Chapter 5: Nightmare (Waiting For Love)
Hello! For this chapter, the song is Waiting For Love by Avicii
It was about half an our after Mary accepted being sround werewolves, let alone know about them. Aaron was keeping me warm as Jarom was to Mary. "C'mon. You should get some sleep. And actually stay asleep this time will ya'?" Aaron rolled his eyes at me. "Wo..." Mya kept pokeing Jarom's skin. "What?" I asked. "These sparks are incredible." Mary answered, poking his skin again. "Yeah, they get more intense when you kiss them." I nod in agreement. Mary instantly, without hesitation, kissed Jarom. Jarom was shocked. Mary pulled away. "Your so right!" Mary smiled, looking at me. "You set that up." Jarom growled. I put my hands up in defense. "I was just saying! I didn't tell her to kiss you!" I say in defense. Aaron chuckled. "She May have said some things..... but you know their true. You can't blame Lilly all the time for her actions you know." Aaron held me closer. "C'mon, it's time to get some sleep." Aaron said. I nodded in agreement. "You two girls can sleep in this shelter. We don't need Jarom marking her quite yet." Aaron mumbled into my neck. "I heard that... Alpha." Jarom growled darkly. "She don't know much of our coulture, she needs to know more than she does. Welcome to my world." Aaron mumbled, getting up. Jarom sighed angerly before getting up as well. "C'mon you two." Jarom said. We both got up and walked to the shelter. We both crawled in the shelter. "You two stay here. If you need anything, just howl alright?" Aaron smirked. "You just.... made a pun?" I asked. "Yeah don't get used to it." Aaron added before walking to the side, the sound of cracking bones came to my ears. Jarom nodded and formed right then and there. Aaron and Jarom standing guard of the shelter. Aaron looked at me. He walked over and pushed me down. I'm now laying g down and Aaron's sitting down next to me. I smile at him as he sits at the entrance of the shelter. "See... told you it was cool." I smirk. I hear Aaron growl at my statement. I smile. "Alright. Night." I say as I get comfortable and close my eyes. I was in a ball, I always curl in a ball before falling asleep. Then I wake up and I'm all over the bed. But, with Mary here, let's hope that's not the case this time. In case it is, I scoot away as far as I could. "Why'd you scoot away?" Mary asked. "I tend to stretch out in my sleep." I Answer as I drift off. I hear Mary lay down and we both fall asleep.
It was dark, one little light coming from a little while in no where. "Lilly..." I hear a taunting voice say. It sounded familiar. Where have I heard that voice before? I question to myself. I turn towards the voice, wich was behind me. "Hello there dear." She smiled evilly. "Jewel?" I ask, a frown on my face. "Y-Your..." I add but couldn't finish off the sentence. "You killed me Lilly!" Jewel growled lowly. I froze. I knew it... it was my fault. I look away. "Do you have any idea what you done!?" Jewel snapped. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I swear I tried to get there in time-." I tried to reason but she interrupted. "No! YOU KILLED ME!" Jewel screamed. "And soon, it will be your turn to pay." Jewel smiled. Tears were now falling down my face. "Lilly!?" I hear, barley bearable. "You will pay Lilly." Jewel said, before she turned into the brown wolf with blue eyes. I shake my head. "I tried to get to you! Please..." I sobbed. The wolf growled and jumped at me. "LILLY!"
That was the last thing I saw and heard before I shot up, breathing heavily. Tears were running down my face. As I look around me. Aaron, Jarom, and even Mary were looking at me worriedly. A night terror? I've never had one before. I think to myself. "Lilly?" Aaron asked softly. I look at him, his eyes filled with nothing but worry. His hand was on my shoulder. I whipped the tears off of my face. "I-I'm okay." I say, hoping to calm them down. If anything that made Aaron angry. "What happened?" Aaron asked, trying to stay calm. "It was nothing. Just a nightmare." I say. I think. I add to myself. "Lilly don't lie to me." Aaron growled softly. I shrug in response. "It's nothing that we should worry about...." I smiled weakly. "Lilly..." Aaron warned. "Was it about Jewel?" Jarom asked. I looked at him, before turning away. "Who's Jewel?" Mary asked. Aaron's eye's softened. "Maybe." I answer softly. "Lilly?" Jarom asked. I just nodded in response, not looking at anyone. "Who's Jewel?" Mary asked. Jarom looked at her before grabbing her hand and walking away. Aaron hugged me tightly, protectively, reassuringly even. "I didn't mean to." I cried. "I know.... I know. It's not your fault... it was just a nightmare." Aaron brought me closer to him.
Jarom's POV
I brought my new mate, Mary, past a couple of tree's. I could feel the sparks on my hand as I dragged her. "What's going on?" Mary asked. I looked back at the shelter, making sure I was out of hearing range for Lilly. "What's going on?" Mary asked. "Same reason why we are in the woods." I answer. I really hope Lilly will get over it soon. "Mind explaining in more detail?" Mary asked. I sighed. "We all went to her school to try and find our mates. But someone formed, Maybe out of irritation or anger, possibly because he found his mate and his wolf wanted out or something. One of the students pulled out a pocket knife out and attacked. So on defense we all attacked as well. They came to the house, attacked.... and one of our best friends died there. That's Jewel. Lilly had saved me before she got to Jewel. When she was able to get to Jewel, she was already dead." I say, explaining. "She blames herself for her death, we all do to a certain extent. But Lilly was mentally and physically abused from what we can tell. She was blamed for things that she didn't even know about probably. So she's blaming herself even more. It doesn't suprize me that she had a nightmare, But night terrors are something else. She could be going through much worse for all we know." I continue. Looking at Mary. Her expression saddened. "That's part of why she's so cheerful. She's trying to act okay. She might be okay now that Aaron has been taking care of her and keeping her unharmed. One of the main reason why he hasn't threatened her dad when he came to get her in the first place. If you look closely at her skin you can see scars and burns on her arms. They've healed for the most part so their not noticeable unless you actually look. Aaron noticed that the first time we ran into her." I look back at the shelter. 'Alpha has asked me to make it short. He don't like this conversation.' My wolf informed. Very well. "Long story short she's been through a lot." I finish. "Why do you call Aaron Alpha?" Mary asked. "Because he controls this pack. If your in a pack and your not the one in charge, then you call the one that is in charge Alpha. 2nd in command is called a Beta." I explain. "Can you guys communicate in your heads?" Mary asked. I smiled with a nod. "Well.... sort of. Either way. I think we should head back. Don't you?" I asked, looking back at her. She still had a sad expression, but nodded and her lips turned into a smile.
Mary's POV
I can't beleive that Lilly was abused. She's too sweet and cute. But I guess people who do abuse don't care about that huh? We came back into view of the shelter and I looked closely at Lilly's arms. And sure enough. There were burnt, cuts, and what looked like whip marks all over them. Aaron lifted her shirt a little. "Can I look at your back again?" Aaron asked. She nodded slowly. Aaron lifted her shirt off, leaving her in a tan bra. The whip marks were all over her back. At least 10 at every inch. It practically covered her whole back. My heart aches even more. Jarom wrapped his arms around me reassuringly. Lilly turned her back to Aaron as he looked at the wounds. After a while, I see Aaron's eye's turn a bright yellow. That's poabably why she calls him Goldy. I think to myself.
Normal POV
I see Mary looking at me, Jarom holding her reassuringly. I look down, avoiding eye contact as I feel Aaron's hand trace over the many whip scars that were on my back. I can feel Aaron's fingers shaking. "Alpha.... she still needs her sleep. Maybe we should go on a walk?" Jarom suggested. Aaron pulled away quickly before walking off, Jarom nodding at us to sleep before walking after Aaron. I put my shirt back on and cuddle back up, falling back asleep. Mary fell asleep a little sooner than I did, so I knew she was at least sleeping.
Jarom's POV.... again.
After they settled down I walked to Aaron. He was shaking with rage and anger. He punched a tree trunk, the whole tree collapsing onto the ground. "Alpha? What is your next plan?" I ask. "I'm going to kill him." Aaron answered. "I don't blame you, but if I may say, Lilly, or soon to be Luna once she understand our culture a little better, I don't think she would take that well. I apologize if I came across rude." I say. When Aarons pissed off you have to be as nice and as understanding as possible. Otherwise he might kill you on anger. Aaron's breathing lowered very slightly. "He needs to die." Aaron growled. I bow my head. "Of course Alpha.... who would you like to fetch him?" I ask. "Not now.... you know better than to tempt me with someone I want dead." Aaron sighed, calming down. "Just trying not to be killed is all." I say. Aaron looked at me, his eyes still yellow. "I made sure they were both asleep before I came to see you. Maybe her touch will calm you or something?" I suggest. Aaron shook his head. "No need... I promised her I would keep in control. But he will be killed by my hands." Aaron warned. I nodded. "I'll set a message to everyone, make sure he is not killed." I nodded. Aaron nodded in agreement before walking back to the shelter. 'The father of Lilly, our soon to be Luna, shall not be killed or harmed. Alpha Aaron will take care of him. Donmt go bear him till further orders. Spread this order, or Alpha might have their head.' I say to everyone I could reach. 'Roger that Jarom. I'll spread the news.' I get a respond from Colt. Luckily he's still alive. I didn't know if he was or not. I walk back with Aaron and the two girls are fast asleep. Lilly started tossing and turning a little. Aaron's eye's softened as he picked her up, sat down, and held her close. Lilly slowly stopped tossing and turning, but was now leaning against Aaron. Hopefully he can keep the want under control.
Normal POV
I wake up slowly. A warm aura around me. I open my eyes and see that I'm sitting in Aaron's lap. I wrap my arms around his neck, bringing him closer before closing my eyes again. "We should get some food. We're going to need to get moving soon." I hear Aaron say. "Awe... but I don't wanna wake up." I complain. Aaron chuckles. "I know, but we have to. C'mon." Aaron said, picking me up and putting me beside him. My arms falling to my side. "Mary... c'mon, time to get up." I hear Jarom say. "Nooooo!!" Mary complained. "C'mon! You want food right?" Jarom asked. "Food?" She asked, her eyes wide as she popped up. "As I thought, let's go. I can show you a little on hunting. "You wanna hunt for lunch?" Jarom asked Aaron. Aaron nodded. Jarom smiled and walked off with Mary. "See... now I can sleep again." I say as I crawl back into Aaron's lap and cuddle into him. "No. If Mary has to be awake so do you." Aaron poked my side. I whined and hugged him tightly. "Do I have to?" I asked. "Well someone has to start a fire. C'mon, let's go." Aaron pulled me off him again and stood up. "Fine." I say getting up. Aaron walked in the dirrection they went last night and there was a huge tree knocked down. It looked like it was just Brocken off... like a twig. "What happed here?" I asked. Aaron laughed slyly. "Funny story actually." Aaron rubbed his neck. I gave him a curious look. "I punched it down last night.... heh.... heh heh.... uh...." Aaron had a slight pink tint on his cheeks and I smirked. "Are you blushing?" I teased. Aaron's face turned a little more red. "No! Why the hell would I blush!?" Aaron asked turning away. "Uh Huh... So why is your face red?" I asked, pointing at him. "It's not red.... maybe it's just the lighting.... or your imagination." Aaron stated. "Uh Huh.... sure. You keep telling yourself that." I say picking up and breaking off some branches of the brocken tree. I grabbed some bark and some dry grass too. Aaron kept taking deep breaths before grabbing onto the entire tree. "You can just do it the easy way." Aaron said. "Easy way?" I ask. Aaron shrugged, picking up the entire tree and walking back to the shelter with ease. My eye's widened as I watched him. "What the hell!?" I ask myself. I hear Aaron chuckle as I stood there puzzled. "You coming or not?" Aaron called teasingly. I shook my head grabbing a couple more pieces of bark so we can start the fire easily. I ran after him, ducking under the tree and walking by Aaron's side. He placed the tree down with a loud thud and sat on it. I just stare at him. "What?" Aaron asked. I shake my head. "Now I know why people are so scared of you." I sigh. Aaron gave me a confused look. "Why's that?" Aaron asked. "You could break so many bones just like a twig." I Answer, shaking my head. "What makes you think people are scared of me?" Aaron asked. "When you threatened that guy yesterday, breaking every bone in his body and let him suffer in pain thing. Don't think I didn't notice him shrinking down." I cross my arms as Aaron froze. "Uh...." Aaron said. "I may have been far, but I was still in sight when that happened silly." I say as I sit down next to him. Aaron looked at the floor, not looking at me. "It was sweet." I smile. Aaron now gave me the confused look. "Sweet!? I practically threatened to kill him." Aaron narrowed his eyes at me. "But he asked what you would do if he hurt me. Remember?" I ask, planting a soft kiss on his cheek. "I thought it was very sweet of you to protect me like that." I say. Aaron was blushing again. "What a rare sight." I hear Jarom say. I look at him. He now had clothes on. "What is?" Mary asked. "The Alpha himself, blushing!? I never thought I would ever see such a reaction!" Jarom smirked. Mary looked at Aaron as I did to. Aaron looked at us all before turning his head. "It's just the damn lighting, get your head strait will ya'?" Aaron grumbled. I giggled at his embaraced expression. "Uh Huh.... Whatever you say Alpha." Jarom shrugged. "I found some raccoons and a deer." Jarom smiled as he sat down on the tree with us. "How in the world did you two get this tree here!?" Mary asked wide eyed. I pointed at Aaron. "He did it! Ask him not me!" I say putting my hands up. "What the hell?" Mary asked. "I said the same thing." I smiled. Aaron chuckled. "How do you carry this thing!?" Mary asked. Jarom sighed. Aaron patted his back softly. "I'm starting to wonder how your so gentle." I stated. Aaron shrugged. "I'm used to it." Aaron said. "Hmm..... can you hold a glass without breaking it?" I asked. Aaron watched me confused. "Never mind." I say and look away. I started putting bricks in a circle and adding some bark. "Does anyone have any glass?" I asked. "I came across a camp and there was glass everywhere. I grabbed it so we could cut the food." Mary said, handing me the glass. I bet that's where they found the cloths too. "Do you watch survival shows or something?" Aaron asked. "Believe it or not Alpha but I still went to school." I say in a sassy tone. Aaron laughed. "Alright. You got me there." Aaron said. "So.... how did you get it here?" Mary asked, pointing at the tree. "He carries it. It's obvious, he knocked it down last night." Jarom smiled. "How?" Mary asked. "Welcome to the Starfield pack Mary. 2nd strongest werewolf in history runs this pack and he's right infront of you." Jarom pointed at Aaron. "In... HISTORY!?" Mary yelled. "Are you kidding me Jarom!? I don't need yet another girl crowding me!" Aaron yelled. Jarom chuckled. "Don't worry. I wouldn't let her anyway." Jarom waved off. Aaron growled. I angled the light so the sun light was focused on one little spot on a piece of bark. "You going to get the wood ready or what?" I asked. "Yeah yeah. I'm on it." Aaron got up and and walked over to a giant branch, snapping it off easily. He then broke that in half and put it next to the fire. He continued to do that with all the branches. Not gonna lie, it was kinda hard not to watch. It was mesmerizing. I eventually got a small fire to go and added the dry grass. The fire lit up more and more and I put one of the brocken pieces of wood into the fire. It was like 35 pounds this small thing and he can hold it in one hand! The fire grew and I added more and more. Jarom and Mary started cutting up the animals once I handed the glass back. The fire was dying by the time they got it all ready to cook so I put another log in it, only I burnt myself and yelled. I sucked on the side of my thumb where I was burnt. Aaron wrapped his around me, taking my thumb away from my mouth and looked st it. It was a bright red and Aaron held it on his hand once he was done examining it. There was a small glow as the sparks fled everywhere. My eye's widened as at least half of the burn went onto his side of the thumb. "Wow." I mumble. "How is that possible!?" Mary asked. Aaron's eye's turned gold as the burn started going over half. I pulled away, Aaron looking at me. "I'm not letting you take the whole injury!" I say. Aaron narrowed his eyes at me and reached for my hand. "No!" I point at him like as if he was a dog doing something bad. Aaron glared at me now. I glared back as Aaron gave up and pulled me into a hug. I smiled at my win and snuggled back. Jarom and Mary putting the food over the flame. Jarom and Mary were sitting on what was left of the tree as I just sat in Aaron's lap. We sat there in comfortable silence until the food was cooked and we dug in. After that we grabbed what we needed.... Aaron carrying the wood. Me and Mary just walked, sense Jarom was carrying the clothes that they had stolen along with the glass that Mary had. They wouldn't let us carry anything, not even the glass. They said that we might cut ourselves. Which bring me, I proabably would, But Mary wouldn't! We had to take a break, how the guys were not even sweating was beyond me. But we continued and came across the same camp that Mary and Jarom had come across.
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