Chapter 9: Violet (Hopeless Romantic)

Hey guys! Welcome to chapter 9! Today's chapter song is Hopeless Romantic by Megan Trainer.

"Violet?" I asked. Aaron cupped my cheek, studying me. Aaron soon nodded. "Their violet Lilly." Aaron said worriedly. My eye's widened. "Your serious?" I asked. Aaron nodded. "How is that possible?" Coal asked. He came close and looked at me from over Aaron's shoulder. "And so they are..." Coal mumbled. I looked at everyone. That doesn't make sense! I think. Are any of your family members a werewolf? Aaron asked. I didn't know they existed till I met you. I respond. Aaron sighed. I don't know any other way your eye's could have changed. Aaron thought, becoming stressed. The fact that I could feel it was pretty cool, know what he's feeling. I was becoming stressed myself. What am I? I asked myself. Aaron shook his head. Don't matter what you are. Just know I'll still love you. Aaron thought. I felt worry and pain, it was slight, meaning that it was Aaron's emotions. I hugged him. I won't lie, I was now terrified. I didn't know what was going to happen to me. I didn't know what I was anymore. I didn't even know who I was enymore. Aaron brought me in a hug. "She okay?" Jarom asked. "She's freaking out." Aaron answered. I was freaking out, I felt like I was more than freaking out. I thought I was going crazy. Maybe even insane! Aaron started rocking back and forth to try and calm me down. "Maybe she needs more food? Food always calms me down." Mary suggested. "I don't think that's it, but I'll make more pancakes. Just Incase she does decide to eat. She was eating like no tomorrow yesterday. Maybe she's still hungry." Haley said and went into the kitchen. "I'm going to go in town and see if any other wolves know what a going on. Maybe we can find her mom or Dad. See if we can get information." Jarom suggested. "We're not bringing her Dad anywhere near her!" Aaron growled. "I didn't say we had to. But maybe we can force something out of him." Jarom refrased. I started trembling. God what if I was half werewolf or something and never knew about it!? I screamed at myself. "Lilly calm down please. Your going to be okay." Aaron assured. My legs were becoming weak. "Maybe some fresh air will help?" Mary asked. Aaron nodded and walked me outside. As soon as we got a distance from the house, I collapsed. My knees couldn't walk. Aaron had to catch me, I really couldn't walk. It's like my legs didn't have any muscles. "You okay?" Aaron asked. I shook my head. "I don't know what's happening to me!" I cried. Aaron nodded. Why would I think she's okay? She's panicking! Aaron yelled at himself. "I appreciate you checking though. I'm sorry I yelled. I just don't know what to do!" I cry. Aaron set me down ext to a tree. A dark wolf came from behind a bush. Aaron looked at it, I was to scared to do anything but tremble. "Who are you?" Aaron asked. The wolf formed back. I feel shock and suprize slightly. Aaron holds me to him tighter. "What do you want?" Aaron growled. "I want my daughter back." The voice said. A voice that I knew all to well. The voice of a man I wish to forget about. I looked at him. His eyes were w bright blue instead of the hazel they usually were. I'm like half wolf!!!! AND I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW ABOUT IT! I scream. Aaron looked at me, holding me close. "Now That she knows, she probably needs to form." My Dad smirked. Aaron growled. "That could kill her." Aaron growled deeply. "Oh well... nature's nature." My Dad smirked. Aaron formed, attacking my dad. My dad dodged and ran towards me. Jarom had jumped infront of me before my dad could get 3 feet infront of me. Jarom attacked instantly, Haley, Ocean, Coal, Creamy, Woody, and Snappy joining into the fight. Ocean, Coal, and Woody were standing guard, making sure my dad couldn't get anywhere near me. My dad formed and ran off due to being outnumbered. That's when I felt my bone crack, it snapped for no reason at all, causing me to scream in pain. Aaron noticed instantly and was at my side in seconds. Another bone snapped causing me to now scream in agony. The process continued, the world was becoming slightly larger. I could smell a deer not that far off, a couple bunnies and a whole bunch of rats. How I knew what they were, don't ask, because I have no idea. I tried to speak when the pain stopped but all that came out was a bark. Eric had come along with a bunch of other wolves. Must be from his now old pack or were his friends. A light grey wolf apriched me. He formed into his human form, and checked my heart rate. "How is she?" I hear Aaron asked. The guy shook his head. "Not good... after all, in a situation like this they only have a 10% chance of living. But in her condition. She's doing better than what I would expect." The man answered. "Is there a house near by? She needs to be on a bed or soft and comfortable suface." The guy said. Aaron nodded, "There's a house dust a couple minutes away." Aaron answered. The guy nodded. "Who can carry her? Just a reminder, one wrong step or move and she'll die. But if she stays out here, her chances of living are out the window." The guy said. "What do I need to avoid?" Aaron asked. "You need to try and make the walk as smooth as possible, he bones a fragile sense it's her first time shifting. You break a bone and it could cause an internal bleed. Which would drown her." The guy said. Aaron nodded, and slowly, and carefully lifted me up. My body limped into his chest as I felt him carefully walk. Once we got to the house Aaron carefully went up the stairs. Someone opened the bedroom door and Aaron gently placed me on the bed. "I never thought he could be so gentle." I hear Creamy say. "Yeah me neither." Snappy agreed. I can barely make a face of the guy. Doc. He had almost white hair, with brown eyes. One eye was a dark green. I thought, creating his nickname. Aaron smiled. I feel Aaron pet my head softly. "If her heart rate starts speeding up, I'm going to need you to calm her as much as possible." Doc said. Aaron nodded, understanding. He pulled something out, What it was I don't know. My vision was to blurred. I feel a slight pinch in my neck. My vision slowly started to come back as some liquid fills my veins. I whimpered slightly. I can see just fine now. "How do you feel?" Doc asked. How do I even communicate? If I'm a wolf right now, I'm pretty sure that I can't talk. "You'll be talking through me." Aaron answered. I feel pain. I think. "Painful." Aaron said. Doc nodded, is that all?" Doc asked. Shooken, feel like I'm insaine. Is that normal? I ask. Aaron chuckled. "Yeah, with your situation, I can say that's normal." Aaron answered. "I'm going to give you a medication, it's going to streangthen your bones in a matter of minutes. Only problem is, it's going to be painful." Doc said. Countdown? I ask. "On three." Aaron said. Doc nodded, injecting the shot. HEY! YOU SAID ON THREE! WHAT HAPPENED TO 1,2, AND 3!? I yell. Aaron chuckled. "One...." Doc started. Oh, he was just getting ready. I think. "2....." He said and injected the shot into my body. My eye's widened as I feel intense pain press through my body. He pulled the shot out. "3..." Doc smiles. I started to whimper and growl. The pain increased. "Relax, the more you relax the less it will hurt." Doc said. I whined and tryed to stay still. Aaron pet my head, calming me. The pain wasn't so bad once I had relaxed. Guess he was right. The pain faded within a couple minutes. "You can move now. But be careful. Your not used to this form and not really used to having paws for support instead of feet and hands." Doc said. I watched him, waiting for permission. "He already gave you permission to move." Aaron said. I whined, not really wanting to move. It's like your extremely sick, not wanting to move at all because it makes the feeling die down. Yep, except minus the sick feeling. I slowly rolled over, now on my stomach. Aaron formed, getting on the bed, trying not to cause to much movement. "Where did you learn how to deal with this kind of thing?" Jarom asked. "It was a major thing that happened in my country back in the day. I was one of the ones that knew, so they tought me how to take care and do everything correctly so that they'll live. I'm just happy I actually studied for that test!" Doc laughed. Aaron sat down next to me. I don't want to move. I complain. "I suggest she builds her streangth in this form. Therwise it can cause serious damage and can kill her. The shot will only last so long. The shot also gave your body some calcium and a few other minerals to help your bones. But you have to move now in order for them to start up." Doc instructed. Aaron nuzzled me. I whined but tried standing up. The bed made it harder to stand Sense it was uneven. Aaron had to put me on the floor. I stood up, a little easier, but my balance was completely off. I started to sway a little. Aaron caught me, putting me back on my feet. It was like learning how to ride a bike all over again. Except two times worse. I whined. Come on, you just have to keep trying. Aaron said, or thought. I don't want to keep trying. I whined. You have to. I refuse to let you die on me Lilly, get up. Aaron growled. I internally sighed before trying again. I had my legs spread as if I was going to sprint. It helped me stand a little better. I slowly straitened my legs, bringing them closer together once I think I got the hand of it. There you go. Aaron said as he sat in front of me. My legs were getting close to How a normal wolf would stand. But with each step closer, the harder it is to stay balanced. I glanced at him before trying to concentrate. After several hours, I was able to stand up easily. The others have went downstairs to make lunch. Okay, not take a step. Aaron said. My ears flopped onto my head. This is unfair! Aaron nodded in agreement. Yes, I know it is. C'mon, Lunch is almost finished. Aaron urged on. I took a deep breath. I'll catch you if you fall. Aaron added. I did a slight nod. I lifted my foot.... or paw. Instantly I fell. Aaron caught me and brought me back to my feet. I hate this! I complained. Aaron sighed. Try again. Aaron assured. I did as told and took a step. It wasn't long before I was able to walk. I stumbled a lot, but I was able to walk. Aaron had to catch me most of the time. One time I accidentally stumbled down the stairs. And another I ended up leaning on someone else for support. "You've Fine a lot today Lilly. You can form back." Doc smiled. And how do I do that? I asked. Think of your human form, that's the easiest way to form. Aaron formed back. Is it going to hurt? I asked. I don't know. But there's only one way to find out. Aaron responded. I thought of the human body shape. I feel sharp pain in my shoulder, arms and legs. Aaron held me close to him. "You okay?" Aaron asked. I blushed, but nodded. "Let's get you some clothes." Aaron said, walking upstairs, blocking everyone's view from me, meaning they couldn't exactly see me either. We got upstairs and I put on some clothes. When I was dressed Aaron kissed the top of my head. I smiled. "What's it like figuring out your a werewolf?" Aaron asked. I groaned. "I'm going to just go to sleep." I say, trying to walk over to the bed. "Lunch first, then you can rest up." Aaron said. I groaned again. "I just wanna sleep!" I cry. "After lunch. End of story. Now go downstairs and eat." Aaron ordered, walking me out of our bed room. I sigh. "Fine." I mumbled. I walked downstairs. I was handed a PB and J sandwich when I reached the bottom. "Thanks." I mumble, taking the sandwich. I eat the sandwich. I started walking up the stairs to go rest. "Hold up young lady." Aaron smiled. I groaned. "But there's a bed calling my name!" I pout. Aaron chuckled before walking to me. "We should probably get you cleaned up." Aaron smiled. "We?" I asked. Aaron chuckled with a smirk. Amusement in his eyes. "Fine." I mumble again. Aaron walked me up to the bathroom. Aaron turned on the water, the bath filling up. "I'll go get some clothes." Aaron said. He closed the door and I undressed. I got in the tub and relaxed. Aaron soon came back with a towl and pj's. Aaron put the clothes on the counter, looking st me and smiling. "Hoe you doing so far Lilly?" Aaron asked. "I just want to go to bed!" I cried. Aaron chuckled. Aaron washed me up, making sure there wasn't any dirt on me. He was extremely gentle too. He dried me off, me to tired to protest. I changed and Aaron lead me to the bed. He tucked me in and layed down in bed next to me. I cuddled into him as his arms wrapped around me. "Lilly?" Aaron mumbled. I hummed in response. "You sure our okay?" Aaron asked. I looked at him. "Why?" I asked. "You just found out your at least part werewolf.... that's a lot to take in Lilly....... I'm worried." Aaron looked back at me, his eyes were golden. I frown..... "I'm trying not to think about it." I say. Aaron's eye's brighten. "You can't ignore it though Lilly. Your wolf will end up trying to hurt you for being ignored." Aaron explained. I frowned. "It will?" I asked. Aaron nodded. "And it is a she. The wolf is always the same gender as the person they share the body with." Aaron Nodded. "Oh..." I mumble. "So.... How come she hasn't hurt me yet?" I asked. "Because you didn't know about her." Aaron answered. I nodded, understanding. "What color is her fur?" I asked. "It's the same color of your hair. It always is." Aaron answered. "What color is my hair?" I asked. Aaron fave a confused look. "There were no mirrors in the basement." I explain. "You have a mix of brown and black. It's hard to tell which color it is. But it's one of those two colors." Aaron answered. I nodded. "What color are my eyes?" I asked. "A dark brown." Aaron smiled. I nodded. "With beautiful tan skin... And soft, pink kissable lips. Long eyelashes, soft eyes. Not to mention how kind and gentle you are. Your personalities have to be the best one out of everything." Aaron smiled. A blush crept to my cheeks at his compliments. "Really?" I asked, swaying slightly. Aaron's smile grew. "Really." Aaron answered. My blush grew to my ears. Aaron kissed the top of my head. And I soon fell asleep.

"Lilly... Wake up Lilly!" I hear a soft voice say. Mate! I hear a hyper voice say in my head. Aaron chuckled. I peek my eye open, Aaron was towering over me. I groan, turning to the other side. "Lilly, you need to wake up. Your lucky I didn't wake you yesterday for dinner." Aaron whispered. "I don't wanna." I grumble. "Lilly please... For me?" Aaron asked. Up! Get up! I hear the same hyper voice say. I sigh. "Do I have to?" I asked. "Yes, you do, let's go." Aaron answered. I groan, but got up. Aaron helped me up, talking me around the waist. Yes! Yes! Yes! I hear the voice say. What is that voice? I ask myself. "It's your wolf." Aaron answered. Memories of yesterday flood into my head. "Oh." I mumble. Aaron lifted my head and kissed me. I wrap my hands around his neck, pulling him closer. Aaron's grip tightened around my waist, pulling me even closer. As soon as we broke the kiss, my wolf whined. Noooooo. I rolled my eyes as Aaron chuckled at me. "Your wolf seems desperate." Aaron smirked. A small blushed jeweled tobmy face. "Shut up wolf boy!" I say as I let go and start walking away. Bru!!!! Don't walk away from mate! I hear the voice say. I'm calling you grumpy now. I smile. No, how about Daisy? Lilly and Daisy, in the same body. Both are flowers. She noted. I love Daisy. I hear Aaron think. I roll my eyes. Fine, it's Daisy then. I say. Mate loves my name? Daisy asked. I love everything about you. Aaron's wolf says. "Awe..." I smile. Aaron blushes slightly. "And she does it again!" Jarom smiled. I turned to see everyone watching, literally everyone. Aaron's blush grew and he turned his back to them, embarrassed. So cute! I think. Now we're on the same page sister! Daisy agreed. I see Aaron's blush go to his ears. I giggle, the blush only growing. Baby is such a softy. Daisy teased. Aaron's blush was now on his neck. His face was so red. S-Shut up. His wolf said. We both smiled and shrugged. "Alright off you go! I need breakfast!" I smile. Can't we just have mate for breakfast? Daisy asked. Aaron groaned softly. Nooo! Real food Daisy! I answer. I walk downstairs and start to cook some breakfast. Awe.... Daisy whined. I don't mind. Aaron's wolf says. See!!! Daisy piped. No! I say. This is embarrassing. Aaron states. For you and me both. I say. I started to cook some bacon when Aaron finally came down the stairs. His face wasn't red.... or not as red. He walked over and wrapped his arms around me. "Why Lilly? Why do you do this to me?" Aaron whispered knowing others were listening in. I smile in response. "Because it's cute when your embarrassed. Especially when you blush." I answer honestly. Aaron sighed as his grip tighten around me. I smiled wider as I grabbed a piece of bacon and plopped it in Aaron's mouth. He moaned with delight and dug his nose into my neck. I can feel his warm breath fan against my skin. It almost made me shiver, almost. "So the bacons good?" Jarom asked as he tried to steal a piece himself. Aaron growled warningly. "My bacon!" Aaron growled, grabbing the plate and placing it infront of me, and him. Jarom narrowed his eyes. "It's breakfast! C'mon dude!" Jarom complained. I smiled. "No! Mine!" Aaron growled. I rolled my eyes, grabbing a few pieces and handing them to Jarom. Aaron growled dangerously. "Chill grizzly bear! There's plenty to go around!" I say. Aaron growled again. I elbowed him. "I said quit it." I say more seriously. Aaron mumbled a 'mine, it's mine.' "I'll make more." I smile. Jarom smiled, eating a piece. "Thanks Lilly!" Jarom said as he walked off. "OH MY GOD!" Jarom yelled. I turned to him confused. "HOW THE HELL DO YOU COOK THIS WELL!?" Jarom said with wide eyes, staring at me and the pieces of bacon in his hand. "I wanna try!" Ocean said, trying to snatch some bacon from Jarom. "Go get your own!" Jarom snapped, pulling his bacon away before eating another piece. Aaron growled. "Growl again and your not getting any. I can make as mush as you want until we run out Aaron." I growl. Aaron looks at me before sighing. "Fine." Aaron mumbled as everyone came and grabbed a couple pieces. Aaron grabbed most of them, but still left some for everyone else so I wouldn't get upset. I took some myself before starting to make some French Toast. Aaron's eyes watched with satifaction as I cooked. After I was done, we ate. After that, Aaron brought me into the woods to practice this wolf part of me. "How come only 10% people live?" I asked. Aaron frowned. "Because one they usually try and forget about their wolf side. Two the transformation has a 50% chance of dying alone. Three 80% chance of dying if you don't know how to take care of the situation. Four people don't regain strength to be able to form without having the 50% to rise. Five people don't know how to live with it so 90% of the time they kill themselves." Aaron answered. "Just don't block her out and you'll be fine." Aaron smiled. I nodded. "Alright, Sense you at least know how to walk. Follow my lead alright? I packed some clothes, everything will be fine." Aaron instructed. I nodded. Aaron formed, his clothes that he had on tearing and the backpack he had on staying on his back. It suprized me that the backpack straps didn't rip, but he probably had them really loose so they wouldn't. I take a deep breath before forming. Slight pain coming in my back but quickly faded. Once I was fully formed Aaron contacted me. Let's try hunting today? You up for it? Aaron asked. My ears flopped down. I don't think I can fully run, let alone hunt. I answer. Aaron nodded. Then let's get you to start running. Then we'll go onto hunting, and finally I'll teach you some moves to protect yourself. Aaron planned out. I nodded. Shouldn't I try and run on a flat or... not so bumpy area? I asked looking at the tree's and rabbit holes that were in the ground. Aaron looked at them. It might be better to do it here. Aaron answered. Why? I asked confused. This is a wolf's natural habitat, natural environment. It'll give your wolf better surroundings and when the instincts kick in, it'll be easier to run. Aaron explained. I nodded. That makes a little sense. I say. Aaron agreed by nodding. Just follow me. Aaron said starting to do a small run. I started to speed up a little. Once I got used to running slightly Aaron sped up little by little tell I could go full speed. I tripped several times, and complained. But Aaron kept pushing me forward. So I did. Eventually we got back to the house. We'll start hunting tomorrow, for now, lunch. I'll make some sandwiches while you get changed. Aaron formed, quickly got dressed, gave me a glance and a small smile before walking inside. I formed, barley any pain in my back or any part of my body. I grabbed the bag of clothes, got changed in some undergarments and one of Aaron's oversized T-shirt. Seriously!!!? I growl as I realize there's no pants. I hear Aaron chuckle inside, soon coming to a laugh. The shirt didn't even past my knee cap. It barley covered my lower body. I blushed as Aaron came into view, leaning against the door frame, and eyeing me up and down. I pulled the shirt down more and looked at the floor. Aaron chuckled before he walks to me, wrapping me in his arms. "You look so beautiful in that shirt." Aaron mumbled. I blush more as I feel a soft peck right above the mark. The sensation was instantly brought to my senses. I whined, my blush frowning. "Can you go get me some pants?" I asked. Aaron smirked. "Why? I've seen you without anything on. What's with you being so cautious?" Aaron asked. I blushed deeper. "Aaron! Either I'm going in there or your getting me some pants!" I snap. Aaron frowned. "But-." Aaron tried. "No buts! Which one?" I growled. "But I like you in this outfit." Aaron whined. "I'm going in it is." I say, getting out of his arms and walking to the door. Aaron pulled me away from the glass door. "Fine. I'll go get you some pants. I don't need anyone seeing you like that." Aaron mumbled. I smiled. "You better get me pants that fit me Aaron! Or I'm walking either inside or back to my home town!" I threaten. Aaron sighed. "Why do you threaten yourself?" Aaron asked, looking at me. "Because it get's you to actually get me what I want you to do." I smile. "Would you actually go back?" Aaron asked. I nodded. "Pain don't effect me much unless it comes from you Aaron. I could go back, he can do whatever he pleases, and I wouldn't care. But you would." I smile, kissing his cheek. "That's unfair!" Aaron growled. I sighed. "You giving me clothes and keeping secrets from me isn't fair Aaron." I stated back. Aaron sighed. "I guess that's true. Can you please not use that excuse though. It only makes me want to kill him more." Aaron growled lowly. "You'll get the chance soon Aaron. As for now, we have to figure out what to do." I smile. Aaron nodded in agreement. "But first, Your my first priority. We get you healthy." Aaron poked my stomach. "Let me go get those pants for you. Here, I brought you your sandwich." Aaron smiled. I took the sandwich and took a bite while Aaron walked in. Oh my heavenly god! This is so good!!! I think and practically inhale it. By the time Aaron came back I was waiting for maybe a few minutes. "How long ago did you finish that sandwich?" Aaron asked curiously. "Uh........... 3 minutes?" I question. "I left 4 minutes ago!" Aaron stated. I smiled weakly. Aaron sighed and handed me the pants. "I'll make another one." Aaron smiled as he walked back inside. I put the pants on and ran inside. Aaron had just barely finished making another sandwich. I snatch it off the paper towl and inhaled that one within about 30 seconds. Aaron stared at me suprizingly. As I put in the last bite, I realize Aaron's staring at me and act as if I was caught stealing a cookie I wasn't supposed to eat til after dinner. I froze. I smile and swallow the last bit. I look around and realize everyone else was staring too. I look at everyone. Than back at Aaron. He was making another sandwich, smirking. He put on some pickles, lettuce, mayo, turkey meat, and some cheddar cheese. As soon as he put the bread on top I took it again, inhaling it. Aaron didn't stop and just made another. He made like 10 of them before I took the last one. He had one himself, but I ate like 15. I smile and run off. Aaron chuckled and cleaned up the ingredients. As soon as he did, he came to look after me but I was hiding under the bed, eating the sandwiches I hid behind my back so he would just keep making them. "Lilly?" Aaron asked. At the same time, I think he knew I hid a couple, he made like 30 sandwiches. And I was snacking on them under the bed, thinking  I would be caught. Why I was hiding? No idea. Just decided to. "Lilly?" Aaron asked again. I smiled and continued to inhale my 17th sandwich. "Lilly!?" Aaron started to panic. His voice full of worry so I let out a muffled hum so he knew I wasn't kidnapped or something. "Lilly?" He asked. "Are we playing hide and seek?" Aaron asked. I smiled and continued to inhale my 25th sandwich. I was just finishing my 27th sandwich when Aaron found me. Aaron started laughing. I didn't mind, I liked how I was the reason he was smiling and laughing. I just continued to eat the sandwich. I looked like a cat nomming on a fish. My eye's big with a cat mouth. I was now on the 29th sandwich. I finished the final sandwich before crawling out from my hiding spot. Aaron was laughing even harder as I plopped on the floor next to him. I nommed on the sandwich and finished it off. They all came up to the room wondering what happened. I had crumbs all over me and I just started to eat them. Now wanting to waste anything that came from the sandwiches. Aaron laughed harder as he watched me take the crumbs and eat them. They all gave a confused look. Aaron didn't bother talking and neither did I. Aaron was to busy laughing while I was to busy eating the crumbs. We watched a couple movies. Basically until dinner, and I wasn't hungry. I had a food baby of sandwiches. So Aaron ate, I continued watching. Once Aaron was done eating, we went to bed. That was when I had another dream. Weather it was a dream or nightmare, I couldn't tell yet. But I was hoping it was a good dream this time.

I was looking in a mirror, with a beautiful white dress on. I had makeup on and a beautiful necklace. A knock was at the door and I could feel my stomach turn. Aaron walked in, in a tux. God look at that! He looks so good in a suit. I think. Aaron chuckled as he reached for my hand. I took it and he lead me out of the house to a car. It was a Bentley. He opened the passenger seat and I got in. Closing it behind me before he walked to his side and got in. He put in the key and started the car. We drove off. I couldn't see the surroundings very well. It was all a blur. Only thing I could see clearly was inside the car. After a while the car came to a stop and we got out. A beautiful restaurant was present as he took me by the waist and guided me inside. "A table for two?" A waiter asked. Aaron nodded in response. She smiled. "Lucky for you! We have just got an new spot open. Follow me please." She smiled. She gave a small glare in my dirrection but I didn't mind. We sat down and she handed us the menu.

That's when I woke up.

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