlier, super heroes are always there to protect and defend.
"Woah, some sort of giant bad guy is going up against Kamui Woods" he added flying down before landing in an alley while running in front to catch the fight. 'If anyone is wondering, my name is Kyōryū but feel free to call me either Kyō or Ryū or both' he thought narrating. 'While animal based quirks aren't uncommon mine sure is, I'll tell you about it more later' he added before watching. "He's going for the tracks immobilize his wrist!" Kyō yelled. The wooden hero, Kamui woods, heard him and sling a wooden tendril over the villain's neck and caught his wrist before he could destroy the train tracks.
"Quick, pull your arm back, trust me it'll be hilarious" Ryū called out, again the hero listened and repeatedly pulled his arm back while also pulling the villain's hand. Making the thug repeatedly punch himself in the face, "now you may want to let go" he added stepping away from the fight, the man was confused until he heard a loud voice shouting. Immediately he let go when a giant woman suddenly leaped in and drop kicked the bad guy off the tracks. "And another one bites the dust" he smirked, "no really" Kyōryū then took out a camera and took a picture with the villain spitting out dirt.
When the giant villain began to regain consciousness he grew an ankylosaurus tail and bashed him in the head to knock him out again. "I hate bad guys like him that don't give up" he sighed, then heard a voice call out behind him. "Kyō-Chan!" Looking back he saw a green haired boy around his age running towards him who was wearing the same uniform "hey Midoriya, what's up?" He asked high giving him a high five. 'This guy here is my pal and classmate Izuku Midoriya, we've been friends since grade school. Like me he wants to be a hero like his favorite who is the symbol of peace All Might. Unfortunately though due to the fact he's quirkless by law he can't be. Though it hasn't stopped him, that's what I admire most as his friend' Kyō said.
"Didn't think I would run into you here, usually you'd be at school already" Izuku said to him, "well I saw the fight happening down bellow and like I'm gonna miss that" he replied giving a nervous laugh.
Then gestures to an alley "c'mon, if we hurry we can still make it too school" he said. The two went into the alley and suddenly a large pteranodon flew out carrying Izuku on his back, 'when it comes to quirks, there are usually three categories to put them in. One type is emitter' Ryū narrated. Emitter quirks give the user various abilities such as being able to produce flames, emit light or energy, as well as use mind control or telepathy. 'Another category is Mutation', Mutation quirks typically give their users the power of various animals or extra abilities. Some people have the characteristics of either frogs or toads, some of squids, even as dragons. While others have things like extra arms, a tail or even tentacles, as gross as it may seem.
'Then there's transformation', Transformation quirks do just as their category says, transform. Some times they turn the user into another form as in disguise themselves, others can change the molecular density and structure of their body to make themselves as hard as rock. 'And this here is my Quirk, I can't exactly describe how it works but it's original ability was to transform me into any dinosaur I could think of' Kyō explained mentally as the two approached their school, 'but over time my quirk always changed, so I decided to put it into a new secret category no one knows about called evolving quirks. These are abilities that have one basic use then change and grow stronger over time... now me and Midoriya gotta bolt or else the teacher will have our heads!!!'
We now go to a classroom with the teacher was getting ready to hand out career papers "Okay everyone settle down, I was going to hand out your career paper worksheets to see what job you all would want in the future, but eh, I already know you all want to be heroes" he said.
All students present cheered as he was right when they displayed all their quirks, 'can't blame them, being a hero is considered the most wanted jobs for us young guys to have' Kyō thought. That's when an irritatingly obnoxious voice spoke "don't lump me with these extras teach", the voice in question belonged to a blonde teen with spiky hair. The voice had actually seemed to irritate Kyōryū, evident to his less than discrete loud growl.
"Oh shut up Bakugou! You aren't any better than us!" One random student said "you wanna day that again? I can take all of you on, I'll probably be the new number 1 hero and bump down All Might" the boy addressed as Bakugou said. Again Kyō growled, 'this self centered arrogant son of a... jerk is Katsuki Bakugou. He was me and Izuku's friend back then, nowadays though I hate his guts. After finding out Izu was quirkless he treated him like garbage, even tried to blow him up with his explosion Quirk' he narrated.
'Thankfully I got back at him, he may have turned his back on Midoriya, but I won't, my green haired broccoli friend's helped me through hard times so it's only fair I do...' "Oy! Why don't yah learn some humility Baka-gou! It'll probably do you some good" Kyōryū insulted. Making the temperamental blonde look at him "you wanna go pea brain?!" Katsuki retorted. 'The reason I insulted Bakugou by calling Baka-gou? Once he turned his back on Izu he started calling him Deku which means nothing and useless. So as revenge I call him a Baka since his idiotic pride seems to fit' he then laughs heartily.
"Pea brain?! Oh that's rich! Ironic since compared to you! My cranial cavity is the largest compared to any other human" he said, 'yeah I used the cranial cavity size of a Velociraptor to expand my own's size to allow my brain to grow and become smarter. It worked to be honest, but I wouldn't recommend any of you readers try it.'
Bakugou growled in annoyance "ah that's right Bakugou, you're attending UA on recommendation aren't you?" The teacher asked. The grenade smirked at that "you shouldn't act so smug Baka, you're not the only one getting into UA" Kyō said. "I also got in, both practically and on recommendation" he added, "oh that's right, with both of your powerful quirks you'll be heroes without an issue" he added again.
Which made Katsuki irritated, 'I hope teach adds the fact that Izu is going to, I want to see Katsuki blow up because of that' Ryū thought. And lucky for him the educational instructor had mentioned it, which made Bakugou even more mad.
"What?! Why are you getting in Deku?!" He demanded from the greenette, who got scared by the outburst, "well Mr. Midoriya has been ranked one in all subjects since his first year, additionally they've made some adjustments to the admission requirements to UA so even students with no quirks can attend" the teacher added. Kyō then spoke again "can't argue with that, Izu May not have a quirk, or he's probably a late bloomer, but he sure has got the will and determination to be a hero. Not to mention while he may not have any powers he definitely ain't useless as you put it" he said making Bakugou angrier. "Like for instance, as Sensei said Izu here is rank one in all classes, and he's pretty smart. He literally able to figure out the weaknesses of any quirk he sees simply by figuring out what it does in little time, if that ain't power I don't know what is" he added on.
Thankfully class was starting so Katsuki wasn't able to go on a rampage, once it was over though Kyōryū started packing up his stuff at a quick rate. 'If we can get out of here now I can help Izuku with his combat practice without being harassed by Katsuki' he thought only to hear said broccoli head.
With Midoriya, he was packing up his stuff when Bakugou suddenly grabbed his notebook which was titled Hero analysis for the future #13 "What's this? Hero Analysis for the future? You really think you can become a hero by studying? Ha! You really are a useless Deku! You wanna know how to become a hero fast? Go jump off the building" Bakugou laughed. Midoriya felt hurt as he always did when Kachan treated him like this, he always tried to hide it but his long time friend Kyō-chan already knew. As Izuku he tried to get his notebook back Bakugou, who was just about ready to blow it up, he suddenly cried out in pain. And by he it was Bakugou, Something hard had stuck his arms hard enough to make him let go of the book, along with leave three deep bruises and cuts in his arm.
A loud growl was heard as a three clawed arm grabbed Katsuki by the shoulder and pinned him to the wall, the claw had been revealed to be Kyōryū. Who had a really intense scowl on his face, "that's it! I've Had enough!" He said in a loud stern voice "I've put up with a lot of the crap you've done over the years Katsuki Bakugou, but literally telling someone to commit suicide has crossed the line" to make sure Katsuki got it through his head he pressed the claw tips into his shoulder making him grit his teeth in pain as he tried to get himself free.
"Like I'm allowing you to go unpunished this time" the dinosaur armed boy said "Therizinosaurus arm" Kyōryū's other arm then began to change shape. It took on the form of a feathery three fingered limb with claws as long as a person's forearm, he rose it above his head and slammed it down against the wall above Katsuki reaping both his hands. And surprisingly the claws aligned with the bruises the explosion User received, "let's get something straight, if I ever catch you trying to hurt Izu or anyone severely in any way, be it hurting them on a personal level or even trying to physically injure them, I'll make you pay with your very short life" he threatened.
The blonde grunted scowling before being let go, "come on Izu, I don't want to spend any more time around him that we already need to" the black hair said, "Uh... okay..." Midoriya replies before packing up the rest of his stuff and walked out with his classmate. We now see them walking down a street with Izuku looking a bit down, looking back Kyō saw and instantly responded "you okay Izu?" He asked, "you didn't have to do that you know. I mean I appreciate you standing by my side but you know this always happens" he replied.
"I know I didn't Izu but... Katsuki just makes me real mad! Plus you're my friend and seeing you being treated so badly, it makes me sick to my stomach. I can't just let something like that go" Kyōryū said, "so are we going to go for combat practice today?" Izuku asked, "after Katsuki's latest rant, we have to. No doubt he's gonna want to get even with me, then go after you. So both of us have to be ready" the dinosaur quirked boy then gestured to a bridge, the two jumped down where Izuku removes his uniform shirt.
He was revealed to be wearing a white tank top underneath with a lot of decent muscle under his belt. "Okay, maneuver one? Or delta strike?" Kyō asked, "not sure? Want to make a new one?" Izu replies, "I have a better idea" another voice said. The two then saw a manhole get blown off as slime began to rise out of the sewer opening.
"Why don't one of you become my new meat shield?" It asked making a face, revealed to be a villain!!! "Option 4! RUN!!" Kyō yelled before turning into a Pteranodon and grabbed Izuku in his feet. Then dodged the slime villain as the green hair grabbed their bags and clothes, "got 'em let's bow this chicken coop!" Midoriya said as the ancient reptile began to fly away. Only to be grabbed by a slime tendril "where do you think you're going?!" It asked pulling them back, Ryū gasped before trying to fly faster.
As they neared the villain Izuku was desperately trying to smack the slime off with a pipe he found sticking out of the ground. "Come on! Let us go!" They yelled, "like I said, I'm gonna use one of you two as a meat shield, then dispose of the other so no witnesses" the sludge said.
"Help!" That was when a loud voice yelled "DETROIT SMAAAAAAAASH!!!" All of a sudden the slime was blasted off Izu's leg by some powerful force. "What the Hell?!" The Pteranodon cursed, regaining his balance they saw who saved them. It was him, the #1 hero himself, the very symbol of peace, All Might!!
"OH MY GOD WE JUST GOT SAVED BY ALL MIGHT!!!" Izuku exclaimed in pure joy like the fanboy he is. "Woah my! Okay besides the fact Katsuki ranted today and the villain attacks this makes up for today's hell" Kyō said flying down to meet their hero.
"All Might! Omg this is so amazing! My name is Izuku Midoriya! This is my best friend Kyōryū Furuya! I'm your biggest fan!" Izu said. Kyō bower and spoke "thanks for saving us sir, I really didn't want to have anyone inside me... that sounded so wrong..." he said shivering.
"Regardless it's always nice to here a sign of gratitude, it was my pleasure" All Might said to them. "Oh before you go would you please sigh my... WAAAHH?!?!" Izuku exclaimed. "Izu? What's wron... What the heck how did you do that so fast?!"
The hero had already autographed Midoriya's note book "this is a family treasure!" The fan boy said, "better not let Baka-gou get it then" Ryū jokes. "Anyways stay safe, I've got to find out where that fiend went, he escaped just before you landed" All Might said before super jumping. "Well that was eventful, so Izu, want to continue sparring or... Izu?" Kyōryū looked around the area but couldn't find his green haired buddy. "Where could he possibly... don't tell me..." looking up he saw his friend... as he was stuck on All Might's leg in mid jump.
"Oh no Midoriya don't worry I'll save you!" He yelled turning into a pterosaur and took to the skies. "Izu what were you thinking?!" Kyō screeched "I didn't do anything I tripped when I was gonna thank All Might and accidentally grabbed his leg! Help I'm gonna die!!" Midoriya screamed.
"Don't let go of his leg Izu!!!"
At that moment All Might saw Izuku clinging to his leg "what the?! What are yah doing kid?! That's dangerous!" He yelled "it was an accident!!"
The two were then picked up by the ancient flying reptile, (a/n: I already got called out once by someone else on deviant art for calling a Pteranodon a dinosaur even though they are only close relatives. I'm not upset about it but I am a bit flustered since I'm a dinosaur fanatic yet I called it a dinosaur. Plus I don't want to get chewed off by some other fanatic so just putting it out there). "Sorry about that, I'll let you down here" Kyō said flying down to a building rooftop. He let the two down and changed back, "quite the power you have..." all of a sudden a puff of smoke blasted from All Might which blinded the two. "Gah heh what happened?!" Midoriya exclaimed.. and in All Might's place was a skinny man with the same blonde hair who looked a little close to death. "Hey, where's All Might" he asked.
"Well you see... I am All Mig... SPWWW!!!" The man said before coughing up blood scaring the two boys. "I KNEW IT ALL MIGHT'S QUIRK HAS A DEADLY DRAW BACK!!! THE CAKE WAS A LIE!!!" Kyō let out, "sorry had to say it at least once" he apologized.
"But that's impossible All Might It's a giant of a man who is three times my size." Izuku said, "You know how people flex to look bigger and broader are at the pool? I am like that" All Might explained, "oh so is my cousin, he almost destroyed his lungs for holding in his breath for too long trying to look buff"
"Still it can't be, All Might is the symbol of peace fighting to defend all with a smile on his face" Izuku said. All Might sighed "trust me kid, there's a lot of fear behind that smile" he lifted his shirt to show a gnarly scar on the left side of his mid section. "Nice Huh? I got this some five years ago, my respiratory system got completely destroyed, and my stomach gained a big hole in it making it smaller. Because of this I can only do hero work for about three hours a day" the symbol of peace explained.
"Oh man that has to hurt" Kyōryū said looking at the scar, "Wait five years ago? That was with your battle with toxic change saw wasn't it?" Izuku asked, All Might looked surprised "huh, smart kid, but no, not even he could bring me down, that battle I tried to keep from the public. So I'm trusting you not to tell anyone" he said. "Not a problem!" Kyō replies doing a lips are zipper gesture "same, but could you answer a question for me?" Izuku asked. Kyōryū knew he was going to ask if someone like him, who was quirkless, could be a hero and was about to stop him because he didn't want to hear All Might's response.
Until he heard a noise, "huh?" Listening more he heard the sound was coming from a long distance away 'predatory dinosaur ears are really strong, what're yah gonna do?' He narrated before running to the edge "Midoriya I'll be back for you later! I sense something bad is happening or may happen" Ryū said before turning into an archaeopteryx jumped off the building.
Flying to the source of the sound he saw it was coming from a sewer manhole in an alley across the street from where he perched, "I guess I found that sludge villain, better tell All Might" he said before seeing a familiar blonde enter the alley way. "Great, I'll just fly close to the wall so he doesn't see me" he said only for the manhole cover to fly off with the villain sliming out.
"Oh lookie here, a new meat sack I can hide in!" He yelled grabbing Bakugou, "eh I'll let him figure his own way out" Ryū said attempting to fly away only to hear explosions. The villain already managed to gain some control over his victim, this had already caught the attention of heroes as more arrived on the scene to stop him. Kamui woods was getting people out of the nearby buildings that were on fire from Katsuki's explosion Quirk, the giant woman from earlier named Mount Lady had arrived also but she was stuck between some buildings due to her size altering quirk.
Another hero named Backdraft was busy putting out fires with water blasts, none of them had even begun to get close to the sludge villain. "I'm sure they can Handle him... pro heroes can..." Kyō said trying to fly away, then looked back again seeing Katsuki desperately trying to get out. 'Just get out of here! He doesn't need my help... he.. he doesn't...' as much as Kyōryū tried, he couldn't fight against the inner voice inside him yelling to save Bakugou.
"GRAH YOU OWE ME FOR THIS!!!" He shrieked, everyone turned to see the bird like dinosaur flying low to the ground and transform into a giant Allosaurus. Kyō then ran through the flames of the explosions, the tough hide which was the scales of the dinosaur protecting him from the fire, and saw the sludge villain. "Dammit You sludge let that idiot go!" He roared before bitting onto Katsuki's shoulder and tugging back "if anyone's gonna kick his butt! It's gonna be me!" He grunted trying to pull him out.
After most of Katsuki's body was free of the sludge the allosaurus began to pull away to wrench his classmate free completely. "Hey let go! I don't need your help!" Bakugou yelled "just take the help before you're a slime's meat suit!" He retorted when the sludge's tendrils began to slime their way towards him "forget this guy, his explosions may be powerful but your power can make me unstoppable!" The villain.
"Let them go!" A voice yelled, all of a sudden Midoriya appeared and threw the pipe he had at the slime's eye which made him let some of his tendrils go "axe Kick!" The green hair then used his leg to cut off the other tendrils grabbing Bakugou. "C'mon we gotta move" the dinosaur roared as he picked up Izu and ran out of the fires with the villain following.
"Come back here! You can't escape me!" He roared, only for a familiar face to show up and ready his fist "All Might?!" Izuku gasped, "I told you the traits of a champion, yet I wasn't living up to my own ideals!" He then grabbed Kyō's tail and swung him out of the alley to safety with Bakugou and Midoriya hanging on. "Pros and Heroes are always risking their lives to save people! That is the true test of a hero!" "DETROIT SMASH!!!!" He punched the villain again. This time it was an uppercut that may as well have obliterated the slime ball and sent a powerful updraft into the air. Dang move even changed the weather, "damn..." he muttered... then turned into a Pteranodon and grabbed Izuku "You'll never catch me alive slimey!!!" Kyō let our while flying away "w-Wait! Kyō-Chan the villain's already defeated, why are we running?!" Midoriya asked.
Afterwards Bakugou was constantly asked questions regarding him being a hostage for the sludge villain. Thankfully no one recognized either Kyō or Izu when they went on to save him, so they managed to evade being scolded by the heroes about doing something extremely reckless. "We May have not gotten recognition but at least we didn't get scolded" Kyōryū said as Izuku nodded in agreement.
Then the dinosaur kid ranted "but what the heck why is Bakugou getting praised?! He got flipping captured by that slime ball and was completely under his control! I don't expect a thank you but maybe an over the shoulder glance with some shred of gratitude" Kyō said as Izu sweat dropped. 'There's my prehistoric friend since kindergarten' he thought, thats when Bakugou showed up again, he said that just because they rescued him from the villain doesn't mean they can look down on him. "Oh no worries I ain't gonna look down on yah for getting captured" Ryū said.
That confused Katsuki and Izuku, 'that's weird, normally Kyō Chan says for Kacchan to piss off or something like that' the green hair thought. 'The only thing that I'll be looking down on you for is being a big ole jerk and bully" he finished making him scowl, 'ahhh there it is' "also question, what's Australia also called, which is also the worst place to be hit in?" He asked again.
"Huh?" The two were confused by his question, then looking down they instantly understood "oh no..." "DOWN UNDER!!!" In that moment Kyōryū grew an ankylosaurus Tail and bashed Katsuki straight between the legs and sent him flying four blocks which landed him at his house. "And it's outta the park!!" He joked "you really should calm down when around Kacchan" Izuku said shivering. "Eh not like he didn't deserve it" Ryū replied as All Might jumped out of nowhere "I Am Here!" Making Izuku scream.
"All Might?! But how did you get away from those reporters?!" Izu asked, All Might laughed, "I stand for justice not sand bites, because I am All Might!" He then deflated again.
"Want a bottle of water?" Ryū asked, he shook his head "Thanks for the offer but no, Any ways of you hadn't told me about your life, if you hadn't ran into that crowd, I would've been a hopeless bystander so thanks" the hero turned skinny said. "Oh no it was my fault he was there to begin with" Izuku apologized.
"I got in the way of your hard work, I wasted your energy and your time" he said. "I'm not done, you told me you didn't have a power, and when I saw this timid quirkless boy trying to save a life. It inspired me to act to" All Might said.
Midoriya looked at him, "there are stories about every hero, how they became great. Most have one thing in common, their bodies moved before they even had a chance to think" Kyōryū's eyes then widened. even though he knew to leave it to the pro heroes his body and instincts were telling him to go in and save Katsuki. Additionally He also knew that Izuku wouldn't go into a situation like that at his own will. And he was right, Izuku, thought as terrified of being killed, had risked his life to save Bakugou.
"Almost on their own" Izuku then began tearing up and slightly doubling over. "Young Midoriya" All Might said looking at him.
"I deem you worthy of my power" I heard all light say, both Izuku and Kyōryū looked at the pro. "My quirk is yours to inherit", understandably both of them were confused by his statement.
'As another fact, this is the story of how I became one of the world's many greatest super heroes'
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