Chapter 8: Greediness (What Makes You Beautiful)
Hey guys! Welcome to Chapter 8! Warning! This chapter has a little action. Also! There is a part of this chapter that comes to the beliefs in god and Jesus. Please stand by and don't take it personally. I repeat! Don't take it personally!!! Hope you enjoy! This chapters song is What Makes You Beautiful by One Dirrection.
Woody, Snappy, Ocean, Cream, Coal
"Lilly!!" I hear Eric call. "Yeah!?" I asked. "Mary, Jason, and Haley are telling me you made Aaron blush!" Eric yelled, walking down the stairs. Aaron shook his head, letting the five in... Or more like forcing them in before shutting the door. "I doubt that." snappy crossed her arms. "Aaron's never even let a girl kiss him from what I've seen." said Cream. Aaron glanced at her before looking at me. He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me. The five starred at us, as Aaron held me close, my back to his chest. Aaron rested his head on the top of mine. "We're watching Iron Man 2!" I say, grabbing the remote and pressed play. I dragged Aaron to the couch and sat down. Aaron chuckled, sitting down and placing me on his lap. The five starred even more, eyes wide. The movie started playing. "Make him blush! I wanna see the rare sight!" Eric smiled, watching. I hear Aaron let out a soft, silent growl. "Only if you stay!" I say. Eric looked away. "Take it or leave it. That's the deal." I nod. Aaron growls. I smile at his state. Don't be embarrassed. Aaron buried his face in the crook of my neck as I looked at Eric. "Alright fine. I'll stay." Eric crossed his arms stubbornly. Aaron let out a dark growl. "Oh come on! You'll be fine!" I smile. Aaron's arms wraps around me tightly. I'm dead. I hear Aaron think. I pat his head reassuringly. Please don't. Aaron complains. But he'll stay! He promised! I think back. He has to be part of the pack if that's the case. No way in hell am I letting him see unless he becomes useful to me! Aaron stated. "will you rejoin the pack?" I asked. Eric glared at me. "What!? He'll probably tickle me again!" I complained. Eric sighed. "fine, I'll let my now old pack know. But I better see it!" Eric pointed at me. "Why are you pointing at me?" I asked. "Because your the one that can get him to blush... Or so what I've been told." Eric answered. I looked at Aaron, a smirking. Unfair. Aaron mumbled to himself. I giggled, looking at him. "Later." I say. Eric narrowed his eyes at me. "No I want to see this!" woody said, coming in the living room. "Same rules go for you too mister! Then you have to deal with me!" I smirk. "What's are you going to do?" Sappy asked. "Trust me, you don't want to know." Eric sighed. "She's a mere human! She's weak-..." Snappy started. Aaron's growl interrupted her as he held me close. "She is NOT WEAK!" Aaron snapped. "I just think Snappy don't know me. You told me yourself I'm not weak." I smile, trying to calm Aaron. "Who are you calling Snappy!?" Snappy snapped. I looked at her. Are they all this way? I thought it was obvious. The movie started. "Ooo!" I smile, ignoring her question and turning my attention to the TV. Aaron kept an warning eye on the five new guests. "Whatever. Eric, explain how she could do anything to us!" Snappy ordered. Eric sighed. "I don't really want to talk about it." Eric grumbled. They all gave him a curious look. "Just don't get on her bad side. Trust me on this one." Jarom nodded. "You too!?" Creamy screamed. "Fine! Girl!" Snappy yelled at me. I peel my eyes away from the TV, looking at her. I stole several glances at the TV, wanting to watch. "You and me! Outside! Right now!" Snappy yelled. I looked at the TV, then back at her. Aaron growled lowly. "But the movies started." I whine, looking back and forth between the two. "NOW!" She growled before walking outside. Aaron got up, walking towards the door. I grab his hand and smile. He looks back at me. "Let me get the boomerang!" I chirp before skipping to our room. I grabbed the boomerang and skipped outside. She was in her wolf form, How I can tell. She snarled at me. Aaron smirked, leaning against the door, a leash and collar on his hand. I smile. "Can we keep her too!?" I ask. The wolf growled, before launching at me. I dodge easily. The four watching were starring at me. The wolf turned as I had my attention on Aaron. "You already have one remember?" Aaron asked. I looked at Eric. "Wait what!?" Ocean asked. "Not to mention myself." Aaron added. The wolf charged. "Oh okay.... but I get to watch Iron Man three right!?" I asked quickly before I threw the boomerang. The wolf dodged and snarled. I smirked. The wolf jumped at me just as the boomerang came out from behind the tree's I dodged and went behind her. She jumped instantly. I got out of the way of the boomerang and the boomerang hit the wolf. It was knocked back. "Did you know the more the boomerang is in the air the more force that is gathered?" I asked. (Made it up!) The boomerang came back as I caught it. The wolf shook it's head. "How do you do that!?" Eric asked. "Chemistry and math are my strongest subjects, put those together and you can do anything with a boomerang." I smile. "Or frisbee." I add thinking of the time I knocked my dad down the stairs with the frisbee a couple days ago. Aaron chuckled. "He deserved it." Aaron smiled. "Also, when your also good at health and okay in Psychology, you know exactly We're to hit for someone to black out or something." I nod. The wolf charged, but missed completely. "What did you do to her!?" Creamy yelled angerly. "Don't worry she's fine. She's just going to be a little dizzy sense I hit her occipital lobe. That's all." I smile. "Occipital lobe?" Coal asked. I nodded. "It the part of the brain that helps you see." I nod. "Can't that make you blind?" Aaron asked. "If you hit it hard enough and right on it yes. But I hit the edge of it. So it'll only make her unbalanced and dizzy for no more than an hour." I smile. The wolf shook it's head, trying to regain balance. I smile, walking over to the wolf, leading it carefully inside as the moon was now rising. Aaron licked the door after everyone else followed. "I'll go get some clothes." I smile and skip upstairs. I grab a shirt and pants, not having anything else. I walk downstairs and put the clothes in the table before pressing play so I can continue the movie.
Snappy was back to normal, having a slight headache. "Maybe She should be Alpha..." Snappy mumbled as the movie ended. I smile. "I appreciate the compliment. But I would make a terrible Alpha. Trust me, I'd just end up throwing boomerangs left and right." I nod. Aaron shook his head. "I'm okay with you being Alpha. I think you would make a great Alpha." Aaron agreed. We all looked at Aaron. "Of course you would think that." I mumble. "You can have my roll." Aaron smiled down at me. "AARON'S BROCKEN!" Ocean yelled. "He actually was giving away his roll." Coal said. "To a human." Woody added. Aaron glared at them all. I giggled, causing Aaron to look at me. I turned my attention to the nights outside of the windows. There was so much howling and growling. "I know that look." Coal cringed. I looked at him confused. "Remember how I said Aaron was goin to get greedy?" Jarom asked. I hear my name being repeated over and over in Aaron's mind. I look at Aaron, his eyes were getting dark. "Umm..." I hum. "At least do it in your guyses room." Haley cringed as well. I looked at Haley. "But the third movie." I mumbled. "You can watch it later. Not that big of a deal." Snappy shrugged. I'd didnmt have time to reply because Aaron had picked me up and placed me on his lap. He kissed my cheek softly. "Or we can go upstairs...." I hear Mary say nervously. "Your probably going to go through the same thing Mary." Jarom shrugged. Mary didn't respond and just blushed a deep red. Aaron gave another kiss on the cheek, but lower. I looked at him, his eyes dark, with lust like when he marked me. But, not as bad. Meaning he wasn't going to do what they thought. I can promise that. He was just going to kiss me over and over again. That's probably all he would do. His lips crashed into mine softly. You know me so well Lilly. Aaron had a smirk on his lips. I smiled I tot he kiss. "Ew!" I hear Creamy yell. I pull away and look at her. "What?" I asked, looking behind me Sense she was looking in my dirrection. Aaron chuckled, pulling me as close as he could before he started to kiss my neck. "I don't see anything." I say, trying to ignore Aaron at this moment in time. The more he kissed the harder it was to ignore. "You and Aaron! Gross!" Cream said before going upstairs. "Uh.... so when are you going to get greedy?" Mary asked. "Soon..... I'm already starting to feel the effects of the full moon." Jarom sighed. "And how greedy do you get?" I asked. Jarom glared at me before walking away, not answering my question. Everyone else soon followed, now curious about Jarom. "Finally." Aaron grumbled. "Wha-AH!" I scream. Aaron had pushed me on the couch, him on top of me. He kissed me passionately. He was definitely greedy, that much was obvious. I felt Aaron lift the hem of my shirt. I grabbed his hand, pulling my shirt back down. Aaron broke the kiss and looked at me. "Please don't do that Aaron. Not tonight. Please." I beg. Aaron's eye's soften. "Are you sore?" Aaron asked. "I havn't noticed much. But I was sore during the second movie. I'm still a little sore now." I answer. Aaron's eye's become even lighter. "I'm sorry Lilly." Aaron said, a frown on his face. "I was going to be sore even if you didn't do much Aaron. I just can't do two nights in a row." I smile reassuringly. Aaron kissed me again. "Okay.... do you need anything?" Aaron asked. I smiled with a nod. "I need you to stay with me." I smile, hugging him. Aaron chuckled. "I'll neve r leave your side." Aaron mumbled, kissing my cheek. Aaron got off of me, getting up and putting in another movie. I sit up, trying to ignore the soreness. Aaron sits down next to me and pulls me in his lap. "I love you Lilly." Aaron mumbled. I smile, looking at him. His eyes were somewhat dark. I kiss him, he kisses back instantly. I pull away. "I love you too Aaron." I smile. She loves.... she loves me? Us? Are we a me or us? Aaron's wolf asked. I giggle at the wolves question. I kiss his cheek. Iron Man 3 was on. Aaron didn't answer his wolf. He just wrapped his arms around me, hugging me closely. I fall asleep before the movie could even begin.
Next morning:
I was laying on something... firm. It was rather interesting. It was comfortable, and it moved up and down slowly. I opened my eyes slowly. I was in a room, a body next to me. I look at Aaron, he was smirking down at me. I gave a confused look. "You couldn't even watch 5 minutes before you fell asleep." Aaron teased. I glared at him. "Don't give me that crap!" I say, sitting up. Aaron pushed me.down, rolling on tip of me. "who said you could get up?" Aaron asked. I smiled. "Me." I answered. Aaron narrowed his eyes at me. "Your bot allowed." Aaron stated. I frowned. "But food..." I complain. "I'll make you food, but later." Aaron smiled as he leaned down and kissed me. I smiled and flipped. He broke the kiss. "I didn't say you could get on top either." Aaron grumbled. He tried getting on top but I pushed him down, surprised he obeyed. "I think it's my turn to ve on top." I smile. Aaron stared at me. I nuzzles into his neck, kissing it. Aaron tensed as I continued to kiss his neck. His grip.on my sides tightened. Aaron his head, giving me more access. I smiled as I continued to try and find that sweet spot. Aaron groaned, his grip becoming tighter. I can hear his heart pounding against his chest. I smile and lift my head. I plant a soft kiss near his ear. His grip started to tighten, but loosened as if he was going to break me. I kiss around his ear, at random places. Aaron's grip tightened more when I kissed under his ear. So I did just that. Aaron moaned, his grip tightening even more. I smile in response as I suck on that spot. Aaron let go of me, grabbing onto the covers. "Awe." I mumble. "I could break your bones easily Lilly. I don't want to hurt you." Aaron grumbled. I smirked. "As you wish Mr. King." I smile. Aaron was about to give me a confused look but I sucked on that spot causing Aaron's grip to tighten on the sheets. I bit lightly, Aaron moaning. I bit down roughly, wanting the same mark he gave me not that long ago. Aaron groaned, trying to keep his heart in control as I felt I'd pump hard against my chest. I could taste iron in my mouth. Assuming it was blood I lifted up. And as I assumed, I was correct. Small amounts of blood trickled down the side of his neck. He lifted his hand to while the blood away. "Damn, you bite hard." Aaron mumbled as he looked at the blood on his hand. "You did the same thing." I smile. Aaron looks at the mark on my neck and smiled. The memory of him marking me flashed through my mind. "I couldn't help it." Aaron defended. "Than neither could I." I smiled and kissed him. His hand cupped the back of my neck, pulling me closer. As the kiss deepened I hear a throught being cleared behind me. I lift away, Aaron clearly upset by me pulling away so soon. I look behind me and see Eric. "Uh..." I mumble. "I came in here to tell you breakfast was ready." Eric said with a look of discuss. I smile and nodded. "Thanks!" I smile. Eric looked at both of us before shaking his head and leaving. "C'mon! There's food down stairs." I smile, getting off of him. He got up and grabbed my wrist, pulling me back. My back hit his chest. "You owe me another kiss Lilly." Aaron grumbled. "Why?" I asked. Aaron turned me around. "That kiss was too short." Aaron answered. I smiled and kissed him. I was running out of breath when we pulled apart. "Better?" I asked. Aaron smirked. "I love to see you breathless." Aaron stated bluntly. "Oh shush. Now foods waiting!" I say as I run out the door, hearing Aaron chuckle behind me. I ran downstairs and a plate of pancakes was on the table. I took the entire plate. "Hey! You have to share those!" Haley screamed, smirking as I sit down. "Awe..." I mumble. Haley took the plate back, grabbing a separate one and putting three on there. She handed me the plate. "Why donmt you start with that." Haley suggested. I smiled and dug in. "Man, not even a prayer?" Creamy asked. "Prayer?" I asked. Creamy nodded. "Uh...." I mumble. "Don't tell me you don't know what a prayer is." Coal crosses his arms, looking at me. Aaron came down the stairs. The mark on his neck was cleaned off. "Um.... no. I don't." I answer. Aaron looked confused. "What are we talking about?" Aaron asked. "The girl don't know what a prayer is." Snappy answered. "Wouldn't suprize me. Besides, she don't need to know the worlds lies." Aaron shrugged. "It's not a lie! God and Jesus is real!" Creamy argues. "Uh.... God and Jesus?" I asked. (I opologize it I get anything wrong. I don't personally believe in him, I believe he existed at a time but never did the things the church said he did. So I oppologize if I get it wrong.) Creamy looked at me. "Let me tell you the tru-." Creamy started before getting interrupted by Aaron. "Lie." Aaron corrected. Creamy growled before continuing. "God and Jesus are the people who-." Creamy began again. "Never existed." Aaron interrupted again. "That created this world." Creamy growled, glaring at Aaron as he walked by and grabbed a few pancakes and a plate. "He was the one that created-." Creamy started again. "Nothing." Aaron finished for her. "Created life." Creamy growled. Now getting angry. Aaron turned to her. "Jesus and Gidnis just a myth." Aaron said. "And how do you know that!? Huh!?" Creamy snapped. "What proof do you have that he exists. Nothing. All you have are historic lies." Aaron stated as he sat down across from me. Creamy let out a threatening growl. "How DARE you say that!" Creamy yelled. "Do what you Please, and yell at me all you want. You don't have any proof. My proof is that fact. They could be just lies." Aaron said. "But they could be true!" Creamy growled. "Key word, could be." Aaron noted. I looked back and forth between the two. "What makes you think they lied." Snappy asked curiously. "Why would you trust someone you don't even know? Let alone telling you that they saw a man that could walk on water or was floating in the sky. Plus, people will say things to get attention. Could have been the same way back then." Aaron answered. Creamy growled angerly. "Fine! Have your opinion! But I'm teaching Lilly about the gods!" Creamy growled. Aaron hummed. "Whatever you say." Aaron seemed uninterested in this subject. I wouldn't bother. She's going to put a lot of detail in it. But to sum it up, a guy named Jesus was born on Christmas, December 25. A bright light shined apon him when he was a baby and became the son of a magical person that had control over everything in this world. He didn't do one bad thing in his entire life and after he died he came back alive to forgive those who tried to kill him or something like that. You tell me weather it's believable or not. Your choice. As for the prayer, you are basically talking to Jesus's Dad, the God, and Jesus himself. Thanking him for forgiving or to help someone that has gone blind. I believe one of the stories say he cured a completely blind person, giving them the ability to see again. I think it's all a lie. Aaron thought, knowing I would hear it. I hummed. Creamy started to reach for my wrist but Aaron growled warningly. "Can I eat first?" I asked. Creamy studied me before nodding and grabbing herself some food. I dug in as Creamy closed his eyes, crossed her arms and sat there. I gave a questioning look to Aaron. That's what you do when you prayer. Aaron explained as he dug into his food. "Amen." Creamy said before eating. I didn't question the strange word and ate. Snappy did the same thing. The everyone else just ate. Do I have to learn about this God and Jesus stuff? I asked. Aaron looked at me. I didn't know who to believe. But I just met this person. I don't know who they are, or weather or not their trustworthy. I didn't know if I could trust them. No you don't. If you want I can make up an excuse to get you out of it. Aaron looked back down at his food, before taking another bite. I don't want to cause another fight. I think. We weren't fighting, just arguing. Even if it did come to a fight. She can't do anything. Aaron smiled at me. "What are you two talking about?" Creamy asked. "Nothing of your concern." Aaron answered. Mary and Jarom came down. I noticed a small mark on Mary's neck, making me smirk. See what I see? I asked Aaron. He looked in the direction I was and a smirk grew on his face too. That I do. Aaron responded. "How was last night Jarom?" Aaron asked with a smirk. Jarom looked at him, his face becoming a little pink. "I don't know what your talking about." Jarom answered. I hummed. "What about you Mary? How was your night?" I asked. Mary's face became a deep blush. "I-It was okay.... I s-slept well." Mary answered, not turning to face us. I can see the blush reaching her ears. "Uh huh...." Aaron looked at Mary. "You can't keep it a secret. You know it's extremely obvious right?" Aaron leaned back in his chair, taking a nother bite. "Says the guy that does exactly that." I hear Jarom grumble. Aaron laughed. "I didn't deny that I marked Lilly, let alone fully mated with her. You just never asked." Aaron stated bluntly, looking back at Jarom. Jarom's face became even more red, along with Mary's, her blush was now going down her neck. Mine became a slight pink off of the memory. "Whatever!" Jarom stated as he was now ignoring Aaron. Aaron chuckled, turning back to his food. He looked at me and smirked. "I know I know!" I say. Aaron looked at his plate and continued eating. Once we were all done eating, Jarom had a hard time not growling. How can you tell? Because they 4 guys walked bast Mary several times, not even trying to attempt Jarom, yet he still growled most of the time. "Was I really that protective?" Aaron asked. I laughed and nodded. "You wouldn't let Haley near me without tempting to growl." I answered. Aaron looked at Jarom who was holding Mary close to him. "I feel like if someone poked her he would kill them." Aaron stared. "Maybe, If so I got the leash and collars if we need to. Speaking of wich.... when did you take yours off?" I asked, looking at his neck. Aaron shrugged. "I took it off before I carried you to the room." Aaron answered. "Huh.... where is it?" I asked. Aaron smiled and pulled it out of the couch cushion. "You want to put it on me don't you?" Aaron asked. "Your mine after all. Why not?" I asked as I took the collar and put it on him. "You don't have to use the collar to claim me right now, you know that right?" Aaron asked. I shrugged. "The bites gonna heal, and the collar's gonna be the symbol of whatever you call it." I smile. "I agree, I have no problem with it. But you don't need it on me at this moment, the mark is visible." Aaron shrugged. I smiled. "Too bad." I lay against him. Aaron chuckled. "Whatever you say princess." Aaron smiled. I noted the nick name and smiled. I'm the cutest princess. I think like a 5 year old. "That you are." Aaron mumbled, wrapping his arms around me. "Lilly!!! I need to teach you about the God and Jesus!" Creamy yelled. Aaron held me tighter. "She can't." Aaron said. Creamy gave him a frustrated look. "Why not?" Creamy asked, putting her the hands on her hips. I started another fight- argument! I stared another argument! I think. Don't worry about it sweet pea. Aaron answered. Okay what's with all the sudden nicknames? I ask looking at him. "I don't need her learning about some lie." Aaron answered Creamy. Because you blush and sometimes stiffen at them. Aaron answered. I didn't even realize I was blushing. Aaron looked at me and smiled. "LIES!! THEY ARE NOT LIES!!!" Creamy yelled. "Plugs she's comfortable, would you really bother her when she is comfy?" Aaron asked. Creamy leaned into Aaron. I felt a anger rise in me. Aaron rubbed circles in my side to calm me. "Your hiding something. Does she tell you not to let me teach her?" Creamy asked. She leaned in closer, noses almost touching. Back off! He's mine! I think angerly. Aaron chuckled, kissing my head. Creamy gave him a confused look. She looks at me and gives me an even more confused look. "I suggest you back up a little." Aaron said as he realized that I was gripping the boomerang that I never actually put away. "What did you tell her?" Creamy growled, not listening to Aaron's warning. Instead, she did the exact opposite, she leaned in. I let out a low growl. She didn't seem to notice so I assumed the growl was quite. "Back off." Aaron warned once again. My grip on the boomerang tightened. "Or what?" She asked, amussed. That's when I couldn't take it back anymore. I got up, grabbing her wrist before flipping her over my back. Learned that in health when my teacher tought is how to defend ourselves when we were talking about rape. Her back hit the floor. She gasped as the air was knocked out of her. Aaron grabbed my waist, hugging to hopefully calm me down. "Easy." Aaron whispered. His voice was calming, his touch affected me more than usual, causing me to actually start to calm down. Snappy ran to her, helping her sit up. "What the hell!?" She snapped at me. The boomerang was at my side. I was using it to use my anger on. Sense I built it, I knew close or about how much pressure it can take. I used it almost like a stress ball, but.... it's wood. "Aaron warned her. You can't blame Lilly." Jarom stated. "She flipped her off of her back!" Snappy defended. "Once again, Aaron warned her. She has just marked Aaron, how do you think she would react?" Ocean asked. "What?" Snappy and Creamy asked. "You didn't notice?" Woody asked. "No! How would she mark him? She don't have canines like we do!" Snappy defended. "You didn't pay attention in class did you? Other wise you would know that in order to mark someone they just have to draw blood. They don't need canines like we have." Coal agreed. "And you become supper protective when you do it to. I'm suprized she didn't do that sooner." Haley added. Creamy looked at me along with Snappy. There eyes widened. "Um... what's wrong with her eyes?" Creamy asked. My eye's? She just got close to Aaron and she's asking about my eye's!? I growled to myself. Aaron walked infront of me, lifting my head so I looked at him. Aaron's eye's seemed to widen too. Their.... Violet? I hear Aaron think.
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