For NiKkIRoSeqwp
Pirate!England x colony!america
On one of England's many pirate voyages, Alfred gets kidnapped by enemy pirates.
Ever since England found his precious America, he took him on every voyage he went on. America loved sailing and England was happy to have such an enthusiastic colony as his little brother. He taught America to sail, to read a map and the stars, and even how to sword fight. It got to the point where it seemed like America was his son, not brother. England's crew loved America immensely, always playing with him or helping him practice his skills.
One crew member specifically was named Rex, a sly but loyal servant of the crown. He had been with England since he was a boy, was his first mate, and welcomed Alfred with open arms. However, as months of pirating went by, he became more docile to Alfred. He was jealous of the younger boy's attention from everybody. Alfred got a lot of praise for literally nothing, while he would get scolded just for overcooking the potatoes.
Then, during one of England's raids, it happened. Arthur has become preoccupied with Alfred's wellbeing, surrendering Rex to the enemies they were battling in favor of his colony. England shouted apologies to Rex, but the damage was done as he watched the Englishman sail away. He swore revenge on Arthur if it was the last thing he would do.
And boy, did Rex follow through with his promise.
Nearly a decade passed them by and England was in his study. He was looking over documents about his recent "earnings" when he heard a cannon go off. He shot up and ran to the deck, seeing Alfred holding a candle. He quickly hid it behind his back, puffing his cheeks out.
"Alfred Fredrick Jones! Did you set off that canon?!" Arthur marched over and picked him up. Alfred shook his head so Arthur cocked his eyebrow, "then why may I ask, is there a lit candle behind your back?" Arthur smirked as Alfred waved the candle and it's smoke rises above his head.
"What lit candle, Iggy?" Arthur chuckled and set Alfred down. He knelt in front of him and kissed his forehead.
"Alfred, cabins are dangerous weapons. If you don't use them properly a lot of people could get hurt. I trust you not to use them without permission again, alright?" Arthur gave Alfred a stern glare, making Alfred nod rapidly. Arthur then got up and walked over to his first mate, Skipper. The young man ran to him in a fit of panic.
"Captain, ships off the starboard bow! They fly the blood flag!" Skipper yelled. Arthur immediately looked and growled.
"Fly the blood flag, arm the canons, prepare for no quarter! Skipper, take Alfred to the hidden compartment under my desk and do not let him out until I retrieve you!" Arthur picked up Alfred and placed him into Skipper's arms. The crew followed orders exactly and a bloody battle ensued.
An hour passed and Skipper was still huddling Alfred tightly. The sound of cannon fire could be felt by the rattling compartment and many screams echoed through the hardwood. Alfred whimpered, worries about his Iggy. That's when they heard the door open and footsteps head right towards them. Skipper sighed in relief, as only the first mate, Alfred, and Arthur knew if this place. The door to the compartment began to open and Alfred leaped into the person, assuming it to be England.
"I'm glad you're ok, Iggy!" Alfred yelped happily. That's when Alfred felt more hands grab at him. Skipper drew his cutlass but was stabbed in the shoulder before he could. He looked up and saw Rex, smirking down at him. Skipper then pretended to die, making Rex withdraw his cutlass and sheath it. He grabbed the thick ropes from the red curtains, tying Alfred up.
"This is the boy we need to finally get back at him! Let's go boys!" As soon as Rex left the room with the others, Skipper followed. Rex looked to his crew and handed Alfred off to a bigger man, "take him aboard. Everyone retreat! We have the blonde boy!!!" at that, Arthur's head shot up. He looked to the enemy plank and saw a muscular man carrying Alfred potato sack style. He growled as the men retreated, sailing off with Alfred. Arthur instantly swung into action and got to the wheel.
"RING THE FLANK BELL!!! ARM THE CHASE GUNS!!! FIRE AT WILL!!!" Arthur demanded as he gave chase to the ships who stole his colony. His teeth were gritted as he attempted to catch up, "those bloody arses! They raised a blood flag! They weren't supposed to take prisoners!" Arthur aimed his ship towards the retreating fleet, his chase guns firing at them. However, by a stream of awful luck, he missed all his shots. He ran to the bowsprit and began to cry, "Alfred!" only the sound of adult laughter could be heard, "Alfred!!!" the laughing got fainter as the ships escaped, "ALFRED!!!" the ocean remained quiet as the ships disappeared.
Arthur had become distraught at the loss of his colony, he could only imagine the awful things those dirty men were doing to his pure little angel. As months passed, Arthur became a ruthless pirate who always flew the blood flag. The only thing that saved the other ships were if they flew the white flag, but that was rare. Within five years, when people heard the name Arthur Kirkland, they shivered in absolute fear.
A few more decades passed when Arthur had made a pitstop in a small ocean village to resupply his ship. That's when he noticed a flyer on a post with red letters.
Arthur sighed and decided to go to the auction for the hell of it. When he walked upon the crowd they all parted for him. His signature red tailcoat and emerald eyes were enough for all of them to recognize him. England decided to sit in the front row, a hard scowl on his face. One by one, the slim youngsters were sold to the highest bidder. None of them caught Arthur's eye, until the final one.
"Now, gentlemen! Our final boy is the strongest of the bunch! Once he hurled an entire cannonball like a feather from port to starboard! He has been known as a great swordsman, repairmen, and Miss Molly from prior captains," that got a chuckle from some men, "this is Fred," out walked a slightly taller teen. He was no more than fourteen and had golden blonde hair. England scoffed and looked at the boy, but his eyes widened. He knew this boy, he knew his face, his rare blue eyes, and his unique cowlick on the front of his head, "we will start the bidding at-"
"60,000 doubloons, take it or leave it!" Arthur stood up with a sack of money, daring anybody to challenge him. He glanced at the silent crowd, as the auctioneer gulped.
"G-going once, t-tw-" Arthur shot him a deadly glare, making the auctioneer shove the boy into Arthur's arms. Arthur calmly walked off, carrying the boy potato sack style. When Arthur got back aboard his ship, he went right to his office and locked the door. He placed 'Fred' on his desk and untied his binds. He threw the ropes to the sides and looked to Alfred's face.
"Alfred?" Arthur whispered. Alfred's eyes widened when he heard the all to familiar tone. He began to cry and collapsed into Arthur's arms.
"Iggy, is it really you?" Alfred whimpered as he clutched Arthur's white top. The older nodded and tightly wrapped his arms around his lost boy, kissing him over and over.
"You need a bath, my little man," Arthur led him to his chambers, where he had a personal bathroom. He got some warm water from the kitchen and poured it with a mix of ocean water. He then went to unbutton Alfred's shirt, but Alfred quickly snatched his wrists. His grip was very tight, making Arthur wince in pain. Alfred immediately took his hands away.
"S-sorry Iggy, it's a force of habit. I can undress by myself, thanks," Alfred shivered as he took off his clothing, his skin scarred and bruised. Arthur was mortified at the sight and began to feel tears come to his eyes. As soon as Alfred got in the bath, Arthur knelt beside him.
"I want the name of every captain who did this to you, Alfred. I'll loot the crap out of them and make them suffer," Arthur gently pressed a rag to Alfred's horrid wounds. Alfred hissed in pain as the warm water cleaned his skin.
"The physical damage doesn't compare to the mental damage. These things are nothing compared to all the 'naughty things' they did. Iggy, I don't think I can ever go to Heaven. Not anymore. I've become to impure," Alfred began to cry as Arthur fixed his wounds. Arthur cried at Alfred's tears, kissing his temple.
"You were forced to do those things my dear, Heaven will gladly accept you," Arthur finished cleaning Alfred, dried him off, and gave him warm clothing. He then went to the kitchen and got some soup the chef had made, feeding Alfred the warm liquid. Finally, Arthur tucked Alfred into his bed, letting him rest.
"Iggy, you won't let me go again, right?" Alfred asked shakily, holding Arthur's hand gently. Arthur shook his head and kissed his temple, squeezing the hand he was holding back tightly.
"Never again Alfred," Arthur rubbed Alfred's head until he fell asleep. He then left the room and met up with Skipper, who was now older. The two went to his office, where Arthur proceeded to cry his eyes out.
Days passed and Alfred got used to the crew and working aboard Arthur's ship. Some members remembered the young American boy and gladly showed him affection, which slightly triggered him sometimes. America's silence and Arthur's tender care of him led everyone to assume the worst. It was only when Alfred woke up from a night terror did Arthur spill the beans about what Alfred had been through. The other crew members were livid and considering that Alfred couldn't have been physically four made it worse.
The days continued to pass until a familiar ship sailed in the distance. Alfred looked up from swabbing the deck to see it, flying the Jolly Roger on the mast peak. Alfred's eyes widened and he dropped the broom, beginning to shake. Skipper took note of the new behavior coming from the boy and went into action, taking him to a hidden compartment in the ship. It had been moved since Alfred was taken to prevent any further kidnappings. Skipper stayed with Alfred as the past began to repeat itself. But this time, Alfred wanted to fight.
"Skipper, I want to fight them. I want to take my revenge for what they stole from me," Alfred's voice was deep and lifeless. It scared Skipper to see the once lively Alfred turn so hurt and broken. Skipper nodded to the blonde and grabbed a few different swords.
"Take your pick, I'll back you all the way," Skipper advised with a sly smile. Alfred smirked back and grabbed a cavalry saber, walking to the deck with Skipper who brandished a cutlass. He saw the man who stole his innocence fighting Arthur. He didn't like the looks of it, his elder brother fighting the monster who was the first to take away his only hope at Heaven. Grabbing ahold of his nerves, he charged at Rex with inhumane power. Neither men saw it coming and Rex was flung against a bunch of barrels. Arthur looked and saw the burning lust for revenge in Alfred's eyes.
"Lad, are you sure you want-"
"Captain," Skipper held Arthur's shoulder, "this is a matter of him repossessing his lost innocence. He is not doing it as to prove himself a man, but simply retrieve the childhood innocence that was stolen," Skipper gently led Arthur back as many of the fights aboard halted. Alfred approached Rex with utter disgust, his blade dragging painfully against the wooden floorboards. Rex finally got his bearings and stood up, reading to fight again. But Alfred kicked him to the ground and put his blade to Rex's neck.
"What, you going to kill me, Alfred? Go ahead and do it! You really want to be a man, don't you? Don't give me quarter if I don't deserve it," Rex smirked as he saw the emptiness in Alfred's eyes, knowing he caused the child to be like that. Alfred snarled as he put the blade closer to Rex's neck.
"I find it funny how you think being a man is showing no mercy. Being a man, if anything, is the opposite. Being a man means you fight those who are equal to you in strength or greater. Being a man is knowing when to give quarter and be the bigger person. Being a man is defending those who can't defend themselves. Captain Rex, you are by no means a man. You are a coward," Alfred picked up Rex by his collar with his super strength, "and if you ever come aboard any of my big brother's ships again, I can promise you that no quarter will be given to you or any scallywag you call a crew," Alfred tossed Rex overboard and glared at the other members of Rex's crew. The men scurried like mice off the ship, rescuing their captain before they sailed off.
The men cheered happily at Alfred and Arthur hugged him close, kissing his temple. The crew agreed that Alfred should have a normal life from then out, so Arthur decided to let Alfred live in his house in the colonies. Alfred's toughness became known throughout the seven seas and many people flocked to America in hopes of being protected by him.
Alfred grew rapidly because of the massive rising population and became sixteen not even ten years after being sent to live in the colonies. He eventually met France, who Arthur had confided in one drunken night and spilled literally everything. Alfred didn't mind since France swore he'd never tell another soul and he trusted the flamboyant blonde nation. Then, Alfred met Washington, who he told about his past. Washington felt bad for the boy and embraced him tightly, but then smiled. Saying words that Alfred never forgot.
"You are the nation that lets go of the horrible past and turns for a bright future. You are the nation who unchains men of their history and allows them to start over. Alfred, my boy, you are the nation of the free!"
Alfred knew that much of that was true.
The United States of America would be the land of the free.
But, he would also be the home of the brave. The brave men and women who fought their past and allowed themselves a brighter future.
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