Chapter 17: Date (Perfect)

HELLLOOOO READERS!!! Hope you enjoy this book so far, welcome to one of the most important chapters of this book (in my opinion) Aaron's and Lilly's FIRST date! I am so excited to write this for you! Thank you all for reading. This chapters song is Perfect by Ed Sheeran! Enjoy!

It's been getting late, Aaron told me to stay in the bedroom until he came and got me. Not knowing much of what he was doing. I tried to get information out of him, but kept saying it was a surprise. All I know, is that we were having dinner. That's it! I don't know anything else and my curiosity is killing me! Though, I have to admit, it's kinda cute. It's cute seeing Aaron riled up and excited to do something with me. "Lilly." I hear a deep familiar voice say. I look up and see Aaron. "Hey." I smiled. "It's ready, c'mere." Aaron smiled back. I stood up and walked up to him until I was in front of him. He got behind me and covered my eyes. I leaned against him. Aaron chuckled, his chest raising and falling. "No peeking Lilly." Aaron whispered in my ear. I smiled wider and nodded. Aaron wrapped a cloth around my eyes so I couldn't see. I let out a giggle as Aaron finished the knot. He lead me down the stairs and outside. The fresh air hit my senses as Aaron walked me in a random direction. "Careful." Aaron said. So I reached my arms out only for my hands to hit some metal. I hear a click and some kind of door open. He lifts me inside and I am on a seat. I hear another click before the door shuts. I hear Aaron get in and a engine start. Okay. So we're in a car. I think to myself and the car starts to move. After a long while I had almost fell asleep. "We're here." Aaron whispered as I feel him kiss my cheek. I smiled and nodded. I was picked up out of the car by the time I unbuckled my seat belt. Aaron was carrying me in some place that I didn't know. But I hear water in the distance. I recognize this sound as waves. Their loud for a wave though. After a while Aaron carefully puts me down. I feel sand under my feet. "Ready?" Aaron whispered in my ear. I nodded in response. I can feel the knot being fiddled with and soon coming loose. The cloth is removed and Aaron's arms find their way to my waist. The sun is bright and blinds me a little bit my eyes adjusted quickly. I see the ocean, big beautiful waves as a picnic is set up in front. Two bags sit on the side of a blanket as there is sandwiches, strawberries, pineapple, cherries, a box of cookies, grapes, so many food choices. It was all set up. The sight made me gasp as my legs became weak slightly. "Wow." I whispered. I noticed a small candle in the middle of the blanket next to the picnic basket. "You like it?" Aaron asked. It was as if he was worried. "Do I like it? Are you crazy!? I love it!" I exclaimed as I looked at him. He let out a silent sigh of relief and smiled at me. "I'm glad." Aaron answered as I looked back at the area. "How long did it take to set this up!?" I asked. "Eh, not to long." Aaron shrugged as he guided me to the blanket. "This is way better than a movie." I said as I sat down on the blanket. Aaron chuckled and nodded in agreement. "What's the bags for?" I asked as I took some pineapple. "Swimming." Aaron answered with a smirk. "Swimming? So... there's a swimming suit in there?" I asked. "No." Aaron's smirk grew. I gave him a confused look. That's when it clicked. "Um...." I mumbled, a blush coming to my cheeks. Aaron rolled his eyes. "Oh c'mon. It's not like I haven't seen you naked before." My blush grew and became brighter. "Shut up!" I yelled as I tackled him. Aaron laughed as I started hitting his chest. "Lilly!" Aaron laughed as he grabbed my wrist. "We were in a room and NOT IN PUBLIC!" I yelled. Aaron laughed even harder. "We did it in the pond didn't we?" Aaron chuckled. "THE POND WAS IN THE WOODS! WERE OUT IN THE OPEN!" I continued to yell. Aaron flipped us, earning a yelp from me. "Oh c'mon. You really think I would let anyone see you. Your mine. No else is aloud to see you without clothes on." Aaron growled the last sentence. I looked at him as a smile grew on his lips. "Now eat up. Your probably hungry." Aaron said and got off, lifting me in a sitting position. I nodded and started to stuff some fruit into my mouth. Aaron chuckled and ate some fruit and a sandwich himself. I ate my sandwich and a bunch of cookies. "Easy there pumpkin. Your going to make yourself sick." Aaron smiled. "Nah! I've got a strong tummy." I answered while shoving another cookie into my mouth. He chuckled and shook his head. "Come on. That's enough." Aaron says and closed the cookie container. I frown slightly but nod. He put the cookies away and started eating a sandwich. I finished my sandwich as well and started shoving fruit into my mouth. He chuckled as he watched me shove as much food into my mouth as possible. "Hungry?" He teased with a smirk. I rolled my eyes at his comment. "Your the one that got me pregnant." I stated. He chuckled more as he looked at me large belly. "How long has it been sense I got you pregnant?" He asked. "I think it's been 3 months." I answered. He nodded walked over to my side. He sat back down and wrapped his arms around me. "I think it's time to go see if it's a boy or a girl." He whispered. I giggled and nodded. "Later though, we have some swimming to do." I say and get up. I take off my clothes and walk into the water. "And you were nervous about being naked." Aaron grumbled before doing the same. "Mood swings!!!" I say in a sing song tone. He chuckled and jumped in. I giggled as the water was at my knees. I kept walking and Aaron resurfaced from the water. He swam over to me and when he got to me I was at waist deep. He kissed my belly and stood up. I giggled as he looked at me with loving eyes. "I love it when you giggle." He mumbled before placing a kiss on my lips. I smiled and pushed him lightly. "You know, I expected this to be a lot worse." I say. "Well with you being Luna it does help with the sick feeling. Not so much on cravings though." Aaron smirked. "Oh? Well, I learned something new today." I shrugged. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me as he guided me into the water. I leaned against him in response. He guided me to the center of the little pond and kissed the top of my head. "You know, when I told you I was ready and wanted a baby I thought you would be upset." I chuckled softly. He gave me a confused look. "Why?" He asked. "I don't know... part of me just was worried that you would be mad at me for it." I sighed. "Is that why you were reading parenting books and looking on Amazon for baby cloths and such?" He asked. I nodded nervously. "I didn't know how you would feel so I did it while I was in the bathroom or something." I answered. "That's why it took you forever in the bathroom." He sighed. "Hey! No judging!" I say and cross my arms as I can feel myself going slightly irritated. He put his hands up in defense as I glared at him. "Easy, I wasn't judging and never would. I might tease you with it every once in a while though." He says. I hugged and he wrapped his arms around me again. "Sure." I mumbled. "Let me guess... mood swing?" He asked. I hugged again and he nodded.  "When is the baby due anyway?" I asked. "Usually about 3 months and a half." Aaron answered. My eye's went wide. "You mean we could have figured out the gender sooner!!!?" I yelled. He game me a shy smile as he rubbed his neck with his right hand. "Ugh!" I say and start walking to the blanket. "Where are you going?" He asked. "Let's go!!! I want to go figure out what gender it is!" I yelled and quickly put on my clothes. He sighed and got out of the water. He put his clothes on and he grabbed the basket and blanket after I put the food away. I grabbed the two candles and we walked back to the car. I got in and he drove off. I threw the blanket and basket in the back as I blew out the candles and put them somewhere safe. When we got back he parked at the front and I almost ran inside. He caught me by the waist and stopped me before I reached the door. "Hold up tiger." He says, kissing my cheek. I frown and look at him. "You need to chill sweetheart. Plus, there's no rush. There's going to be a small wait anyway." Aaron said and let go of me, taking my hand with a smile. "That's just an excuse to hold me and you know it." I said and rushed in, dragging him along. He was taken by surprise by my sudden tug and I pushed the doors open. He was soon by my side and got me to slow down as my breathing became heavy. "See, take it easy." He says and guide me down to the docs office. The doc turned to us as soon as we walked in with a smile. "Alpha, Luna, What can I do for you?" He asked. "I want to know the gender!" I screamed happily. Aaron sighed and the doc chuckled. "Alright alright. This way." He says. I quickly followed him but frowned at how slow he was walking. Doc chuckled as he noticed my short patience.  He opened the door and I ran in, jumping on the bed. Aaron chuckled at me as Doc looked at me amused. "I'll be back in a bit. I have to finish up giving a patient some pills." Doc says and leaves the room. I groan in frustration. "Patience is avert you Lilly." He chuckled. "I'm impatient." I stated. "I can tell." Aaron smiled and walked over, sitting down next to me. "Can you tell him to hurry?" I asked. Aaron shook his head. "He's busy, give him time Lilly." He says. I sighed and waited. Seconds felt like minutes, minutes felt like hours, and let's be happy it didn't take a hour. Or hours would feel like days. Doc walked in with some ointment and a machine on wheels. He lifted my shirt up to reveal my stomach and put the ointment on it. I looked at Aaron who was glaring at doc. I stuck my tongue out at him childishly and he rolled his eyes. I giggled as I watched him. I feel pressure on my belly and look at doc. He moves some object around my belly and he smiled. "It's a girl." He looked at me. I let out a loud squeal as Aaron and Doc cover their ears. "I told you! Mother instincts!" I yelled. "Alright I get it! You were right!" Aaron says uncovering his ears. He looked at me as my eyes sparked. Doc uncovered his ears and shook his head. I smiled in victory as he sighed. Once we were done we headed back to the house and I bragged about how I was right.

~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~

I was with Mary and we were watching some IZombie. "I'm going to go get some popcorn." I said and stood up. She nodded and I walked downstairs. I grabbed some popcorn cornels and grabbed a pan. I froze when I felt water splash and drip down my legs. I looked down to see a puddle on the floor. My eye's widened and I started to panic. "MARY!!!" I yelled and Mary came running down the stairs. Her eyes landed on me and went wide. I started breathing heavily as I watched her. She rushed over to the phone then ran to me. "Stay calm." She says as she dials a number. You may be asking why she can't just mind link them, well, that's because the doc and guys went to the store. If she mind linked them she would mind link every werewolf in the store. I hear it ring a couple times. "Damn. Doc answer the phone." She mumbled. She dials a different number and it rang twice before someone answered. "Aaron!!! Thank god you answered!" She breathed and I winced as a strong pain went through my senses. "What? Is everything okay?" I hear Aaron ask threw the phone. "She's coming! The babies coming! I can't get ahold of the doc and called you instead." She panicked. "WHAT!?" I hear him yell through the phone and Mary pulled the phone away from her ear. "I'm on my way! Keep her calm! I'll get Doc!" I hear Aaron say and a beep. She guide me to the living room and sat me down on the couch. "Take it easy." She says even though I can see the panic in her eyes. I take deep breaths as the pain shoots through my body. I squeezed my eyes shut. The Doc runs in and kneels next to the couch. "I need some towels." He says to Mary and she rubs off. "Deep breath Lilly. Deep breath." He says. I nodded in response. "I need to remove your lower clothing. That okay?" He asked. I nodded again and he removed my pants and undies so that way the baby wouldn't be trapped. I hear the door slam open just as Doc set down the now folded clothes. He ran in and snapped his head to me when he came into view. Doc gave me instructions and I did as told. Aaron came in and held my hand. I hear cries as the pain subsided. I take deep breaths as my breathing was rigid. Doc was whipping something down as I laid there. He soon handed me a baby girl and I smiled at him thankfully. He nodded and Aaron watched me and the baby. I smiled at him as he stared at us. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He looked back at the baby as the baby cried in my arms. I smiled warmly and we all just stared at my little girl. "What should we name her?" I asked Aaron. "Lilly's a beautiful name." He smirked. I rolled my eyes. "Aaron." I said and looked at her. She had blue eyes, strange for a baby but I learned that most babies have blue eyes and they change as the get older, or something like that. "Hmm." He hummed. "How about, Rose?" He asked, kissing my head. I smiled and nodded in response. Everyone in the pack house came in to see the new baby. They started talking and soon everyone left us alone. Aaron took Rose from me and we smiled happily. "I love you Aaron." I say and turned to Rose. Aaron held Rose softly and comfortingly. "I love you too, and I'll make sure no guy hurts you, or he gets some of this pack to deal with." Aaron smirked evilly. I playfully smacked his shoulder and he chuckled. "No you won't! Me and her will just have a long girl chat." I giggled. Aaron rolled his eyes at me. "We all know I'll just scare them all away." He smirked at Rose. "Whatever liar." I say and take Rose from him. He glared at me playfully for a moment. I fed rose as we headed upstairs to our room. By this time we had a baby crib, bottles, clothes, all sorts of baby stuff for Rose. I set her in her crib and rocked her to sleep. Aaron put his arms around me and rested his head on my neck. "Well, this will be fun." He said with a smirk. "Oh shut it. But on your behalf, I'm not the only one getting up in the middle of the night." I say and poke his chest. "C'mon. Let's let Doc take care of her and we can go and get something to eat? Hm?" He hummed. I smiled and nodded. "I'm afraid I can't let that happen just yet Alpha, Luna." Doc says, coming in with some papers. "I need to do some tests to make sure nothing was damaged or something has gone wrong." Doc says, looking at the papers, flipping through them. We nodded and I sat down on the bed. He checked my blood pressure, blood cell count, all sorts of things. Once he was done he nodded for us to go and he walked over to Rose, doing check ups and other things. "Come on. Let's go." Aaron says waving at Doc and leaving the room with me behind him.

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