Chapter 2: Hide and Seek (Angel)
Today's song is Angel by Theory Of A Deadman. Please enjoy this chapter.
"Kayla? That's doubtful." Aaron lowered his eyes at me. "Why?" I asked. "Kayla don't play." Aaron stated plainly. I rolled my eyes and ran off to the garden, looking behind trees, flowers.... I know... idiotic. I looked behind bushes and a small playground in the corner. I looked in the slide and in some small tubes that was installed what seemed like weeks ago. The last place I could think of was the pond before I went to check the woods. I walked over to the lake, Aaron watching me from the back door. I didn't see any shadows or bubbles that would have came up from he breathing out. I even sat there for a couple minutes to make sure. "Alrighty then.... just one more place she could be." I said to myself as I look at the woods. It was dark and spooky. Like those cartoons with the fog and broken, dead, rotting tree's.... it was the scariest thing ever. I swallow the lump in my throat. I looked at the door and realized that Aaron wasn't there anymore. Must have went inside. Inside didn't sound like such a bad idea right now. But, I was playing hide and seek with Kayla, and I was seeking. I took a deep breath before slowly walking into the creepy woods. "Hey Kayla? I don't like these woods. Their creepy." I call out hoping she would come out so I don't have to deal with this forest. I wait. 5 seconds have passed, then 10, 15, 20, 40, a full minute and she hasn't came out. I waited even more. 5 minutes has past. I sigh, finally giving up and decided to look. I walk deeper into the forest shivering a little. I was about a mile into the forest, not bothering to really look sense I was scared out of my mind. Don't judge! It's terrifying! Who am I talking to? Ugh.... I need to go get some mental help. I continue walking until I hear rustles from a near by bush. I snap my head in the direction of the sound. I freeze as I see the bush wiggle. It's just a bunny.... just a cute.... white..... fluffy.... bunny. I try and calm myself down as I stare wide eyed at the bush. I hear a loud growl come from the bush. Okay.... it's just a baby..... bear? Yeah.... it's just practicing to be scary so people will leave it alone when it's older..... yep, definitely. Just a cute little cub. I think to myself. Before I can come up with anything else a giant wolf jumps out of the bush. I scream and run for it. I luckily didn't get caught.... only my shirt got caught. Along with..... my bra.... but not the problem at this moment in time. The wolf growled as I started to speed up. But before I could get fat, it tackled me. I scream again. I look at the giant wolf. Not caring what color it is at this time. I snarls and I can feel it's jaw tighten around my neck in an instant. I scream but before the wolf had a chance to snap my neck another wolf tackles it and I hear a loud snarl. I can feel small trickles of blood run down my neck as I try and register that I was still alive. My mind was clouded, I couldn't think, I couldn't move and before I can fully come to my senses I feel a wolf pick me up and put me on his back as it runs off. About half a mile from we're the wolf attacked me, I can finally think. And the first thought that came to me.... well.... childish. Did I get trapped in Jungle Book? Am I a pup now? Wait.... no.... the enemy was a tiger..... not a wolf..... this has to be like a wolf version of Jungle Book. I sat on the wolf's back for another half mile before the house and garden came to view. Once the wolf hit the mowed grass it drops me on the grass and I don't even do anything. The wolf walks in circles.... it was a black wolf.... has to be Aaron. There was no way it was anyone else. He's going to form back soon ain't he? I ask myself, sitting up. He continues to walk in circles. "That was..... terrifying." I grumble. The wolf glanced at me as I remember back to the attack. The wolf growl and I slightly flinch and look at the wolf. He pushes me back down so I'm laying down and I feel his fur at my chin. He was extremely close to my neck. Oh yeah.... wolf attack.... got bit.... causes blood.... I'm such an idiot. I move my hand up to my neck and feel blood still coming out. It's been like an hour... why hasn't it stoped? My eye's widened as I sit up quickly, the wolf growling and pushing me back down. I scream at the sudden push, not expecting it. The wolf growled at me as he continued to sniff my neck. His paws were on my chest, keeping me down. I feel him lick my neck and I freeze. Sparks.... lots of sparks. Strong sparks. He whimpers And gets off of me, whimpering more as he looks at me, sadness evident in his eyes. At the corner of my eye I see him form back. I don't bother looking at him to much. If anything his face. So that's all I look at. His face. He has tears in his eyes and I gave a confused look. Why is he crying? He looks away and turns his back to me. At this point, I don't care if he's.... well... naked in front of me. I get up and crawl over to his side. He hands me a gun that came out on nowhere. "I want you to keep this on y h at all times. "Aaron?" I ask, taking the weapon. Aaron glances at me. "Why are you crying?" I ask. He looks away. "I'm not crying." He stated. I nodded. "My bad, why are you tearing up?" I corrected. He shakes his head. "I don't know what your talking about." He states. "Uh huh. Sure... look I'm not very good with patience. I am the complete opposite of patient." I stated. "And what are you going to do?" Aaron asked, glancing at me. "Fine... I guess I'm going back." I shrug. "Going back where?" Aaron asked as I got up. I start walking back to the.... creepy forest. I wasn't able to get 3 feet away before I feel a hand grab my wrist. Those sparks.... somethings going on. I look behind me to see him staring at me. Aaron sighed, "Fine." He said. I sat back down. "Just promise me you won't go back in those damn woods." Aaron said. "Can I get any information I want?" I ask. "Umm.... clarify." Aaron answers. "I want to know why your tearing up. I wanna know why I feel these weird sparks when I you. I wanna know why that thing attacked me, I also want to know why you came to my rescue. And I want to know why your so strict all the time." I said. Aaron watched me as I made off the list. I look back at him sense I was staring at my hands as I counted my questions off. "I'll answer what I can. I don't know why the wolf attacked you." Aaron said as he looked at the forest. "Alright good enough. So spill it." I say. "You go to being childish to a actual adult within seconds..." Aaron mumbled with a sigh. "Alright. what question first? I don't remember them all." Aaron asked, not making eye contact. "Why are you tearing up?" I ask. Aaron looks at me. "Your more worried about me then your own curiosity?" Aaron asked. "Answer the question bucko." I growl. Aaron put his hands up in defence. "Alright, alright. First of all.... the damn bastard marked you. I don't know if it'll stay or not." Aaron mumbled. "Marked me?" I asked. Aaron nodded slowly. "What does that mean?" I asked. "When a wolf or creature marks you.... you are forever his or hers. They can do whatever they please with you... and you can't do anything about it." Aaron answered, taking a deep breath. My eye's widened. "And how do you mark someone?" I asked. He looks at me, the tears forming again. He touches the wound on my neck, staring at it. "No...." I say. "There's a chance it'll stay, or it will heal and you won't belong to him. But he marked you. And I can't do anything about it." Aaron sighed. I hear a growl from the woods and Aaron becomes on full alert. I whimper and quickly crawl behind Aaron on instinct. I knew exactly what wolf it was. I recognize that growl all to well. The wolf that attacked me came out of the forest, obviously pissed off. "Get inside." Aaron formed back into the black wolf. "Are you crazy! No!!" I say stubbornly. He growls at me as a warning. "I said no!" I stomp my foot child like. I look at the wolf, he was a dark grey. Almost black, but not quite. He had green glowing eyes. He stared back at me and I narrowed my eyes at him. "WHAT THE HELL!" I yell as I pick up a stick and threw it at him. He dogged it with ease as Aaron froze, looking at me. "WHAT THE LITERAL HELL DUDE!" I scream pissed. The grey wolf stares at me. I look at the gun Aaron handed me from earlier. I pull back the hammer and point it at him. Funny thing... I know this isn't a real gun. It doesn't reflect as much light as a real gun would. Guns can't be made of plastic. It would just break and crack the plastic. The grey wolf froze and Aaron just stared at me. "Form back." I order. The grey wolf looks at me. "Now." I order, aiming at him correctly. He growls but forms back. It's a male, dark grey hair, can mistake it for black if it's far away. He was tanned, strong. You know.... it almost reminded me of Jacob in Twilight. "What's your name?" I ask as Aaron forms back. "Jacob." He answers. Wow! Look at that! "I didn't actually think you would use that thing." Aaron mumbled to me. I smirked. "Why did you attack me?" I asked. "Your human. Why else?" He asked. "That's mean.... wait... wouldn't that come across as racist?" I ask. Aaron chuckled a bit. "Depends on your opinion. I believe it does." Aaron shrugged. That's when I remembered that he just formed back to a human.... Forms back from wolf = no clothes..... I scream and cover my eyes. "My innocence!" I scream. I can tell Jacob was extremely confused as Aaron laughs. I had dropped the gun. "And here I actually thought you could be serious." Aaron laughed even harder, falling to the ground. I opened one eye, kicking him a little hard knowing he would barely feel it... or assuming. He stopped laughing and then Jacob started laughing. Aaron growled. I picked up the gun again, careful not to look at either one of them. "I'm gonna kill you." Aaron growled. "I'm already dead! I looked at a guy naked and didn't cover my eyes!" I cried. I can hear Jacob just laugh harder and harder with each word I said as Aaron tried to hold back a laugh. "Shut up." I grumble. I feel two hands grab onto my wrists and pull my hands down. I closed my eyes. I hear Aaron chuckle, he was right in front of me. "Open your eyes." I can feel his breath blow against my ear. I hum embarrassed. "Do I have to make you open your eyes?" Aaron asked. "No...." I mumbled. "Open them than.... and I never got your name." Aaron whispered, smirking. "Maybe this part of you didn't.... It's Lilly." I mumble. Opening my eyes, but I turned my head away from him and Jacob. Aaron grabbed my chin gently and made me face him. His eyes were a bright glowing yellow instead of a dark brown. Aaron smiled at me. His wolf probably took over. I think to myself. He rests his head on mine as I try not to look anywhere but his face. It tends to get harder and harder the longer I know he don't have clothes on. What is wrong with me!? I think to myself as I feel a arm snake around my waist. I get pulled closer to Aaron, causing me to put my hands on his chest for balance. I feel him rest his head on top of mine. My face starts to burn, still thinking of the fact that he don't have clothes on. I shake my head pulling him away. "Go get clothes on!" I scream and push him inside the house. Aaron smirks at me. Before he could say anything I close the door, turning my back to him so I don't have to look. I walk to the playground getting on the swings as Jacob came up and sighed. "I didn't mean to mark you. Sorry." He said. I looked at him and smiled. "You can remove it right?" I ask. "I don't have to. If we both don't want to be marked by the other then it should heal. If it don't than yes, I'll remove it. I have a feeling your mate there's gonna kill me though." Jacob sat down on the swing next to me. "Well you did try to kill me." I mumbled. He chuckled with a laugh. "Didn't think we were breaking laws." Jacob said. "Huh?" I ask. "It's the law to kill any human that gets lost in the woods." Jacob said with a frown. "Oh... so that's why." I said. "Again. Because your human." Jacob said as Aaron came out. Still with yellow eyes. "Yep, I'm dead." I hear jacob say as Aaron turns to us and glares at Jacob. "I'm sure it's not that bad." I smile weakly. Aaron makes his way over to us, anger rising with each step. "Aaron?" I ask. Aaron grabs my wrist and pulls me to him, growling at Jacob. I was honestly surprised to say the least. "Um... Aaron?" I continue to ask. He was holding me so close. Luckily he had some pants on at least, but no shirt, so I'm still feeling those weird shocks. Aaron growled again, pulling me impossibly closer. "What has gotten into you? I thought you didn't like me that much." I say. Aaron looks down at me. "Oh right.... I'm still getting used to this whole wolf thing." I mumble. He glanced at Jacob before fully staring at him. "It's okay. He didn't mean to." I smile, repeating what he had told me. Aaron growled again. "You are extremely protective. You know that?" I ask. "It's his job as a mate to protect you. Besides, alpha's are supposed to be even more protective from what I hear." Jacob said, swinging a little. "What does that have to do with Aaron?" I ask. "You.... don't know?" Jacob asked. I raised a brow in confusion. "He's The Alpha of the Star-field Pack." Jacob said pointing at Aaron. "You are?" I ask in shock as I look at Aaron. Aaron looks at me once again. His eyes flashing of want. "Well....." Aaron looks to the side. "Are you kidding!? He's one of the strongest Alphas in history! 2nd strongest ever recorded!" Jacob jumped from the swing. "Whaaaa!?" I ask. Aaron watched Jacob, not growling this time. "Hence why his pack is called 'Star-field Pack' everyone get's star eyed when they see him." Jacob smiled. I looked at Aaron. OMG I'M IN THE ARMS OF A STRONG WEREWOLF!!!! Not to mention the 2ND STRONGEST!!!!! Wait..... I already knew he was strong. My eye's formed stars in them as I looked up at Aaron. "What are you getting at?" Aaron asked. "One, trying not to get on your bad side. Two, not wanting to die today. And three, trying to do something to make up what I did. I apologize." Jacob said, me not listening well. "So it's true!?" I ask. Aaron looks down at me, his gold eyes shining as the sun starts to set. "Well.... yeah kinda." Aaron mumbled. "Kinda?" I asked, even more suspicious. "What he says is true yes.... but I don't think people go star eyed when they see me.-" Aaron was cut off. "Dude? Are you blind! Everyone goes star eyed. Do you not pay attention or something?" Jacob asked, crossing his arms. "Uh Huh." Aaron mumbled. "Look at her." Jacob said pointing at me as I look at Aaron. Stars shinned in my eyes as if I was an anime character getting to meet her senpai. Aaron smiled down at me. "May I ask when you found her?" Jacob asked. "This morning." Aaron answered. "So she don't know much I assume." Jacob states. Aaron nodded. "Don't know what?" I ask. "Our culture." Aaron answers. "Oh... so... is this weird spark thing part of it to?" I ask. "Partly." Jacob smiles. Aaron sighs and leans down, my breath hitching for a second as he rests his head on my shoulder. Aaron smiled at my reaction. "I'll let you two be. Send me a message if you need any help with anything." Jacob smiled, formed, and ran off. "Are you really the 2nd strongest werewolf in history?" I asked. Aaron frowned at me. "You don't believe me?" Aaron asked, his frown growing. "I just wanted to double check. I mean. Being in the arms of the 2nd strongest werewolf in history." I exclaim. "Do you know how low of a percentage that is!?" I asked, wide eyed. Aaron chuckled, his right eye turning normal, the left staying yellow.. "Your cute." Aaron smiled. I froze.... Did he just... call me cute? This made Aaron laugh more. He tilts my head up and before I know it. "Oomph." His lips are on mine. My eye's go wide as Aaron's tongue invades my mouth, sparks everywhere. I slowly ment into the kiss, Aaron's left hand was on my back, as the other on my neck, deepening the kiss. My arms seem to have a mind of their own when they wrap around his neck. He groans as I pull him as close as possible. He soon breaks the kiss, sooner than I wanted. His eyes still a mix. "What am I going to do with you?" He asked. "Uh..... love me?" I suggested. He smirked down at me. "I hate you." Aaron mumbled. "Why do you have to be so cute and childish?" He added. "Um.... good or bad thing?" I ask. "A mix of both really. It's good in many ways, but bad in others." Aaron answered. I frowned. "Which one do you see it as?" I question, worried that he thinks it as a bad thing. "I think it's adorable. You confuse me. That's for sure. Why? You worried about that now?" Aaron asked. "I just don't want to be.... I don't know...." I pause, looking down. "Unloved?" Aaron finished. I nodded in response. "You won't be unloved Lilly. Weather it me who loves you or someone else. Who wouldn't fall in love with someone as cute as you?" Aaron smiled. "With someone else?" I frown. "Or myself. There might be a time where I need to let you go.... for your own safety. As much as I dread that thought. I might have to." Aaron frowned. "Why?" I asked. "This Pack is one of the most attacked. What if someone gets a hold of you? What if they hurt you knowing your my biggest weakness? What if they use you against me?" Aaron asked. The fact that I am his biggest weakness bring me joy, especially when he's the 2nd strongest werewolf in history. But the fact that they could use me against him saddens me. "Is that why you were mad earlier? Because you now have a weakness?" I ask, looking down. Aaron smiled and tilted my head to look at him. "My most precious weakness. But yes. That is why I was upset. I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make you feel hurt or unimportant." Aaron held my cheek. "It's not that... I just don't want to be used against anyone." I mumble. "That's why I was hoping you could help me keep this secret. To prevent that." Aarmau n sighed. "Even to your pack?" I asked. "Even to my pack. We never know when they'll turn against me." Aaron frowned. "Why would they do that?" I asked. "Because it's happened before. A lot." Aaron shrugged. "Can I ask you something.... it might come out personal." I warned. Aaron nodded. "Why did one eye change back and not the other?" I ask. I feel Aaron's grip tighten gently reassuringly. "This is both of us taking control. We share the body at the same time basically. Only problem is that I can't lie without growling at myself." Aaron mumbled. I smiled. "So if I asked you a question, you can't lie to me?" I ask with a smirk. "I don't like where this is going." Aaron stated. "Is that correct?" I repeated. Aaron sighed deeply before nodding. My smirk grew. "Okay..... how old are you?" I ask. "Seriously? Playing 100 questions!? Right now!?" Aaron exclaimed. "You can ask questions to if you like." I smile, swaying slightly. Aaron shook his head. "Fine..." Aaron mumbled. "So how old are you?" I asked again. "17..." Aaron answered. "I'm 15. Okay your turn." I smile, leading him to the swings as he thought of a question. He sat down on the swing I was about to. "What's your favorite color?" Aaron asked. "Hey!" I say. "That's not a color Lilly." Aaron smirked. "Purple black and grey. Can I have my swing back now?" I asked. "No. My turn." Aaron smirk grew. "Wait what!?" I groaned. "And that's another question." Aaron noted. "That don't count!" I say. "It was a question, therefore it counted." Aaron smiled. I grumbled in response, making my way over to the other swing. But before I could even take a step, Aaron grabbed my wrist and pulled me toward him, causing me to fall on his lap. The sparks came up everywhere he touched. "Can you feel that? The sparks I mean." Aaron asked. I nodded in response. "Do you know what it means?" Aaron asked. "No." I Answer. "Do you want to know?" Aaron questioned. "Yes, now that's three questions my turn." I say, facing him. "Why are you so protective of me?" I ask. "Your my mate. It's my job. It 's the same reason for the sparks." Aaron grazed my wrist, causing the sparks to become more powerful. "What's a mate?" I asked. "It's like a soulmate. You know how wolves only mate with one wolf most of the time?" He asked. I nodded. "It's basically that. Except, the sparks help us find out who's our mate." Aaron smiled. "So.... does that mean we have to have kids?" I asked uncomfortable. Aaron shrugged. "We don't have to. But with me being the alpha it's expected. So that way our pack doesn't become alphaless when I leave." Aaron explained. "If I were to mark you right now.... what would you do?" Aaron asked, staring at my neck. "Well sense I'm your mate I'm assuming you won't hurt me. So... I might panic at the beginning.... and then kinda relax. Wait a minute why?" I ask. "I wanna mark you." Aaron mumbled. "Can I?" Aaron asked. "You sure you want to mark a t engage girl that acts like a three year old? If so, sure. It's nice to know someone wants me." I mumble the last sentence. "What do you mean by that!?" Aaron growled. "Easy... it's just.... I've never actually been loved before so..." I shrugg. Aaron growled again. "At least tel me you had friends." Aaron stated. "No.... not really. I mean cupcake..... uh.... Mayly. But Kayla was always by my side. If that's what you mean." I shrug. "Did anyone hurt you?" Aaron asked. "Define.... 'hurt'." I raise a brow. "Cut's, bruises, mental pain, physical pain." Aaron said in a annoyed tone. I gulped and looked away. "Maybe." I mumble. "Lilly..." Aaron growled warningly. "Okay fine! So I might have been injured a couple times a day so what!?" I roll my eyes. "A day!?" Aaron growled louder. "Or.... week?" I try and correct myself. I am so bad at lying. Aaron instantly picked me up and started walking towards the house. "Um.... where are we going?" I asked as he carried me inside. Aaron didn't answer but fear, worry, and anger filled his eyes. "Aaron?" I asked. He was walking up the stairs now, leaving the back door open. "Um... what about werewolf Kayla?" I ask as I remembered that she was still hiding. "She can handle herself." Aaron growed angerly. "Hey.... are you okay Alpha?" Someone asked. It was a female, dark brown hair, hazel eyes and a dark shade of skin. "Not now Jewel." Aaron growled once again as he opened a black door, slamming it behind him. He placed me down on the red and black bed. Before grabbing my shirt and started lifting. "Wait! What are you doing!?" I scream. Aaron held me down as he removed the shirt. He sat me up and sat down behind me. I tried rolling on my back to cover up the whip scars that were on my back but he kept me there. I hear a deep growl as he stares at my back. I was struggling in his grasp before... but with that terrifying growl I instantly froze. Is he going to hurt me? I think to myself. I feel his hand trace over my back, probably analyzing the scars. A knock on the door came to my ears as someone walked in. "Ah!" I yelled grabbing a pillow and throwing it at the person at the door. I quickly then hid behind Aaron as the pillow hit the intruders face. I didn't touch him, now that he knows about the scars... who knows what any of them are going to do to me. I didn't want to get in trouble. So I just hid. "Uh.... didn't mean to intrude.... I didn't know you were.... Uh..... anyway. Um, there's a guy here.... looking for a missing girl. The description kinda sounds like Lilly but won't give me a name." The intruder said. He had blonde hair, blue eyes and a blue plaid shirt with blue jeans. "Out." Aaron growled. "Sorry!" He turned on his heal and closed the door. Aaron let out a deep growl before grabbing me and putting him back on his lap. Except this time I was facing him. He looked ones down at my stomach where some burnt marks where made, or more like created. "Who did this to you?" Aaron asked. He looked back up at me and waited for me to answer.
Hey guys, decided this is where I would end this chapter. Have fun!
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