Chapter 15: Baby (Get The Party Started)
Hello and welcome to the fifteenth chapter. The song of this chapter is Get The Party Started by Pink!
It's been about 25 weeks, but I don't have a baby bump. I think the baby died before it could grow. It probably died when I was thrown into the hood of the car. Poor thing. But that wouldn't explain all the throwing up and cravings I've been having. It doesn't make sense. Maybe I'm syncing myself out, making me think that I'm doing these things. Making me actually do them. Or feel them. Mind over matter is what people say. I was currently taking a shower, and sense we were still in the cells, Aaron was overly protective and was getting in fights. Every person that looked at me he would tackle or tear apart. So no one looks in my direction anymore. Not even for a second. When I was about to turn off the water, I feel a soft kick on my stomach. I look down at my stomach but there was nothing there. My eye's went wide. "JEREMY!" I screamed. Aaron let out a dangerous growl. Jeremy ran in here with a gun ready to fire. He looked at me then covered his eyes. "Lilly please get some clothes on!" He said as Aaron growled at Jeremy. I quickly put on some clothes and ran to Jeremy. "Jeremy! Feel!" I say and grab his hand placing it on my stomach. Aaron growled and pushed me away before the baby could kick again. I glare at him as his eyes were a bright golden color. "Fine. Jeremy get the camera!" I smile. "What? Why?" Jeremy asked. "I want to record his expression." I say and remove Aaron's hand from my stomach before he could feel the baby kick. "What?" Aaron asked now confused. Jeremy gave a confused look but shook it off grabbing his phone. I dragged them both to the cell we were staying in. Jeremy still had a confused look but grabbed the keys and unlocked the door. Aaron growled as Jeremy walked by me. I dragged Aaron in and looked at Jeremy. He shook his head but aimed the camera. "Alright... it's recording." He said. I smiled and made sure the camera could see Aaron's face. Aaron looked so confused, I had to hold in a laugh. I grabbed his hand and put his hand on my stomach. Aaron looked even more confused but soon felt a kick. His eyes went wide as he stared at my stomach. I laughed at him as he continued to stare. "It..." Aaron said. I laughed even harder. His face is priceless! It's like a starving cat looking at you when you have like 1000 pounds of fish in your hands. Aaron didn't know what to say and Mary, Jarom, Eric, Jake, and even Jeremy became extremely confused. Jaromy walked over and looked at Aaron and I. "What?" Jarom asked. Aaron didn't respond, he didn't even acknowledge that he was there. "Is the baby kicking!?" Mary asked excitedly. "She don't have the baby bump." Jarom answered. "You know, if you are fit enough, the baby will be held more toward your back so you don't get much of the baby bump." Mary smiled knowingly. Jarom gave a confused look. Mary looked at me for a answer. I nodded quickly as Aaron seemed to zone out. I laughed when I l looked at Aaron. He didn't know what to do. Jarom tried to come feel but that was the one thing that snapped Aaron back to reality. Aaron growled at Jarom, causing Jarom to pull his hand away. I rolled my eyes as Mary came over. She moved Aaron's hand, causing him to growl at her and replaced his hand with her own. I smiled as she waited until a soft kick took place. Her eyes turned to stars as she pulled her hand away and squeeled. Aaron, Eric, Jarom, and I cover our ears. "Oh my god!" She yelled after taking a breath. I laughed and felt another kick. "What gender do you think it will be. "Girl." I say the same time Aaron says "Boy." We look at eachother. I look at Jeremy, who was now making sure that the camera was getting everything. "How would you know?" Aaron asked. "Motherly instincts." I answer and put my own hand on my stomach. Aaron rolled his eyes. "The baby is in her Aaron." Mary said with a smirk. Aaron looked back at me, now starting to freak out. What if I'm not a good enough dad? What if the baby ends up hating me? What if the baby hates me the second it can breath? I roll my eyes. Your going to be the best dad on this planet. She'll love you. I think back. "She? I think you mean he." Aaron corrected. "No, I mean she. But either way. The baby's not going to hate you." I smile. Aaron looks back at my stomach. "I'm not so sure about that." Aaron grumbled. "She'll love you! I wish you were my dad." Mary said, grumbling the last sentance. "Nope! He's mine!" I say with a smile. Jarom gave a soft growl once he took in what Mary said. Mary looked at Jarom, his expression holding jelousy. Mary went over and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. "I meant physicall dad Jerom." She said. Jerom ignored her comment and wraped an arm around Mary. Holding her close. Aaron rolled his eyes as I smiled at him. Aaron put his hand back on my stomach after guiding me to sit down near the back wall. We sat down and Aaron just felt the baby kick most of the time.
It has been about a week before we caught the the video of Aaron feeling the babies first kicks. Jeremy had let us out of the cells yesterday. Everyone in the Star was called to the police station for a meeting. Everyone will be forced out of their homes and jobs to hear what's going on. They have news channels all over for the people who couldn't walk or was out of state. For the whole world to know this was all a misunderstanding. We were in the back, waiting for our names to be called to show that we don't mean any harm. Aaroncalled his entire pack. And I have to say. There was about 20,000 pack members hear. No joke. They all watched me as if I was a piece of candy and Aaron would let out a threatening growl. "I have forced everyone hear today to discuss the School matter." We hear Jeremy say. "I want to know why my sons school was attacked!" We hear a man yell from the crowd. "Sir, the school was not attacked in the way you may think it is. They had every right to attack." Jeremy yelled. "Every right!? My daughter was killed in that attack!" A woman yelled angerly. "Please let me explain." Jeremy said. Everyone waited for him to continue. "They were in self defense. They weren't going to harm anyone." Jeremy said. "As I said! One of them protected me! A lot of them protected many of us! But no one will listen!" We hear a female voice say. Jeremy nodded. "They came in to find their mates." Jeremy started. "Mates?" Someone asked. "Yes. Their lovers, in other words. Their soul mates, the people they sworn to protect." Jeremy explained. People seemared to calm down slightly. "They were attacked by us first. We have looked through the camera's of the school. Humans are the one who attacked them! As you can see in this video. We have blurred out the people who are in this video." Jeremy said before we hear the video start. I started becoming nervous, Aaron rubbed my side, comforting me. Once the video was over. "I have brought the pack here to show you that they mean no harm." Jeremy said. Everyone was talking among themselves. "Aaron, the Alpha, or leader of the pack. And the Luna, Lilly, or female Alpha of the pack." Jeremy said. Aaron smiled down at me reassuringly. We slowly walked out, people stared at us. Aaron wrapped a arm around me as we continued to walk. "I would like to also introduce the Beta, or second in command, Jerom and the rest of the pack." Jeremy said as everyone else came from behind the curtain. The girls and boys up front ran to them and hugged their mates. The mates smiled and hugged them closely as the females and males cried slightly. "As you can see, they are in no harm." Jeremy smiled. "Told you everything would be fine." Aaron whispered to me. "That don't excuse all the kills they have done throught the past years!" Someone said. "They were all for a reason." Jeremy said. "So why did he kill my brother!?" A man acused. "Most likely because he was following werewolf rules. Number one rule was that if any human knew of their existence, they shall be killed on sight or as soon as possible. Otherwise, it was because he threatened him or his pack." Jeremy answered. The crowd seemed to understand. "So is he going to kill us all now?" Someone asked. Aaron shook his head. "Aaron has given up on that rule. He can't kill anymore people. He believes that we have every right to know of their existance. Other packs are taking action to our state and will try and kill us off. Some of you may be wondering why I would bring us all in one place to let you know about these dangers." Jeremy paused. "It's because I also wanted to let you know that Aaron and his pack will be wandering every street to make sure their are no packs coming to get any of us. His pack and Aaron has agreed to protect us from any danger. Especially sense we have just recently found out, that some of the pack members have human mates. The human and werewolf bond has not happened in several centuries. But for now. We are to focus on what is in the present. We ask that you help them with what they need to help protect us. If not for the state, then for your family. For the children. As for now, Lilly is pregnant and would also like to keep this a safe place for her child to grow up in. I need to know if you are with me on this or not." Jeremy paused again. "We will give you a few minutes to choose weather or not you are with me and his pack. I'll be talking to them on stage if anyone has any questions." Jeremy said before turning off the microphone and walking to me and Aaron. "How do you think their going to answer?" I asked nervously. "I don't know. But I hope it'll work." Jeremy answered. "Everything will be fine. We'll at least have some people on our side." Aaron says as he looks at the female and males that were on the stage. I nodded in agreement. "I just hope everyone else agrees." I say. Aaron nodded in agreement and put his hands on my belly. "You and me both Lilly." Aaron answered, as he felt the baby kick once again. I smiled and focused on how the baby moved. "She's very active." I say, looking at Aaron. Aaron smiled and continued to hold me close to him. Soon Jeremy walked back and turned the mic on. "Alright. After that little time. Do we all have our choices?" Jeremy asked. The majority of people nodded. Jeremy nodded. "All those who agree and support the pack, please raise a hand." Jeremy said, raising his own. I became nervous, scared of how this would work out. My eye's went wide and became glassy as most of the people raised their hands. The water in my eyes threatened to spill. "And those who do not." Jeremy said putting his hand down. There were about 10 hands out of the whole state. A tear escaped from me happily and Aaron whipped it away. I smiled up at him. "Thankyou, for everyone who agreed to help or at least support the pack. To let you know, the pack will belt protecting us weather we all supported them or not." Jeremy said. "Does that change anyone's choice?" Jeremy asked. No one said anything and just shook their head no. "Alright. If anyone from the pack has something to say? Otherwise everyone can return home." Jeremy said looking through some papers. "OH! Never mind! One more announcement! If anyone see's anyone suspicious, Aaron's and the packs numbers will be over on a table on your right and left." Jeremy said, pointing at the tables on both sides. "I will hand the mic to the pack." Jeremy said. He looked at us. I looked at Aaron as he let go of my waist, walking over to Jeremy. Aaron took the mic and waved at everyone. "Hi. Um... I would like to Thankyou for letting me and my mate stay here, without any fights." Aaron started off. I smiled at him sweetly. "And their will be a... small, party at the packhouse." Aaron smiled. "Whaaa?" I asked. The whole pack was asking the same questions. "Shh! They don't know that." Aaron teased looking at his pack. The crowd laughed as I was just giving a shocked expression. Aaron laughed with the crowd at our expressions. I regained myself and smiled. Aaron stopped laughing, calming down. "Jarom." I mumbled. "Yeah Luna?" Jarom asked. I rolled my eyes at him. "Get my boomerang." I smiled sweetly. Jarom and Eric froze. Jarom walked off the stage and soon returned with a boomerang. He handed it to me and I aimed for Aaron's legs. Throwing it. Aaron noticed it go by and the crowd went silent. "Lilly." Aaron said unsure as it came back and hit his legs, making him fall. I smile sweetly. "What? Wonder were that came from." I say innocently. The crowd chuckled slightly as Aaron sat up and looked at me. "What in the world was that for!?" Aaron asked. "I don't know what your talking about." I say, looking at him with innocent eyes. Aaron narrowed his eyes at me. "Lilly." Aaron warned. I smiled wider. "Yes?" I asked. Aaron sighed, looking out at the crowd. "Careful for any boomerangs." Aaron warned as he got up. The crowed gave a small chuckle. "Next time tell me about any plans? Okay?" I asked. Aaron looked at me and I smiled. Aaron sighed. "Fine." Aaron mumbled before turning back to the crowd. "Anyway! The address, time, and day is on the tables as well." Aaron smiled. "How long have you been planning this?" Jarom asked. Aaron shrugged. "A while. That's all from me." Aaron said handing the mic back to Jeremy. Jeremy laughed and shook his head. "Any questions about the party?" Jeremy asked. "Will there be food?" Someone asked. Aaron chuckled but nodded. "Lilly?" Jeremy asked. "Just the fact that Aaron's a dummy sometimes. That's all I have." I say. "Hey!" Aaron yelled as he snapped his head in my direction. I giggled as some others laughed. "She's got a point Alpha." Jarom smiled. Aaron glared at Jarom and Mary laughed. "Alright. Anyone from the pack?" Jeremy asked. They all shook their heads no. "Anyone from the crowd wants to ask some questions?" Jeremy asked. "How many of you are single?" A female asked. The pack seemed to chuckle awkwardly. "Let's have the singles come over here." Jeremy smiled and pointed to the opposite side. Aaron chuckled as he pulled me away from that side. Some let out sighs as they walked to the other side. We all laughed at how uncomfortable they all were. "Good luck!" I smile. They looked at me questioningly. A lot of females came and males came up to the stage and started flirting with them. I giggled at their misery and gave a small wave at some of them asking for help. Aaron laughed. "You might meet your mate in that crowd!" Aaron called to them as the male and females looked at the people from the crowd. Some have nervous chuckles as Aaron and I walked away. "Anyone else wants to come up?" Aaron called. They all snapped their heads in Aaron's dirrection. "Don't worry. I'll get him later." I smirked. Aaron gave a confused look. The boomerang came flying and tripped Aaron again. The boomerang came back as I caught it. They all laughed. "What the hell!?" Aaron asked as he sat up. They all laughed and I stood innocently once again. "No idea what your talking about." I smirked. Everyone laughed again. "Lilly!" Aaron growled warningly. "That's my cue to leave." I say and start walking off the stage. Aaron let out a soft growl before getting back up. "I think she has a magical boomerang power or something." I hear Jarom say. "Or she's a wich." I hear Eric say. I lift the boomerang and everyone flinched. I set it on the table and turned to them. I gave them a smile and looked at me. "Have fun!" I say, giving a small wave before walking out of view. "Remind me not to get on Luna's bad side." We hear a couple of pack members say. I laughed slightly and turned the corner. I walked next to the stage, going around back. Aaron looked at me. I smirked and started walking off to the crowd. People made a small clearing, watching me. "Lilly! Why you brat!" Aaron called before running after me. I giggled and started running myself. We ended up playing a little game of tag and everyone joined in, running away from Aaron. Aaron formed into his wolf, as it ran after me. I laughed and sped up my pace, formed my self before jumping over a small rope. I turned a tight corner, becoming out of view before hiding under a clothed table. I see Aaron's shadow run past the table and I come out. I started walking back to the stage. "And the Luna out runs the Alpha." I hear a pack member say. Aaron came back, I could sense him. He was about to pounce on me but I jumped out of the way. His wolf shook and looked at me. I held a small smirk and ran back to the stage. Aaron ran after me. He caught up about on the stage and tackled me. I smiled and looked at him. Aaron was now the one holding the smirk. You tore your clothes Lilly. Aaron smirked. Realization hit me and my ears flopped. "Uh..... I'll.... go get some clothes." Eric said, walking off. For me only! I call to him. Now that's not fair. Aaron said. "Sorry Alpha. I'm more scared of the Luna at this moment in time." Eric called and walked off. Aaron gave a small glare in his direction, giving me the chance to flip us over and jump off of him. The people gave a confused look. "Luna and Alpha tore their clothes and thier both telling Eric to get one clothes but not the other." A pack member explained. The crowd came to realization and laughed. Aaron glared at me. He got up and I smiled. I glanced at a collar and leash. You wanna put on a show for them? I asked. Aaron followed my eyes and saw the collar and leash. Aaron cringed slightly. Not that. Aaron answered. Why not? I can be the person. And you can be my wolf pet. I say with a smirk. Aaron whimpered slightly as I got up to the collar and leash. I smiled. Ask them if they wanna see a show. I think with a smirk. "Who wants to see a show!?" A pack member asked. Aaron growled lightly. Everyone have a confused look. What if I was a pet with you? I asked. Aaron seemed to like that idea a little better. Jarom? I asked. Jarom sighed. "What's the plan?" He asked. I smiled. I need another leash and collar. I say and jump down, handing Mary the leash and collar. She looked at Aaron with a smirk. "I call Aaron." She said. I nodded and she walked over to Aaron. Aaron's wars flopped as she put them on him. He looked at the leash and collar and then at Mary. "Sorry Alpha." Jarom smirked. Your not sorry at all!! Aaron yelled. Jarom walked in the back. I smiled at him and smirked. I hate you sometimes. Aaron said. I hate you too Goldy. I smiled. Aaron sighed silently and turned to the crowd. They were all trying to hold in their laughter. Jarom soon came back with a leash and collar. I looked at him and let him put it on me. I shook as soon as he attached the leash. My tail wagged and Aaron looked at me disapprovingly. Everyone couldn't hold thier laughter to much longer and started laughing. Eric came back with clothes and walked in on the scene. He stopped and froze in place. My tail wagged and I looked at his shocked expression. The crowd laughed even harder.
It was after the assembly and we were getting ready for the so called party. We were back at the mansion, we were able to fix everything on time.... luckily. I honestly don't know why Aaron didn't tell me! Like what the living hell!? He can't just tell me about a party!? I don't get him. But.... he's done a lot to make sure I'm happy.... I've got to do the same for him. Otherwise I probably would have cut it off. Aaron was in the living room, setting everything up, while I was in the kitchen making snacks. I've already cooked several meals and now just making sweets. I put a pan of brownie mix into the oven and time them for about a half hour. Aaron walks into the room with a smile. "Hey!" I smile as and he turns to me. "How's everything coming?" Aaron asked wrapping his arms around my waist. "Fine." I answer with a smile. Aaron nodded and kissed my cheek. He turned around but before he could walk far I grabbed his ear pulling him back. "Ow." Aaron grumbled, turning back to me. "Next time you'll tell me... riiiiight?" I say in a growl. Aaron's eyes widen slightly before he nods. "Promise?" I asked pulling a little more. "Yep! Yep! Got it!" Aaron spit out. I let go and he instantly rubbed his ear. "Ow." He complained. I smiled innocently and got back to baking and cooking. Aaron watched me and sighed. He went back to the others to check up on everything.
Time skip! To party starts!
Aaron was smiling at all the people that have come. I'm suprized any came at all. But there were at least a thousand people. The doorbell rang. "Are you sure we can fit everyone?" I asked. Aaron chuckled. "We could fit three states in this house if we really tried. Trust me, we'll be fine." Aaron laughed while going to answer the door. "Did you make these?" I hear a voice say from behind me. I turn around and come face to face with a dirty blonde haired boy, green eyes, and very tan skin. He had a jacket on, showing off his chest with some blue pants. "Um.... yeah. I made them. But, many were just from boxes." I say as I look at the brownies, cookies, cakes, and a whole bunch of other stuff that was on the table. I put my hands on my hips as I realized there was a plate of bacon missing. Wonder who took that. I shake my head with a massive sigh. "That's suprizing! I don't even know how to cook!" The male says. I smile and turn to him. "Only Aaron tends to take all the bacon." I say and roll my eyes. "Aaron? The Alpha?" He questioned. I nodded and grabbed another plate before starting to cook more bacon. The male leaned against the counter as I started cooking. "So.... your his mate then?" He asked. I nodded and glanced at him. "He must really love your cooking." He said. "It kinda get's annoying when he takes everything." I laugh. He chuckled. We kept talking for a while and I was about to take the plate to the counter it was snatched away. I turned to Aaron that had the plate in his hands and ate the bacon. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Give me the plate." I order. He raises a brow and smirls. "Na, I'm good." Aaron answered. "Aaron. Don't make me get the collar." I say crossing my arms at him. He smirks. "You already know I don't mind the collar." Aaron said. Now it was my turn to smirk. "Who said I was going to let you walk around natuarally? No, I'm going to embarrass you." I smile. Aaron watches me. "How so?" Aaron asked. I smirked. "You know, your easy to fluster, I wonder how red I can make your face." I wonder to myself, my smirk growing. Aaron's eye's widened. The male chuckled as Aaron looked at the plate, taking in his options. "You wouldn't." Aaron challenged. "Jarom!!! Get the camera!" I yelled and walked to go get the collar. Aaron grabbed my wrist and I turned back with a grin. "Lilly.... don't you dare." Aaron grumbled. "Are you going to put the plate down?" I asked. He looked at the plate of bacon and then back at me. He kept glancing between me and the bacon. I can tell he made a decision and looked at me. "No." He said. "You called for the camera?" Jarom asked, holding out a camera. I nodded. "Gather everyone, I'm going to make Aaron blush." I smirked. Jarom life lord at me and Aaron. Then at the plate in Aaron's hand. Jarom smirked as well. "As you wish Luna." Jarom winked and walked off. I grabbed the collar from the other room and attach it to Aaron. He grabbed my wrist. "Please don't." Aaron begged. "It's not to late to change your mind." I smile evilly. Aaron groans in frustration. "Lilly c'mon." Aaron sighed. Everyone was watching as I dragged Aaron into the middle of the house. Aaron looked at everyone. "Even them?" Aaron asked. "You going to give up the plate or go through embarrassment?" I asked. Everyone smiled as Aaron looked at the plate. Aaron whispered in response. I looked at Jarom to see he was recording this. "You have 5 seconds." I say. "5..." I smile. Aaron snapped his head in my dirrection." "But." Aaron said. "4..." I continue. Aaron looked at the bacon. "3...." I say. Aaron bit his lip. "2..." I smirked, knowing he was going to give in. "1..." I look at him. "FINE!" He growled and put the plate down on the counter. I smiled in aproval. "Awe! Damn it! I wanted to see him blush!" Jarom whined. I signaled for every one to continue and I walked over to Aaron, taking off his collar. "Good boy." I smile. Aaron growled. "The bacon." Aaron whined. "I'll make you more after the party. But you need to share." I poked him. He glanced at me. "No bacon at any party." Aaron growled. I giggled in response as I brought him into a hug. Aaron hugged me back stubbornly. "You've had more bacon than anyone here." I poked him once again. Aaron sighed, nodding in agreement. He kissed the top of my head. "Were you really going to embarrass him?" The same guy from earlier asked. I nodded giggling. "Aaron is cute when he lightly blushes. I wanted to know how much I could get him to blush before he got a bloody nose." I giggled. Aaron rolled his eyes and hugged me closer to him. I don't like this guy. He's getting to close. Aaron said to me. I looked at the guy to notice he was only a couple feet away. I remember him being closer when he leaned against the counter. He was practically touching me. I didn't even realize he was that close. I won't let anyone but you touch me in anyway. I reassure him and hug him tightly. He needs to back off. Aaron growled silently. I chuckled and kissed his cheek. You get jealous easily. I smile. "How would you like a girl getting close to me. I narrowed my eyes. Alright I see your point! But I can't control people. I answer back. "Are you two in that communication mind link thing?" The boy asked. Aaron looked over and I nodded. "I don't come across as a threat do I?" The boy asked. Though I can hear the amusement and challenge in his eyes. My god you were right. And here I though I was making a friend. I whined. Aaron looked at me, a sad expression on his face. Oh well! I'm going to need better friends than that. Otherwise they won't put up with me. I say with a small shrug. His loss. I added. Aaron's smile returned, looking back at the man with a glare. Your mine! And always will be. Aaron said and kissed the top of my head. I smiled and nodded again. "How about a swim?" I asked. Aaron smirked. "And where would we swim?" Aaron asked. "A pond?" I asked. Aaron's smirk grew wider as he nodded. "I know a place." Aaron smiled and took my hand in his. "Going swimming? In a pond? Isn't that a little.... I don't know.... wierd?" The boy asked. "We're wherewolves. We like nature better than hand made." I answered and smiled. "Your a wherewolf too?" The boy asked. I can feel my eyes change color as my wolf takes over. "You have a problem with that!? Your the one that came to a wherewolf party!" I snapped. "Easy Daisy. I'm sure he didn't mean to offend you." Aaron smiled, trying to calm my wolf down. The boy took a tiny tiny step back. I sighed, taking back control as Daisy started yelling and becoming all defensive. I smiled at him innocently and started walking, pulling Aaron with me. Aaron walked by my side as we walked out of the house. "So... the pond?" Aaron asked. I nodded. Honestly, this wasn't much for swimming. I still wanted to know how flustered Aaron could get, see how red his face can go. That's all this was. We walked into the forest, Aaron guiding the way.
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